Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 5

“Croak” “Croak” “Ribbit” “Croak”

I wish these things would stop popping up. I’ve been following the stream for 6 days and it’s slowly gotten wider and turned into a small river. These loud bipedal frogs are called Frogmen and they are everywhere. They look just like frogs, with big heads and skinny arms and legs, except they are standing on two legs instead of hopping around. Well, they can hop, they’ve tried to use their strong legs to jump and tackle me a few times. Too bad for them I’m really heavy. One broke my pretty chest though while doing it and I had to throw it away. They are a little shorter than me, but taller than goblins. They come in 5 different colors that I’ve seen, red, blue, green, yellow and rarely purple.

I’ve had to kill a few dozen of them already.

Thanks to them, some more goblins and a few angry animals here and there, I’m now a level 15 Fighter. The first time I saw one it woke me up from a nap by laying on top of me and croaking really loudly in my ear. It jumped off of me and ran away before I could stand up. I would have chased after it and killed it, but I tripped over my shorts which were down around my ankles for some reason. None of them have run away since, they just stubbornly attack me no matter what, just like the animals and goblins. So that one must have been weird. A little while later I got a Flatbox that said -


-Sex Status Menu option unlocked-

So I looked and sure enough it was there with my other options like Status, Class, Skills, and Quests.

It has a lot of things listed that I don’t understand yet but I’m sure I’ll figure it out at some point.

Sex Status



Oral:0                                       Children Birthed:0

    Cumshots:0                                              Male:0

    Internal:0                                            Female:0

    External:0                                             Other:0









Current Status: Pregnant(5236)

Since then my stomach has slowly been getting fatter. At this point its so big that its harder to walk and fighting takes a lot more stamina than it used to. Luckily I’ve gotten these levels so fighting all these monsters and animals hasn’t killed me yet. I also decided that I really do like fighting a lot. It’s much more fun than anything else I’ve tried. I also got new skill at level 10 and 15 and they are -

Block:(10 Stamina)

The next physical attack you block with a weapon or shield deals reduced damage.

Taunt:(50 Stamina)

Enemies around you are compelled to attack you.

I got Block at level 10 and Taunt at level 15, and I haven’t used either of them. They seem useless right now, I don’t have a weapon or shield so I can’t Block anything, and everything I run into already attacks me. I finish off the frogmen I was fighting, there were only 5 this time. The largest group I ran into was 13 and I fought them last night. There seem to be larger groups at night time.


Fighter (Level up)

Yes! I’m getting so much stronger! I wonder if levels make you fat…Probably. I did kill a higher level frogman yesterday and his belly was much bigger than the others. It’s not like I eat. I realized I don’t eat a few days ago when I saw some goblins eating a deer. I killed them, remembered that eating was a thing and decided to eat the deer. It was gross so I spit it out. I haven’t gotten hungry though so I’m sure it’s fine.

My stamina is getting low so I should take a nap.

I found a safe looking spot in some bushes not too far from the river. Can’t have loud frogs waking me up again. I quickly fall asleep… and am woken up with a familiar sound.


New Quest! (Required)

You can feel yourself getting heavier as your stomach bulges. Go to a nearby pond and relieve your burden.

Time Limit: 1 hour

Rewards: 200 Credits

Failure: -50% Max Health Debuff (3 Days)

Track? Y/N

Oh my second quest! Track yes. This one seems very different, it says required, has a time limit and a huge failure debuff. -50% max health for three days sounds like way too much for just not finding a pond. The description seems to have to do with me getting fat from leveling, I did get it shortly after leveling again. Ugh, maybe I should have just avoided the stupid monsters, but I like fighting too much. I don’t think 1 hour is a long time, luckily my stamina regenerated before the ding woke me up. I orient myself with the arrow from the quest tracker and run off into the woods.

As the timer on the quest tracker ticks down I get more and more anxious. I end up tripping a few times over logs or branches I don’t see in time since I’m distracted. Finally, when the timer only has 5 minutes left I come into a clearing around a small muddy pond. “Yes!” I huff, my stamina drained from running so long with my fat belly.

When I see the muddy water I’m compelled by a strong urge and I shuffle my bloated body over to its shallows. Well the whole thing isn’t very big so I think it’s all shallow. I doubt it even has fish. In a daze I strip my shirt and shorts and toss them on some short dirt. Heh, shorts on short dirt. I find myself already squatting in the ponds muddy water and with a huge relief I feel stuff falling out. Where is it falling from you ask? Rude. It’s my slit between my legs, right below my lonely patch of black hair.

“It feels soooo good.” I tell the pond as I push stuff into it. It doesn’t remark. Probably shy.

I look down and my belly actually seems to be getting smaller at a noticeable rate. I also see little black things swimming all around and coming out of my slit. They are about the size of my thumb and look like a little ball with a big tail sticking out of it. So that’s what’s coming out. They are kind of cute, I think before I black out.

I wake up with my head on dirt and my bottom half in the water. Awkward… Probably.


Quest Complete!

+200 Credits

-Titles Menu unlocked-

Titles earned

Another menu unlocked, that’s nice. I feel exhausted, so I drag myself out of the pond and flop onto my back. I look down and my naked tummy is flat once more, and I can even see the slight definition of my abs again. I also see black little things hopping out of the water, only to splash back down into it… there are a lot of them. Since I need to regenerate here I might as well check that new menu. I think Titles.



New(A Mother)Vit/Stam +5

You have experienced the miracle of birth just like Mother. You are tougher for it.

New(Broodmother)Vit +10, Boost to number of children from each pregnancy

You have given birth to more than ten children from a single pregnancy. You are more vital.



Wait… Does that mean those swimming black things are my children, my babies? My eyes start to water up as tears fall to the sides of my head. So that’s why they are so beautiful. “Sniff, you are my beautiful babies.” I tell them, they’re probably too young to talk.

Oh, does this have to do with that weird stuff in the sex status? I decide to focus on specific parts of it.

Children Birthed: 5236

Male: 4921

Female: 315


Current Status: Healing

That is a lot of children, I wonder why so many of them are male. It says Healing now where it used to say pregnant and then a number, probably the same as the children birthed stat now. So I guess pregnant means I have babies inside of me and the number after it is how many babies. I wonder how I got pregnant. Maybe I get pregnant if I level too much. Probably.

They seem to stay in the pond swimming around, is that why I liked laying in the stream? Did I used to be that small? Did I used to have a tail before I was alive? I close my eyes and drift off to the sound of my babies splashing in the pond.

I wake up to the sound of a croak and look over just in time to see a frogman next to the pond. It’s tongue lashes out into the water and grabs one of my babies. Before I can react it… it… ate my baby.

I shoot up onto my feet and it looks over noticing me. It jumps at me, an attack I’ve seen many times over the past week. I don’t dodge it. I grab it’s stupid mouth with one hand and pry it open with the other, but it’s too late, there’s nothing but blood and baby chunks inside. I start to cry.

As I cry I keep one hand holding the frogman’s mouth while I punch it over and over again. Tears are running down my face and I’m screaming. What am I screaming? I don’t know, nothing in particular I guess, but I’m loud. I’m sad because it ate my baby, I don’t understand it completely, but there’s an empty feeling in my chest. Maybe screaming and punching the meat pile on the ground will fill it up. I don’t know, but I keep punching the blood stain in the dirt with both hands now since a blood stain won’t run away.

I don’t know how long I stay there doing that.


New Quest!


Life is hard for your newborn children, they don’t yet have arms or legs so they can’t defend themselves. Wouldn’t a mother protect them? Protect your children till they are old enough to defend themselves a little.

Timer: 7d 22h 10m

Rewards: 3 Levels, 500 Credits, Relationship + with all protected children

Track? Y/N

Track Yes. I see an arrow pointed at the pond with the numbers 5235/5235 under it. I have a lot of babies to protect and I’m going to keep them all alive. I stand up and reassure them “Mother’s here babies, don’t you worry.”

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