Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 43 – The Beginning of a Nation! 03

[Chapter Size: 3300 Words.]


Jon Snow POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 290 AC, Some time later.


For Jon, however, the agenda was intense and meticulously planned to ensure that every moment was fully utilized:

- In the morning: Jon trained with Brynden in his visions seeing figures from the past, honing his skills in fencing, military tactics, leadership, kingdom maintenance, oratory, philosophy, and languages. This intensive training prepared Jon to be a wise leader, skilled strategist, and effective communicator.

Jon Snow, under the tutelage of Brynden, the Three-Eyed Raven, embarked on a learning journey that transcended time and space. Each morning, while the mist still covered the ground of Arctic, Jon joined Brynden in a communion of minds, diving into the depths of past visions to learn from the most legendary figures of his world.

"Brynden, show me the fencing of Yi-Ti. I want to understand the art that shaped the greatest warriors beyond the Narrow Sea," Jon requested, eyes fixed and curious.

"As you wish, Jon," Brynden nodded, as the vision before them changed, transporting them to an ancient dojo in Yi-Ti.

"The grace and precision... it's like a dance," Jon observed, amazed, as a master swordsman demonstrated fluid and precise movements.

"Exactly, Jon. The fencing of Yi-Ti is less about brute force and more about movement, anticipation, and control. Observe their feet, their balance, how they move in harmony with the sword," Brynden explained, calm gestures indicating each significant movement.

"Now, show me the warriors of the Age of Heroes. I want to learn from the best of our own history," Jon requested, eager for more knowledge.

"Sure," Brynden replied, and the scene changed to an ancient battlefield.

"They fight with a passion and strength that seem almost superhuman," Jon commented, impressed by the intensity of the ancient heroes.

"They were heroes, Jon, but they were also men. Learn from their strength, but remember their flaws. Even the greatest of heroes can be defeated," Brynden advised, his voice laden with ancient wisdom.

As Jon continued his training, he also dedicated himself to learning war tactics. Brynden showed him the great battles of the past, explaining the strategies used, the movements of armies, and how leaders thought and reacted.

"Every battle is a lesson. I see how a small mistake can change the course of a war," Jon reflected, after hours of observation and discussion.

"Exactly. War is a living chess game, Jon. Each piece, each move counts. Learn to think ten steps ahead, to see the battlefield not just with your eyes, but with your mind," Brynden instructed, each word reinforcing the importance of strategy and foresight.

Jon spent hours discussing tactics, asking, challenging, and refining his understanding of the art of war. With each passing day, Jon Snow not only grew in skill and knowledge but also in wisdom and understanding, preparing himself to be the leader that Arctic and its people needed and to make his kingdom prosper.

Every afternoon: As the sun reached its zenith in the sky, Jon Snow and Thor met in the center of the construction site, surrounded by maps, models, and various forging tools. The sound of hammers echoing from the dwarf forges formed the backdrop as they delved into the intricate planning process for the future city of Arctic.

"Thor, we need to ensure that the structure of each building supports not only the weight of time but also the life and energy of its inhabitants," Jon began, pointing to a model of one of the planned residences.

"Jon, with the stone and the technique of the Dwarves, we will use your EldenWoods for reinforcement and beauty, ensuring that each house is safe and aesthetically pleasing," Thor responded, his voice resonating with pride and confidence.

Jon nodded in approval, moving to the next item. "And about the public spaces? Parks, squares, places where people can gather and children can play in their leisure time?"

Thor considered for a moment. "We will integrate nature into the city, you have your powers and can do wonders. Small parks and gardens in each block, fountains, and statues telling the stories of our people, and of course, open spaces for markets and festivals."

"Perfect. Now, let's talk about the water and sanitation system. It's vital that our city is clean and healthy for all its inhabitants," Jon said, looking at the detailed plans for channels and aqueducts.

Thor nodded. "We will build a water system that circulates from the mountain to the city."

"I have a better idea, I can use the grand represeiro, utilizing the roots to draw water from veins hundreds of meters or even kilometers below the ground. And the waste will be treated and reused sustainably with wells, ensuring that Arctic is an example to the world."

As the day progressed, Jon and Thor discussed every aspect of the city, from the grand avenues to the smallest alleys. Each decision was made with care and consideration, not just for the present, but for the legacy they would leave for future generations.

In the forge, Jon watched as Thor demonstrated the art of shaping metal. He learned about the properties of different materials that he was yet to be acquainted with, how they could be used to create not just weapons and armor, but also tools and pieces for construction, further improving his own skills.

As the afternoon turned into night, Jon and Thor, surrounded by engineers and craftsmen, continued to work, illuminated by the light of torches and the glow of a promising future. Each line drawn, each stone sculpted, each plan formulated, was a step towards the realization of a shared dream - the construction of Arctic, the greatest city the world had ever seen.

In the night:

As night fell over Arctic, a mantle of tranquility enveloped the land, but for Jon Snow, the darkness brought a series of other vital tasks. Isolated in his workspace, surrounded by the soft glow of torches in his own personal residence, Jon delved into the arts that would sustain and strengthen his emerging kingdom.

Production of EldenMetal:

Jon began his night in the forge, a place heated by the incessant fire with lava taken from the volcano where they mined dragon glass, which never extinguished. With the raw metal in front of him, he used his magical abilities and his runic boxes to infuse it with the special properties of EldenMetal. His hands moved with precision and care, manipulating the metal until it shone with a greenish glow, a sign of its completion.

Energizing the Represeiro:

After the forge, Jon went to the grand represeiro, the sacred tree and source of life for Arctic. Placing his hands on the robust trunk, he channeled his magical energy, stimulating the growth and vitality of the tree. Under his touch, the roots deepened and the branches extended, reaching higher and higher into the night sky.

Care for the Plants in the Greenhouses:

Jon then visited the greenhouses, where a variety of plants and herbs thrived under his careful care. Here, he applied his knowledge of botany and magic, ensuring that each plant received the nutrition and energy necessary to grow. His greenhouses were a test for the agricultural techniques he planned to implement throughout the kingdom.

Practice of Alchemy:

Finally, Jon retreated to his alchemy laboratory, a place of mysteries and discoveries. Among vials and scrolls, he mixed ingredients, seeking to create potions and elixirs that healed diseases, strengthened his people, and perhaps, unraveled new secrets of magic. Each experiment was a step toward a deeper understanding of the natural and magical mysteries of the world.

These nighttime activities of Jon were to finalize his day packed with activity, primarily for a child, but Jon knew the responsibility he had, that he must ensure for the future of his people.

As weeks turned to moons, the area around the represeiro was in constant transformation, with the Dwarves working tirelessly in the excavation and planning of basic sanitation. Jon, inspired by the cities of Braavos and King's Landing, emphasized the importance of careful urban planning. He was determined to ensure that Arctic was a clean and well-organized city, free from the problems that plagued King's Landing.

Using his power, Jon made the roots of the represeiro pull underground rivers, creating a running water system around the tree. His dream of a city with rivers running through its midst was becoming a reality, and with the Dwarves in charge of the design, the possibilities were limitless.

As Arctic took shape under the vast sky and the skilled hands of its builders, Jon Snow dedicated himself to a task as vital as raising walls and forging alliances. Over the weeks, amidst the constant hum of activity and the relentless rhythm of progress, Jon turned to the Children of the Forest, cheerful and gentle beings who had become his allies and friends. They, who had walked in the shadows of history, now saw a chance for a new awakening under the leadership and magic of Jon.

With the help of the Children of the Forest, Jon embarked on the delicate and complex task of revitalizing the ancient race. Using his magic and vast knowledge of alchemy, he formulated potions that sought to restore the lost fertility and vitality. Mixing rare and powerful ingredients under the daylight, he created luminous elixirs that promised to bring new hope. The Children of the Forest, with eyes glowing with gratitude and newfound respect for Jon, drank the potions, feeling the ancient magic coursing again in their veins.

But Jon's task did not stop at alchemy. He joined the Children of the Forest to learn the sacred art of cultivating represeiros. These trees, more than mere organisms, were intertwined with magic, history, and life. Under the guidance of the Children, Jon learned to sow and nurture these sacred trees, to infuse them with energy, and to weave the enchantment that would transform them into much more than trees - into symbols of power and protection for Arctic along with the ancient gods.

With each represeiro that grew, Jon felt his own connection with the land and the ancient magic deepen. He spent time speaking softly to the trees, touching them with hands full of power and promises. And, under his care, Arctic not only grew in size and strength but also in magic and connection with beings above this world, their gods.

The Children of the Forest, inspired by Jon's care and dedication, flourished. New lives began to emerge among them with two pregnant; they were asexual despite all appearing as girls, small signs of a bright and promising future. With Jon and the children, they created new heart-trees, homes for their people, under the gentle light of the sun and the protective shade of the represeiros around the grand represeiro, which Jon isolated from the city area to create a sacred grove and the natural home of the children. These small beings, once doomed to oblivion, now walked with heads held high and eyes full of hope.

Jon Snow, amidst the tumult of construction and planning, found moments of peace and fulfillment alongside the Children of the Forest. He knew that every potion created, every tree planted, every gesture of care was a step toward a world where magic was not feared but celebrated. A world where every being, great or small, had a place and a purpose. And as Arctic rose majestic and powerful, it was the silent magic and the resurgence of an ancient race that truly marked the birth of a new era.

Jon's vision for Arctic was materializing day after day, with each community member contributing their unique skills and knowledge. Under the leadership of Jon Snow, the Arctic Tribe was not just building a city; it was establishing a new standard of living, where every being, no matter how great or small, had a place and a purpose.

During the month of intense organization and planning, Jon Snow spared no effort to ensure that the infrastructure and resources of the Arctic Tribe were sustainable and advanced. One of his notable achievements was the creation of a 1 km² forest of special wood called EldenWood that he developed as soon as he arrived on the other side of the sea. This wood, three times stronger than the known ironwood, became the main source of building material for the people. EldenWood, with its exceptional strength and durability, was ideal for constructing structures that would last centuries in addition to providing unparalleled beauty.

Jon Snow, with the vision of a king and the future of this place in mind, contemplated the vast fields that stretched beyond the limits of the city of Arctic. He knew that a prosperous kingdom depended not only on strong walls and powerful alliances but also on a solid foundation of sustenance and nutrition. With this in mind, he dedicated himself to the meticulous task of developing an extensive agricultural area, a sea of verdant fields that promised to feed the present and future of his people.

Away from the bustle of the main city, Jon planned the fields with a clear vision. He wanted to ensure that urban life flourished without the risk of pollution or resource scarcity. The fields would be a world apart, but vital for the health and well-being of Arctic.

With the Children of the Forest and the Dwarves by his side, Jon introduced advanced crop rotation techniques, a practice that would allow the land to regenerate and maintain its fertility over the years along with enriching the fertile land with his magic. He studied ancient agricultural practices and the innovations that some scholars theorized but never put into practice. After testing what really worked and combining them to create a system that was sustainable and efficient, he created the place he called the kingdom's farm with countless kilometers for planting.

As he planned the fields, Jon also considered the expansive future of Arctic. He anticipated the population growth and the possible expansion of cities around the capital. With a vision that surpassed his own life, Jon planned the planting and agricultural production to sustain up to 30 million people. It was an ambitious plan, a challenge to nature itself, but Jon was determined to see Arctic not just survive, but thrive within and outside its lands in the future when he opened its trade to the outside world.

With every seed planted, every field plowed, and every harvest, Jon saw the future of Arctic unfolding. He envisioned a realm of abundance and security, where no one would go hungry, and everyone would have what they needed.

Although Jon had ambitious plans to further expand the cultivation areas and greenhouses, he knew he would need resources that his kingdom could not offer him. It would be necessary to negotiate resources like sand and wait for the right moment to implement these ideas, once his kingdom produced a good amount of resources for trade. One of his trade route initiatives was to establish trade with Dorne, offering the common ice from the lands beyond the wall, an abundant resource in Arctic, to the warmer regions, which would be extremely valuable, despite seeming impossible to bring ice from one side of the continent to the other extreme tip to the south. Jon had something in mind that could solve this problem. This trade would not only strengthen the economy of Arctic but also establish the tribe as an influential commercial force, and he planned for the entire world to know and trade his products in the future.

For this, Jon also planned the construction of a naval canal in the middle of the capital, an engineering feat that would allow the direct transport and trade of goods by large vessels. This canal would not only facilitate trade but also become an architectural landmark and a symbol of the progress and prosperity of Arctic both as a naval military force and a large commercial fleet.

In addition to his achievements in infrastructure and trade, Jon was deeply committed to education and the sharing of knowledge. He collaborated with the Dwarves to plan an institution of learning four times larger than the Citadel, where his people could study languages, mathematics, history, and the arts of the mind that he was learning and make this access free for the entire population. This learning center would not just be a place for education but also a place where future generations of Arctic could grow, innovate, and contribute to the continuity of the kingdom.

Jon's plans reflected his understanding that a prosperous kingdom is based not just on physical resources but also on wisdom, knowledge, and the well-being of its people. With each decision and innovation, Jon was paving the way for a bright and sustainable future for Arctic, a realm that would be admired and respected around the world.

In his tireless dedication to the growth and prosperity of Arctic, Jon Snow reserved an hour every night to channel his magical power into the great represeiro tree. His goal was not only to promote the physical growth of the tree but also to infuse the region with vital energy that would ward off the relentless cold and promote warm, green life and fields around it. In just one month, the tree grew an impressive 3 meters, the snow within a few meters of it melted away, and grass began to sprout around it, a sign of the awakening of the land. Jon envisioned the tree as the beating heart of Arctic. While it seemed impossible, having seen what he saw in that sacred grove where he gained his powers, he knew that with magic he could transform this icy place into the greenest place in the world. The great represeiro was a continuous source of energy and protection for the kingdom long after his death.

With wisdom granted by the gods, Jon also had ambitious plans for the future. He dreamt of revolutionizing Arctic with mana crystal trees that would provide continuous light and heating, making Arctic the first city in the world to never sleep during the night. However, he knew that this vision would require years of study and experimentation to realize. Jon could imagine the grandeur of this future, but he still needed to unravel the secrets and mechanics of how to make it a reality.

In addition to his plans for the city, Jon was also committed to the well-being of the animals that called Arctic home. He planned to create a vast 30 km² forest, a natural sanctuary to welcome over 5,000 giant wolves. This forest would be a self-sufficient ecosystem with lakes, rivers, and a variety of prey, allowing wolves and other animals such as bears, shadow cats, and birds to live freely and happily.

The security of Arctic was of utmost importance to Jon. He planned to build an imposing wall around the entire area, creating a fortification that would protect his people from any external threat. This massive project would take years to complete, but Jon was prepared to dedicate the time and resources necessary to ensure the safety and stability of his kingdom when he began the project.

As the first months of transformations in Arctic came to a close, Jon looked to the future with a mix of determination and expectation.

Jon knew he would not live forever, and even at 9 namedays, he knew he needed to create something grand that would last many ages after his death, a powerful, rich, and happy place. This would be his legacy in this world, and he was dedicated to giving everything he had to make this a reality.


Attention: Time jump of 2 years!



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