
Chapter 33


After the talks ended, most of them hurriedly departed.
I guess they all have to care now for the urgent tasks ahead.
Caused by us that is.

Even I sent Kyska away to make some prearrangements, as things might become troublesome and she is very good in logistics and has maybe the deepest understanding about humans besides me here.
Especially about the most basic needs.
Jorad remains as well.


"I know this was straining and I thank you for your leniency to these people." (J)

"I get that you need the food supplies from this merchant. But why do you allow this man from house Fennec to speak like this?" (E)

"You see, it's complicated. While I am his superior house Fennec controls essential land at the border. If they defect to Koreso the damage to our side would be unmeasurable. This would open a passage directly to the heart of Tarsona. Also, they are contributing the best soldiers to our war efforts. The Fennecs have a long military tradition and I need their support in this war." (J)


Hm, so he has no choice.
I am not sure if anyone but me can discern the subtle fluctuations In demeanor, even less the emitted pheromones but Liseti is deeply invested with this idea.


"So, since this is over now, I would wish to finally see these tunnels which are located under my town." (J)

"WeE will show youuu, as iet was agrEed. But weE can onlyE show one pErsonallyee. For theee rEst, you Eeitheer have to dwEll dEeeper with us or yuu rElyeee on Skiras guiedance! Iee cannot dEelaey my interval anye longeer aeend Eryees doesEn't know all thEe locAtieons." (L)

"Ouch, intervals?" (J)

"Aaah, i-it's nothing. Just some princess business. But we have to be home for that." (E)

"Well... As long as I can see these tunnels I will be satisfied." (J)

"G-good. One is quite close. If you want to bring an escort it's fine. After all, we agreed on this much. But after that our base would begin. While I don't think you being there is an issue, there is a huge presence of ours. It might be a bit problematic in regards to concerns on your side." (E)

"God! How many soldiers did you bring with you?!" (J)

"T-they aren't all soldiers." (E)

"How many?" (J)

"TEen-thousand unieets, thee common amount to protEect two princEessEs! Maybee eeven too fEw." (L)


When were we at ten-thousand?!
No wonder Jorad gets pale!


"I... I guess I will be fine with the tour you suggested." (J)


So we leave this place.


We walk further down the market.
The commotion settled a little down since our units didn't even do as much as twitch while we were occupied with our talk.
Nonetheless, there is still a huge amount.
But like this, we have the leeway to lead the way down the market.
Soon we reach a corner I can recognize.
I raise my hand and wave.


"Thank you for the help the other day! I am really glad about this! And the bag is still functional." (E)


The poor merchant nearly gets a heart attack.
And I some questioning looks from those who weren't there.
So we turn into the alley and Liseti opens the passage.
Or more the workers stationed in there which spread out in unsettling numbers.

Liseti is the first to venture in.
I follow behind.
I'm even looking forward to get back to my place.
This might be the only, rare occasion where I don't have to think about any laying sessions but I'm exhausted from all this tense atmosphere, lingering dread, and resentments.


We soon reach the junction from where one could reach the other exits in this part of the town.
It is a considerable large open space and I believe that the town's guards should be able to build here something to turn it into some kind of control point.
It could really develop well if we could arrange traveling in our network and people might calm down if it works for a while.


"So, from here on out you might find the other two passages above. Liseti, maybe we should make them free from our workers?" (E)

"Ieef yuuu sayE so!" (L)


She places herself in the middle of the room.


"Screaahk!/Retreat!" (L)


For a moment nothing happens, then I start to notice a slight shaking of the ground, which soon grows to a very present quake.
Then dozens of workers rush through the room into the one leading to the main base.
Just to say this, dozens is an understatement and "main base", because I have no idea how many outposts Liseti already has established.
Jorad looks quite dumbfounded as well.

"So... as we agreed these would be the places we share control over, so we can check who passes on each other's side. We would then station our presence on the passage the workers just took and you can control yours. It might be helpful to have your men looking at this. Who knows what some people would want to cause." (E)

"I-I understand. I will make sure to keep my part.
Captain Balian, Lindon! Bring men to each end of these passages and mark their locations! After that establish a standing garrison there! We don't want curious civilians to enter this space!
I will now depart to the other locations, princesses. You said I would be lead?" (J)

"Ehk, Skiras here, my bodyguard, you remember? He has memorized the locations and it would be no problem regarding possible attacks since he is a seasoned warrior. So Skiras, could you show them? And please stay friendly." (E)


While Liseti made the decision I have to partake in it, since Skiras was in fact gifted to me and like this my responsibility.
I just hope he will stay reasonable towards humans.


<Skriek/As you wish my princess!> (Sk)


I still have my issues with this loyalty thing.


"I think this concludes it then!" (J)

"Ehk, there was still that I would like to know about this group that will accompany us? I mean when will they come? It is because we have soon to return." (E)


Before Jorad can even say something Liseti chimes in.


"At thee End of thEe nExt Actievietee ienterval!" (L)

"What? This soon?" (E)


With an intent look, she stares at me and starts in Formicea.


<You have no idea what you did to your body, right? Your condition will from now on worsen and soon it won't be possible to transport you this easily. It will become difficult when the eggs inside you grow too much and I don't wish that you stay here in such a state.> (L)


I start to tremble at this thought and the panic makes my mind rush.


<Pull yourself together! Don't show them weakness! You must appear strong or they will take advantage of you!> (L)


Her stare is not escapable and makes me focus on her.
I become aware that she acts here for me. And so I manage to force myself to calm down.


"Is, is everything alright?" (J)

"I, I think so. But it seems we have no other choice but to leave at the mentioned time." (E)

"Okay. If... it's that urgent, I will prepare the envoys for tomorrow" (J)

"Thank you Lord Jorad. We will expect them." (E)


The atmosphere got a little awkward, which encourages me to make fast by giving my farewells.
So I'm finally descending back down again and become sadly aware that this was the last time for a long while that I could see the sun.
I've got accustomed to the underground, but this is nonetheless a very melancholic moment for me.


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