Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 50 – Winterfell 01.

[Chapter Size: 4300 Words.]


Third Person POV

The Northern Kingdom, 292 AC, At the same moment.


While Jon trained with the new recruits in the courtyard of Castle Black, a familiar presence approached. It was Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, with an expression that always demonstrated seriousness. Jon, focused on instructing the recruits, looked up upon noticing Mormont approaching.

"Boy, your father's raven has just arrived," announced Jeor, handing Jon a small sealed scroll.

Jon paused, his eyes fixed on the seal of Winterfell. He nodded, already aware of the raven's arrival due to his powers. "Thank you, Lord Commander," he replied, opening the message carefully.

The recruits watched with curiosity, whispering among themselves, Jon read the letter quickly, his face remaining expressionless, but his eyes revealing a slight understanding.

Lord Stark had authorized Jon to pass through Winterfell with some escort, a typical precaution of a worried father. However, Jon didn't want to waste time and decided to go alone. "My uncle has his own affairs now, and the Watch has its problems and I know that bringing my group would not be smart, just like waiting for a Stark escort from Winterfell, so I will leave only with my wolf as a mount." Jon explained to Mormont, his voice calm but firm.

"Very well, Jon. Your response has arrived," said Mormont, handing him the sealed letter with the Stark symbol.

Opening the message, Jon read quickly, his eyes scanning his father's words. Lord Stark requested that he travel with an escort for greater safety, but Jon, confident in his ability and in the protection of his giant wolf, Ghost, decided to travel alone.

"I will leave now, Lord Commander," Jon announced, returning the letter.

Mormont nodded, a look of concern on his face. "Be careful, boy. The North can be as dangerous as the lands beyond the Wall."

Jon smiled slightly, "I know, Lord Commander. But I will be in good company." He was referring to Ghost, who, with his speed and intimidating presence, was more than enough protection.

Heading to the gate, Jon summoned Ghost. The giant wolf, with its imposing armor, entered the courtyard, causing admiration and fear among those present. He was larger than any animal they had ever seen, surpassing even Benjen Stark's wolf in size and presence.

"It's time to go, Ghost," said Jon, stroking the wolf's fur.

Saying goodbye to Aemon, who would stay to take care of Eragon, and his leaders, who ensured the safety of the camp in his absence, Jon mounted Ghost. The two passed through the gate of Castle Black, leaving behind looks of respect and admiration.

Jon and Ghost, his armored giant wolf, left Castle Black, launching into the vast and wild landscape of the North. The speed at which Ghost ran turned the landscape into a blur, with trees and hills passing quickly by his side, moving at 150 km/h, taking Jon quickly through the icy landscape of the North. The speed of Ghost was a spectacle in itself, and Jon felt the cold breeze on his face as he cut through the northern lands after leaving the area of the wall, he felt melancholic, while riding Ghost, this kingdom was where he grew up, so it was nostalgic to be back after a few years.

As they ran and night fell, Jon decided to stop to set up a temporary camp. Skilfully, he prepared a simple shelter and lit a fire, ensuring that both he and Ghost stayed warm in the chilly northern night. As the giant wolf settled near the fire, Jon reflected on recent events and the imminent reunion with his family.

The next morning, the journey continued. Jon and Ghost crossed territories patrolled by the Umbers' soldiers. At one point, a group of patrollers spotted them. Surprised by the sight of a giant armored wolf carrying a young warrior, they barely had time to react. Jon passed them like a rocket, a swift shadow that left the soldiers open-mouthed and astonished.

Further ahead, Jon encountered merchant wagons traveling the roads of the North. His sudden appearance and the imposing presence of Ghost caused a brief moment of panic among the merchants. But Jon, maintaining his calm, just greeted them with a nod and a friendly smile, before moving on. The merchants were relieved to realize that they were not facing a threat, but a boy passing by, although the sight of Jon and his armored wolf was something they would certainly tell in their stories for many years.

Jon Snow's journey back to Winterfell, riding his giant wolf Ghost, was a blend of speed and caution. Despite Ghost's extraordinary speed, Jon opted not to rush the return. Throughout the ten-day journey, Jon and Ghost regularly stopped to rest and camp. On the cold and starry nights of the North, Jon would warg. He hunted for food in the northern forests, using his skills. As the fire crackled, Jon reflected on his past and the future he was about to face.

During the trip, Jon encountered various travelers and patrols. Some were frightened by the sight of Ghost, the armored giant wolf, but Jon's calmness and cordiality quickly dissipated any fear. He came across more merchants, patrollers from lesser houses, and even small groups of hunters. With each encounter, Jon maintained a friendly but reserved demeanor, not lingering longer than necessary.

Stories of a young warrior riding a giant wolf began to spread throughout the North. For many, the figure of Jon and Ghost became a living legend, a sign that something extraordinary was happening in the kingdom, and even associating him with the legend of little Jon that still lived in the words of the common people.

Finally, after ten days of journey, the gates of Winterfell came into view. He skirted the area to avoid passing through WinterTown. Jon's heart quickened as he recognized the old walls and towers of his former home and also his former curse that he had to face at this moment.

Jon stopped for a moment, looking at the gates. He wondered how he would be received, what changes he would find, and how his family would react to seeing him, knowing some would not be happy, but he was there for those he still loved. Taking a deep breath, he touched Ghost, indicating it was time to approach.

With a determined step, Jon guided Ghost towards the gates of Winterfell. He was back to this place, no longer as Eddard Stark's bastard, but as Jon Snow, leader of Arctic, with stories and deeds that seemed more legend than reality.



The Northern Kingdom, 292 AC, At the same moment.


In the days leading up to Jon's expected arrival, Lord Eddard Stark experienced a mix of anxiety and reflection. In his solar, he remembered the moment he received the raven from the Night's Watch. The news that Jon had emerged beyond the Wall, leading an army and having made a significant donation to the Watch, was something Ned was still processing. He had conflicting feelings – pride for Jon's achievements and concern for the time he had been away without news.

Ned pondered Jon's intentions and the impact his return would bring. Each passing year, the memory of Jon grew more distant, and now, suddenly, he was on his way home. He still remembered the ravens he received from various lords asking about Jon in the first year, even to his surprise or fear, there was a royal letter asking for Jon's presence in King's Landing.

As the expected date of Jon's arrival approached, Ned kept the fact that Jon was coming to Winterfell a secret, wanting to surprise his family. He knew Jon's presence would bring joy, especially to Arya, who never stopped asking about her brother, even after his long absence. He had already announced that Jon was spotted by the Night's Watch on a giant wolf, making Arya jump with joy at that.

Today was a peaceful morning, while the Stark family was gathered for breakfast, but it was interrupted by a guard rushing into the hall, breaking the moment of calm. The man's worried expression made Ned stand up immediately, his instinct to protect his family awakening.

"What happened?" asked Ned, his voice firm but calm.

"Lord Stark, a giant wolf has been spotted approaching the castle," reported the guard, clearly shaken by the unusual sight.

Everyone was alarmed. Ned, surprised, but quickly understanding that it was Jon and his wolf described by Jeor Mormont, tried to maintain composure. He knew the moment he had been waiting for was about to happen, though surprised by Jon's presence sooner than expected, saying that the boy entered the north without an escort. With a slight smile, he instructed the guard: "Prepare to receive our guest. I want the whole family lined up to welcome Jon."

"What do you mean by that?!" His wife, Catelyn, exclaimed with Jon's name.

The revelation of Ned Stark that Jon was on his way to Winterfell caused a wave of diverse reactions among the Stark family members.

Arya, always the most affectionate towards Jon, lit up with joy and excitement. "Jon is coming back?" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I knew he would come back! He's alive and back for us!" Her joy was palpable, and she could barely contain her impatience to reunite with her beloved brother.

Bran, equally delighted, echoed Arya's excitement. "Jon! I want to see the giant wolf!" he said, jumping from his chair. For him, Jon's arrival was an exciting adventure.

Robb and Sansa, however, had more restrained reactions. Robb, the heir of Winterfell, frowned. He hated Jon, thanks to his half-brother, his name was mocked by everyone in the North, his mother always said that this was Jon's plan to take Winterfell from him.

Sansa, on the other hand, seemed divided. The girl who dreamed of knights and princes didn't know how to fit the bastard half-brother into that fantasy. The idea of a giant wolf intrigued her, but she still maintained the caution instilled by her mother.

Catelyn Stark, hearing Ned's words, felt a wave of displeasure. Her face assumed an expression of discontent. "The bastard... here?" she said, with a cold voice. For Catelyn, Jon had always been a constant reminder of the only stain on her marriage with Ned. She could barely imagine what it would be like to live with the bastard back at home.

Theon Greyjoy, observing everything with an ironic smile, said, "Seems the bastard didn't die after all, Ow!" He exclaimed in pain at the end after Arya kicked him with her words and ran outside.

"Arya, don't run!" Ned warned as he saw his daughter rush outside.

As soon as Arya ran outside, the Stark family began to line up to receive Jon. Tension was in the air, with each family member displaying a mix of feelings. Robb kept a serious face, reflecting on the presence of his half-brother. Sansa, still divided between curiosity and caution, adjusted her dress and tried to compose a neutral expression. Bran, full of childish excitement, could barely stand still, hopping from one foot to the other, eager to see the famous giant wolf.

Ned, while leading the family outside, cast a reproachful look at Theon, whose ironic expression had vanished after Arya's kick. "Theon, control yourself," Ned reprimanded succinctly, before joining his children.

Catelyn, visibly disturbed and reluctant, remained beside her husband with a frown. Her feelings for Jon were complex and bitter, and she did not wish to witness his arrival.

Outside, the guards had closed the gate in a hurry, fearing the giant wolf. For a moment, there was hesitation and uncertainty among them. "Lord Stark, should we open the gate?" asked one of the guards, his voice betraying nervousness.

Ned nodded firmly. "Yes, open it. That wolf is not a threat. It's Ghost, Jon's companion."

The guards quickly obeyed, opening the gate wide enough to allow the entry of the giant wolf. On the other side, Jon waited patiently, his calm demeanor contrasting with the agitation inside the walls of Winterfell.

Jon Snow's entrance into Winterfell was an impressive sight that captured everyone's attention. Dressed in shining armor, adorned with intricate symbols of dragons and wolves, he reflected the summer morning sun of the North, creating an almost hypnotic effect. The armor, made of a greenish metal called Elden, shone intensely, standing out against the backdrop of the castle and the walls of Winterfell around him.

He rode and marched with Ghost, the giant wolf, whose stature exceeded that of any horse ever seen in Winterfell. The Elden armor covering Ghost made him look even more majestic and formidable, with meticulously fitted plates allowing fluid and agile movements.

Jon, on his imposing mount, had a serene look, but his presence exuded an undeniable authority. His eyes, a deep gray with a bright green circle around the irises, were a clear indication of the power he had received from the old gods. These penetrating eyes swept the gathered crowd, conveying a mix of strength, wisdom, and a maturity beyond his years.

As Jon approached, the admiration and awe among the Starks and the inhabitants of Winterfell were palpable. Catelyn, terrified of the creature and the bastard who looked nothing like the frail boy who left Winterfell two years ago, was the first to shout. "Ned, how can you say welcome a guest when there's a monster entering the castle!" His wife was hysterical. She had left Rickon in the hall with a wet nurse so as not to see the bastard brother and now with that creature, realized it was a good choice in the end, but feared that the wolf would pounce on her family as she always feared the bastard would.

"Calm down, Catelyn!" Ned roared, knowing he had already been with these wolves and they would do no harm unless provoked.

"Wooooow!" Arya, with radiant joy, shouted with bright eyes for Jon and how cool he looked, she even began to believe that Sansa's stupid stories were true and that there was a powerful knight like a hero in the end, and that was her brother!

Robb and Sansa, like the other family members, shuddered a bit seeing that Wolf, watching the scene with a mix of surprise and caution. Jon's transformation, from the bastard and rejected child who had left Winterfell years ago to this imposing boy now returning, was hard to process.

Theon Greyjoy, meanwhile, watched with a cautious look, perhaps reconsidering his position and attitude towards Jon, fearing that he might retaliate with that creature.



The Northern Kingdom, 292 AC, At the same moment.


Jon approached Winterfell, his heart pounding in his chest, aware of the magnitude of the moment. Mounted on Ghost, the giant wolf with shining armor, he was the embodiment of a leader born in the wild lands beyond the Wall.

As he approached the gate of Winterfell, Jon observed the reactions of those waiting for him. Catelyn Stark was clearly terrified of Ghost, her fear transpiring in every hysterical word. Jon noticed Rickon's absence, deducing that Catelyn had kept him away. In his gray eyes, there was a flash of sadness for this rejection, but he did not let it shake his determination.

Arya, his dear sister, was a stark contrast. Her joy and admiration at seeing him were palpable. Jon felt warmth in his chest hearing her shout of excitement, a reminder of the unconditional love they always shared.

Robb and Sansa, on the other hand, reacted with a mix of surprise and discomfort. Jon could see their difficulty in accepting his transformation. Robb, in particular, seemed to struggle to understand the presence of the brother he once despised. Sansa, with her gaze divided between fascination and caution, seemed to question the stories of knights and heroes she so adored.

Theon Greyjoy, always the observer, kept a cautious expression, assessing Jon as if seeing him for the first time. Jon knew that Theon might be reconsidering his previous attitude towards him, especially now that Jon returned with a power and presence that could not be ignored.

Jon didn't approach further with his wolf. When Jon dismounted Ghost, a silence fell over the courtyard. His decision to approach on foot was a gesture of respect and consideration, an attempt to alleviate the fear that his arrival had caused. Letting Ghost drift away, Jon walked towards his family, each step echoing with the strength of his new identity.

His gaze swept over the faces of his family, capturing every nuance of emotion. He knew his arrival would change many things in Winterfell, but he was ready to face these challenges and his old fears. Jon Snow, the bastard of Winterfell, had left; now, a transformed leader returned, ready to redefine his place in the family and the world.


Arya POV

The Northern Kingdom, 292 AC, At the same moment.


Arya watched, fascinated and incredulous, as the colossal wolf approached the gate of Winterfell. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined witnessing such a scene. The creature, larger than any horse she had ever seen, sported a stunning armor of black, red, and a touch of green that blended perfectly with its white fur. The visual impact was so intense that, for a moment, Arya forgot to breathe.

Then, she saw who was riding the wolf. It was Jon, her brother, who had left for beyond the Wall so long ago. The sight of him there, atop that gigantic wolf, wearing armor that seemed to belong to the heroes of the songs and stories Sansa adored, was enough to leave anyone speechless. Arya felt a mix of admiration, surprise, and a warm familial affection. Jon was no longer the despised bastard brother she remembered; he had transformed into something more, something majestic and powerful.

Jon's armor was a spectacle in itself. Red and black, with details that captured the sunlight, standing out against the clear morning sky. The symbols of a white dragon and a white wolf, one on each breastplate of the armor, were so artistically made they seemed almost alive. Arya was mesmerized; this was worthy of the epic tales Sansa told.

Jon jumped off the 2.6-meter-tall wolf as if it were the most normal thing in the world and walked up to us, even father was stunned, and Jon looked like a prince from Sansa's silly stories.

She couldn't contain herself. The etiquette and decorum, so emphasized in Winterfell, meant nothing at that moment. Arya didn't care about the surprised looks or the shocked expressions around her. All that mattered was Jon, her brother, who had come back home. With her heart racing and tears starting to form in her eyes, she ran.

"JON!!!" Arya shouted, her voice laden with emotion. She ran as fast as she could, the wind blowing her brown hair as she neared him. Her mind was empty of everything except the need to embrace her brother, to feel his presence, to confirm that he was really there, in front of her.

Jon, seeing her, opened his arms, ready to receive her. When Arya finally reached Jon with the shock of contact, she jumped into his arms, hugging him with all the strength she had against his armor. Tears of joy and relief streamed down her face as she clung to him. "JON!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, YOU DISAPPEARED JON! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I CRIED EVERY DAY! I ALWAYS PRAYED FOR YOU TO COME BACK TO ME AND YOU DID!!" she exclaimed, between sobs and laughter.

Jon hugged her back with equal intensity, his own tears mingling with hers. "I'm so sorry, my little wolf, I really am, not a day goes by without me thinking of you, Arya." Jon's words, laden with emotion and fraternal love, warmed Arya's heart.

"You idiot, you owe me a good explanation, you hear?" Arya said, between sobs and laughter, still embracing him.

Jon smiled, his tears still marking his face, and nodded. "I promise, Arya. I'll tell you everything." With a gentle gesture, he released her and took her hand, leading her closer to the family, who watched them with a mix of shock, surprise, and, in some cases, disgust.

Jon stood up and took her hand to lead her to the rest of the waiting family. His father was frozen with Jon in his armor, and now I noticed he was carrying dual blades on his back, looking even cooler in her view; one sword had a dragon hilt and the other a white wolf.

My mother looked grim with Jon in front of her, Robb also had a strange expression. Jon, at only 11 years old, was a thousand times cooler than Robb. Just look at Jon's armor; Robb looked like a child compared to Jon in physical features, even though Jon was only slightly taller than the heir.

My lost brother must have hardened through various battles, and what I wanted most now was to be with my brother fighting against his enemies. Sansa looked with conflicting eyes, as Jon resembled the heroes of her stories. Ironically, the one she always looked down upon for being a bastard. Bran wanted to run, but his mother wouldn't let him, and Rickon didn't know who he was, he could only tilt his head out from his mother's feathers.

Jon went up to his father with a smile and embraced him without any formality. His father was stunned but accepted the hug from his son.

"Look at you, father, how have you been?" Jon, with a beautiful smile, asked, not bothering to greet the rest of the group. He noticed that his heir brother and mother did not appreciate this attitude.

"I'm fine, son, it's good to see you again! We have a lot to talk about." His father said with a smile full of longing, so genuine that Arya hadn't seen its like. Jon nodded and went to see the rest of the family.

Jon turned to them, but not to greet his mother, heir brother, or older sister. He went to 5-year-old Bran and gave him a hug, which Bran returned, asking why Jon had disappeared and why he had abandoned him.

"Of course not, brother, I was having my own adventures, I was very busy, but I still missed you so much, Bran," Jon said laughing, and his mother couldn't take it anymore.

"You bastard, you must stop acting like you're a king and show us respect!" She said angrily, and I was angry with her attitude. This made Bran choose and look at his mother fearfully.

"Just a fish talking, don't worry Bran." Jon looked at Bran and winked, saying these words with a shrug, not caring at all about our mother's hostility, but the words he spoke shocked everyone; he simply called her a fish.

Catelyn turned red with anger, and Arya knew she would have a fit of rage at that moment.

"Shut up, bastard, you have no right to speak to me like that!" His father was stunned by the situation, but Jon didn't let him say anything before speaking himself.

"Yes, a bastard, but today I say with pride that I am Jon Snow, and look at you, the daughter of a great house, wife of the most powerful house in the North, but a foolish woman who can't even hold her emotions in front of an 11-year-old, a woman hostage to her own fears," Jon said mockingly, and everyone was paralyzed by this comment.

"Jon! I am very happy to see you here, but I need you to maintain respect in my house!" His father roared.

"Lord Stark, honestly, it wasn't the smartest move to put people who openly show hostility towards me and who don't welcome me in the castle to receive me. You could only expect this outcome and, with all due respect, Lord Stark, I did not imagine you being so foolish," Jon said angrily and firmly, leaving even his father speechless. Arya was shocked at how the situation was unfolding, squeezing Jon's hand.

"You can't talk like that to the lord of Winterfell, bastard son or not!" Septa Mordane shouted from the enraged crowd.

Jon looked at her for a moment and then turned his eyes back to his stunned father.

"Lord Stark, if I am indeed not welcome at the Castle, I will leave as soon as we finish. Can I go talk in your solar to expedite things then?" Jon said simply, ignoring Arya's mother, Robb, and Sansa. Even Theon had a look of astonishment with Jon's open disdain against those who had done the same to him before leaving Winterfell.

"Ned! Are you going to let him talk like that to your wife?" My mother roared, and his father sighed.

"You provoked him too, Catelyn. I will see what Jon wants, and he will leave after that," his father said, frustrated. Arya was immediately scared, "Is Jon going away?"

His brother didn't care, shrugged, and continued following his father, leaving people murmuring in the castle. He had practically hit his mother in the face with his last comment. Jon was fierce now, he rebutted the whole world like a powerful wolf.


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