
Chapter 39


We head up and after some distance I recognize the giant gate, leading to a large plaza.
My courtyard!

It feels a bit like coming home.
Yet one thing is wrong.


"Ehk Suki, why are there around thirty Hunters on the courtyard?" (E)


This is seriously a worrying sight.
Honestly, I am not good with hunters.
I have seen what they can do.
What they are made to do.
These things can be terrible.

And now they're there.
A small horde of them, thrown together, snapping at each other.
As if someone thought it would be a good idea to just dump them here and see what happens.
But there is something strange with their scent.


<Oh, this is... Don't you notice it? The pheromones?> (S)


To me, they feel really strange.
While I know how bad they can be, when I look at them I feel not as panicked as I should be.
There is something relaxing about them.
Something... familiar?

Like when you look at your own pet you don't feel as worried as when encountering a wild one.
We had many at the farm, so I can relate.
Still, familiar?


<What do you mean Suki?> (E)

<These are yours!> (S)

<When you say yours...> (E)

<These hunters are your brood, my princess!> (S)

<My... brood?> (E)

<Yes! Your offspring! They all look so healthy! Maybe still a bit young, but they already reached maturity, even if they are slightly smaller than the adults. This is magnificent to see the result of your hard work right here! You did great!> (S)


Every single word from Suki hurts, stings deep, and leaves wounds.
My eyes get uncontrollably teary and I shake in this ever-growing terror my mind fell into.


<SCREAK!!!/ Nooooo!!!> (E)


Unable to keep my act together I fall on my knees and cry.


<Criek, criek, criek!/ I don’t want this! I don’t want this! I don’t want this!> (E)


Then suddenly mum embraces me from behind.


"Ery, calm down! Breathe! One, two, three! Calm down!" (F)

"Mum, I..." (E)

"I know. No talking. Just breathe." (F)

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" (E)

"Good! You are doing great. Suki, can you please bring them somewhere else? It might be better if Erys doesn't have to see them for a while" (F)

"YEs. ThEy are rather siemple, so thee stables should bee fine." (S)


Mum scowls at this.
She knows what's the matter with them.
These creatures are my brood, practically my children, and now they are treated like cattle.
This goes against her beliefs.
Suki goes to them.


<Skreak!/Go, there!> (S)


And like trained dogs they rush out in one of the side tunnels, leading away from the main square.
They have at least some basic intelligence and like that can understand most commands.
Mum rubs my shoulder and I manage to regain my composure


"By all the gods, what was this?!!" (T)


She grabs for her sword and starts to unsheathe it.
However, if you shouldn't do one thing here, then threatening a princess it is.
In a blink, an abundance of claws and teeth is pointed at her.


"Lady Lorata, maybe you should put that thing back." (O)


She should, but if she even twitches now she might get ripped apart.
From all of them, Skiras who is in charge of my safety is maybe the most agitated.


<Please Skiras, make them stop. I don't want anyone to die!> (E)

<She disrespected you, my princess! Threatening you in your own courtyard.> (Sk)

<Still, please no bloodshed!< (E)

<As you wish!> (Sk)


With this, he surprisingly fast reestablishes control over the agitated soldiers.
I should try to ease my human guests.


"I'm sorry. A private matter. I sadly cannot tell you about this." (E)

"We all have our little secrets. No problem!" (O)


I hope this was it now, as the exhaustion takes its toll on me and I just want into my home on the other side of the plaza.
However, as soon I step on the square, at once from all the sides insects stream out of the tunnels.
Nurses, workers, messengers, and even some guardians.
And all together they kneel to me.


"Wh-what is this?" (E)

<Wasn't it mentioned? Princess Liseti arranged to have your courtyard expanded in your absence. As such your district and the number of your subordinates increased considerably! These are those who worked on digging out the new areas!> (S)


Great, so I have now to deal with around thousand to two-thousand new insects because of this.

The best approach might be to clear this situation.
Yet they can just use insect speech, so I have to use that.


<Sc-sceak, cruk, criac!/ Th-thank you for all your hard work. Please attend to your matters if you have anything there is. I don't want to keep you from it.> (E)


In a blink, the place is empty again.
All of them left as if they had some really important assignment.
And that might be.
In fact, I don't know if these insects even know free time.
Like this, sending them politely back to work, was a safe bet to get rid of them.


"Mye priencess, that was magnieficient, you were so digniefied!" (S)


I just wanted them to be gone.
Asking them to tend to their assignments was a safe bet, as they are always doing something.
Honestly, do they ever have breaks?

As for me, I really need one now.
Fatigue wears me down and I feel heavier and heavier.
I pass the distance to my home and can't wait to lay down.


"What is the meaning of this?" (T)


Oh well, seems like escort the moment I entered spread out and now effectively blocks the way inside, cutting me from all the others.
That shouldn't happen, but I don't feel right now like personally showing everyone their respective quarter.
Especially, as I have no idea where those would even be.


"I am sorry,  but I am unable to attend you any longer. Skiras will guide you to your quarters. Skiras, please choose them some nice ones." (E)


This should do the trick.
He might as well not know the layout of the new structures, but it's not like he can't ask around.


<I will, my princess.> (Sk)


Also, they would never try to talk back.
Makes everything much easier for me right now.
The other issue is my family.
The first thing I should take care of is this barrier which formed between us.
I address the guarding insects.


<To put that clearly, my family can enter as they like! You won't force them away!> (E)


At this, they separate in the middle and give way.
This should be enough.
As I'm wearing out more and more I head for the closest bench and let myself fall on it.


<Scrietsch!/Princess, no! You can't do this! What about your royal guard!> (S)


Is she afraid that they break?
Can they break in my stomach?
This is quite a disturbing thought.
But I don't feel like moving.
Or quarreling.


"Sorry. I don't feel that well. Can we not discuss that?" (E)

<You need food, my princess. Please let me bring you something!> (S)

"Then together with my family." (E)


After all, a meal together would be nice.
At least I thought so till father's sudden question.


"Could now please someone explain to me what happened out there?" (R)


Oh no!
Now even this!


"Dad, it was... nothing important." (E)

"Nothing important?! My daughter had just a breakdown. Farrah, you know something! Please tell me!" (R)

"Erys... Can I tell?" (F)

"Sigh. Yes, but please not while I am here and especially not in front of Toris." (E)

"Sister?" (Toris)


While I can understand that he has to know it, I don't want to see his face when he learns that his little girl is pressing out eggs for the insects.
He doesn't seem to like this condition of mine but accepts it.
Suki comes shortly after this, accompanied by other nurses, who all carry food.
While it is a true feast in quantity, it's still rather basic.
Naturally, the typical Formicea stuff, consisting of mushrooms and this dangerous sweet nectar.
At this, I remember these creatures who produce it.
And that they're here on my courtyard.
Maybe I should take precautions to spare them this sight.

Aside from that we fortunately also have normal stuff.
There are vegetables, grain, and berries.
Yet as I said, it's basic.
Nothing was refined in any way.
It seems that they weren't able to light a fire in time to cook it.
Aside from that they also have no real aptitude to work with fire.
However, considering our living circumstances until now this is still a plentiful meal.
No one has reasons to complain.

Nonetheless, the mood is a little sullen, due to dad's still open question.
With this looming over everything, I can't really engage in any talks.
After everyone is full, all that is left would be to show them their quarter.
But I really can't find the strength in me to stand up.
Yet this throws me in a complicated mood.
As bad as I feel, I don't want to push them away from me after I came so far.
But I hope if it's just showing them their room it should be fine.


"Suki? Can you please show my family their place? I don't feel like I can." (E)

<Naturally, my princess.> (S)


Their quarters should have been prepared a while ago, as I stated that wish rather early.
However, there is another big problem.


"Another thing, Suki." (E)

<Yes, my princess?> (S)

"I am sorry Suki. I wouldn't ask this from you if I would see another way, but I need you to manage the courtyard. Please help my family and the guests." (E)

<Naturally, mye princEss. What is troubling you this much about this?> (S)

"You know what that means to you, right?" (E)

<I believe so.> (S)

"I will need someone else to directly help me. Sorry, you are the only one apart from Skiras here who speaks human words well enough." (E)

<No problem, my princess. Then I need to find a substitute for that time.> (S)

"Thank you." (E)


Suki prepares to guide my family away, but mum approaches me.


"Ery... about what happened before with the... hunters." (F)

"Sorry, mum. You weren't supposed to see that. I don't even know why they were there." (E)


Yet mum just shakes her head.


"Erys, I won't tell you what you have to do. I can't even imagine how you might feel about this. So I have no right to decide what is the right or wrong thing to do. So if you want to forget about them I won't judge you for this. But please, think carefully if this is what you think is right. Do what your heart tells you." (F)


She gives me a hug and leaves.
And also leaves quite the emotional turmoil.
I know what she meant.
And she isn't wrong.

In some way I have a connection to them, but also I fear these creatures.
It's not like I hate them, but just looking at them I imagine what they can do to people and that they come from me makes it worse.
Still, they're mine.
And I am somehow responsible.
When Suki comes back I made up my mind.
Yet she talks first.


<My princess, please look.> (S)

<Criek!/At what?> (E)


She takes a step to the side and another nurse steps forward and kneels.


<My princess, this is Miwa. She already served you during your sessions. As such she should perform adequately.> (S)


Well, we agreed I need someone who covers for them, even if it's just temporary.


<Well, pleased to make your acquaintance.> (E)

<You honor me too much, princess.> (M)

<You know that you are just temporary filling in for Suki and Kyska?> (E)


Might sound harsh, but I don't want to raise her hopes for a permanent position.
If I got one thing, then that my two nurses are fairly proud of their assignment.
So this one might as well.
But I don't need three personal assistants.


<Yes, naturally.> (M)

<Alright. I will rely on you then. Thank you in advance.> (E)


She bows her head and stays completely still as if she's waiting for something.


<Ehk, you can stand up again.> (E)

<I don't want to trouble you with my movements, princess.> (M)


You are bothering me more with that attitude!
And how frail do they think I am?
Well, if she attended me before the only times she has seen me were when I was constantly crying.
But still!


<You don't need to stay still.> (E)

<As you wish, princess!> (M)


Fine, she is devoted.
But I had to do something.


<Suki, can you help me up?> (E)

<Sure, my princess! Shall I guide you to your alcove?> (S)

<No. I want you to bring me to the stables.> (E)

<The stables?! But there are...> (S)

<I know. All too well. Please, I have to go there!> (E)

<It might trouble you again! And your condition!> (S)

<I will be troubled either way. Please help me!> (E)

<If this is your wish.> (S)


Suki comes and supports me with all her four arms, while the new nurse does the same from the other side.
I barely need to use any strength to get up.
They guide me out of the room and into the tunnel where the hunters left before.


<Why are they even here, Suki?> (E)

<Hunters grow much faster than other drones. So naturally, these already matured, while others like the workers still remain in their incubators. Yet as you aren't established yet and were absent for a significant time, your brood wasn't given any assignments yet. Like this, they gathered here.> (S)

<Isn't this bad? If this goes on it might soon get cramped here.> (E)


This courtyard might literally get swarmed.


<This is no urgent problem. It might even be good to replace those who are here with your own brood. They will never fail you, my princess!> (S)

<Well, I wouldn't even have an idea about assignments.> (E)

<Didn't princess Liseti promise to educate you on this matter? You have no reason to be worried.> (S)


After a bit more than twenty meters we are there.
I hear the high-pitched creaks which are typical for hunters before I see them.
In front of me, I find a pen, filled with all the hunters that left before.
Yet it is in fact just earth piled up into a small wall, they could easily climb or even jump.
There is even a hole in the middle.
They only choose to stay inside.
Yet the moment I come close they all perk up and stare at me, but without making the slightest twitch.
Guess they're waiting here for something.


"Ehk, hi there." (E)


They focus me a bit more, if that's even possible, but aside from that nothing happens.

I realize that they might not even understand human words.


<Ciek, scraa, c-creak!/ I-I'm sorry for before. I treated you unfairly. You, you all are probably not bad and I reacted in a bad way.> (E)


I know they can do terrible things and probably would if I ask them to, but that is not really fair from my side.
They are practically babies and haven't done anything that warrants such a harsh attitude.


<S-screak, criik!/So I... just wanted you to know that it was my fault and... I don't hate you.> (E)


As much as it troubles me that these creatures, which are basically like dogs, originate from me, I can't hold that against them.
They aren't evil or anything like that.
If only it didn't feel so awful to look at them, knowing they are my offspring.

But mum is right on that matter.
Exactly because it is like this I cannot ignore them.
What kind of person would that make me?
Now, after I talked to them they seem to grow less tense.
However, I surely won't call them cute.
They aren't!

Abruptly one comes closer but stops when I grow distressed at his sight.
The moment I calmed down again it advances a bit more... and nudges my hand.
I wish I could call them cute, but they are still hard to look at.
Especially as a group.

Nonetheless, petting them should be fine.
Each one comes after this forward and retreats as soon I patted them on the head.
It doesn't take too long which is good for my mentality.
Also on the physical side, I can barely go on.
I signal Suki and Miwa and they help me go back.

When I get back I am directly placed into my tub and sink below this distressing, but relaxing substance.
I just hope I can recuperate and won't be troubled with too many problems.


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