Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch249- Arrogant!

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The General-Rank Specter had a menacing presence, its body covered in dark, jagged armor that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. Its eyes glowed with an eerie light, and it wielded a massive, blackened spear that crackled with spectral energy. Horyu knew this was a formidable opponent, one that couldn't be taken lightly.

Seeing the General-Rank Specter, Horyu immediately flashed back to Kurenai's side. He wouldn't fight an unknown Specter, especially one of such high rank. Specters possessed uncanny abilities, some with deceptively simple conditions that could trap an opponent for eternity. He remembered a Specter he had encountered in the Realm of Specters that could siphon away half of its opponent's power as long as the opponent was reluctant to fight. The twist was, the Specter could shapeshift into the person the opponent cared about most. For Horyu, it had taken the form of Kurenai at that time. Unfortunately for the Specter, Horyu wasn't hesitant at all and had decapitated it in one swift cut. The lesson was clear: never underestimate a Specter.

Horyu joined Kurenai, who was still hiding behind the boulder, observing the scene. He used his Observe Skill, hoping to gain some insight into the enemy. Although it didn't show the abilities of enemies, the name often hinted at their nature. A system message popped up in his vision:

[System Notification:

Target: General Crimson Drought

Level: General-Rank

Chakra: ?????

Strength: ?????

Intelligence: ?????

Agility: ?????

Stamina: ????]

Horyu locked onto the name, "Drought?" he thought to himself. The word implied abilities related to extreme heat and desiccation. His eyes narrowed as he observed the General Specter more closely. The other two Knight-Rank Specters had similar scorching abilities to the one he had just battled, and the Soldier-Rank Specters seemed to possess no special abilities of note. The primary concern was figuring out the General's abilities and conditions for their activation.

The General-Rank Specter stood motionless, its form imposing and radiating an intense heat that distorted the air around it. Its eyes glowed with a sinister light as it spoke, "Come out, little mouse. Come out and let me taste you."

Horyu frowned. It was rare for Specters to speak with humans; they often considered it beneath them. This one seemed different, more intelligent and malevolent.

Horyu sighed, "I hate Spectral Chakra," he muttered as he prepared to unleash a genjutsu, knowing full well the toll it would take on his emotions. Unlike Sage Mode, using Spectral Chakra like Kurenai did for her genjutsu amplified his feelings to an extreme. Even with mastery, the emotional range was wider and more intense. Horyu had two predominant emotions usually: his pride and his lust for Kurenai. Under normal circumstances, he could suppress these with logic and caution, but once he used Spectral Chakra, his pride became an unleashed beast.

As the Spectral Chakra coursed through him, Horyu felt a surge of arrogance. He glanced at Kurenai, his eyes lingering on her figure. The way her body moved, the curve of her hips, everything about her suddenly seemed irresistible. He licked his lips, a predatory smile playing on his face. The pride and desire roared within him, making it hard to focus on anything else. His Sharingan flared, reflecting the intensity of his emotions.

He stepped forward, his movements confident and bold. "Stay back, Kurenai," he ordered, his voice tinged with a mix of authority and possessiveness. "I'll handle this. Then I will handle you."

Kurenai nodded as she blushed, though she couldn't help but notice the change in his demeanor. She knew the Spectral Chakra was influencing him, but there was little she could do. She readied herself to support him from a distance.

His Sharingan spun as the General Specter and the others felt their surroundings change. Although it was a genjutsu, it altered their perception of reality so convincingly that it might as well have been real. Horyu had long surpassed Kurenai in the art of genjutsu. His pride swelled, magnified by the Spectral Chakra coursing through him.

The scene around them transformed into a battlefield, an endless desert under a blazing sun. The General Specter, Crimson Drought, and his subordinates were surrounded by scorching heat, mirages flickering at the edges of their vision. Horyu stood at the center, a commanding presence, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity.

Crimson Drought growled, his voice dripping with disdain. "You think mere illusions can stop me?"

Horyu smirked, his confidence unshaken. "We'll see about that," he replied, his voice laced with arrogance. "But first, let's see what you can do."

He initiated the fight with a series of swift, precise attacks. Each strike was a feint, designed to gauge the General's reactions. Crimson Drought countered with fiery swings of his spear, the heat radiating from the weapon almost unbearable. Horyu dodged with ease, his movements fluid and graceful, the Spectral Chakra enhancing his agility.

"Is this the best you can do?" Horyu taunted, his pride evident in every word. "You disappoint me."

Crimson Drought roared in fury, the ground beneath him cracking from the sheer heat of his rage. "I'll show you true power," he snarled, unleashing a torrent of flames that scorched the earth.

Horyu danced around the flames, his genjutsu weaving layers of deception. He manipulated the battlefield, creating illusions of himself attacking from all directions. The General swung wildly, trying to hit the real Horyu, but each strike met only air.

"You're too slow," Horyu sneered, his pride swelling. "A mindless brute like you can't hope to match me."

The General paused, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the battlefield. "You rely too much on tricks," he said, his voice a low rumble. "Let's see how you fare against reality."

With a surge of power, Crimson Drought dispelled the genjutsu, the illusions shattering like glass. The desert vanished, replaced by the harsh, barren landscape of the Spectral Realm. Horyu had a guess about Crimson Drought's fire. "Drought Inducing Heat that can burn even the chakra of opponents. Not a bad ability but useless," he smirked, charging into the midst of the General and his underlings despite the genjutsu being dispelled. Normally, he wouldn't act so recklessly, but he was trusting his power too much. Kurenai, seeing this, left her hiding place and charged at the other specters so Horyu could take on the General alone.

Horyu's confidence radiated as he engaged Crimson Drought head-on. The General's fiery attacks met with Horyu's precise and calculated counters, his Sharingan predicting each move with uncanny accuracy. The intense heat radiating from Crimson Drought's body was palpable, but Horyu's mastery over fire techniques allowed him to withstand it.

Kurenai, meanwhile, was weaving through the battlefield with grace and precision. Her genjutsu disoriented the Soldier-Rank specters, causing them to turn on each other in confusion. She danced through the chaos, her blade flashing as she cut down specters left and right. Despite the emotional strain from the Spectral Chakra, she maintained her focus, her eyes always darting back to check on Horyu.

Horyu's sword clashed with Crimson Drought's fiery spear, sparks flying with each strike. The General's strength was formidable, but Horyu's speed and agility gave him the upper hand. He used his Fluid Counter Style, seamlessly blending Uchiha taijutsu with the precision of the Gentle Fist and the raw power of the Konoha Hard Fist. Each move was a calculated strike, aiming to exploit any opening in the General's defense.

"You think you can beat me with mere fire?" Horyu taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I've mastered flames far hotter than yours."

Crimson Drought roared in fury, the ground around him scorching under the intensity of his rage. "Insolent mortal! I'll burn you to ashes!" he bellowed, unleashing a torrent of flames towards Horyu.

Horyu countered with his own fire jutsu, the two forces meeting in a blaze of heat and light. The clash of their powers created a shockwave that rippled through the battlefield, but Horyu's flames held strong. With a swift movement, he closed the distance between them, his sword igniting with Spectral Sage Chakra. He slashed at the General, the blade cutting through the fiery defenses with ease.

The General staggered back, a look of shock crossing his features. "Impossible...," he muttered, his form flickering as he tried to regain his balance.

Horyu pressed the advantage, his attacks relentless. He could feel the Spectral Chakra amplifying his pride, driving him to show no mercy. Each strike was precise and devastating, the General's defenses crumbling under the onslaught. With a final, powerful blow, Horyu drove his sword into Crimson Drought's chest, the flames around the General flickering and dying out.


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