Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 49 – The Most Arrogant Folk! 04.

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]


Third Person POV

Wall, 292 AC, At the some momment.


Continuing the conversation between Jon and Aemon, the two delved deeper into the details of the ambitious educational project for Arctica.

"Interesting! This old man would like to know more about this place," Aemon asked, interested.

"Arctica will not just be a refuge for the exiled and displaced tribes of the free people," Jon said, "but a cradle that will be the future of knowledge and learning in the world." He envisioned a fully literate population, where each person, regardless of their origin, would have access to education and knowledge in various fields.

"Uncle Aemon, my goal is to create a fully literate population in Arctica. I want everyone to have knowledge about history, science, art, and more. For this, we need to train qualified teachers," Jon explained enthusiastically.

Aemon, adjusting his glasses, looked at Jon with a mix of surprise and admiration. "That's a monumental task, Jon. But coming from you, I expect no less. Education is the key to progress and peace. You are planning a revolution, not just political, but cultural and intellectual."

Jon nodded, his face lit up by the passion for his ideas. "Precisely, uncle. Arctica will be a place where the mind is as valued as the strength of the arm. I want to create a society where knowledge is power, and that power is accessible to everyone, just as I received my knowledge from the gods when I was just a bastard."

"This will change not just your lands if realized, but it could impact the entire known world," Aemon said, reflecting on Jon's vision's potential. "It's a huge challenge, but if anyone can make it happen, it's you."

"With your help too, uncle, I'm sure we can turn this vision into reality," said Jon, gratitude and determination in his voice.

Aemon smiled, feeling a wave of pride and hope. "I'm quite excited for this, my boy."

Together, Jon and Aemon spent hours in the library, outlining a curriculum, discussing teaching strategies, and planning how to recruit and train the future teachers of Arctica. It was the beginning of a grand project, one that could change the fate of many and leave an indelible mark in history.

After a while, a silence settled in the room as they finished their conversation. As the comfortable silence filled the room after the conversation, Jon observed Aemon with a thoughtful look. There was something he needed to do, something he had planned since arriving at Castle Black.

"Uncle, before anything else, may I see your eyes?" Jon asked, his voice soft but firm.

Aemon, a bit surprised by the request, nodded. "Of course, Jon. But why?"

Jon didn't respond immediately. Instead, he stood up and approached Aemon. Two years ago, Jon had given the old maester a potion - an elixir that he hoped could improve his health and perhaps do more. Now, it was time to see if his healing magic was strong enough to heal Aemon's eyes.

Jon extended his hand, and as his fingers neared Aemon's eyes, they began to emit a soft green light. Aemon felt a wave of warmth emanating from Jon's hands, a sensation that was both strange and comforting.

For two minutes, the room was silent, except for the soft hum that seemed to emanate from Jon's hand. Then, he removed his hands and spoke, "Try to open your eyes, uncle." Hearing this, Aemon slowly opened his eyes, and an expression of surprise and admiration took over his face. For the first time in many years, his eyes were clear, and he could see Jon as he truly was – Just a boy smiling at him expectantly.

Aemon began to cry, tears of joy running down his face. "Jon... I... I can see. Truly see again," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

Jon smiled, feeling a wave of relief and satisfaction. "You deserve this, uncle. I knew I could heal you this time, but wasn't sure how effective it would be."

"To think that an old man like me would receive so many benefits at such an advanced age," Aemon said, still incredulous. "The Gods still look after me after all."

"They do, uncle. And you have much to offer still," Jon replied. "That's why Arctica needs you and others." Armon nodded at Jon's words.

"Jon, I will accompany you, let's make this kingdom shine," Aemon said with firm decisiveness.

"Great uncle!" Jon said happily.

After the exciting healing of Maester Aemon, Jon and he prepared to leave Castle Black. Aemon, with renewed energy and an expression of astonishment and gratitude, accompanied Jon through the corridors. The rangers passing by them stopped and looked with surprise, unable to believe that the old maester could now walk with open eyes, clearly seeing everything around him as he walked with the child.

As they approached the main gate of the castle, the news of Aemon's restored vision had already spread, creating a buzz among the men of the Night's Watch. Some approached to confirm for themselves, looking at Aemon with a mix of incredulity and admiration.

Passing by Lord Commander Mormont, Jon noticed the old leader's surprised look. Mormont, who had seen many things in his life since he first met Jon, now looked at Jon as if nothing else could surprise him. With a nod of the head and a discreet smile, Mormont said, "It seems you'll never cease to amaze me, Jon Snow."

Before leaving, Aemon spoke with Lord Commander Mormont to inform him of his decision to accompany Jon to Arctica. Mormont, though initially hesitant, understood Aemon's decision and said he would release him from his vows.

Finally, Jon and Aemon crossed the gate of Castle Black, heading to the small army's camp north of the Wall. The camp, a mix of tents and temporary luxurious structures, was bustling with activity, with giants, dwarfs, and humans working side by side.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted with a mix of curiosity and respect. Jon introduced Aemon to his men, explaining his role in Arctica and the importance of his wisdom and knowledge. Aemon, in turn, observed everything with a curious and interested look, clearly eager to start this new phase of his life after hearing from the soldiers about their life in this mysterious kingdom.

Jon guided Aemon through the bustling camp, among figures of giants, dwarfs, and humans, to an imposing tent, clearly larger and more ornamented than the others with dwarfs and humans as guards. After Jon greeted them, he turned to Aemon. "Get ready to meet Eragon," said Jon, a smile of pride and affection on his face.

As they entered the tent, Aemon immediately felt a change in the atmosphere. The air was warmer, and there was a palpable energy that seemed to emanate from a corner lit by torches. There, curled up, was Eragon, the dragon. Though still young and the size of a large cat, the dragon possessed an undeniable beauty and majesty as its four paws were wrapped around itself. Its white scales with green stripes shone under the torchlight, and its eyes, like two sapphires, glowed with surprising intelligence, as when Jon entered the tent, he sensed his father and raised curious eyes.

Aemon, speechless, slowly approached the dragon. "Incredible," he whispered, extending a trembling hand to touch Eragon's scales. The dragon, in turn, raised its head toward Aemon, watching the elderly man with curiosity before gently allowing the contact.

"Eragon, this is Aemon, a friend and a wise advisor," Jon introduced, observing the interaction between the two. "He will help us in Arctica."

Aemon, still amazed, looked at Jon. "He is magnificent, Jon. I never imagined I would see a dragon, much less one as extraordinary as Eragon. His existence is a true miracle."

Jon nodded, watching Eragon snuggle comfortably close to Aemon. "He is more than a miracle, uncle. He is a symbol of hope and a sign that great changes are coming."

Eragon, sensing Aemon's admiration and respect, let out a small, soft roar, as if agreeing with Jon's words. Aemon smiled, feeling an immediate connection with the creature.

"Eragon senses your blood, uncle. It seems he recognizes you as a Targaryen, even though he does not know it," said Jon.

Aemon, looking at Eragon and then at Jon, felt a wave of optimism and purpose. "Thank you, my boy. You don't know how you are making this old man happy at the end of his life."

That night, Aemon stayed with Jon in the tent, accompanied by Eragon in Jon's lap, as the dragon considered his father irreplaceable. After hours of conversation and as Jon recounted the way he raised Eragon, they finally went to rest.

The next morning, Castle Black was filled with murmurs and looks of surprise to see Maester Aemon walking through the hall with a clarity of vision many thought had been lost forever. Jon, accompanied by Benjen and Aemon, was sitting at the table, enjoying a peaceful breakfast, despite the curious and sometimes hostile looks of the other members of the Night's Watch towards Jon.

In the midst of lively conversation, the voice of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont echoed through the hall, drawing everyone's attention. "Jon, I didn't warn you yesterday, but two years ago the king sent a decree demanding your presence in King's Landing." His statement, laden with seriousness, turned the murmur in the hall into an expectant silence.

Jon turned to Mormont, an expression of disbelief mixed with amusement on his face. His initial reaction was a loud, defiant laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughter echoed through the hall, surprising all present. "Lord Commander, please write this to the king," Jon said, still laughing. "Tell him I said to shove that royal decree up his ass!" His bold statement left the hall in a state of silent shock.

Lord Commander Mormont, known for his composure and seriousness, was visibly stunned by Jon's response. His mouth opened slightly in surprise, and he stared at Jon, unable to immediately formulate a response. Jon's audacity in openly challenging the king was something Mormont had never witnessed, and he didn't know exactly how to react.

Meanwhile, Jon, realizing the impact of his words, continued to laugh, clearly not intimidated by the king's authority or the potential consequences of his bold refusal. Jon's audacious response to the royal decree sent shockwaves through the hall of Castle Black, provoking a variety of reactions among the members of the Night's Watch. Many rangers, accustomed to the rigidity of discipline and strict observance of the chain of command, were stunned by Jon's boldness. Their eyes widened, and some exchanged incredulous looks, silently questioning if they had heard correctly.

Some of the younger brothers of the Night's Watch could barely contain smiles of admiration. They whispered among themselves, clearly impressed by Jon's courage in openly challenging the Iron Throne.

Afterward, Jon decided to spend some time with his uncle Benjen. They went out together, walking to where Benjen's wolf was sleeping. Two years ago, Jon had entrusted a wolf pup to Benjen, a brother to his own mount, Ghost. This wolf, now standing at an impressive 2.1 meters tall, hadn't grown as much as Ghost but was still a majestic and imposing creature.

Benjen spoke fondly of the wolf, explaining how it had become a loyal and protective companion during his journeys beyond the Wall. "Thundrice has saved me three times, Jon," Benjen said, stroking the wolf he had named. "Not just a companion, but a true savior."

Jon smiled, pleased to see the strong bond that had formed between Benjen and the wolf. He led Benjen and the wolf to meet Ghost outside the wall. Watching the two wolves together was a spectacle – they immediately recognized each other as brothers and began to play and run around each other, despite Ghost being much larger.

Later that day, Jon joined Maester Aemon to make the most of Castle Black's library. They spent hours discussing books and scrolling through scrolls, with Jon eagerly absorbing the knowledge contained within them. Although he knew he couldn't take the books with him to Arctica, Jon planned to negotiate with Mormont in the future to make copies, once he had enough literate people in his kingdom.

Aemon shared his own books with Jon, many of them about dragons, providing valuable information that could be useful in caring for and understanding Eragon. "These books are treasures, Jon," said Aemon. "They can help in raising Eragon and perhaps even reveal lost secrets about the dragons of Valyria."

During the ten days Jon Snow remained at Castle Black, he immersed himself in a series of activities, both within the castle and with his army camped north of the Wall. His presence brought a new and vibrant dynamic to the place.

At Castle Black, Jon spent a lot of time in the library, absorbing knowledge alongside Maester Aemon. They discussed strategies, ancient histories, and the care of dragons, preparing for the future challenges in Arctica. Jon also participated in training with the rangers, demonstrating his improved combat and strategy skills, which increased respect and admiration for him among the brothers of the Night's Watch.

A notable occasion was a training duel with Ser Allister Thorne. Thorne, known for his disdain for recruits and especially for Jon, underestimated the young man of 11 years. To everyone's surprise, Jon overcame Thorne with skill and dexterity, leaving him with a bleeding nose and a black eye. This event only reinforced the respect and admiration that many rangers already had for Jon, especially the younger recruits who saw him as a role model.

Outside Castle Black, Jon dedicated his time to training with his army. He worked side by side with giants, dwarfs, and humans, strengthening the cohesion and effectiveness of his forces. Jon led his men in rigorous exercises, preparing them for any challenges they might face in the future.

Additionally, Jon spent time with his wolf, Ghost, and his dragon, Eragon. He spent hours training and caring for them, strengthening the bonds and mutual understanding between them.

These ten days at Castle Black were a strange period for him. Without green visions, intense training, and his projects for Arctica, he was finally having a less intense moment after years, so he made sure to enjoy it, especially with Aemon and Benjen.

During these ten days, at Castle Winterfell, Lord Eddard Stark was in his solar, busy with the responsibilities that came with his position. He was responding to correspondences from other lords, managing the affairs of the North, when something unexpected happened. A raven from the Night's Watch, one that Jon had warged to fly faster, abruptly arrived at Ned's solar window.

Lord Stark, surprised by this familiar scene, knew that a raven coming to him and not to Maester Luwin meant one thing. He approached to receive the message. His heart sped up as he recognized the seal of the Night's Watch. He quickly opened the message, and upon reading the first lines, a mix of relief and shock took over him. "Jon," he murmured to himself, incredulous.

The message contained news of Jon, who had reappeared after two years of disappearance, an absence that had left Ned deeply concerned, even fearing that the son had met a tragic end beyond the Wall with the lack of contact in those hostile lands. The content of the letter, detailing Jon's appearance with 2500 men and armored giants, was a small exercise that Jeor Mormont couldn't help but write about how concerning such a force emerging from the other side of the wall was.

Sitting at his desk, Lord Stark took a moment to absorb the information. Jon was not only alive, but he had established a kingdom beyond the Wall and now commanded a diverse army. The boy he had seen leave years ago made him regret very much having let him go at that time. But it seems the boy had returned and wanted to visit him in Winterfell.

After a few moments of reflection, Ned decided he needed to see Jon in person, to better understand what was happening. He quickly wrote in the letter that Jon was authorized to enter the North and if he needed help, he would send a troop of Stark soldiers to the Wall. He placed the letter on the same raven and as he expected, the bird turned and flew away, acting like no other bird in Westeros, a gift he knew his nephew had.

As Ned Stark continued to sit in his solar, his thoughts revolved around the surprising news about Jon. The boy who had left Winterfell, laden with uncertainties and the shadow of the stigma of being a bastard, had transformed into something he couldn't imagine just with the words of the letter.

"Jon, what did you find beyond those ice walls that changed you so much?" Ned wondered. The letter mentioned a kingdom called Arctica, armored giants, and a formidable army. "How did you achieve such a feat?" He knew the answer wouldn't be simple and could only wait for Jon's arrival in Winterfell to ask.

And the idea of Jon returning to Winterfell filled Ned with anxious anticipation. He wondered what the reunion would be like. "Jon is no longer a child, from what I see," Ned thought. "How will our relationship be now? And how will the North react to this new Jon Snow?"

He also pondered the political implications. The existence of Arctica and Jon's presence as its leader could bring new dynamics to the power game in the Seven Kingdoms. A kingdom with an army of armored giants? What would the southerners think of a kingdom emerging beyond the Wall?

As he awaited Jon's arrival, Ned felt torn between the joy of meeting his son again and the concern over the uncertainties this reunion would bring. But one thing was certain, he had to inform his children about the arrival of their long-lost brother.


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