Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch243- Devoured!

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Just as the ritual was about to reach its peak, a brilliant light erupted from their combined jutsu, engulfing the Shinigami and the Uzumaki souls. The energy surged, creating a blinding flash that illuminated the dark realm, casting sharp shadows and eerie reflections. Hashirama, Mito, and Tobirama poured all their remaining chakra into the attack, their faces twisted with determination and desperation.

But when the light finally faded, the battlefield fell silent. Hashirama was gone, and in his place lay a lifeless body, used by the Orochimaru to resurrect Hashirama. The reality of their failure hit them hard.

"ANIJA!" Tobirama screamed, his voice filled with anguish and fury. He rushed to the spot where his brother had stood, his hands trembling as he touched the cold, unresponsive body. Mito bit her lip, her eyes brimming with tears, the pain of losing Hashirama again almost too much to bear.

The Shinigami laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the desolate landscape. "Join my feast," it taunted, its eyes glinting with malevolent delight. "Let me devour you too, Mito! I've long wanted your special chakra! Become my power!" It pulled the chains, dragging another Uzumaki soul forward, who began casting the seals once again.

Tobirama, his face contorted with rage, stood up and faced the Shinigami. "I won’t let you take anyone else," he vowed, forming hand seals rapidly. "I swear it on my brother's grave!"

Mito, her tears turning to anger, nodded and joined him. "We fight together, Tobirama. For Hashirama." She began to form seals of her own, her chakra flaring brightly.

The Shinigami, unfazed, continued its gruesome ritual. The air grew thick with a sense of impending doom as the Uzumaki soul’s hands moved in eerie, deliberate motions, each seal a step closer to their destruction.

Tobirama and Mito unleashed their combined attack, a torrent of chakra that surged towards the Shinigami. The ground shook, and the air crackled with energy as their jutsu collided with the dark entity. For a moment, it seemed like they might succeed. The Shinigami’s form flickered, its grin faltering.

But the Shinigami was not so easily defeated. It absorbed the energy of their attack, growing stronger. "Your efforts are futile," it hissed. "You cannot stop the inevitable."

The Uzumaki soul completed the final seal, and a wave of darkness surged forth, aimed directly at Mito. She braced herself, ready to meet her end.

Tobirama, seeing the danger, pushed Mito aside and took the brunt of the attack. The darkness enveloped him, and he let out a strangled cry as his body was torn apart, his soul dragged towards the Shinigami.

"Tobirama!" Mito screamed, her voice filled with horror. She watched helplessly as her comrade was consumed, his sacrifice echoing through the realm.

The Shinigami laughed again, its voice a sinister whisper in the darkness. "One by one, you will all fall," it declared. "Your world will be mine. Then all the others!"

Mito, her heart heavy with grief and anger, stood alone against the Shinigami. Her chakra reserves were nearly depleted, but she refused to give up. She drew upon the last of her strength, forming seals with trembling hands.

"I won’t let you win," she vowed, her voice steady despite the tears streaming down her face. "Not as long as I draw breath."

She unleashed her final attack, a desperate attempt to destroy the Shinigami. The air around her shimmered with energy as her jutsu surged forth, a blazing light that illuminated the dark realm.

The Shinigami, momentarily taken aback by her resolve, hesitated. But it quickly recovered, absorbing the energy of her attack and turning it against her. Mito felt a searing pain as the darkness enveloped her, dragging her towards the Shinigami.

As she was consumed, Mito’s thoughts turned to her fallen comrades. Hashirama, Tobirama, and finally Horyu who had sacrificed so much. "I’m sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I couldn’t save you."

The Shinigami's laughter echoed through the realm, a triumphant sound that marked the end of their struggle. "Your world is mine. This is the beginning of my ascending," it declared, its voice filled with dark glee. "And there is nothing you can do to stop it."

In the eerie silence that followed, the Shinigami stood victorious, its form flickering with the energy of the souls it had consumed. The dark realm seemed to pulse with malevolent energy, a testament to the Shinigami's power. But if a Realm Master were to be here, they would realize this Shinigami was nothing but an avatar.

Others at the battlefield looked at the scene in absolute horror. The grim reality of their situation began to sink in as the Shinigami stood victorious, its grotesque form illuminated by the energy of the souls it had devoured. Tsunade's face was a mask of shock and desperation. The sight of her granma, grandpa and granduncle being consumed, one by one, had left her reeling.

She knew what she had to do. Taking a deep breath, she raised her voice to carry over the din of battle, "Run! Hide! No matter what you do, just don't fight!"

Her command cut through the chaos, and the shinobi forces hesitated for a moment, stunned by the sheer weight of her words. Then, the reality of the situation hit them. This was no longer a battle they could win. It was a fight for survival.

Panic spread like wildfire. The carefully organized ranks broke down as shinobi turned and fled. The air was filled with the sounds of frantic footsteps, shouted orders, and the cries of the wounded. The specters, sensing the shift, became even more frenzied, their movements more erratic and violent.

Kakashi tried to maintain some semblance of order. "Stay together!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony. "We need to regroup!"

But his words fell on deaf ears. The shinobi, driven by fear and desperation, scattered in all directions. Hell descended upon the world.

Months had passed since Horyu and Kurenai entered the Realm of Specters. In that time, their environment had been harsh and unyielding. The oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily on them, but they adapted to their surroundings, drawing strength from each other.

Horyu had focused intensely on mastering the Spectral Sage Chakra. The initial process had been grueling, with the heavy, oppressive energy of the Spectral Realm feeling almost unbearable. Yet, he pushed through the pain, his determination unyielding. Over the days, he gradually became more attuned to the Spectral Chakra, learning to harmonize it with his own.

Kurenai had her own struggles. The Spectral Chakra’s influence on her emotions had been severe, but with Horyu’s guidance and support, she learned to control it. Her genjutsu, infused with the strange new energy, became more potent and unpredictable, giving them a significant edge in this hostile environment.

Unfortunately, interrupting Kurenai's training—cutting her chakra—prevented her from getting used to the new alien chakra, so after a few times, she asked Horyu to let her be. With no other choice, Horyu allowed her to have her mood swings, but the longer she trained, the more extreme her emotions got. And that... that opened some undiscovered emotions both were suppressing.

A month after they entered the Realm of Specters...

Kurenai bit her lips, her frustration evident. "Let me experience these emotions thoroughly, Horyu. It’s certain now, the more you interrupt, the harder it becomes. I also count on you to save me, so it prevents me from learning."

Horyu looked conflicted. Just this month, Kurenai had punched him in anger and kissed him right after more than hundreds times. Not that he was complaining about the second part, but it made things awkward for them. He sighed, nodding. "Alright. I'll let you handle it. Just be careful."

Kurenai gave him a shy nod, determination in her eyes. "Please. Let me experience it."

Horyu sat across from her and watched her train. She began by meditating, her chakra slowly reaching out to absorb the Spectral Chakra. Her face twisted in pain as the alien energy coursed through her, amplifying her emotions. Horyu could see the struggle on her face, the intensity of her feelings overwhelming her.

She transitioned from one emotion to another rapidly. Her face contorted with anger, her fists clenched tightly. Then, she relaxed, a serene smile spreading across her lips as if she were experiencing a moment of peace. This calm was fleeting, replaced by tears streaming down her face as sorrow took hold. She sobbed, her body shaking with the force of her grief.


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