Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch266- Shinigami!

[System Message: Specter Name: Zygal, the Void Warden] [System Message: Specter Name: Malkar, the Soul Reaver]

Zygal and Malkar were no ordinary specters; their very presence warped the air around them, making it difficult to focus. Horyu’s eyes narrowed as he assessed their movements, his Sharingan picking up on subtle cues. Zygal moved with precision, its blade slicing through the air with an unnatural speed, while Malkar’s scythe seemed to tear at the very fabric of reality.

Horyu couldn’t afford to let them dictate the flow of the battle. He needed to disrupt their rhythm. As Zygal lunged, Horyu activated Spectral Rend, weaving a series of illusions that masked his true movements. The Void Warden’s blade passed harmlessly through one of the afterimages, its momentum carrying it forward into a trap. Horyu struck from the side, his blade infused with Cosmic Illusion Edge, the strike not only cutting deep but also sending Zygal into a nightmarish genjutsu. The specter staggered, its form flickering as it struggled to break free from the illusion.

But Malkar was already closing in, its scythe aimed directly at Horyu’s neck. Horyu didn’t hesitate—he activated Void Step, blinking through the attack and reappearing behind Malkar. With a swift motion, he slashed at the specter’s back, the Reality Warp Strike bending space to ensure the blade struck true. Malkar let out a guttural roar as the blade cut through its essence, black ichor spilling from the wound.

Horyu didn’t let up. He followed through with a combination of Abyssal Flame Chains and Nightmare Pyre, binding Malkar in place as the cursed flames enveloped the specter. The Soul Reaver struggled against the chains, its form distorting as the flames consumed it from within. With a final, desperate lunge, Malkar tried to break free, but Horyu was relentless. He drove his blade through the specter’s core, the flames intensifying as they consumed the creature’s essence.

Malkar disintegrated into a cloud of dark mist, leaving Horyu to face Zygal, who was still trapped in the genjutsu. The Void Warden’s form flickered as it tried to regain control, but Horyu wasn’t about to let it recover. He moved swiftly, his blade cutting through the air with deadly precision. Each strike landed with the force of the God of Fire, the white-hot flames searing through Zygal’s defenses until nothing remained.

But Horyu knew better than to think it was over. The Realm Masters, who had been watching with calculated interest, finally made their move. Three of them stepped forward, their forms towering over the battlefield. These were the strongest of the specters, beings that had ascended far beyond the others.

The air grew thick with tension as they approached, their auras suffocating. Horyu tightened his grip on the Uchiha Ancestral Blade, his body tensing as he prepared for the final showdown. This was it—the culmination of everything he had fought for. The battle against the Specter God’s elite was about to begin, and there would be no holding back.

The three Realm Masters moved in unison, their attacks coming from all directions. Horyu’s eyes spun rapidly, his Sharingan tracking every movement as he dodged, parried, and countered. The battle was a blur of motion, each strike a calculated effort to gain the upper hand.

One of the Realm Masters, a massive figure shrouded in darkness, swung a colossal fist at Horyu. He activated Spectral Shift, altering the density of the air around the fist to slow it down just enough for him to dodge. At the same time, he countered with a slash from his blade, the Cosmic Illusion Edge creating a series of afterimages that disoriented the specter.

Another Realm Master, wielding a staff that crackled with energy, unleashed a torrent of dark lightning at Horyu. He used Void Step to phase through the attack, reappearing behind the specter with a vicious strike. The blade cut deep, but the specter retaliated with a blast of energy that sent Horyu skidding across the battlefield.

The third Realm Master, a serpentine creature with glowing eyes, lashed out with tendrils of shadow, each one tipped with venomous barbs. Horyu merged with the shadows to avoid the attack. He reappeared above the creature, driving his blade into its skull with the force of the Reality Warp Strike.

The battle raged on, each Realm Master pushing Horyu to his limits. He used every ability at his disposal, combining them in ways that kept the specters off balance. But the toll on his body was immense. Blood dripped from numerous wounds, and his breath came in ragged gasps. The flames of Hellish Rebirth kept him going, healing his injuries as they occurred, but the strain was beginning to show.

Finally, with a final, desperate push, Horyu activated Celestial Inferno, unleashing a wave of scorching plasma that engulfed the three Realm Masters. The ground beneath them melted, the air itself igniting as the flames consumed everything in their path. The Realm Masters howled in pain, their forms distorting as they tried to resist the onslaught.

But Horyu wasn’t done. He activated Spectral Rend, blending the real with the illusory as he struck from all angles. The Realm Masters, disoriented and weakened, were unable to defend against the barrage. One by one, they fell, their forms dissolving into mist as Horyu’s blade cut through them with merciless precision.

Horyu stood amidst the carnage, bloodied and battered, yet his spirit burned brighter than ever. His chest heaved with each breath, and the intense battle had pushed him to his limits. Yet, as he faced the remaining Realm Masters, a fierce grin spread across his face.

“Come at me together, you bastards. How many of you come is how many of you I will kill!” His challenge rang out across the battlefield, a direct provocation that cut through the tension like a blade.

The Realm Masters, who had been observing from the sidelines, exchanged glances. There was no mistaking the shift in their demeanor. The arrogance that had marked their earlier actions was gone, replaced by a cold, calculating seriousness. They had underestimated Horyu, and now, they were faced with the grim reality of his power.

Without hesitation, the remaining Realm Masters moved as one, their massive forms surging forward with a speed that belied their size. The air crackled with malevolent energy as they descended upon Horyu, their combined power enough to obliterate anyone foolish enough to stand in their way.

Horyu’s eyes spun with the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, every detail of the battlefield captured in vivid clarity. He couldn’t afford to take on these enemies one by one; they would overwhelm him through sheer force. Instead, he needed to disrupt their coordination, to break the rhythm of their assault.

As the first of the Realm Masters lunged at him, Horyu activated Void Step, phasing through the massive claw that slashed at him. He reappeared behind the creature, his Uchiha Ancestral Blade already swinging. The blade, infused with Cosmic Illusion Edge, sliced through the air, but the Realm Master was fast. It twisted its massive body, barely avoiding a fatal blow, but the blade’s edge still caught its arm, inflicting a deep cut that bled dark energy.

The Realm Master let out a roar, its pain mixed with fury. Horyu didn’t wait for it to recover. He followed up with Spectral Shift, altering the density of the ground beneath the specter’s feet, turning the solid earth into a fluid-like substance. The creature stumbled, its balance thrown off as it sank into the ground.

But Horyu had no time to press the advantage. The second Realm Master was already upon him, a towering figure shrouded in crackling energy. It swung a massive fist, the air around it distorting with the force of the blow. Horyu barely managed to evade, using Void Step to blink out of range, reappearing on the creature’s flank.

He retaliated with a swift, calculated strike, his Uchiha Ancestral Blade cutting through the specter’s side. The blade hummed with the power of Chakra Singularity, absorbing the energy from the creature’s attack and redirecting it back in the form of a devastating counterattack. The Realm Master staggered, black ichor spilling from the wound as the redirected energy tore through its defenses.

But Horyu couldn’t celebrate the small victory. The third Realm Master, a serpentine figure with glowing eyes, lashed out with shadowy tendrils. Each tendril was tipped with venomous barbs, seeking to ensnare Horyu in their deadly grasp. Horyu activated Spectral Shift again, altering the composition of the tendrils as they neared him. The tendrils turned porous, their once-solid forms breaking apart and losing their lethal edge.

With a swift motion, Horyu unleashed Celestial Inferno, a wave of scorching plasma erupting from his body. The white-hot flames surged forward, consuming the tendrils and scorching the serpent-like Realm Master. The creature writhed in agony, its form distorting as the intense heat burned through its essence.

But even as the flames raged, the other Realm Masters pressed their attack. The one he had wounded earlier had recovered, its massive form charging at him with renewed fury. Horyu’s Sharingan spun rapidly, tracking the incoming threat, but he knew he couldn’t dodge this one. Instead, he braced himself, channeling the power of God of Fire and Demon of Flames into his blade.

The Uchiha Ancestral Blade glowed with an intense heat as Horyu met the charge head-on. Their clash sent shockwaves through the battlefield, the force of the impact shattering the ground beneath them. Horyu pushed with everything he had, the flames from his blade consuming the Realm Master’s dark energy, but the creature was strong, its power almost overwhelming.

Just as Horyu began to falter, he activated Void Step once more, phasing through the Realm Master’s grasp and reappearing above it. With a downward slash, he unleashed Spectral Rend, blending illusion with real damage. The specter howled in confusion as its reality twisted, the lines between real and illusion blurring beyond comprehension.

Horyu capitalized on the confusion, striking repeatedly with his blade, each slash infused with Cosmic Illusion Edge. The Realm Master’s form flickered, struggling to maintain its cohesion as the illusions took hold. But Horyu didn’t stop there. He combined Spectral Shift with Celestial Inferno, altering the very air around the creature to fuel the flames, turning them into a vortex of destructive energy that consumed the specter entirely.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos. Specters lunged at Horyu from all sides, their twisted forms merging into a storm of claws, teeth, and shadow. Horyu’s movements were a blur as he dodged, parried, and countered, his Sharingan predicting and reacting to every attack with precision. But the toll on his body was immense. Blood dripped from numerous wounds, and his breath came in ragged gasps. The flames of Hellish Rebirth kept him going, healing his injuries as they occurred, but the strain was beginning to show.

Finally, with a final, desperate push, Horyu activated Spectral Rend once more, blending the real with the illusory as he struck from all angles. The Realm Masters, disoriented and weakened, were unable to defend against the barrage. One by one, they fell, their forms dissolving into mist as Horyu’s blade cut through them with merciless precision.

He stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving, his grip tight on the hilt of his blade. The battlefield was littered with the remains of the fallen, dark mist rising from where the specters had once stood. But Horyu knew it wasn’t over. The final Realm Masters, the most powerful of all, remained.

He turned to face them, his eyes glowing with the power of his RinneSharingan. The remaining Realm Masters, now more serious than they had been for centuries, began to advance. Their cold, calculating gazes locked onto Horyu, their forms radiating with dark energy.

But before the remaining Realm Masters could close in on Horyu, a new presence entered the battlefield, halting them in their tracks. Horyu's eyes narrowed as he sensed the arrival of another powerful being. His gaze shifted to the side, where a dark figure materialized from the shadows.

"Shinigami!" Horyu spat the name with venom, his eyes burning with intensity. The creature before him was one he had long sought to confront. But instead of acknowledging Horyu, the Shinigami’s attention was fixed on the other Realm Masters.

"Where the hell have you been, Ryuk?" one of the Realm Masters snarled, his voice laced with irritation. The other specters paused, their focus momentarily diverted from Horyu to the newcomer.

Ryuk, the Shinigami, was a towering figure, his form shrouded in a dark, ethereal cloak that seemed to absorb the very light around him. His eyes glowed with an eerie, otherworldly light, and his presence alone was enough to send a shiver down the spines of those who dared to stand against him.

The Shinigami’s gaze remained locked on the Realm Masters, his expression unreadable. “You’ve grown complacent,” Ryuk said, his voice low and ominous. “Playing your games, while the real threat stands before you.” He finally turned his gaze to Horyu, his eyes narrowing as he sized him up. “You and I have a common enemy, Horyu Uchiha. The Specter God’s reign must end, but these fools stand in the way. Let's fight together!”

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