Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch242- Shinigami!

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Hello everyone! I’ve just posted the final chapter of Gamer System in Uchiha World on Patreon, so it will wrap up here in 25 chapters as well. But don’t worry—the Marvel fanfiction is on the way! The title will probably be Marvel: The Familia System. I’ve really enjoyed writing these chapters, and I hope you’ll enjoy them too! Thanks so much for all the support so far!


The night passed slowly, each minute stretching into an eternity. Horyu continued his meditation, focusing on harmonizing his chakra with the Spectral Chakra. Kurenai practiced her genjutsu, weaving the alien energy into her illusions. They both knew that time was against them, but they also knew that they had to adapt if they wanted to survive.

On the other side of the portal, it was a different story. The first night brought blood and chaos. The shinobi forces, despite their preparation and resolve, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the specters. These creatures were unlike anything they had faced before, their bodies twisted and grotesque, their movements swift and unpredictable.

The ground was littered with the fallen, their blood soaking into the earth. The specters did not feast on the dead; they craved the living, those who could still feel fear, determination, hatred, and courage. These emotions were like nectar to the specters, fueling their frenzy. So, they sought to terror people more than killing them most of the time. Some special specters could trap souls like Shinigami although a lot less effectively.

Kakashi, leading the Third Division, fought tirelessly. "Hold the line!" he shouted, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "Do not let them break through!"

Nearby, Darui and his mid-range fighters unleashed a barrage of jutsu, trying to keep the specters at bay. "We need to push them back!" Darui yelled, his face set in determination.

The specters, however, were relentless. They surged forward, their claws and teeth tearing through the ranks of the shinobi. Each fallen comrade added to the specters' frenzy, their emotions feeding the creatures' bloodlust. The night air was filled with the sounds of battle, the clash of steel, and the cries of the wounded.

In the midst of the chaos, Itachi's Illusion Unit worked tirelessly, casting genjutsu to disorient and confuse the specters. "Stay focused!" Itachi commanded, his voice calm but firm. "We must keep them off balance."

Despite their best efforts, the specters continued to press forward. The shinobi forces were pushed to their limits, their resolve tested by the unending wave of monsters. The night seemed endless, each minute a struggle for survival.

As dawn approached, the battlefield was chaotic and blood-soaked. The air was thick with the stench of death and the cries of the wounded. Amidst the turmoil, a figure emerged from the sky, casting a long shadow over the combatants. It was the Shinigami, a spectral entity of immense power, grotesque and otherworldly, with an aura of death that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest shinobi.

Mito, standing beside Hashirama and Tobirama, felt a wave of dread wash over her. She clenched her fists, her eyes narrowing in determination. "It's him," she muttered, her voice laced with disgust. "The Shinigami."

The sight of the Shinigami caused immediate panic among the ranks. Shinobi who had faced countless enemies now stood frozen in fear. Mito, Hashirama, and Tobirama, however, maintained their composure. They knew the danger this entity represented and the importance of drawing it away from the main battlefield.

"We need to move, now," Hashirama commanded, his voice firm and steady. The three of them leapt away from the thick of the battle, drawing the Shinigami’s attention. The spectral figure followed, its presence alone causing the air to grow colder and more oppressive.

As they reached a more secluded area, the Shinigami halted, hovering menacingly above them. Its eyes, hollow and glowing, seemed to pierce through their very souls. "We meet again, Mito," it said, its voice a jarring, echoing growl, but thick with amusement.

Mito looked up at the ancient creature with a mix of hatred and revulsion. "How did you free yourself?" she demanded.

The Shinigami laughed, a harsh, grating sound that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "You know nothing, little girl," it taunted. "My freedom was inevitable. You cannot bind a force of nature forever. Not that it was possible to bind if I ever wanted to break anyway."

Hashirama and Tobirama stood ready, their eyes locked on the Shinigami. They knew this battle would not be easy. The Shinigami was a being of immense power, and it would take everything they had to stop it.

Mito looked uncertain, her eyes narrowing at the Shinigami. "You cannot attack us. You are bound by rules."

The Shinigami's laughter echoed through the dark realm, a sound like the depths of hell itself. "Humans are so easy to manipulate," he sneered. Without warning, he slashed his own stomach, and from within, tens of Uzumaki souls appeared, their faces twisted in torment and pain.

Mito gasped, recognizing the souls. "You monster!" she cried, her voice filled with a mix of anger and horror.

The Shinigami ignored her outburst, his attention focused on the souls. He pulled the chains wrapped around their necks, dragging them forward. One of the souls, hands trembling, began to form seals. Mito's eyes widened in realization. "No, it can't be!" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rising tension.

Hashirama and Tobirama watched in horror as the Uzumaki soul completed the ritual. They recognized it instantly – the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. The Shinigami's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Eons ago, I was known as the Endless Devourer," he proclaimed, his voice dripping with malevolence. "Those who use the seal and their targets end up in my stomach. With each soul, I gain two seals. I can free one to make them use the seal again, and gain another soul. My power grows endlessly."

Hashirama's eyes widened in shock. "This is madness! We have to stop it!"

The soul's hands moved with an eerie precision, completing the final seal. The ritual was aimed directly at Hashirama. Mito's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing for a solution. "We can't let him finish this!" she shouted, her voice filled with desperation.

The Shinigami's laughter grew louder, the sound reverberating through the realm. "It's too late," he taunted. "Your fate is sealed."

With a swift motion, Hashirama moved to intercept the soul, but the Shinigami's chains tightened, holding him back. "You can't stop me," the Shinigami declared, his voice a cold whisper of triumph. "Your power is nothing compared to mine."

Tobirama, eyes blazing with fury, began to form seals of his own. "I won't let you take my brother," he growled, his voice filled with determination.

Mito joined him, her hands moving in a blur as she formed her own seals. "Together, we can disrupt the ritual," she urged, her voice steady despite the fear gripping her heart.

The Shinigami watched them with amusement, his grin never faltering. "You think you can challenge me?" he mocked. "You are mere mortals, bound by the limits of your flesh."

The chains around the Uzumaki souls glowed with a dark, ominous light, tightening their grip. The soul performing the ritual was nearly finished, the deadly seals glowing with a malevolent energy.

Hashirama's eyes met Mito's, a silent understanding passing between them. With a final, desperate effort, they released their combined jutsu, a powerful wave of energy aimed at the Shinigami. The force of their attack caused the ground to tremble, the air crackling with power.

The Shinigami's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered, his grin returning. "Impressive," he admitted, his voice filled with grudging respect. "But not enough."

The ritual's completion was imminent, the seals blazing with a deadly light. Hashirama, Mito, and Tobirama poured all their chakra into their attack, the strain evident on their faces. The ground beneath them cracked, the air filled with the sound of their desperate struggle.

Just as the ritual was about to reach its peak, a brilliant light erupted from their combined jutsu, engulfing the Shinigami and the Uzumaki souls. The energy surged, creating a blinding flash that illuminated the dark realm, casting sharp shadows and eerie reflections. Hashirama, Mito, and Tobirama poured all their remaining chakra into the attack, their faces twisted with determination and desperation.

But when the light finally faded, the battlefield fell silent. Hashirama was gone, and in his place lay a lifeless body, used by the Orochimaru to resurrect Hashirama. The reality of their failure hit them hard.


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