Flip The Script

Ch 026

The male guidance councilor explained it.


Apparently girls going topless is fine. Guys? Not so much. Yes, walking around in swim trunks is fine, but wearing just underwear is not. It's that old artistic maxim: If the model is completely naked, it is art. If she is wearing so much as an ankle bracelet, it is porn.


Also, apparently, guys rolling up their sleeves is very sexy. Like, insane levels of sexy. Male strippers will often go on stage with long sleeves just to roll up his sleeves. Short sleeves aren't a problem, but roll up your long sleeves, if you want to drive a girl crazy. Well, not ALL girls. Here in this world, it isn't 'Tits and Ass', but 'Arms and Ass'. Girls usually fall into one of those two camps. There was a long argument with the councilor about all the girls were down to their bras, but he just didn't understand what the problem was. They're just breasts. Nobody gets turned on by breasts.


The councilor took off his glasses and cleaned them, "Well, mostly. There are things called fetishes where people get a fixation on odd body parts. Feet, armpits, that sort of thing, but mostly women are the ones with fetishes. I suppose it's possible to have a fetish for nipples. I can't imagine how anyone would get that way. That would be really strange." Toshi leveled a flat glare at the councilor through narrow eyes.


The councilor looked back, puzzled, then blinked as he managed to read the room, "Wait a min-" Toshi just stood up and turned to walk out. The councilor started to stand up, but Toshi was having nothing from him after that last comment, "Thank you for informing me what is socially acceptable. I will make an effort to internalize your data points post-haste." He was so angry he reflexively fell back into corporate buzzword speak. His phrasing so boggled the councilor, he didn't have a response. Toshi simply stepped out and slammed the door behind him. Ruri was waiting there along with Toshi's sister.


Toshi closed his eyes and pressed his fingers into them, "Tell me you were sent here for an unrelated reason."


Hinako stood up and walked over to Toshi, "You did nothing wrong." Toshi dropped his hand to glare at her, "Damn straight I didn't!" Ruri stood up much slower, "Toshi, Yes you did." Both of them looked at Ruri. She looked back, "We can't lie to him! That was bad! Holy crap if anyone took a video of that and put it on FaceTube or YouBook that would have hounded you forever!" Hinako looked from one to the other and sighed, "She's right. Keanu Christ, Toshi, I know you didn't know any better and you just wanted to cool off but... what the hell?" She looked at Ruri, "By the way, thanks for stepping up. I can see you're a good friend." She lightly punched Ruri in the shoulder. Ruri looked mildly out of sorts, like being respected was not something she was used to. She still gave Hinako a short nod in return, "You're welcome." Hinako nodded back, "Please keep an eye on him and-" She stabbed a finger at Toshi, "DON'T. DO. THAT. AGAIN."


Toshi looked like he was going to argue, but saw Ruri standing behind Hinako, her little hands folded up as she looked like she was begging. She mouthed the word, 'please'. Toshi stared at her for several seconds before he rolled his eyes, "FINE! Fine! Fine." He sighed, "Sorry. I don't get the big deal, but... OKAY! I won't embarrass you again." Hinako sighed, "Oh, I'm sure you WILL embarrass me again, but I have no idea HOW. I mean, I'd love to just explain everything to you, but I don't even know where to start. Just... try and read the room better! Okay?"


Ruri nodded, "You almost killed the teacher."


Hinako looked at Ruri, "What?" Ruri hooked a thumb over her shoulder, "She wasn't paying attention so when she turned around he was already misting himself down and rubbing water all over. She tripped over her own feet and nearly cracked her head open on the corner of her desk." Hinako looked disturbed in about a dozen different ways after hearing that particular bit of news, "She ogled my brother?" Ruri shook her head energetically, "No no no! It just completely took her off guard! Like, her brain couldn't accept what she was seeing. She was, you know, totally shocked!" Hinako nodded, "Ah. Okay then." She thought for a few moments, "Look. Bite the bullet. Get back to class you two but..." She looked at Ruri, "PLEASE. Keep an eye on him and-" She pointed at Toshi, "Check with her first before you do something stupid."


Toshi sighed, "Fine. Before I do anything stupid, I'll check to see if it's stupid."


Hinako humphed. Ruri smiled reassuringly, "I'll keep an eye on him. Nothing really bad happened." Hinako looked back at Ruri, "Thanks." Toshi was annoyed, ~Oh what the hell. Let's fuck with my sister.~ He cleared his throat, "Yeah. And hey, it was good timing too. A whole bunch of girls had to rush off to the bathroom as soon as I left. I guess they had been drinking WAY too much water." He smiled in as clueless a fashion as he could muster. Hinako's eyes went wide as she slowly turned to look at him. He looked back with big innocent eyes. Ruri's face turned several shades of red as she started coughing.


Hinako just nodded once, "Yes. I suppose it was... good timing."





"Hey, Toshi! Guess what RTS got released today?"


Toshi was sitting at his desk as usual right before class started for the day. He looked up, very interested, "Ooo! We got a new release? What is it?" Kenko held out his smart phone for Toshi to see, "Twice The Prince... Part... FOUR!" He pointed at the phone, "I pre-ordered and the next installment comes out tonight at midnight!" Toshi stared at the phone, then touched it with a flick of his finger to scroll down. As it rolled up he saw what appeared to be an every day ordinary Otome game, except that it was clearly geared towards men. Well, men from this reality, at any rate. He glanced at the tags for the article. One stood out at him.


'Reverse Harem'


"Uhhhh... Kenko?" Toshi looked up at his friend, "How is this RTS?" Kenko looked puzzled for a second, then closed his eyes with a sigh, "Ah." Toshi frowned slightly, "What?" Kenko took his phone back, "I'm just getting better at picking up when your scrambled brain is getting something confused." He settled into his seat behind Toshi, "So. Explain what you think RTS is." Toshi looked a little annoyed as he sighed, "Real time strategy" Kenko blinked, "Wait... you said you liked RTS. Like... when you introduced yourself." Toshi nodded, "Yeah. I do." He narrowed his eyes, "Hold on. What does everyone else think RTS stands for?"


Kenko blinked harder and spoke slowly, "Romance. Time. Stories." The guy sitting to Toshi's left looked over at Kenko, catching his slow deliberate tone, "RTS? I love their games! Something up?" Toshi tried to remember the kid's name, ~Miyazaki ... Tah... tey... Kaw... no. Kazuo. That was it.~ Kenko nodded, "They just came out with part four of TTP." Kazuo clapped his hands, "Omigaud Omiguad Omigaud! I absolutely LOVE TTP! I've been on pins and needles ever since part three where they left off when Princess Pricilla Purehart of Lyonesse had taken the poisoned arrow for you!"


Kenko grinned and nodded enthusiastically, "-and the poison inhibits the use of magic so the more magic you have the faster you die-" Kazuo let out a sigh, "And then the dark sorceress Lilith of the Fire tower shows up and says she can save Pricilla but you have to marry her!" Kenko frowed, "Lilith is a bitch. I can't believe she'd do that just to get in bed with you." Kazuo let out a wistful sigh, "Oh tell me she isn't hot. I dare you." He glanced at Toshi, "I go for that dark brooding type that wants you so bad they'll do anything to have you. I mean-" He bit his lower lip, "C'mon. Who doesn't like a bad girl?"


Kenko waggled his head side to side, "Ehh... I can see that. For a hot minute. But she's going to be annoying in the long term. She wants to marry you so she can be the next queen. Don't tell me she actually loves you." Kazuo started talking on and on about how he was sure she would change once she got to experience true love and was going on about how her tragic backstory indicates something, but then Kenko cut him off saying he didn't want spoilers and also she killed off your best friend how can you forgive-


And on and on and on.


Toshi was absolutely befuddled as the conversation veered off into absolute convoluted nonsense. The teacher walked in and cleared his throat. The conversation stopped as everyone settled down for class. Toshi had his mind on other things, however, ~So... if that's what RTS stands for here... then that might explain why I couldn't find any gaming clubs. I was looking it up under the wrong abbreviations.~ He stared out the window as he contemplated.


~What do they call a real time strategy game here, I wonder?~

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