Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

The Beginning of a Nation! 02

[Chapter Size: 2600 Words.]


Jon Snow POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 290 AC, Some time later.


In the planning tent set up near the great oak, Jon Snow, Thor, and a group of dwarf engineers gathered around a table filled with scrolls and drawings. Although scarce on this side of the Wall, the dwarves had a few useful things stored for millennia. The soft light of the lanterns cast dancing shadows as they fervently discussed the future of Ártica, which was still a small settlement.

"I thank everyone for joining me in this endeavor. The visions that Brynden shared with me of the past show cities of grandeur and flaws. I want to learn from both to build Ártica not just as a city but as the greatest city in the known world," Jon spoke to all present, including the leading dwarves and their guards with a raven from Brynden.

"Jon Snow, your vision is ambitious. We, the Dwarves, are master builders and forgers. Tell us more about your ideas, and we will tell you how they can be realized with stone and metal," Thor commented, crossing his arms, having already decided with his people to take this step if what the boy said was true, his people would live well in this new place.

"Tell us about the main infrastructures. In our mountains, firmness and durability are essential. How do you plan to apply this in Ártica?" another dwarf spoke.

"The basis of everything will be sanitation and water. I want the roots of the oak to help create a natural system of purification and water distribution, drawing from large water veins in the soil. Moreover, each structure must be built to last millennia, if not tens of millennia," Jon spoke with his youthful voice, but maintaining firmness.

"Interesting. We can use advanced engineering techniques to integrate the city with the surrounding nature, using resistant materials and sustainable methods," a second dwarf spoke.

"Exactly. And about the dwellings and public spaces, I want them to reflect the beauty and strength of Ártica, providing comfort and safety for all inhabitants," the boy began drawing points on the map in front of him.

"Our craftsmen can work stone and wood like no other. We will make Ártica a wonder that reflects both the grandeur of nature and the spirit of its people, as you say," the dwarf king mentioned.

"I'm looking forward to seeing this. And let's not forget about spaces for markets, schools, and meeting places. Ártica will be a center of commerce, learning, and culture."

"And the defenses? A city of this caliber will attract a lot of attention from all lands."

"We plan robust walls and fortifications in the coming years, but let's focus on the city itself, people, and military strength. The wall you plan to have will be a thousand kilometers," Jon spoke, drawing 4 lines kilometers away from the settlement.

"That's huge, it will take several years!" a dwarf exclaimed.

"Yes, it's a colossal structure, but I'd say it could be completed between 3 to 5 years with the giants and you, however, that will be addressed in the future," Jon spoke.

"Jon Snow, your vision for Ártica is unlike anything we've seen. If your actions continue to reflect your words, you will have the support of the Dwarves," Thor spoke, looking at the plans for the future, thinking that this might be the place he will call home with his people.

With a mutual nod, the meeting ended, but the work was just beginning. In the days and weeks that followed, the plans for Ártica would take shape, each discussion and decision bringing them closer to creating a city that would be remembered through the ages, a city born from the union of peoples and the vision of a leader determined to leave a legacy of prosperity and peace.

In the central clearing where the free people used to gather, the arrival of the Dwarves caused a buzz of curiosity and caution. Jon Snow, alongside Thor and a small group of Dwarves, walked towards the crowd that was forming.

"Who are these little ones, Jon? Where did they come from?" someone raised the question.

"These are the Dwarves, long-lost friends. They possess skills and strength that go beyond their stature. They will be responsible for being the kingdom's artisans, they will be in charge of constructing this city, and I ask for mutual contribution to create a place that can be home to all," Jon spoke to the crowd, who looked quite surprised at the small men. For most, when a dwarf was born among the free people, they killed them, saying it was a punishment from the old gods. (Author here: It's a bit heavy, but I believe that's how these people behaved...)

"By all the old gods... this is incredible, is there an entire people of dwarves?!" One of them asked aloud and alarmed.

During the rest of the day, thousands of dwarves who left the mountain and arrived in Ártica setting up their temporary tents, they quickly outnumbered the other races, as there were less than 8 thousand humans and less than a thousand giants.

The next day, they began to execute the construction plans throughout the settlement, the free people joined them, despite initial prejudice, as the free people saw the dwarves as inferior beings, it was proven that they could not be underestimated, they beat anyone who messed with them, as their strength is beyond what humans could have.

As the day progressed, the Dwarves continued to show their strength and mastery. They raised some stone structures in record time, demonstrating not only strength but also impeccable teamwork, being the first houses of the kingdom, free people were amazed with a structure like that.

As night fell over Ártica and the light of the fire flickered on the faces of Dwarves and humans, a melody began to form. A dwarf pulled out his instrument, a kind of lyre made of precious metals, and began to play an ancient tune, a song of his people. A human, encouraged by the music, joined in with a drum, adding rhythm to the melody. Soon, voices began to rise in harmony, intoning a song of union and hope.


"Under the mountain, we forge and fight,

Hidden treasures in our stone home,

With hammers and flames, our story we write,

In the depths of the earth, where dragons lay."

Free People in a stronger tone:

"In the open lands, we live free and strong,

Under the vast sky, our will resonates,

With bows and spears, we defend our ground,

In fields and forests, our spirit echoes."


"Now united, under the same starry sky,

Dwarves and humans, side by side,

We build Ártica, our combined strength,

In a new dawn, our alliance is consecrated."


"With stone and metal, the future we shape,

In forges and mines, our destiny we trace."

Free People:

"With courage and strength, life we cultivate,

In lands and rivers, our path we pave."


"For Ártica, we march together ahead,

For a home where each is brave,

In every heart, a persistent flame,

For the glory of a growing kingdom."

The song grew in volume and passion, with more voices joining the chorus, sharing the vision of a future where Dwarves and humans would no longer be separate peoples, but a united community. And as the last note echoed into the night, a feeling of fraternity filled the air, sealing not just a promise of cooperation, but a lasting brotherhood.

The initial jeers gave way to conversations and shared stories. The free people began to ask about the Dwarves' techniques, while the Dwarves, in turn, showed interest in the traditions and survival skills of the free people.

"I place my faith that Ártica will be a place for all of us, a place of strength, skill, and unity," Thor said, raising his mug.

"Today, we see the beginning of a new era. Where once there was mistrust, now camaraderie flourishes. Together, we will build a future where all will thrive," Jon toasted with Thor.

Laughter and conversations continued through the night, and, although there was still much to be done and many challenges ahead, on that night, under the starry sky, Dwarves and the free people found common ground, united by the leadership of Jon Snow and the promise of a new home called Ártica.

The free people, initially curious and a bit skeptical about the Dwarves, soon began to see the strength and skill of these new allies. Some initial mocking gave way to respect, especially after witnessing the Dwarves' surprising strength compared to ordinary humans. It didn't take long for camaraderie to blossom between the two cultures. The Dwarves, despite their gruff appearance and focus on the forges during the day, proved to be cheerful and friendly creatures at night, enjoying beer, songs, and good laughs.

The talents of the Dwarves quickly impressed Jon's people even more over the weeks, and even William, one of the boy's most trusted members, became an apprentice to a renowned 800-year-old dwarf. Jon discovered that the Dwarves had notable longevity, living up to 3,000 years, a revelation that opened up even more possibilities for the lasting contribution of these beings to his kingdom.

With the Dwarves now on board and the free people adapting to their new neighbors, Jon's vision for a prosperous and inclusive kingdom was becoming a reality. Together, they would work to build not just a city but a community where each person, regardless of their race or origin, could find a home and a purpose. Jon knew that the path ahead would be full of challenges, but the union of these diverse and talented cultures under strong and visionary leadership promised a future of success, harmony, and greatness.

The arrival of the Dwarves not only surprised the free people but also the Dwarves themselves were impressed with Jon Snow. The young king was not just a natural leader; he also showed a surprising talent in the forge and meticulous planning for the future city. For the Dwarves, who valued skill and mastery above all, Jon represented extraordinary potential. They saw in him the possibility of surpassing even the best of their race if given proper training.

With this insight, Jon was accepted as an apprentice to the leader of the Dwarves. The logic was clear: if Jon was to reign in the future, he needed to master the skills that his new population valued so much. The discovery that Jon was immune to fire only increased the Dwarves' respect and fascination for him. The sight of Jon bathing in lava collected from the nearby volcano left everyone in awe and reinforced the idea that he was a special figure, destined for great deeds.

With 10,000 Dwarves now integrated into the Ártica tribe, Jon envisioned the possibility of recruiting even more. Despite their initially grumpy temperament, the Dwarves quickly became an integral part of the community, especially after Jon introduced cigars made from special herbs that he magically cultivated. The dwarf women took over the production of these cigars, and the smoking habit became a source of calm and pleasure for many.

Moreover, Jon fulfilled an ancient desire of the Dwarves by reviving the production of their beers and introducing a new drink called rum. For thousands of years, the Dwarves had not been able to produce their beers due to the lack of sunlight remaining in the depths of the mountain, which hindered their cultivation. Jon, with his magic, created the necessary plants and, after several trials, managed to recreate the much-dreamed-of dwarf beer and rum. Soon, these drinks became popular not only among the Dwarves but also among the free people and even the giants.

At the end of each day, the entire population of Ártica, a vibrant mix of cultures and races, enjoyed cigars and beer, sharing moments of relaxation and camaraderie. The satisfaction and happiness were palpable, and if Jon conducted a happiness index survey, he would undoubtedly find surprisingly high numbers. He was building more than a kingdom; he was creating a united and prosperous community, where each member, no matter their origin, felt valued and part of something bigger. Jon Snow, with his visionary leadership and extraordinary skills, was paving the way for a bright future for all under his rule.

During the first month after the arrival of the Dwarves, Jon Snow restructured and relocated the people of the Ártica Tribe to ensure that everyone was contributing to the construction of the new kingdom. He organized the population according to their skills and needs, creating an efficient and sustainable system that leveraged the best of each race and individual. In front of Jon is a sheet detailing a more in-depth allocation and the work done by the Ártica Tribe.

Ártica Tribe - Members:

- Dwarves: 10,000, divided among males, females, and children, forming a robust and skilled community.

- Humans: 7,500, with a distribution among genders and ages, representing human diversity and adaptability.

- Giants: 700, an imposing and gentle force, essential for tasks requiring brute strength.

- Dire Wolves, normal wolves, bears, shadow cats, mammoths, and birds: creatures that add their unique abilities to the fabric of the tribe.

Soldiers (Morning Training with a general from each race Ducken/Serena/Thor):

- Humans, Giants, and Dwarves: forming the backbone of the Ártica Tribe's army, training diligently under the guidance of their respective leaders.

Ártica Tribe - Afternoon Jobs:

- Production of cigars and beverages (beer/rum): Employing primarily dwarf women, these tasks leverage the traditional skills of the Dwarves and provide essential products for the well-being of the tribe.

- Dragon glass mines and kitchen: Utilizing the dwarf workforce to extract valuable resources and ensure the population's food supply.

- Wood cultivation: Essential for the construction and maintenance of the kingdom's structures.

Jobs of Male Dwarves:

- Excavation/Construction: Focused on building the city area and harvest areas, using their innate skills to shape the land.

- Forge: Producing high-quality weapons, tools, and supports for use throughout the kingdom.

Jobs of Men:

- Mining: Humans engaged in the extraction of iron, steel, gold, and coal, crucial resources for the construction and economy of the kingdom.

- Wood cultivation: Working side by side with the Dwarves to ensure a constant supply of wood.

Jobs of Women:

- Plant/Fruit cultivation and Handicrafts: Women dedicated to growing and creating handmade products, contributing their skills to the well-being and economy of the kingdom.

- Clothing Production and Assistance to other services: Ensuring that all the population's needs are met efficiently and with care.

Other Jobs:

- Guards and Transport/logistics: Giants and mammoths play vital roles in security and the movement of goods and people within the kingdom, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

Jon Snow implemented a work structure that not only optimizes the skills of each member of the Ártica Tribe but also promotes a community where everyone has a role and purpose. This meticulous and inclusive approach to organizing the kingdom lays a solid foundation for future growth, prosperity, and harmony, reflecting Jon's vision and leadership as a king who values each individual and seeks the best for his people.

Life in the Ártica Tribe under Jon Snow's leadership was becoming a symphony of hard work, innovation, and community celebration. The animals, including dire wolves, bears, shadow cats, and birds, served as vigilant sentinels, protecting the region and ensuring the safety of all and being Jon's eyes. At night, after a productive day of work, everyone gathered to celebrate the day's achievements, sharing stories, food, and drink, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and joy.



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