Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch51- Sasuke’s Mission

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Kai listened without interruption, his face impassive. His silence seemed to further embolden the Daimyo, who now spoke of the bandits ravaging the finest warriors of his personal guard, of nights filled with terror, and of townspeople living in constant fear.

It was then that Kai leaned back in his chair, his expression unchanged, his voice cool and steady. "If the situation is as dire as you describe, my fee will increase proportionately."

The Daimyo choked on his own saliva, a look of surprise and fear plastered on his face. He had not expected Kai to respond in such a way. He had hoped to stir empathy, not drive up the price.

Mikoto couldn't help but smirk at the Daimyo's reaction. Sasuke, on the other hand, was intrigued by Kai's negotiation skills. He watched in fascination as the Daimyo stumbled over his words, now explaining the situation with newfound honesty.

"In truth, Kai-sama... the bandits, they are not ninjas, but they are strong... and ruthless," the Daimyo admitted, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "We have been able to hold them back, but they are persistent... And my people, they are scared... They need assurance, they need to know they are safe..."

Kai simply nodded, his eyes never leaving the Daimyo. He had seen through the Daimyo's exaggerations, his desperate attempts to secure his services. This was the harsh reality of their world, a place where strength dictated alliances and desperation often led to deception.

The morning sun painted the sky in shades of orange and pink as they set out for their mission. The air was crisp, fresh with the scent of dew-laden grass and blooming flowers. Yet, the beauty of the morning was lost on Sasuke, whose mind was preoccupied with the task at hand.

Kai led the group, his gait steady and determined. Mikoto followed, her concern for her son evident in the tight lines around her eyes. Sasuke brought up the rear, his steps faltering as he grappled with a knot of anticipation and uncertainty in his stomach.

As they reached the outskirts of the village, Kai paused and turned to face Sasuke. His eyes held a hard glint, the barest hint of seriousness belying his otherwise impassive expression. "Sasuke," he began, his voice a mere whisper carried on the morning breeze. "You'll handle this mission alone."

The weight of Kai's words hung in the air, the quiet atmosphere of the morning seemingly holding its breath. Sasuke stared at his mentor, his heart pounding. This was it, the opportunity he had been waiting for.

"I can do this," he responded, his voice wavering slightly despite his best efforts. "I'm ready."

Kai simply nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I know," he said, the simple acknowledgment sending a rush of determination through Sasuke. Kai didn't deal in unnecessary words, his actions spoke louder than any reassurances ever could. In assigning Sasuke this mission, he was putting his trust in the young Uchiha's abilities.

Sasuke dashed forward, his body a blur against the backdrop of the dewy morning landscape. The Lotus Seal against his skin pulsated with an energy that spurred him on, matching the rhythm of his rapidly beating heart.

As his form disappeared into the distance, Mikoto turned to Kai, a tinge of worry etching lines onto her normally composed face. "Kai..." she began, her voice just above a whisper, her eyes mirroring her concern.

But before she could say anything else, Kai shook his head, effectively cutting off her words. In the next instant, she felt a familiar pull, a tug at her senses that preceded the activation of the Flying Thunder God technique.

With a soft whoosh of displaced air, they were gone from their original position, only to reappear next to Sasuke. Yet, to Sasuke, it would seem as though they weren't there at all. Kai had used Mikoto's Mangekyo Sharingan ability, altering the perception of reality around them. It was an advanced genjutsu, one that made them invisible to anyone who wasn't aware of their presence.

The sudden change in scenery shocked Mikoto. Even though she was aware of Kai's abilities and his use of her Mangekyo powers, the instantaneous teleportation was still something she found hard to wrap her mind around. The crisp, verdant scenery of the outskirts was replaced by the rough, desolate terrain near the bandit hideout.

She watched as Sasuke, unaware of their presence, pressed forward. His movements were swift, a testament to the hard training he had undergone under Kai's tutelage. A sense of pride welled up within Mikoto, mixed with a tinge of fear for her son's safety. But she knew better than to voice her concerns now.

Sasuke approached the bandits' hideout, his senses heightened and his mind focused. The Lotus Seal on his skin pulsed with energy, amplifying his power and sharpening his reflexes. The exterior of the hideout was nondescript, appearing no different than the rocky terrain surrounding it. However, the subtle patterns of chakra and the light murmur of voices from within betrayed its true nature.

He activated his Sharingan, the crimson and black swirl illuminating the bleak landscape with an eerie glow. His eyesight sharpened, revealing the numerous traps and concealed entrances scattered around the hideout. His lips curled into a determined smirk as he mentally catalogued each threat, formulating a plan of action.

Without wasting another moment, Sasuke leapt into action. A quick hand sign and a focused breath later, he expelled a wave of fire towards the main entrance - the Great Fireball Technique. The gate erupted into flames, the sudden blaze sending the bandits scrambling out in a state of panic.

Sasuke didn’t wait for the bandits to recover. Using his speed and agility, he was among them in an instant, his fists and feet a blur as he engaged them in Taijutsu. Despite their numbers, they were no match for the young Uchiha’s refined combat skills.

Every punch he landed was precise, every kick was powerful. Months of relentless training under Kai's guidance had honed his strength and speed to an exceptional level. His body moved in a graceful yet deadly dance, each movement seamlessly flowing into the next.


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