Flip The Script

Ch 025



Toshi stopped at the entrance to his homeroom when he heard someone shout that very phrase from inside. He was running a bit late because the incredibly hot weather had made getting here a chore and a half, so he was the last to walk in. As he entered, he understood what was going on.


Indeed, everything was on fire.


Or rather, it FELT like everything was on fire because the air conditioner wasn't working. Kenko was waving from his seat as Toshi walked in, but Toshi didn't immediately notice. It wasn't the heat that was distracting, it was the fact that several girls were lifting up their skirts and fanning them over and over, flashing everyone in the room their panties.


More importantly, nobody cared.


It took a supreme act of will for Toshi to keep his eyes focused on his seat and head there to sit down in front of Kenko. Kenko looked at Toshi, "Damn. You just got here and you are already sweating buckets." Toshi nodded, "Why yes." He reached into his bag to fish out a bottle of water he bought on the way to class, "Boy is it hot in here!" Kenko sighed and spoke loudly, "Some idiot left the air conditioner on over the weekend and it burned out. That was the job of whomever was the last to leave." He blatantly stared at Ruri who heard the comment and sunk down in her seat. More than a few people were glaring at her.


Toshi slowly raised his hand.


Kenko looked at him, "What?" Toshi said, "Guilty." Kenko looked surprised as Toshi stood up, "Uhhh... sorry. I was the last to leave the room and I forgot to turn everything off. So, yeah." He put his hand to his head like a finger gun and 'pulled the trigger', "I'm a moron. Sorry." The class turned to look at Toshi and there were a few grumbles, but people started saying, "It could have happened to anyone." Ruri looked at Toshi with a grateful expression, giving him a short nod when nobody was looking. As Toshi sat down he heard some girl in the back grumbling, "Penis pass strikes again."


Class started and Toshi took the time to undo his tie and unbutton his top button, fluffing his collar a bit. It was warm, but not that bad, to be honest. It was the way the girls were acting that set him on edge and made him focus on anything else BUT looking around.


Apparently, girls going topless is no big deal.


By the end of the first period, the vast majority of girls in the class had taken off their shirts and were down to their bras. Not a single guy in the class cared, except for Toshi. In the back of his mind he kept telling himself it was no big deal. It was like getting down to his undershirt. That was it. I mean, I've seen girls in two piece bathing suits. What's the big deal?


~Boobies. That's the big deal.~


He managed to push the thoughts out of his head and keep his head down. At some point he undid his cuffs and flipped them up. That's when he noticed something odd. Girls kept glancing at him. Toshi tried to ignore it. He'd figured out that meant they were flirting with him, but this was different. None of them were trying to catch his gaze. When he actually started staring back, they all pretended to be doing something else, or tried very hard to look like they weren't looking. Toshi couldn't figure out what was going on, and it was too damn hot to think.


Things came to a head, so to speak, when the biology teacher, Juba Okuda, arrived. As soon as she walked in she started to curse, "Holy Keanu Christ on a crutch, what is this goddamn HEAT?" The girls smirked a bit, where as the guys looked offended at the cursing, but it seemed to be a low key situation, so Toshi rolled with it. He just reached back to fish around for his next notebook for this class and pulled it out of his bag. After flipping open to the right section, he looked up, ready to take notes.


Teacher Okuda had taken her shirt off.


Toshi's eyes went wide as he noticed that not only was she in a black miniskirt and black lacy bra, but that her bra was not... entirely... opaque.


~Nipples.~ He swallowed nervously, ~Those are some nice nipples.~


Toshi froze up as he stared at her chest openly and blatantly. He was transfixed by, in his opinion, the hottest teacher in school. She started her class and was writing up on the board, every line drawn caused her boobs to jiggle and bounce. Toshi couldn't move. This completely short circuited his brain. He didn't even react when she asked him a question.


Toshi blinked and shook his head, forcing himself to look her in the eye, "What?"


Okuda came walking over looking concerned, "I asked if you were feeling okay. You're bright red." She reached out to touch his forehead. Toshi freaked and slapped the hand away causing Okuda to pull back in surprise. He spoke in a voice about two octaves too high, "I'm Fine!" She blinked. Toshi cleared his throat, "Fine mine. Er. I'm mine. fine." He closed his eyes and put his hands together, only touching finger tips. He took a deep breath and let it out.


"I'm fine." He said in a normal voice, "Thanks for asking. It is a bit warm." He reached down for his bottle of water, just so he didn't need to look at her. Okuda looked concerned and more than a bit worried, "Well, if anyone needs to get more water, you can just raise your hand and go. I don't want anyone passing out." She turned to go back up front and resume teaching. Toshi suddenly remembered something, ~Oh wait... don't I have that in my grooming kit?~ His father had insisted that he carry around a grooming kit. Every boy did and it'd be strange if he didn't. Toshi assumed it was all part of his father's attempt to make him more normal.


Toshi opened up his backpack and searched through it until he found his kit. Popping it open he found a small empty spray bottle. The kind you fill up with water to dampen your hair before styling it. He took it out and put it on his desk, filling it up from his water bottle. After he screwed it tightly closed, he unbuttoned his shirt all the way revealing his sweaty wife beater undershirt. He started rolling up both sleeves as he looked at his undershirt, ~I wonder if they call it a hubby beater here. But... women wouldn't wear undershirts, so... is there a particular bra that's a hubby beater?~ After he finished rolling up his sleeves, he closed his eyes and proceeded to mist himself down, starting with his hair. He rubbed in the water as he worked his way down his body, getting his neck, chest and arms in that order. He rubbed in all the water then picked at his undershirt to pull it away from his chest and fluff it to get the air circulating.


It felt great.


Toshi's opportunity to enjoy the coolness was cut short by a sudden crash from the front of the room.


He looked up at to see the teacher staring at him, jaw hanging open and a long jagged line on the chalkboard, as if she tripped while she was drawing an organic molecule. She was holding onto the desk with one hand as she gaped at Toshi. Toshi was concerned and was about to get up to check on the teacher, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Someone else was starring at him.


No. Check that.


Everyone was starring at him.


As he looked around, every single person in the room was looking back. Every girl in the room looked like their brains had broken. Every boy in the room was looking at Toshi with shock and more than a hint of embarrassment. Toshi looked around rapidly, not quite understanding what was going on, when it suddenly hit him exactly what he did. He held up the spray bottle and presented it to the room, "Hey! I don't mind sharing! It's cool." He offered it to Kenko with a smile, "Pass it around when you are done." Kenko didn't take the spray bottle. Instead he just blinked. He looked like he wanted to ask something, but he clearly didn't know how to phrase it.


Ruri suddenly stood up, her face bright red. She walked right over to Toshi and looked at the ceiling. She only looked down at him long enough to grab his shirt collar. She started to button him, "Toshi, you know how you have brain damage?" The other people in the room didn't do anything, but one girl in the back muttered, "Damn. Show's over." Toshi glanced in the direction of that girl, but couldn't turn his head far enough because Ruri kept his head facing her. He looked around with only his eyes, "Yes?" She reached up to his shoulders to unroll his sleeves, "This was inappropriate."


At that phrase the teacher shook her head as if to clear it and straightened up. She looked like she was recovering from head trauma as she looked anywhere but at Toshi. She coughed a few times before picking up her button up blouse and slipping it on, "Let's all take a break and I'll go get some fans from maintenance." She took a deep and shuddering breath before she spoke without looking, "Toshi? Ruri? Come with me to help carry them." Toshi watched Ruri roll down his last sleeve without looking at him.


Toshi winced, "I did a stupid?" Ruri's looked right at Toshi. Her eyes were wide and serious as she nodded vigorously. Ruri mouthed the words, 'Oh yes.' As she hauled him to his feet. The three walked out quickly, the teacher leading the way and Ruri practically pushing Toshi out the door. As they headed down the hallway, Toshi could hear the room erupt behind them. It was hard to make out any one person, but he caught a few phrases.


"That was out of a porno!"

"I need five minutes in the bathroom."

"I only need five seconds!"

"What is wrong with him?"

"I'd say a lot."

"I'd die of embarrassment!"

"Someone needs to talk to him."


Finally the door finished closing.


Toshi rubbed his eyes as they walked along. Ruri asked, "Where we going?" Okuda was walking very stiffly, "To the guidance councilor. He needs to deal with this." There was a pause for a heart beat, "Then I need to use the bathroom." Toshi looked a little confused, "What about the fans?"


Ruri stopped dead, "Fans?" She muttered as if something horrific occurred to her. She turned and sprinted back to the classroom. Both the teacher and Toshi watched curiously. Ruri hurried in, slamming the door behind her. Some muffled shouting was heard. The teacher and Toshi looked at each other, then back at the classroom. They were about to walk back when Ruri came out. She pulled the door closed, then hurried back.


Ruri looked at Toshi then at the teacher, "Kenko is handling it." Toshi looked puzzled, from one to the other. When his back was to Ruri she did some gesture he didn't catch. Okuda's eyes went wide, "AH." Toshi looked back at Ruri who was smiling, "Shall we?" and they headed off. Toshi looked back and forth, then just shrugged.



~I don't think anyone is going to explain it to me, even if I ask.~

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