Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch52- Nuke-Nin

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

"Surrender now, and your punishment will be less severe!" Sasuke shouted amidst the chaos. His words fell on deaf ears as the bandits continued their futile attempt to overpower him.

Infuriated, Sasuke’s Raiton chakra flared up, the electrical energy crackling ominously around his form. With a swift motion, he unleashed a barrage of Chidori Senbons, the electrified needles piercing through the air and embedding themselves into the bandits.

Cries of pain and fear echoed through the area as the bandits fell one by one. Sasuke watched dispassionately, the carnage around him serving as a harsh reminder of the brutal world they lived in. This was the path he had chosen, the path he had been thrust into, and he was ready to face it head-on.

Just as he thought the battle was nearing its end, a strong chakra signature emerged from the shadows. A tall, heavily muscled man stepped into the light, his presence commanding and his eyes full of malice. He was evidently the leader, his demeanor and the begrudging respect he commanded from his remaining men attesting to his authority.

"A Nuke-nin," Mikoto breathed, her eyes wide as she studied the newcomer. The man was tall, his muscular frame filling out the dark cloak he wore. His skin was pale, almost ghostly in the dim light, and his eyes held an icy gaze that seemed to freeze everything it landed upon.

His presence was commanding, almost suffocating. Even though they were hidden under the genjutsu, Mikoto could feel the weight of his chakra pressing down on them. It was not the chakra of a mere bandit; it was the chakra of a shinobi, a powerful one. A Jounin level shinobi that had deserted his village.

She turned to Kai, worry etching lines onto her face. Sasuke was strong, yes, but to face a Nuke-nin was a different matter altogether. Her son was still growing, still learning. He wasn't ready for this.

But as she looked at Kai, she was met with an impassive expression. He didn't meet her gaze, his eyes locked onto Sasuke and the Nuke-nin. Mikoto's heart pounded in her chest, but she forced herself to stay silent. She trusted Kai, and she trusted Sasuke. She had to believe they could handle this.

Sasuke squared off against the Nuke-nin, his Sharingan eyes never leaving the other man. The other bandits had cleared out of their path, forming a rough circle around them. The air was charged with tension, the anticipation of the impending battle hanging heavily in the air.

"So, a little Uchiha pup thinks he can take me on?" the Nuke-nin taunted, his voice deep and grating. He was looking at Sasuke, but his gaze held a glimmer of recognition. He had noticed the Sharingan.

Sasuke's response was immediate, his voice echoing through the clearing. "I'm not a pup," he said, defiance radiating from him. "I am Uchiha Sasuke."

In an instant, the battle erupted into motion. Sasuke was fast, but the Nuke-nin was faster. The man seemed to blur with each movement, his strikes landing with deadly precision. Sasuke deflected the attacks as best he could, but it was clear he was being pushed back.

He tried to counterattack, weaving through hand signs to unleash a barrage of Great Fireballs. The Nuke-nin merely deflected them with a wave of his hand, countering with a blast of wind that sent Sasuke flying back.

"Sasuke!" Mikoto couldn't help but call out, her heart pounding in her chest. But the genjutsu kept her voice from reaching him.

Sasuke's Sharingan flared as he righted himself mid-air, a surge of electricity crackling around his hand. "Chidori!" he yelled, his voice filled with determination as he launched himself back at the Nuke-nin.

The Nuke-nin laughed, a deep, booming sound that sent shivers down Mikoto's spine. He was enjoying this, enjoying the struggle and the challenge.

The air between Sasuke and the Nuke-nin crackled with electricity, the tension palpable. The bandit leader's malicious smirk widened, his eyes gleaming in anticipation as he drew a large, double-bladed sword. The weapon was crudely crafted, its edges jagged and seemingly well-used. Yet, in the hands of the Nuke-nin, it seemed to emanate an ominous aura, a silent testament to the carnage it had once wrought.

"Sasuke," Mikoto whispered, her voice barely audible even to herself, her eyes wide with trepidation. Yet, Kai made no response, his entire attention focused on the unfolding battle.

With the lightning-infused chakra still crackling around his right hand, Sasuke didn't hesitate to close the distance between him and the Nuke-nin, his eyes narrowed and determined. The Nuke-nin merely chuckled, meeting Sasuke's attack head-on.

Their exchange was a whirlwind of Taijutsu and Bukijutsu. Sasuke, empowered by the Lotus Seal and his Chidori, weaved through the Nuke-nin's reckless attacks with a fluid grace that belied his years. The Nuke-nin responded with a barrage of Wind Release ninjutsu, sending sharp gusts that clashed with Sasuke's Chidori, causing sparks to fly in the air.

Despite his best efforts, Sasuke found himself struggling to keep up with the Nuke-nin's raw power. Each deflected attack sent shockwaves reverberating through his body, each narrowly avoided strike had him reeling backwards. Yet, he didn't falter.

"Your clan was known for their eye technique," the Nuke-nin taunted, a sneer evident in his voice. "But I wonder, Uchiha pup, can you handle this?"

His words were the only warning before he unleashed a powerful Genjutsu. A chilling sensation washed over Sasuke, the world around him suddenly distorted and warped. Yet, with his Sharingan, he was able to see through the illusion, his gaze meeting the Nuke-nin's with renewed defiance.

The Nuke-nin let out a howl of frustration, his expression twisted in anger. With a swift motion, he lunged towards Sasuke, his large sword trailing an ominous shadow behind him.


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