
Chapter 32


Our destination is the market hall.
This is not a place where normal business occurs but rather the place for the big deals.
Such things about whole harvests, import, export, and everything else that needs a bit more administration.
Here is the place to meet the merchants.
Which is rather important if I want to establish trade.

And rather problematic is the fact that they are merchants and I have not the slightest idea of real business trading.
That begs me to become scammed.
I first turn to Liseti.


<Do you have any idea how we prevent getting scammed?> (E)

<Scammed?> (L)

<You know, the people we try to trade with are experienced merchants. They might try to take advantage of our lack of knowledge to benefit because we don't know how much we can sell our stuff.> (E)

<A grave problem. I lack as well proficiency. Surely even more than you. How about threatening them?> (L)

<No, no. Asides from the problem that our reputation would worsen, this kind of people tends to put greed over such things.> (E)

<Troublesome. Yet when you cannot threaten them, why not those you know you can?> (L)

<What are you implying?> (E)


She nods in the direction of the lord and I see.
He's already troubled that he isn't able to understand our talk.
Certainly, he is receptive to something like this.
And in this case, the truth is all I need.


"Excuse me?" (E)

"Ah, yes. Is there a problem? It appeared as if you had much to discuss." (J)

"I'm sorry. We were just worried because we don't know much about trading and fear that the negotiated price won't be fair. This would be bad. I mean, all the hard work on our side might come to waste. It would be very hard to explain that to others. I hope for your support on that matter." (E)


His face displays a variety of emotions.
Surprise, then understanding, followed by worry and fear.
I am rather sure he doesn't want to give us a reason to become angry at him.

The inside of the hall reeks of money.
While the building itself consists mostly of wood, it all looks high quality and was processed by skilled craftsmen.
A good part of our escort remains outside.
For a big part to ensure that an escape route stays secured.
Just a few guardians close to me and a fair amount of interceptors who cover the doors remain.

The escort of the lord dwindled as well.
I'm rather sure that our forces are equal numbered at this place.
This isn't taking bodily advantages into account.
The Lord guides us to a large conference table in a hall decorated with expensive-looking paintings, carpets, and other pieces of wealth.
The common populace surely has no entry here.

There are stools for us to sit down.
Thoughtfully, this time without backrest.
I directly put them into use.
Liseti as well, yet she places herself cross-legged on the top.
Meanwhile, Kyska and Skiras settle behind us.


After a while, a group of nine men and two women enters.
There are differences in appearance.
Both, in regard to showed-off wealth and demeanor.
What most of them have in common is the high quality of their clothes.
While some are still a bit more plain others look extremely expensive with those big jewels they show off.
Yet one man looks quite out of place with his worn utility clothes.

Also, I think I can discern the nobles from the other people.
There are four.
Three men and one woman.
They all wear high-quality clothes, yet not as fancy.
And they all look very muscular as well.
Akin to this other man, but I don't think a noble would walk around like this.
So I guess these all are local nobles, shaped to look this hard by the life at the border.
I notice a glance of Liseti at the jewelry.

Naturally, most of those people look excessively uneasy.
A part of this might be due to the fact that all the exits are controlled by our guards.
In fact, we already control this city.
Our forces directly inside this building are just on the same level as the human guards, maybe a bit less.
Yet there are also those Liseti has lined up directly at the tunnels, ready to swarm out at her signal.
It would only be a question of seconds before any opposition would drown in the flood.
So let's hope that won't become necessary.

I put a cramped smile on my face.
However, I'm sure no one is taking it.
The group goes slowly to take place on the provided seats.
As unfair it is they have proper chairs with a backrest, but there's no helping it.
It seems there was a previously agreed seating order, as all of them move to a seat without needing to figure out their respective position at the table.
In the following atmosphere of uneasiness, heavily tensed by the two guardians behind me and Liseti, where no one knows where to look at, the lord is the first one to talk.


"Ehm, I will now introduce the parties." (J)


He goes in order from the right to the left.


"These three are the wealthiest merchants of our town!" (J)


There is a plump man in an extravagant robe, with far too many shinies on his hands, then a more normal-looking one, still with expensive clothing, and at last the woman.
Her fine dress, fair skin, black hair, and grey eyes give her a steel cold aura of capability.
As she's the only woman here, apart from this one noble lady, there must be a reason for this.
My strongest guess would be that she established herself against rather strong opposing factors, mainly embodied by the other persons at this table.


"Then we have here the leader of the main construction company, the leader of the craftsmen guild and the master of the guild in this town." (J)


The builder is one of those with more simple clothes, yet still high quality.
The craftsman guy kind of shows off what the artisans are capable of creating, while he himself looks quite meek and skinny.
The guild master on the other side completely falls out of the picture.
It takes me a moment to realize what kind of guild was meant.
The adventurer guild!

This man is the leader of the strongest non-military force in all countries.
In general, adventurers can move freely between borders as long as they don't break an embargo.
The reason is that these mercenaries have to keep monsters in check.
No country would like to lose this advantage and like this, they don't fiddle much in diplomatic affairs.
However, taking my current status as a giant insect in regard I feel uneasy in front of a professional monster slayer.


<Creak, criih!/What is Erys? You're staring strangely at this human.> (L)

<Ehk, sriek, screeh!/Ehk, this man is some kind of leader to a group of elite-killers of creatures. Creatures like us.> (E)

<Criek, creak!/Thank you for this information. I will commence proper caution.> (L)


Naturally, everyone is a bit put off by our talk, and they grow visibly distressed.
Jorad, the lord, tries to control this situation.


"Now, at last, we have here the three most important noble houses, aside from mine, in these lands. House Uria, house Fennec, and house Lorata." (J)


First, he points at an elder man, who has a small grey-white beard and several small scars, then a young blonde man with a rather hostile look, and finally the woman, who has brunette hair and unusually developed muscles for a lady.


"On the other side, we have here Princess Erys and Princess Liseti from the swarm. Everyone here was more or less informed about the situation. Yet if anyone here at the table would like to inquire about certain questions regarding their offer, he should do so now." (J)


I don't know about the state of knowledge everyone has here and like this wait it out for now.
Besides, anything urgent Liseti would remind me of.
The guild master is the first one to speak.


"Is it right that you are able to understand us?" (guild master)

"Ehk. Yes, clearly. I am fully capable of communicating with you, as is Liseti. Yet forming the same words as humans is very difficult with our throats, so I will be the one who speaks. Also, most of the common entities on our side cannot understand human language. It is rather difficult." (E)


I point during this at the guardians to emphasize my words.
I'm not so sure about the interceptors, but the workers and such have no sufficient intellectual capacity.
There are some slight gasps at my answer.
But this merchant woman looks mostly interested.
The guild master continues.


"Is it right that the smaller creatures, around this height and equipped with clawed appendages, which were recently detected in the surrounding area are linked to your kind?" (guild master)

"Y-you must mean the hunters, right? Ehk, those are like scouts to find locations and such. But they are rather simple." (E)

"There were some incidents. My guildsmen got injured, while those creatures are seen all the more often." (guild master)


Does he mean the units which brought me things from the surface?


"Ehk, I'm sorry. I was told they had the order to retreat at contact. No one should have been attacked." (E)

"Is that so? It might be that those were mere accidents." (guild master)


He leans back contemplating quietly about something.


"What the hell is this? Why are we even negotiating with this filth? These critters? Simply that you let them in this town is questioning your alignments,Lord Hawkspear!" (the hostile looking Fennec boy)


Wow, that's some hatred!
These yellow eyes of his almost burn.


"I am absolutely supporting this! We shouldn't believe anything these monsters want to convince us about! The lord made a mistake!" (small plump looking merchant)


How is it even possible that this man can talk like this to a noble?
Does he have leverage or something like that on Jorad?
By the way, this one looks half displeased and half distressed.


"Gordo, this isn't the right place for such comments." (second merchant)

So under different circumstances, it would be fine?


"Kuku!" (merchant woman)

"Olira, it seems you have fun. Anything to add?" (second merchant)


At least I know now the name of this person.
Maybe it is just my looks, but the way she stares is unnerving.


"Oh, it's just quite amusing that, if I didn't know better one might think our dear friend Gordo tries to sabotage this meeting out of pure selfishness." (Olira)

"How dare you?! On what base do you make such accusations?" (Gordo)

"Fufu. Simply because most of the trade for food supplies is right now under your control and that despite the already shortened provisions for the people your storages seem to be bursting full. You betted on rising prizes, yet just now another faction comes and would provide as well. That must bother you." (O)

"H-ho..." (G)

"How do I know, even though you hid the stocks? I didn't reach my position with an insufficient network." (O)

"And how do you already know about the promised food?" (J)


Well, that's a furrowed brow.


"Your herbalist isn't as tight-lipped about his research as it's recommended. And especially rumors regarding food are spreading fast these days." (O)

"M-maybe we shouldn't ignore our guests." (craftsman guy)

"Oh, yes you are right." (O)


She now turns to me.


"Erys was it, right?" (O)

"Ehk, y-..." (E)

"Princess Erys!" (K)


Kyska is emphasizing this point rather much on my behalf and this woman gives my taken aback self a knowing glance.


"Princess Erys. I just wanted to inquire about the details regarding your offer. The wares, the amounts, and such. Especially, regarding the present situation, your distribution of food would be of interest. If I could question you in detail about this thing?" (O)


I glance a little searching at Liseti, trying to look for help on this complicated topic.

Yet I get none.


"Ehk, It is... In regards to the beginning relations, we wouldn't charge extra for the food, yet the provided amount had to be limited in the beginning. The mycelium is kinda the main food source for us as well. It is already used to a huge degree by our side. Like this, we would have to expand the fields and assign many workers for the delivery. This would accordingly diminish our share for the time being, as like this fewer workers tend the mentioned fields. However, in regards to the amount we can provide, it would be around thirty..." (E)


I throw a questioning look at Liseti. Uh, she shakes her head.


"... twenty?" (E)


Seems better!


"We could supply twenty-thousand people for the time being, yet only at a shallow level. For the price, I would like to think that it would have around the same worth as corn in a good time of harvest. Nonetheless, I believe that lord Hawkspear would be honorable enough to negotiate on our behalf a fair offer." (E)

"You would let lord Hawkspear negotiate for you? It seems you lack talented merchants." (O)


Asking for help I glance at Liseti.
I definitely feel exposed right now.

She just nods, not reacting much to the disclosure of our lacks.


"W-well, there is no money used there and no other existing factions to trade with, in the first place. This whole endeavor in general is our first interaction with humans. Like this, we would simply hope for fair treatment, as there is quite an effort behind the provided resources." (E)

"Ahem, at this point I would like to remind the attendees that long-time relations might be more favorable than any intentions for a fast profit. Like this we should try a liberal approach." (J)

"I find it concerning how much you are taking sides for these creatures, lord." (Fennec)

"Should we really antagonize them just like this? Especially in these hostile times." (Uria, old man)


At least the old man doesn't seem to intend to slay us outright.
He seems to stand alone with this opinion.
While the Fennec boy is doing so with passion the Lorata woman gives just a cold stare with her icy blue eyes.


"To believe such a thing! As if such an offer wouldn't come at a cost!" (G)

"Well, if you don't want to involve yourself, I won't step back from opportunity." (O)

"You... That's treason and nothing else!" (G)

"Trading with a foreign party, introduced by our lord? Our direct superior? I don't think so!" (O)


She seems eager to work with us.
That could be good.


"Also, their wares were decent." (O)

"Ehk, about that. I don't know much about mining, but the metals we offered. Were they alright?" (E)

"You see, they varied in quality during the processing, but overall they had a decent purity.

That was quite a treasure you gave us there." (craftsman guy)


So his guild was tasked with this.
Yet at his remark, he gets quite some hostile glares.
From the merchants, he has disclosed with admitting to the worth of our wares and from those who are against trading with us in general.
Hardly a good position.


"I-I think our offer is good. I mean it has some value." (E)

"You mean the food provisions and the mining for us." (second merchant)

"AeeEnd thEe nEtwoork!" (L)


Uh, Liseti finally spoke.
On one side I am glad that I have no longer have to lead this conversation on my own.
Seriously, my heart feels as if it's about to explode.
I hope it was the heart, as I have problems trusting my body now and the pounding felt like coming from more than one place.
Oh Erys, don't follow that thought any further.

So for the negative part of Liseti speaking.
Everyone has ear pain right now.
Yet this merchant catches himself back again.
He must be used to shouting folk.


"Ouch; What was this about a network?" (second merchant)


Here I speak first before the negotiations come to an end due to a common loss of the hearing ability of the other party.


"She means we would also allow access to a part of the underground system of tunnels. However, only a part, and I think we would need to ask for payment." (E)


Here he gets a little attentive.
Yet the small guy is chiming in.


"Why would anyone want this? And even rob us of our wares you stupid critter!" (G)

"Such insolence to..." (K)

"Please Kyska, I think I should talk. It's still alright." (E)


I was already prepared that people would be like that to me.
It might hurt but this much I can endure.


"I'm sorry for Gordo, but could you explain what would be the benefit to justify paying such a tribute? And what it would even consist of?" (O)


While I'm extremely wary of this woman who always has this measuring look at her, I've got the feeling she takes our side.
Even this question was in fact a perfect invitation to explain my part, while she might have already guessed.


"It would be that it could enable absolutely safe transportation. While for security reasons we can only allow free use of the upper areas, those would be regularly patrolled against any possible underground creatures. In addition, you would hardly find any bandits there and have like this no reason to fear losing your wares. The other points are that in the underground there are no issues with exposure to wind and weather, regarding the wares or even the merchants and also the tunnels are a little bit more direct if you would take the right route, without obstacles, while having conditions close to a well-maintained street." (E)


Hah, it was rather hard to learn all of this.
But if I advertise an offer, I have to prepare such things in advance.


"This sounds like valid points for a charge, but about how much are we talking?" (second merchant)


That's something I should have prepared in advance.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I think three... of hundred?..." (E)


Liseti approves.


"Two percent of the wares worth whenever the underground is entered. Three if one wants a guide for the route. Also, I would need to say that this is mainly to maintain those passages, and also there is another problem." (E)

"What kind of?" (second merchant)

"It would be... We are talking about not yet existing passages. We would need to make out where the tunnels shall lead and they would be dug out then." (E)

"What! Are you trying to rip us off? Fraud us?! We shall pay you for something that doesn't even exist!" (G)


Gordo gets annoying, yet I hope that Liseti is not the kind of person who would arrange little accidents as displeased she seems to be.


"Gordo, shut up! I'm sure she was going to explain that right now." (O)

"Yes, sure! What I wanted to say was that the tunnels exist, yet there is just the problem  that at the moment only this town and my ho... (Ouch! Kick from Liseti!) Ehk, I mean a place in the wilderness at the border are connected to the surface. All the other tunnels we would first need to expand above. That might take depending on the location some days. But the swarm works fast. However, as we have no agreements with any town, we would have to agree on spots outside of these, where we wouldn't have to fear repercussions, if not for the case that such an agreement would be made possible. We cannot just like this open a gateway in a town." (E)


At this remark, Lord Jorad rolls absolutely justified with his eyes.


"So you are saying that in fact, we could wish for any location to have an exit, as long we don't drive you into conflict with local forces." (O)

"Yes, exactly!" (E)

"That doesn't sound too bad. These tunnels might actually be worth it." (O)

"Like we said, with the mycelium's harvest at the value of corn, the ores for the current market price, and our network this should be a favorable agreement which will bring prosperity to this town. That was at least my thought." (E)

"I would have a question!" (builder guild leader)

"Ehk, yes?" (E)

"You mentioned that your... kind is maintaining a vast system of tunnels under the earth. At a large scale and even directly under the town." (builder guild leader)

"Yes? What is with this?" (E)

"How can you do this? Especially closer to the surface, shouldn't outer influences like draining rain, small tremors, and such lead to widespread cave-ins? And especially with the weight of the town's buildings on it, I fear for the integrity of the groundwork." (builder guild leader)


Oh! I can understand why that bothers him.


"Y-you see, most of the tunnels are very deep so that even rain won't reach. And for complex structures, the swarm utilizes a special applicant. For the more permanent structures, earthen walls are getting coated with it and like this, it becomes hard like stone and rather smooth to the touch. Also, I don't know of any problems regarding water." (E)


The more I talk, the more his eyes are widening and glisten.


"W-would you sell such a thing? This... applicant?" (builder guild leader)

"Ehk, w-would we?" (E)


A quick glance to Liseti.
And a nod.


"We would." (E)

"Fantastic!" (builder guild leader)


Well, he seems excited about the idea of getting his hands on a completely new building material.


"All in all, I think there is no reason to condemn us. We are aiming for a fair agreement!" (E)

"Under those conditions, I would likely accept. If we pay upon delivery, there would be no problem regarding trust. The direct exchange might be worth it. On my part, I don't see any issues in just buying the wares." (second merchant)

"How can you do something like this Belon?" (G)


Finally a name!
I was getting uneasy at how to address him if I had to.


"Gordo, you forgot the main rule for a merchant. Always aim for profit! And that promises such." (B)

"YEt theEre ieez one problEeem!" (L)


Ugh; Always these surprise eardrum attacks.
Nonetheless, this Beron-guy fast manages to respond.


"Could I ask what would be such?" (B)


Oh no!
You don't know what you brought about us!


"SieEmple! For aaall our offerieengs wEe ien thEe Eend gEt shinyE liettle plAetes! UselEess shinye liettle plaEtes! Noow Ie wouuld liEke to know whAaat such thiEngs could bEe usEd foor!" (L)


Yes, that is naturally a point.
All trading agreements are useless if we wouldn't benefit from them in the end.
And money one cannot exchange for anything has simply no worth.
While there are some things I would like to acquire, those would be more on the small scale.
Simply one or two things for my home.
However, if we trade the swarm should benefit as well.

The reason why no one responds is partly that no one would directly know how to answer such a question.
Yet mostly it's that after such a tirade of Liseti no one but me has recovered enough to pull that act.
That wasn't smart Mr. merchant.


From all the people that old knight of house Uria recovers first.
I would want to say that it is a feat of his by experience and hardships shaped willpower.
But the truth is probably just that he is old and already a little hard of hearing so that the impact of Liseti's voice was dulled on him.


"Urgh, God's mercy! If I may ask, what would it be then that you would like in exchange?" (U)


Here I answer before any other word will be considered an attack on all the town's heads.


"While we for one part would like to have access to the market in general, what we would exchange our earnings for should have some worth to the swarm in general. Like this, it wouldn't make sense to buy things like food and such, what we already provide on our side." (E)


"And what could you possibly want instead?" (Lorata woman)


Oh, she talks!
And her voice is as cold as her eyes.


"For once we would like knowledge. We would want to buy as many books as there could be provided to gain access to concepts and insight about the whole situation here and in the surrounding countries to know how we should act." (E)

"So you only want to buy books with the money, nothing else?" (U)

"GEeeaAr!" (L)


Huh? Gear?
When did we decide on that?
Yet, it would be her right to buy such.
On the other side, weapons could spark conflict.
As it's now portrayed by...


"I knew it! You want to strengthen your army before you attack us!" (Fennek)

"As ief Ie would nEed to relyE on theeze. No. SiemplE toools foor thEe workeers." (L)

"You see, at the moment everything is done by hand in the swarm. It would be good if tools could make the processes more efficient." (E)


I glance in concrete at the man from the craftsman guild.


"If someone might visit the hive and forms ideas for concepts, we would naturally compensate this person in accordance." (E)

"GEeenEeroous!" (L)

"Things that would enable us to harvest our fields more efficiently would naturally fetch a high price. Also, we could provide more of our food income. Such an agreement would be favorable for both sides I believe." (E)

"I like this offer! If possible I would volunteer for such a visit. I am sure to be able to provide numerous things. And Hivan, do you tag along?" (O)


Olira seems to be fired up and the craftsman’s guy’s name is apparently Hivan.


"I-I... don't think so, but I will send one of my men if that is right." (H)

"Tsk, coward!" (O)

"Not everyone has your adventurous spirit and I need to survey things here." (H)

"AccEeepteable!" (L)

"Uhm, we would naturally provide for the guests accordingly." (E)

"I might as well send a representant of our guild. It seems I have to stay here for various new projects, yet it would be of value to see these structures and how this applicant gets used." (builder guild leader)

"With things being like this, I would intend to send an emissary of my own." (J)


Hmm, this isn't especially a bad thing if we can stay in contact.


"For what? That he sends us the kind of messages you wish for?" (Fennec)

"In fact, I would vote here for lady Lorata!" (J)

"Huh?" (Lorata)


Seems I am not the only one to be caught off guard.


"Why, Lady Lorata?" (Uria)

"Konrad, you are a trusted friend, but I guess for such a journey someone younger might be more fitting, and those who are aligned to my side seem to be mistrusted. I believe no one here would doubt lady Lorata's word. Am I right, Lord Fennec?" (J)

"... I agree!" (Fennec)


He doesn't seem to like to admit it, but for me, this woman is the preferable alternative.
I can already see him making a ruckus.


"You cannot simply send me away like this!" (Lorata)

"Temia. Your lands are close to the center and like this the safest in the current situation. Also, your family is surely able to handle the necessary administration." (J)


She looks dejected but doesn't speak up.
In the end, this man is still their superior and has a word on their given tasks.
Without a good reason, she cannot refuse his orders.


"I think this concludes these talks. I don't think anyone here has objections towards the said. The distribution of the wares will be overviewed by my men. We would want to keep it isolated in the underground. And there the wished transactions will commence." (J)

"At least no presence in the city." (Fennec)

"On the other side, I want that everyone here prepares his fellows that in the future more of these insects might be seen in the town. They are protected by me, as long as they do no wrong. And any attacks on them will be punished." (J)

"Tsk!" (Fennec)


This boy seems to be more and more dangerous to me.
So we finally can end these talks and I am able to get out of this tense atmosphere.


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