Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch250- Lust [Soft R-18]

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Crimson Drought's form dissolved into ash, the oppressive heat dissipating. Horyu stood over the remains, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Useless," he muttered, fisking his sword. He turned to see Kurenai finishing off the last of the Soldier-Rank specters, her breath coming in heavy gasps.

Seeing three Knight-Rank specters breaking free from Kurenai's genjutsu and charging at her, Horyu's anger boiled over. Without hesitation, he flashed to her side, his eyes blazing with fury. The Cursed Seal spread across his body, and the Demon of Flames form took hold. Abyssal black flames enveloped him as he sheathed the Ancestral Uchiha Blade, ready to rip through his enemies with his claws and hands.

The Knight-Rank specters hesitated, sensing the overwhelming power radiating from Horyu. He moved with lethal precision, his claws tearing through the first specter's chest. Black flames erupted from the wound, consuming the creature from the inside out. The specter's scream was cut short as it disintegrated into ash.

Horyu's presence was commanding, exuding a dangerous mix of pride and an undercurrent of something darker. The remaining specters lunged at him, but he was already in motion, a blur of black fire and deadly intent. He caught the second specter by the throat, lifting it off the ground. With a guttural growl, he crushed its neck, the sound of snapping bones echoing through the desolate landscape.

The third specter swung its weapon at him, but Horyu blocked it with his forearm, the impact barely making him flinch. His other hand lashed out, claws raking across the specter's face, leaving deep, burning gashes. The creature staggered back, but Horyu didn't give it a chance to recover. He stepped forward, his movements fluid and merciless, and drove his hand through the specter's chest, ripping out its core. The black flames consumed the specter, reducing it to nothing more than a pile of ashes.

Kurenai, having regained her composure, watched in awe and slight fear at the sheer brutality and efficiency of Horyu's attacks. She knew the influence of the Spectral Chakra was amplifying his emotions, but she also saw the depth of his resolve to protect her.

Horyu turned to her, his eyes still blazing, but there was a hint of softness in his gaze. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions swirling within him.

Kurenai nodded, her voice firm. "Yes, thanks to you."

He gave her a small, reassuring smile before turning his attention back to their surroundings. The battlefield was littered with the remains of the fallen specters.

Horyu dispelled the Demon of Flames mode and looked at Kurenai. Her clothes clung to her body, soaked with sweat, highlighting her form. Even though Horyu had dispelled the Spectral Chakra, his lust still burned. "I've dealt with the specters. Now, as promised... time to deal with you," he said, his voice low and filled with desire.

Kurenai blushed, avoiding his gaze, but she didn't resist as his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. He tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes. The intensity in his gaze made her breath hitch.

"You know you can't run from me," Horyu murmured, his lips brushing against her ear. She shivered at the contact, her body reacting to his proximity. "And you don’t want to," he added, his hands tracing the curves of her hips.

Kurenai's heart raced. She knew she should push him away, focus on their mission, but the look in his eyes and the feel of his touch made it impossible. "Horyu," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of anticipation and fear. "We should be preparing to leave..."

"We will," Horyu replied, his voice steady and filled with confidence. "But right now, I need you." He pulled her closer, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. The world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them, lost in their own world of desire and need.

Horyu's hands roamed her body, exploring every inch with a reverence that made Kurenai's knees weak. She clung to him, her fingers digging into his shoulders as their kiss deepened. The Spectral Chakra’s influence might have faded, but the intensity of their connection remained.

Kurenai gasped as Horyu's hands moved lower, his touch sending shivers down her spine. She moaned softly into his mouth, her body pressing against his with a need she had never felt before. Horyu's heart pounded in his chest, his own desire mirrored in her eyes. They moved together with an unspoken understanding. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own private sanctuary. They lost themselves in each other's embrace.

Their kisses were hungry, their touches desperate. Horyu's hands explored her body with a reverence. Kurenai responded with equal fervor, her own desires unleashed. Time seemed to stand still as they gave in to their emotion, binding them together in a way that felt both overwhelming and natural.

Hours passed in a haze of passion and emotion, their bodies entwined as they explored the depths of their feelings for each other. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word of affection was magnified, creating a memory they both knew they would carry with them forever.

As they finally lay together, exhausted but content, Kurenai rested her head on Horyu's chest, her fingers tracing idle patterns on his skin. She let out a soft sigh, the residual sensations of their intense encounter still tingling through her body. "You were too rough," she murmured, her voice a mix of reproach and satisfaction.

Horyu's hands glowed with green healing chakra as he gently touched her, soothing the aches and bruises he had unintentionally inflicted. "Sorry," he said, his voice soft with genuine remorse. "I couldn't hold myself." He leaned down to press a tender kiss on her forehead.

Closing her eyes, Kurenai felt the warmth of his care, the healing chakra easing her discomfort. "It's fine," she whispered, her tone forgiving. She nestled closer, her body relaxing against his.

The two lay in silence for a while, the only sounds being their steady breathing and the occasional rustle of the Wind Country's eerie winds. The harsh environment outside contrasted sharply with the calmness inside their temporary refuge. Horyu glanced down at Kurenai, whose breathing had evened out. Despite the recent intensity between them, there was a deep sense of peace that enveloped the moment. But as comforting as it was, he knew they couldn’t stay like this for long.

“We need to meet with Karin,” Horyu said, his voice cutting through the quiet. He moved to sit up, gently helping Kurenai to her feet. His touch was firm, yet there was a softness in how he supported her weight, ensuring she was steady before letting go.

Kurenai stretched slightly, her muscles still sore but eased by the healing chakra Horyu had used earlier. "I’m ready," she replied, her tone more determined now that she was back on her feet. The time for rest had passed, and the reality of their situation came crashing back in. 

They gathered their belongings, securing their weapons and making sure nothing was left behind that could trace their presence. Horyu's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the area outside their shelter. He could feel the lingering presence of specters, although none were close enough to pose an immediate threat. Yet, the eerie stillness was unsettling, as if the very air around them was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

“We’ll take the northern route,” Horyu said, deciding quickly. “It’s less direct, but we can avoid any larger groups of specters that way.”

Kurenai nodded, her gaze steady. “Lead the way.”

They moved out, Horyu taking point with his Sharingan active, scanning the environment for any signs of movement. Kurenai followed closely, her senses attuned to any fluctuations in the chakra around them. The landscape of the Wind Country was barren, with dunes of sand stretching as far as the eye could see, occasionally broken by jagged rock formations that cast long shadows under the dim light. The wind whipped around them, carrying with it the whispers of the past and the lingering energy of specters. 


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