Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch50- Rice Country

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Let's give a big, hearty welcome to our newest patrons, Big Boy and Kloud! These two magnificent individuals have descended upon our humble realm, ready to embark on a thrilling literary journey with us. May their presence add an extra sprinkle of delight and a cloud of whimsy to our merry band of readers!


Two months had passed since the Lotus Seal had been etched into Sasuke's flesh. The young Uchiha was adapting to the power it brought, the strength and control it offered. The journey had brought them to Rice Country, where the local Daimyo had extended an unusually extravagant welcome to Kai.

Rice Country was known for its elaborate palaces and luxurious living. The Daimyo’s welcome was no different. Colorful streamers fluttered in the breeze, musicians played joyous tunes on exotic instruments, and the smell of delicious food filled the air. Servants lined up on either side of the grand entrance, bowing respectfully as Kai walked past. Yet, despite the grandeur, there was an undercurrent of unease. The servile smiles of the attendants, the nervous titter of the courtesans, and the anxious glances exchanged by the guards hinted at the insecurity that lay beneath the surface.

Sasuke and Mikoto followed Kai, their eyes scanning the grandeur around them. Despite the rich display, they kept their expressions neutral, maintaining the aloofness that Kai had instilled in them. They were here on business, not to enjoy the finery and flattery the Daimyo had on display.

The Daimyo, a rotund man with a wide, ingratiating smile, welcomed them with open arms. "Kai-sama, my friend," he exclaimed, "Your reputation precedes you! We are honored by your presence."

Kai inclined his head in acknowledgment but remained silent. This level of adulation was unusual, even for a free shinobi like him. The Daimyo was desperate, it seemed, desperate enough to throw open his doors and bow his head to a stranger.

Soon, they were seated in the grand hall, a lavish spread of food before them. The Daimyo took this opportunity to bring up the mission. "Kai-sama, I... I need your help. Bandits, they've... they've been terrorizing my people, raiding our villages... It's..." he whimpered, his tone carrying a whiny, almost pleading note.

When Kai asked why he didn’t seek help from a hidden village, the Daimyo scoffed, his cheeks flushing in anger. "Those Hidden Villages... they... they're nothing but leeches! Their prices are exorbitant, and they scoff at a mere bandit mission! We... we're not worth their precious time!" His words were punctuated by a bitter laugh, a laugh of a man who felt wronged.

"I see," Kai replied, his voice neutral as he silently took in the man's exaggerated desperation. "I will handle the bandits."

Sasuke’s heart pounded at those words. This was his chance, his opportunity to prove himself, to showcase his progress. The Lotus Seal burned against his skin, as though echoing his eagerness. He was ready. As Kai turned his attention back to the Daimyo, his face unreadable, Sasuke couldn't help but wonder what challenges lay ahead, and how he would rise to meet them.

As they sat and ate, the grand doors to the hall opened, and a procession of women entered the room. They were all of different ages, yet each held a distinct beauty of her own. Their graceful movements, the subtle sway of their silk garments, and the shy glances they cast towards Kai were all part of an age-old dance meant to entice and enthrall. The Daimyo’s eyes sparkled with a crafty light as he gestured towards the women, a thinly-veiled attempt to tie Kai to his village with the allure of companionship.

The women took their seats close to Kai, their coy smiles and fluttering lashes aimed to draw him in. One extended a hand to offer him a bowl of exotic fruits, while another tried to engage him in a light conversation. Yet, their efforts were met with the same stoic countenance Kai had maintained throughout the evening.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Mikoto watched the scene unfold. The subtle changes in Kai's posture, the minute shift in his gaze, and the calculated distance he maintained from the women all told her that this was a scenario he had encountered before. He seemed indifferent to their beauty, his attention solely on his meal, his expression unchanging.

With a simple wave of his hand, Kai dismissed the women. His voice, when he finally spoke, was steady and without inflection. "My mission here is clear," he said, meeting the Daimyo's gaze with his own, "Distractions are unnecessary."

The women retreated, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment, their eyes lowered in disappointment. The Daimyo shifted uncomfortably, his previously confident demeanor now replaced with uncertainty. The atmosphere in the room shifted, the celebratory air turning stale as Kai returned to his meal.

Mikoto felt a sigh of relief escape her. She hadn't realized she had been holding her breath. She knew Kai wasn't the type to be swayed by beauty or temptation, but seeing him in action, witnessing the unyielding wall of detachment he maintained, was somewhat comforting. It reassured her that her son was under the guidance of someone who was entirely focused on his mission, someone who wouldn't let distractions derail his objective.

As the night wore on, the Daimyo’s failed attempts to curry favor became more desperate, yet Kai remained unflinching. His steadfast nature, the unwavering determination that lay behind his impassive eyes, served as a testament to his commitment. It was a harsh reality, a reminder of the brutal world they lived in, a world where strength was currency and emotions were a liability. Yet, it was a reality Kai had accepted and one that Sasuke was learning to navigate.

The rich tastes of the Rice Country's cuisine still lingered on their palates as Kai turned to address the Daimyo directly. The grandeur of the feast had begun to fade, replaced by a tense anticipation that filled the grand hall.

"I would like to hear the details of this mission," Kai spoke, his voice reverberating in the silence of the hall.

The Daimyo wiped his mouth with a silk handkerchief, buying time as he gathered his thoughts. "Ah, well, you see Kai-sama...," he began, his eyes darting nervously. "These bandits, they are unlike any we have seen before. They swoop in like a storm, leaving devastation in their wake."

Sasuke and Mikoto watched as the Daimyo continued to exaggerate the situation. The Daimyo painted a picture of marauding villains of unprecedented power, bandits whose ruthlessness was only matched by their uncanny stealth. He claimed they possessed strange and formidable jutsu that could decimate entire villages, yet left no trace of their presence behind.


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