Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch248- General Rank

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"Are you alright?" Horyu asked, his breathing heavy.

Kurenai nodded, a small smile on her lips. "Yes, I'm fine. You?"

Horyu nodded, kicking the remnants of the specter's head as it dissolved into nothingness. "His ability was straightforward," he remarked, sheathing his sword. "Those twin blades were dangerous, but predictable once we knew their secret."

As he wiped the blood from his blade, Horyu's thoughts drifted to Samehada, the infamous sword wielded by Kisame Hoshigaki. Could it be sealed with a specter like Kubikiribocho? The thought gnawed at him. Samehada was more troublesome, semi-sentient and moody. In the anime, the sword favored B's chakra, ultimately betraying Kisame. It craved chakra with strong emotions, much like the specters. Kisame, with his resigned and apathetic demeanor, offered little in terms of emotional chakra, whereas B, full of vibrant life and energy, was a more appealing host.

Could Samehada be related to the specters? If so, what other strange phenomena in their world were tied to these ghostly entities?

He pushed the thoughts aside as he turned to Kurenai. "Let's keep moving. There might be more survivors nearby."

Kurenai nodded, adjusting her grip on Chucky. They moved through the desolate landscape, the once familiar terrain now a nightmarish wasteland. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or distant cries of the specters.

As they neared Konoha, Horyu and Kurenai felt an eerie stillness. The once vibrant village was now a hollow shell of its former self. Buildings stood in ruins, their frames broken and charred. The streets, usually bustling with activity, were empty and silent. The air was thick with the stench of decay and burnt wood.

As they moved deeper into the village, the destruction became more apparent. Homes and shops were reduced to rubble, and the once lush greenery was now withered and dead. The village felt like a graveyard, each corner holding a memory of what once was.

Horyu led them to the center of the village, where the Hokage's office once stood. Now, it was a crumbling structure, its walls partially collapsed. He paused, his eyes narrowing as he sensed faint chakra signatures, but ignored them.

They passed by the remains of the Hokage Monument, the faces of the past leaders marred and cracked. The sight was a painful reminder of the village's fall.

Horyu looked at the fourth face on the Hokage Monument. Where Shisui's face had replaced Minato's, there was now a single word etched across it: "Sinner." Horyu sighed, feeling the old frustration rise. It always came back to blaming the Uchiha. With a wave of his hand, white flames danced across the stone, erasing the defacing mark.

He might not have been the best Hokage, but he did what he could to save the Uchiha. At first, Horyu was guarded against him, thinking Shisui in this version was outright evil. And his earlier actions suggested that. Only later did he realize Shisui was just a clueless boy who was forced by the situation. Horyu too, could have handled the situation better, but he was freshly transmigrated, and had no memories of the past, only knowledge about fiction forcefully loaded into his mind, in the end, he acted rashly.

Turning away from the monument, Horyu headed towards the bunkers. They were sealed from the outside, likely to keep something in—or out.

"Shall we enter?" Kurenai asked, her voice soft but firm.

Horyu shook his head. "It’s sealed from the outside. Breaking the seal would attract specters."

Kurenai nodded, understanding the delicate balance they had to maintain. They needed to find survivors, but not at the cost of drawing more enemies.

"Karin sent a message," Horyu said, breaking the silence. "Let's meet her." He was still connected to Karin, Zabuza, Haku, Kimimaro, and a few others through their chakra links, although latter three were already away, and safe. Unfortunately, they weren't with Ino, Hinata, Hanabi, or Tsunade, which is why he had specifically instructed the Brigade to look for those.

"Where are they?" Kurenai asked, curiosity and concern evident in her voice.

Horyu closed his eyes, focusing on Karin's chakra signature. "Not far. They've found a bunker under the deserts of the Wind Country," he replied.

Kurenai nodded, readying herself for the journey, "Then let's not waste any time."

Leaving Konoha behind, Horyu and Kurenai picked up their speed, heading west towards the Wind Country. Their senses were heightened, ready for any threat that might arise.

As they neared the edge of the Fire Country, Horyu's Sharingan detected a disturbance ahead. He signaled for Kurenai to halt. "There’s something up ahead," he whispered, his eyes narrowing.

They crouched behind a large boulder, observing the area. A Knight-Rank Specter stood in the middle of the path, surrounded by an intense heat that distorted the air around it. The specter radiated a scorching aura, its form flickering like a mirage.

Horyu’s knowledge about this type of specter was limited. He knew it had fire and heat abilities, but the exact nature and conditions were unclear. "We need to observe it first," he said quietly. Kurenai nodded, her eyes focused on the enemy.

The Knight-Rank Specter wielded a large, flaming sword, and its armor seemed to pulse with molten energy. It moved with a slow, deliberate grace, its steps leaving scorched marks on the ground. Horyu could feel the heat from where they hid, a testament to the specter's power.

"Looks like its main strength is fire and heat," Horyu observed. "I can handle it with my fire techniques."

Kurenai looked at him, her expression serious. "Be careful. We don’t know if it has any hidden abilities."

Horyu nodded, his grip tightening on his sword. "Stay back and cover me. I’ll draw it out."

He stepped out from behind the boulder, his Sharingan locking onto the specter. The Knight-Rank Specter turned its attention to him, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Horyu activated his God of Fire mode, his chakra flaring as he prepared for the confrontation.

The specter let out a guttural roar and charged at Horyu, its flaming sword slicing through the air. Horyu met the attack head-on, his own blade igniting with intense flames. The two swords clashed, sending sparks and flames flying in all directions.

Horyu could feel the heat intensify around him, but his God of Fire mode allowed him to withstand it. He countered the specter's attacks with swift, precise strikes, aiming for its weak points. The specter was relentless, its movements fluid and powerful, but Horyu’s enhanced reflexes and agility kept him one step ahead.

Kurenai watched from a distance, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of additional threats. Her genjutsu was ready, but she knew he would be able to handle the specter without needing her intervention.

As the battle raged on, Horyu noticed something strange. The specter's movements began to slow, its attacks losing their precision. He took advantage of the opening, delivering a powerful blow to its chest. The specter staggered back, its form flickering as if it were struggling to maintain its cohesion.

Horyu didn't let up, pressing the attack. His blade danced with flames, each strike aimed to exploit the weakening defenses of the Knight-Rank Specter. It roared in frustration, swinging its flaming sword wildly in an attempt to fend him off. But Horyu's movements were too precise, his attacks too relentless.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shift. Horyu's eyes widened as he saw the sand around him start to swirl, forming into the shapes of more specters. Soldier-Rank specters began to emerge, their ethereal forms solidifying from the desert sands. Among them were two more Knight-Rank Specters, their weapons gleaming with deadly intent. But what caught Horyu's attention was the figure emerging last. A General-Rank Specter, towering over the others, its aura exuding raw power.


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