Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch212- Attack or Defend?

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The figure remained seated, his eyes glowing with the unmistakable red hue of the Sharingan. "You can call me the voice of the truth," he said, his tone calm and unperturbed by the aggressive reception.

Raikage A's eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing as he prepared for another outburst. "Voice of the truth? What nonsense are you spouting?" he growled.

The figure chuckled, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Let me be clear then. Was it not you, A, who decided to attack Konoha out of nowhere? Four villages, deciding in one day that Konoha was getting too strong for your comfort. And now that they lost their Tailed Beast, you think you can just destroy it. Was it not like that, A? Oonoki?"

Mei clenched her fist, her thoughts flashing back to the treaty Yagura had signed with Stone, Cloud, and Sand to attack Konoha together. The figure was right, and it stung.

The figure turned to Mifune, his voice dripping with disdain. "O the honorable Samurai-dono, where were you when four villages attacked Konoha together? You remember your honor now that the stronger side has a higher moral standing?"

Mifune's face tightened, his grip on his sword visibly clenching. "Our truce was meant to ensure peace, not be a pretext for such deception," he countered, trying to maintain his composure.

Oonoki floated slightly above his seat, arms crossed, his expression betraying his annoyance. "Enough of this! We can't change the past, but we must address the present. Konoha's actions cannot be ignored."

A's fists clenched tighter, lightning chakra flickering around his body. "You still haven't answered my question. Who are you, and what is your aim?"

The figure's smile widened, but it lacked any warmth. "My identity is not important. What matters is the truth I've revealed. Konoha will not be your scapegoat for past actions. If you want to fight, fight with the understanding that you are no better than the enemy you seek to destroy."

Mei's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and frustration. "We didn't come here for a lecture. We came to find a solution to stop Konoha's aggression."

The figure's tone turned cold. "A solution? Then perhaps stop pretending you're the victims. Konoha's actions, as misguided as they may seem, are reactions to your aggression. Acknowledge that, and maybe you'll find your solution."

A's rage boiled over, his muscles tensing as he prepared to attack. "Enough of your riddles and provocations! I will crush Konoha with my own hands if I must!"

Oonoki raised a hand, trying to calm the Raikage. "Control your temper, A. We need strategy, not brute force."

Looking at his Sharingan, Hanzo growled, "Do you represent Shisui? Do you admit your wrong-doing?"

The figure chuckled loudly, his voice jarring to the others. "What are you laughing at?" A's fist started to shake in anger.

"I am laughing at your ignorance. You don't know anything. You have no idea who controls you behind the scenes, leading you by leashes around your necks."

A charged forward, "Bastard!" His fist cracking with lightning, aimed at the figure's neck, but the attack, like all others, vanished, and A was kicked back to the others. He looked at his arm in shock, "My Lightning."

The figure remained seated, his demeanor unruffled. "Let me educate you then. The one who is kidnapping the tailed beasts is a person who calls himself Zetsu. You all must have heard of him. A few years back, a piece of intel spread through the world about Zetsu and Kaguya. Not many of you believed it, but well, you still won't believe it. Anyway, I just wanted to see the hypocrite Kage of the great villages."

Mei's eyes narrowed, her tone sharp. "What are you implying?"

The figure's eyes gleamed with amusement. "You pretend to be in control, but you're puppets. Every step you take is influenced by forces you can't even comprehend."

Oonoki floated closer, his voice a low rumble. "If you have something to say, say it plainly."

The figure stood, his presence imposing. "Konoha is not your true enemy. The real threat is manipulating all of you from the shadows. Continue this pointless war, and you'll only fall into their trap."

Hanzo's hand clenched around his weapon. "And why should we believe you?"

The figure's voice was cold and firm. "You don't have to. Just remember this conversation when the true enemy reveals itself."

With that, a blinding light filled the room, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. When the light faded, the figure was gone, leaving the Kage in stunned silence.

Mifune was the first to speak, his voice heavy with suspicion. "We can't ignore this warning. If what he says is true, we need to be cautious."

Raikage A's fury was barely contained. "Cautious? We need to go and crush this Konoha."

Hanzo's eyes were filled with a dark determination. "We must uncover the truth behind this manipulation. If there's any chance that the figure was right, we need to prepare for a greater battle."

Mei nodded, her expression resolute. "Agreed. We need to gather more intelligence and plan our next moves carefully. Rushing into this blindly will only lead to more disaster."

A was boiling with anger. "Didn't you see his Sharingan? He's an Uchiha. He's here to divide us, then conquer us! There is no Zetsu, no Kaguya—only Konoha! Mei, you saw Danzo kidnapping the Fourth Mizukage. Was that an unknown enemy too?"

Mei, her expression grim, interjected, "Raikage, calm down. We can't afford to let emotions drive our actions. There's more at play here than just Konoha."

Oonoki, floating nearby, added, "A, think strategically. Charging in recklessly will only lead to more destruction. We need to gather more intelligence."

A slammed his fist on the table, causing it to tremble. "We can't just sit back and do nothing! Konoha is playing us for fools!"

Mifune stepped forward, his voice steady but firm. "We need a united front. If we let this mystery figure sow discord among us, we play right into their hands."

Hanzo, his mask hiding his expression, spoke with a deep, resonant voice. "The figure mentioned Zetsu and Kaguya. We can't dismiss it outright. We need to investigate all possibilities."

Renji, the Takikage, looked uneasy but nodded in agreement. "Our Jinchuriki was taken. We need answers, but we also need caution."

A's rage didn't subside, but he forced himself to listen. "Fine. But we need to act quickly. Every moment we hesitate, Konoha strengthens its position."

Mei leaned forward, her eyes sharp. "Agreed. We'll send scouts to gather more information on this Zetsu and any other potential threats. In the meantime, we prepare our defenses."

Oonoki floated higher, his voice carrying authority. "We need to ensure our villages are fortified. If this figure was telling the truth, we can't be caught off guard."

Hanzo nodded, his gaze fixed on the group. "And we need to keep an eye on Konoha. Any suspicious activity must be reported immediately."

A's frustration was palpable, but he knew the others were right. "Fine. But if I see any sign of Konoha's treachery, I won't hesitate to act."

Mifune sheathed his sword, signaling the end of the immediate tension. "Then it's settled. We move forward with caution and unity."

At the same time, in the Cloud Front, Tsunade arrived with two cloaked figures. Not many had seen the legendary Hokage, and Konoha kept their revival under wraps. Tsunade intended to use her grandfather and granduncle as hidden weapons. But surprisingly, the Cloud was silent today. In the battle tent, other Jonin had a more aggressive stance, wanting to attack the Cloud and finish them in one fell swoop.

"Do you think it's wise to wait for their move?" one of the Jonin asked, his voice edged with impatience. "We should strike now, while we have the advantage."

Tsunade, standing at the head of the table, raised her hand to silence him. "Patience," she said firmly. "We're not here to provoke a war but to defend Konoha."

The Jonin exchanged uneasy glances. They respected Tsunade, but the tension was palpable. The war had taken its toll on everyone, and the urge to retaliate was strong.


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