Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch236- Another Sacrifice

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The sanctuary's tranquil environment helped him maintain his focus. The luminous crystals around him cast a soft, calming light, which contrasted with the intense transformation happening within him. He opened his eyes, and the world seemed different, sharper, more defined.

Time passed slowly, each moment marked by the steady pulse of energy from the Bloodline Purifying Pill. Horyu's Sharingan pulsed in rhythm, growing stronger with each beat. His vision, enhanced by the Mangekyo, allowed him to see the chakra flows and energies within the sanctuary, revealing its protective nature more clearly.

As the percentage reached 75%, he felt a jolt of pain, sharp and piercing. He gritted his teeth, pushing through it. Pain was a part of growth, a necessary sacrifice for the power he needed. The Mangekyo Sharingan demanded no less.

He remembered the path he had walked, the sacrifices made, and the lives lost. Shisui's face flashed before his eyes, a reminder of the cost of power and the responsibility it carried.

Another surge of pain, this one more intense. Horyu's vision blurred momentarily, but he held on. The percentage inched closer to his goal, each increment a testament to his willpower.

76%, 77%, 78%. The pain was excruciating now, but he didn't falter. He focused on his breathing, steady and controlled, channeling his chakra with precision. The sanctuary's energy seemed to respond, harmonizing with his own, providing a supportive environment for his transformation.

79%. The final push. Horyu's entire body felt like it was on fire, the power of the Mangekyo threatening to overwhelm him. But he was an Uchiha, and this was his destiny. He wouldn't be defeated by pain.

Finally, he reached 80%. The transformation was complete. Horyu's eyes burned with the new power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He opened them, the world now a tapestry of vibrant energies and intricate chakra flows. He could see everything with startling clarity, the power of the Mangekyo enhancing his perception beyond anything he had experienced before.

Then something strange happened as System messages appeared in front of him:

[Uchiha and Uzumaki Genes have reached the peak of human level! Genes are distorting and evolving through each other.]

Horyu felt his body convulse as the changes began. His genes seemed to break down and then rebuild themselves over and over again, a process that was excruciatingly painful. He fell to his knees, clutching his head as the agony intensified. Each cycle of destruction and regeneration felt like a hammer striking his very essence, reshaping him at a fundamental level.

His vision blurred, the world around him shifting in and out of focus. He could feel the power of his Mangekyo Sharingan reaching new heights, pushing toward the final form. The Uzumaki Seed within him, a gift of unparalleled vitality and chakra, was also undergoing a transformation. It pulsed with a fierce energy, intertwining with his Uchiha heritage.

Minutes felt like hours as the process continued. His muscles tensed and relaxed involuntarily, sweat pouring down his face. He could sense his chakra pathways expanding, adapting to handle the increased power. The pain was relentless.

Finally, the agony began to subside. The cycles of genetic restructuring slowed, then stopped altogether. Horyu collapsed, breathing heavily, his body trembling with the aftershocks of the ordeal. He felt different, stronger. The power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan was nearly complete, stopping just shy of perfection at 99%.

The Uzumaki Seed had also reached a new level, transforming into the Purest Uzumaki Physique. His chakra reserves felt boundless, and his healing abilities had improved significantly. The system messages confirmed his suspicions:

[Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan: 99% Complete]

[Purest Uzumaki Physique: Achieved]

The last thing Horyu felt before the world went dark was the soft touch of Kurenai's thighs underneath his head and her worried face above him.

On the other side of the portal, the atmosphere was tense and charged with disbelief and anger. Hashirama looked at his brother, his eyes wide with shock and fury. "What the hell have you done, Tobirama?" he demanded, his voice trembling with barely controlled rage.

Tobirama clenched his fists, his jaw set in a stubborn line. "What was necessary," he replied coldly. "They were very strong Uchiha, and if we didn’t stop them, Konoha would have been destroyed."

Mito approached Tobirama, her face twisted with fury. She slapped him hard enough that his head exploded. The Edo Tensei reformed his head, but the slap's message was clear. "Horyu saved Konoha! It was him who saved you and Hashirama! He did everything right."

Around them, others gathered, their faces reflecting a range of emotions from shock to anger to relief. Tsunade stared at the now empty portal, unsure of what to do next. "So it was because of you that Madara abandoned the plan, setting us back decades?" Mito's voice was accusatory, filled with decades of pent-up frustration.

Hashirama's realization dawned slowly, his face a mixture of sorrow and anger. "Because of you, Madara and I fought to the death."

Itachi, standing to the side, looked conflicted but spoke up, "We cannot fight among ourselves now. We need to do something about this portal."

Naruto, still trying to grasp the situation, asked, "What is this portal anyway?"

Hashirama sighed deeply, the weight of his words heavy. "This is the entrance to hell, and now specters will raid our world to feast."

The gravity of the situation hung over them like a dark cloud. Hashirama, ever the leader, stepped forward. "We need to find a way to close this portal before the specters overrun our world."

Mito looked at the portal, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "No, the chakra wasn't enough to open the border. If it was so easy to open a portal between dimensions, the specters wouldn't need to cause wars in our realm—they'd just raid our plane." Her gaze shifted to Tobirama, who stood with a defiant expression. "You did it, didn't you? You sacrificed Hirato as well!"

At her words, both Naruto and Himawari immediately entered their Kyubi Chakra Cloak mode, their chakra flaring with anger. "Where is Hirato?" they roared in unison.

Hashirama stepped closer to Tobirama, his face a mask of fury. "What have you done, Tobirama?"

Tobirama remained calm, his expression unchanged. "I did what was necessary, as always."

Naruto, unable to contain his rage, grabbed Tobirama by the collar. Uzumaki Chakra Chains sprang from his sleeve, wrapping tightly around Tobirama. "Where is Hirato?" he demanded again, his voice shaking with barely controlled fury.

Tobirama waved his hand, and a pocket space opened near the center of the ritual site, where the portal stood. A red-haired boy no older than fifteen fell to the ground, barely alive.

"Brother!" Himawari screamed, rushing to Hirato's side with Naruto close behind.

Hirato lay on the ground, his body weak and trembling. His eyes fluttered open, filled with pain and confusion. "Himawari... Naruto...," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Naruto's hands shook with anger as he cradled Hirato's head. "We're here, Hirato. You're safe now."

Himawari's eyes filled with tears as she gently touched Hirato's face. "What did they do to you?"

Hirato coughed weakly, struggling to form words. "It was... Tobirama... he used me... to power the ritual."

Mito's face was pale with rage and sorrow. "You sacrificed a child, Tobirama! How could you?"

Tobirama's expression remained cold and indifferent. "It was the only way to ensure the ritual's success. 4 tailed beasts chakra Hirato sealed within himself was necessary."

Hirato weakly coughed, a self-deprecating laugh escaping his lips. "I deserved it. I caused too much pain in my goal to free the world from it. I caused so much destruction and suffering. I understand now. My path was as twisted as Shisui's. I wasn't any better, and I was sacrificed because of my sins."

Naruto's eyes filled with a mix of anger and sorrow as he knelt beside Hirato. "No, you didn't deserve this. None of us did. You were trying to do what you thought was right."

Himawari placed a comforting hand on Hirato's shoulder, her eyes brimming with tears. "We’re here for you, Hirato. We're family, and we’ll get through this together."

Hirato's gaze softened as he looked at his siblings. "I was blinded by my own ideals. I thought I could change the world by myself, but I only brought more pain."

Naruto clenched his fists, his voice trembling with emotion. "We all make mistakes, Hirato. But we learn from them and move forward. You’re not alone in this."

-From here on, it will be a long Specter Arc around 30 to 40 chapters(not all of them in the Realm of Specters), which many of you might find it boring or non-fanfic, so heads up.


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