Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]


Horyu's instincts screamed to refuse the Shinigami's offer while his knowledge confirmed his instincts. Trusting a creature as ancient and enigmatic as Ryuk was foolish at best, suicidal at worst. But as he scanned the battlefield, seeing the remaining Realm Masters closing in, he knew he had little choice. Horyu’s mind raced, trying to piece together Ryuk’s motives. Was this Shinigami playing his own game, or was there genuine intent to overthrow the Specter God? He would question, if he didn't already know.

Horyu wasn’t naive—he knew Ryuk had his own agenda. But for now, their goals aligned. The Specter God’s reign wasn't the immediate threat, he wasn't worried about him at all, and these Realm Masters were the last line of assailants before Horyu was done with whole Specter Realm. Horyu nodded sharply, a silent agreement, though his grip on his Uchiha Ancestral Blade never relaxed.

“Fine,” Horyu growled, his voice dripping with suspicion. “But cross me, and you’ll wish the Specter God had taken you first.”

Ryuk’s lips curled into a knowing smirk, his eerie eyes gleaming. “You’re smarter than you look, Uchiha. Let’s see if you’re as strong.”

The Realm Masters didn’t give them time for further discussion. They attacked with renewed ferocity, their coordinated assault leaving no room for error. Horyu’s Sharingan spun, catching every minute detail of the battlefield, but the sheer speed and power of these specters were overwhelming. Horyu could feel the weight of their combined might pressing down on him, testing the limits of his endurance.

The first of the Realm Masters lunged at him, its claws slicing through the air with the force to shatter stone. Horyu activated Void Step, phasing through the attack and reappearing behind the creature. Without missing a beat, he swung his Uchiha Ancestral Blade, infusing it with Cosmic Illusion Edge. The blade sliced through the Realm Master’s form, not just cutting it physically but distorting its perception of reality.

The specter staggered, momentarily disoriented by the illusory strike, but Horyu didn’t have time to press the advantage. Another Realm Master was already upon him, its massive arm swinging down like a hammer. Horyu had to act fast. He used Spectral Shift, altering the density of the creature’s arm just as it connected with his blade. The sudden shift caused the attack to falter, giving Horyu the opening he needed to slash upwards, carving a deep wound into the specter’s side.

But even as he landed the blow, Horyu felt a cold, malevolent presence behind him. One of the other Realm Masters had circled around, its spectral weapon ready to strike. He twisted, barely managing to bring his blade up in time to block the attack. The force of the impact sent him skidding back, his feet digging into the ground to halt his momentum.

Horyu’s eyes narrowed as he observed his enemies. He needed to disrupt their flow, to find a way to divide and conquer. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed Abyssal Flame Chains, the cursed fire erupting from the ground and snaring one of the Realm Masters in place. The chains burned with an intense heat, sapping the specter’s energy, but it wasn’t enough to stop the others.

The Shinigami Ryuk finally moved, stepping into the fray with an eerie grace. His hands moved in a blur, summoning dark tendrils that lashed out at the remaining Realm Masters. The tendrils wrapped around one of the specters, pulling it away from the others and giving Horyu a brief respite.

But the reprieve was short-lived. The Realm Masters were relentless, their combined power pushing Horyu and Ryuk to the brink. Horyu could feel the strain in his muscles, the burn of his chakra reserves dwindling with each passing moment. He needed to end this, and soon.

Horyu’s eyes flashed as he activated Chakra Singularity, the Uchiha Ancestral Blade glowing with a menacing light. The blade absorbed the ambient energy around him, pulling in the very life force of the battlefield. Horyu slashed at one of the Realm Masters, the blade cutting through its defenses and releasing the stored energy in a devastating counterattack. The specter howled in pain as its form began to disintegrate, but Horyu didn’t stop. He followed up with Celestial Inferno, unleashing a wave of scorching plasma that engulfed the specter, reducing it to ashes.

As the first of the Realm Masters fell, Horyu didn’t allow himself to feel relief. The others were already closing in, their movements faster and more desperate. The battlefield was a chaotic mess of clashing energies, each specter fighting to gain the upper hand.

Horyu used Observe, his Sharingan identifying the next threat.

[System Message: Specter Name: Kradon, the Wraithlord]

Kradon’s name alone told Horyu that this specter was no ordinary foe. The Wraithlord moved with a fluidity that made it nearly impossible to track, its form flickering in and out of existence as it approached. Horyu guessed that Kradon could phase through attacks, much like his Void Step. He had to be careful, or he’d find himself skewered by an unseen strike.

Kradon’s scythe sliced through the air, aiming for Horyu’s neck. Horyu used Spectral Shift on the scythe’s handle, making it unbearably heavy for just a moment. The sudden weight threw off Kradon’s balance, giving Horyu a split second to retaliate. He slashed with his blade, using Reality Warp Strike to bend space and ensure the blow connected. The blade cut deep, but Kradon’s form shimmered as it tried to phase out of the attack.

Horyu was ready. He combined Void Step with Spectral Rend, phasing through Kradon’s next attack while simultaneously unleashing an assault that targeted both the specter’s physical form and its spirit. Kradon howled as the dual assault tore at its essence, its once fluid movements becoming sluggish and disjointed.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining Realm Masters pressed their attack, refusing to give Horyu a moment’s rest. He ducked and weaved through their strikes, his body moving on instinct as he dodged one lethal blow after another. Blood dripped from a cut on his cheek, but the pain only fueled his determination.

Horyu unleashed Nightmare Pyre, the dark flames erupting around him in a massive inferno. The flames fed off the fear and despair of the specters, growing stronger with each passing second. The Realm Masters recoiled, their forms flickering as the flames seared their essence. Horyu didn’t let up, pressing the attack with a combination of Abyssal Flame Chains and Celestial Inferno, trapping one of the specters in a burning prison while the others scrambled to regroup.

Ryuk was right there with him, his dark tendrils lashing out at the specters, pulling them away from Horyu whenever they got too close. The Shinigami fought with a terrifying efficiency, his movements precise and deadly. Horyu watched him out of the corner of his eye, still wary of the creature’s true intentions. But for now, Ryuk was an ally, and they needed each other to survive this onslaught.

The battlefield became a blur of motion and energy, Horyu and Ryuk moving in tandem as they cut down specter after specter. Horyu’s body ached from the strain, but he pushed through the pain, his mind focused on the task at hand. Every swing of his blade, every use of his abilities was calculated to maximize damage and keep the specters off balance.

Finally, the last of the Realm Masters fell, its form dissolving into mist as Horyu’s blade cleaved through it. Horyu stood amidst the carnage, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his body covered in sweat and blood. The battlefield was littered with the remains of fallen specters, their essence fading into the air.

Horyu and Ryuk stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, their gazes locked on each other, distrust simmering in the air between them. The battlefield was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos that had raged just moments before. The Realm Masters had been defeated, but the tension remained thick, as if the very ground beneath them was holding its breath.

Ryuk’s eyes gleamed with a knowing glint as he chuckled softly, breaking the silence. Without warning, the Shinigami reached down and slashed his own abdomen open. Dark, swirling energy poured out from the wound, forming a vortex from which three figures emerged. Horyu’s eyes narrowed as he recognized them—Kabuto, Danzo, and Black Zetsu. The sight of them was both surprising and expected; in the world of shinobi, death was often just a temporary setback.

Horyu’s mind raced as he processed the sudden appearance of these three individuals. He had seen Black Zetsu die with his own eyes, yet here it stood, a testament to the twisted logic of their world. Danzo’s presence was equally puzzling; the man had vanished after being freed from Shisui’s control, and now, here he was. Kabuto, whom Horyu had spared for potential future use, was the least surprising, though the fact that all three were gathered now was not a bit surprising.

“What’s this, Ryuk?” Horyu’s voice was cold. “Are you part of some grand plan to revive Kaguya?”

Ryuk’s grin widened, showing rows of sharp, inhuman teeth. “You could say that,” he replied, his tone dripping with amusement. “But my interests lie elsewhere. Kaguya’s revival isn’t my goal, though these pawns certainly think it is.”

Kabuto, ever the opportunist, stepped forward, adjusting his glasses with a casual air. “Horyu Uchiha, I see you’ve grown even stronger since we last met. But don’t think for a second that this reunion is by chance. We’re here for a purpose, one that you might find aligns with your own.”

Horyu’s grip on the Uchiha Ancestral Blade tightened. “I don’t have time for your games, Kabuto. Speak plainly, or I’ll cut you down where you stand.”

Before Kabuto could respond, Black Zetsu interjected, its voice oozing with malice. “We’re here to serve a greater purpose, Uchiha Horyu. The Specter God is a threat to us all, and we’ve been summoned to ensure its downfall. But don’t mistake our cooperation for trust. The moment our goals diverge, we’ll be at each other’s throats.”

Danzo remained silent, his gaze cold and calculating as he observed the exchange. Horyu knew that this alliance was tenuous at best, a fragile truce held together by the shared desire to destroy a common enemy.

Horyu couldn't help but laugh, a dark, sardonic sound that cut through the tension in the air. The sudden burst of amusement caught the others off guard, their expressions shifting from wariness to outright confusion—everyone except Ryuk, the Shinigami, who simply observed with a knowing smirk.

"This is so fucked up," Horyu began, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "The Shinigami wants to swallow the Ten Tails for an eternal snack of emotions, Zetsu wants to use this whole mess as an excuse to resurrect his mother, and as for you two," he gestured to Danzo and Kabuto, "I don’t even know what you fuckers are after. The resurrection of Kaguya will sacrifice both of you, and it’s impossible anyway. Tobirama was a backstabbing son of a bitch, but he made damn sure that four of the Tailed Beasts would never appear when he used them to power the ritual."

His words hung in the air like a twisted joke, the absurdity of the situation almost too much to bear. Ryuk's smirk only widened, showing that he found some dark amusement in Horyu's blunt assessment. The others, however, weren't as entertained.

Danzo’s expression remained cold, but his eyes narrowed slightly, considering Horyu’s words. Kabuto merely adjusted his glasses, his calculating mind likely already forming a new strategy. Black Zetsu, on the other hand, let out a low, guttural growl, clearly displeased by Horyu’s dismissive tone.

“You think you understand the stakes here, Uchiha?” Zetsu hissed, its voice dripping with malice. “The revival of Kaguya is not a matter of if, but when. And when she returns, the world you know will be reshaped into one of her design.”

Horyu’s amusement quickly faded as he listened to Black Zetsu’s snarling response. Without a hint of hesitation, he casually waved his arm, and with a swift, precise movement, the Uchiha Ancestral Blade severed Black Zetsu’s left arm from the shoulder. The creature howled in pain, its dark essence leaking from the wound, but Horyu’s expression remained cold, unamused.

“Your pitiful mother isn’t hot shit anymore,” Horyu said, his tone dripping with disdain. “If I were you, I wouldn’t bark so loud, thinking your master will save you. Right now, there’s only one entity that can threaten me, and I sure as hell don’t need to team up with dogs and bitches like you. It would suffice to close the portal and lock the Specter God on the other side, not that it is required.”

Zetsu’s eyes widened in shock, and even the others present, including Ryuk, momentarily stiffened at Horyu’s blunt, brutal words. The sheer audacity of Horyu’s declaration hung in the air, as palpable as the tension between them.

Ryuk was the first to regain his composure, a twisted grin slowly spreading across his face. “You’ve got guts, Uchiha,” the Shinigami remarked, his voice laced with a dark amusement. “But guts alone won’t get you through this. The Specter God is no ordinary foe, and closing the portal won’t be as simple as you think.”

Horyu smiled back at Ryuk, his tone carrying a hint of jest, "I opened the portal after exploding this head of mine more than 100 times with overthinking." Though his words were light, the reality was far more grim. In a secluded realm within his mind, Horyu had been running countless scenarios with the aid of thousands of shadow clones. Each time, his mind had pushed to the brink, literally exploding from the stress, only to be mended back by the system. The result? An intricate, well-thought-out plan that left no stone unturned.

Ryuk's eerie grin widened at Horyu's words, but there was a flicker of something else in the Shinigami's eyes—perhaps respect, perhaps wariness. "So, you've figured it out," Ryuk murmured, almost to himself. "That makes things... interesting."

Black Zetsu, clutching the stump where its arm had once been, glared at Horyu with venomous hatred. "You think you can just close the portal and be done with this? The Specter God is beyond your understanding, beyond your—"

"Beyond my what?" Horyu cut in sharply, his tone icy. "You're clinging to old power, to an ancient myth that has no place in this world anymore. You're right, I don’t understand the Specter God fully. But I do understand this: everything in this realm can bleed, and if it bleeds, it can die."

Kabuto watched the exchange with keen interest, his mind undoubtedly racing to see how he could turn the situation to his advantage. Danzo remained silent, his expression unreadable.

The battlefield, once a place of frenetic action, had taken on an eerie stillness, as if even the shadows themselves were waiting to see what would happen next. Horyu could feel the weight of a thousand unseen eyes upon him, specters lurking in the dark, waiting for the chance to strike.

Horyu turned to Black Zetsu, his expression cold “Fine, I’ll bite. How exactly do you plan to resurrect the Tailed Beasts now that they’re gone?” His voice cut through the tense air, his tone both challenging and mocking. He then shifted his gaze to Danzo, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “And whoever cut your dog tongue out did a damn good job. I like silently glaring Danzo much more.”

Zetsu seethed with barely contained anger, its dark form trembling as it clutched the stump where its arm had been severed. “You’re as ignorant as you are arrogant, Uchiha. The Tailed Beasts are not truly gone; they are beings of pure chakra, impossible to destroy permanently. We can bring them back, given the right conditions.”

Horyu narrowed his eyes, his mind racing. He knew Zetsu was right in one regard—the Tailed Beasts were chakra incarnate, capable of reforming even after their physical forms were destroyed. But that was the case when chakra dispersed back into the world, not when it was used to fuel a ritual, a ritual that Horyu himself had manipulated to open the portal between realms. The Tailed Beasts had been transformed into pure chakra, serving as the key to the dimensional gate.

But something gnawed at him. He turned to Ryuk, his gaze sharp, a mocking smile playing on his lips. "Don’t think for a second that I don’t know your motives and powers, Ryuk. During the battle against the Realm Masters, I noticed you swallowed a few of them with some sort of ritual. You absorbed their powers, didn’t you? Powers that could exceed theirs in their prime when combined."

Ryuk’s grin widened, but he remained silent, allowing Horyu to continue.

"If I remember correctly, one of them was the Time Lord, Kali, and the other was the Rewinder Master, Raster. Are you planning to use their combined powers to rewind the demise of the Tailed Beasts? And after that, what’s next? Are you going to hunt down the rest of the Tailed Beasts? Do you even know where they are?"

The battlefield seemed to hold its breath as Ryuk's grin faltered, just slightly. The Shinigami's eyes narrowed, his amusement tempered by a flicker of something more dangerous—annoyance, perhaps, at Horyu's insight, or maybe the realization that the Uchiha was more perceptive than he had anticipated.

"You’re clever, Uchiha," Ryuk replied, his voice low and resonant, "but not clever enough to understand the full scope of what’s at play here. The Tailed Beasts are just a means to an end. The Specter God is the real threat, and to defeat it, we need power beyond what any single entity can muster. You, me, even Kaguya herself—we’re all pawns in this game. But I intend to be the one who decides how it ends."

Horyu couldn’t help but burst into laughter, the sound echoing across the battlefield, catching everyone off guard once again. “You? A pawn?” His gaze turned sharp, a dangerous glint reflecting in his newly awakened eyes. “My eyes can see more now. I know you’re just a cunning player dressed in pawn’s clothing. Truly, you are one of the most crafty creatures I’ve encountered, and coming from me, that’s a compliment.”

Ryuk’s smirk deepened, his eyes narrowing as he listened. The Shinigami’s confidence was palpable, but Horyu wasn’t fooled. He knew exactly what he was dealing with.

In his mind there were countless stories, countless villains, and Shinigami wasn't much different from them. The only thing that sets him apart was the fact that he had played this game longer, swallowing specters and their abilities until he had became something far more dangerous.

Ryuk’s expression remained inscrutable, but Horyu could sense the tension. “You were never sealed by Mito, were you? Even before that, it was all your plan. I didn’t know how you did it back then, but after today’s battle, I can see it clearly. You’ve absorbed far too many specters and their abilities, probably including some that give you a semblance of precognition. But it’s not just the abilities, is it? Your mind is shrewder than most. You foresaw the opening of the portal, the fall of the Realm Masters, and your eventual rise to power, replacing the Specter God. Truly admirable.”

Ryuk tilted his head slightly, his smile never wavering. “You see much, Horyu, but perhaps not enough. The future is always in flux, and even the best-laid plans can be disrupted by those with the power to see through them.”

Horyu’s grip tightened on the Uchiha Ancestral Blade, the weapon humming with latent energy as if responding to the tension in the air. The battlefield around them remained eerily still, the specters keeping their distance, as if recognizing the gravity of the exchange between these two titanic figures.

“So, you’ve laid your cards on the table,” Horyu said, his voice low and dangerous. “But don’t think for a second that I’m going to play along with your game without knowing the stakes. You’re planning to replace the Specter God, to absorb his power and become something beyond even your current form. But tell me, Ryuk, what happens to the rest of us when that day comes?”

Ryuk’s smile widened, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement. “Why, Horyu, that’s the beauty of it. The world will be remade, and those who survive will find themselves in a realm where power is the only law. You could thrive in such a world, if you’re clever enough to survive.”

Horyu’s laughter returned, colder this time, devoid of humor. “You really believe that, don’t you? That you can control everything, bend everyone to your will. But there’s one thing you’ve forgotten, Ryuk: I’m not like the others you’ve manipulated. I’m not a pawn in your game.”

Ryuk’s eyes narrowed, his expression darkening for the first time. “And what are you, then, Horyu? A king? A god?”

Horyu shook his head, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. "There is only one god in this story, and he’s the one writing it. You’re just an overpowered final boss to make things interesting, and I’m the shell filled with all the power to stop it. This is how it is. But you didn’t answer, Ryuk. Do you even know where the rest of the Tailed Beasts are?”

Ryuk’s eyes narrowed dangerously, but then he chuckled, the sound low and ominous. “Fine, I’ll entertain you. They’re in another dimension—the Realm of Twilight.”

Horyu’s smile turned even colder, more dangerous, and it sent a shiver through the group. “So you do know.”

This revelation took Ryuk and the others by surprise. It was as if Horyu had expected this all along. He chuckled darkly before continuing, “Who do you think sent them there? And what do you think my summon is from? All my loved ones are now refuged in that realm, and you believe I’ll team up with you so you can massacre that place too?”

Bursts of laughter erupted from Horyu as his chakra flared wildly, dark energy swirling around him with terrifying intensity. His voice, now laden with grim finality, echoed across the battlefield, "Didn't I tell you, Specter God, this is how it will end."

Before Ryuk could respond, another voice broke through the tension, cutting the moment like a knife. "Yes, Horyu. You were right, you won this bet."

The air grew thicker as the presence of the Specter God itself began to manifest, a pressure that threatened to crush the life out of anything nearby. The Realm Masters, sensing the shift, moved back, their once arrogant demeanor replaced by a sudden, cold fear. Even Ryuk, the Shinigami, stiffened as if realizing that his carefully laid plans were now teetering on the edge of ruin.

From nothing, a small ball of light manifested in the center of the battlefield. It pulsated with a rhythmic, almost hypnotic energy, drawing all eyes to it. The light began to expand, shifting and twisting in the air, morphing into a shape that defied logic. It wasn’t just light anymore; it was something more profound, a presence that seemed to blur the lines between the divine and the damned.

As the light grew, it took on the form of a humanoid figure, towering over everything else on the battlefield. Its body was ethereal, composed of intertwining strands of pure white and deepest black, as if holy light and cursed shadows had been woven together into a single, awe-inspiring entity. The figure’s face was obscured, hidden beneath a shifting veil of light and darkness, but two eyes burned through the veil, radiating an ancient, incomprehensible power. They were not the eyes of any mortal being—they were the eyes of the Specter God, the ruler of the spectral realm.

The air itself seemed to bow to this presence. A suffocating pressure bore down on everyone present, forcing even the most powerful beings to their knees. The Realm Masters, who had previously exuded such confidence and arrogance, collapsed under the weight of the Specter God’s arrival, their massive forms trembling with fear and reverence.

Before Horyu could react, Zetsu, Kabuto, and Danzo burst into a shower of blood, their bodies disintegrating as if they had been unworthy to even stand in the presence of such an overwhelming force. The dark mist that remained of them was swiftly consumed by the aura surrounding the Specter God, as if they had never existed at all.

"Who dares challenge my reign?" The Specter God’s voice echoed across the battlefield, reverberating through the air with a sound that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. It wasn’t a voice that could be heard with the ears alone—it was felt deep within the soul, a resonance that threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality.

Ryuk, who had been so confident just moments before, now appeared small and insignificant before the Specter God. Even with all his cunning and power, he was forced to bow, his head lowered in what might have been fear or respect—perhaps both. The tension in the air was palpable, the oppressive presence of the Specter God weighing down on everyone.

"Great Specter God," Ryuk began, his voice trembling slightly, a stark contrast to the arrogance he had shown earlier. "I was tricking these mortals to resurrect the Ten Tails, the otherworldly creature, to present it to you to feed on for eternity."

The Specter God’s eyes, burning with ancient power, shifted to Horyu, who stood with a defiant grin. Despite the overwhelming force before him, Horyu showed no fear. Instead, he radiated a calm, calculating confidence that only further intrigued the Specter God.

"You were right about this one, Horyu. He really is crafty," the Specter God remarked, amusement lacing its voice.

Horyu chuckled, the sound carrying across the battlefield like a dark echo. "It took me a lot of time to see as well. Don’t beat yourself up."

The exchange between Horyu and the Specter God seemed to confuse the onlookers, who were still trying to process the sudden shift in the atmosphere. The battlefield, which had been a scene of relentless violence, was now eerily quiet, the specters and other entities present sensing that the real power was no longer theirs to wield.

"Ryuk," the Specter God’s voice was both a command and a rebuke, "your ambitions amuse me, but they are ultimately futile. You think to manipulate me, to use me as a pawn in your schemes? I am beyond such petty machinations."

Ryuk flinched slightly, though he tried to maintain his composure. "Great one, I only seek to serve—"

"Silence," the Specter God cut him off, the word echoing with the force of a thunderclap. Ryuk fell silent, his expression one of barely concealed fear. The Specter God turned its gaze back to Horyu, who met the god’s eyes without flinching.

This wasn't the first time Horyu and the Specter God had crossed paths. When Horyu had first been trapped in the Realm of Specters, awakening his Specter Sage Mode, he’d felt an ominous shift in the space around him. One moment, he was with Kurenai, grappling with the new surge of spectral energy coursing through his veins; the next, he was face-to-face with the Specter God. The encounter had been unexpected, even for someone as cautious as Horyu. But what had startled him more was the Specter God’s apparent interest in him, an interest that stemmed from the unique nature of Horyu’s spectral powers—powers that, according to the Specter God, closely mirrored his own.

In that first meeting, Horyu had quickly realized that the sanctuary he and Kurenai had believed to be safe, a place untouched by specters, was nothing more than a playground the Specter God had allowed to exist. If it had wanted, the Specter God could have reached into that sanctuary and pulled them out, ending their lives with a mere thought. Yet, it hadn’t. That realization had led to a series of conversations between the two, where Horyu had cautiously probed the Specter God’s motives, while the god seemed content to study this human who dared to wield power so similar to its own.

From that moment, an unlikely and tense relationship had formed between Horyu and the Specter God. They conversed often, not as friends, but as two beings who shared a mutual curiosity about each other. The Specter God, having lived for eons, had grown bored with the endless cycle of life and death that governed his realm. Horyu, on the other hand, was a fresh anomaly—a mortal who wielded power that skirted dangerously close to the divine.

It was this boredom that had led the Specter God to make a bet with Horyu, a bet that had cost him thousands of his underlings and even many of the Realm Masters. To the Specter God, however, these losses were inconsequential. He had seen and experienced so much that the death of a few thousand specters was merely a minor inconvenience, a trivial sacrifice for the entertainment of a mind that had long since grown weary of existence. This bet was nothing more than a game, a small theater to see if Horyu could really see further than himself.

And he lost. The God of Specters lost to a mortal. It was an interesting game, but while it lasted, it was fun.

"Now, it's time to honor your promise," Horyu said nonchalantly, his tone devoid of any hint of victory or gloating. He had fought, bled, and survived the onslaught of the Specter Realm, and now he stood victorious, but there was no joy in his words—only the expectation of what was due.

The Specter God chuckled, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to vibrate through the very air around them. "You want me out of your home already? Not very welcoming of you. It’s rude, Horyu."

Horyu rolled his eyes, unimpressed by the god’s casual demeanor despite its immense power. Even now, the Specter God’s presence was overwhelming, but it was also strangely familiar. There was a bizarre normalcy to their interactions, like two beings who had long since ceased to see each other as enemies.

With a lazy wave of his hand, the Specter God opened a portal, its swirling vortex a gateway to the realm beyond. "All of you, return. Our invasion has failed, and we lost," the god ordered, its voice echoing with finality. The command was absolute, and the remaining specters, those who had survived Horyu’s relentless onslaught, hesitated only for a moment before obeying. They began to dissolve into the shadows, their forms retreating into the portal that led back to their realm.

As the battlefield slowly emptied, the oppressive weight of the Specter God’s presence seemed to lighten, though it never fully disappeared. The tension that had gripped the air began to dissipate, replaced by an uneasy calm.

Horyu sheathed his Uchiha Ancestral Blade, the weapon humming softly as it settled back into its resting state. The battle had been long and grueling, but he had endured, and now, it was finally over. Or so it seemed.

"Don’t think this is the end," the Specter God said, its voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You’ve proven yourself to be quite the interesting opponent, Horyu Uchiha. Few have ever challenged me as you have, and even fewer have won."

"I’m not interested in your flattery," Horyu replied coolly, his eyes narrowing. "You made a promise, and I expect you to keep it."

The Specter God’s form shimmered, its ethereal body shifting as it regarded Horyu with a strange, almost paternal gaze. "And I will," the god's voice echoed with a tone that was both ominous and oddly fond. "But you should know, Horyu, that you’ve set events in motion that cannot be undone. You, a foolish mortal, did commit one mistake: you intrigued me. So, I will wait for you. Grow even stronger, and challenge me."

Horyu almost facepalmed at the audacity of the Specter God, but instead, he simply nodded, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "I will take your head too."

The Specter God let out a deep, resonant laugh that reverberated through the battlefield, shaking the very air around them. "We shall see, Horyu Uchiha. We shall see." And with that, the god's form dissolved into the ether, as if he had never been there to begin with, leaving only the faintest trace of his overwhelming presence behind.

As the last vestiges of the Specter God vanished, the battlefield fell into a heavy silence. The oppressive energy that had filled the air dissipated, leaving only the smoldering remains of the specters Horyu had vanquished. The stillness was punctuated by the slow, deliberate movement of Ryuk, who had remained kneeling during the entire encounter, his head bowed in what seemed like relief.

The Shinigami exhaled a breath he had been holding, his eyes flicking toward the slowly closing portal with a sigh of what could only be described as immense relief. "He forgot about me," Ryuk muttered to himself, the words barely audible in the quiet. "Or he just didn’t care."

A low chuckle behind him made Ryuk’s blood run cold. He turned his head slowly, dread creeping up his spine as he saw Horyu standing there, a sharp grin on his face. "No, Ryuk," Horyu said, his voice soft yet laced with an undeniable edge of menace. "You’re just my prize."

Ryuk’s eyes widened, his entire form stiffening as the implications of Horyu’s words sank in. The Shinigami had underestimated the Uchiha, a mistake he was now paying for dearly. Ryuk had assumed that once the Specter God left, he would be free to continue his schemes, or perhaps slip away unnoticed. But Horyu had other plans.

"So," Ryuk began, his voice cautious, betraying none of the arrogance he had shown earlier. "What now, Uchiha? You’ve won the battle, and the Specter God is gone. Surely, you don’t need to concern yourself with me anymore."

Horyu’s grin widened, but there was no humor in it. "Concern myself with you? Ryuk, I don’t think you understand your situation. You were the center of our bet, and you are the prize. You made many mistakes in life, but two stand out as the most foolish. First, you thought you could challenge the Specter God. And second, you swallowed two people you should never have crossed paths with. The first was Mito, my teacher, who I still respect. The second was Tobirama. I have grudges to settle with him, and I can't let you give him an easy way out."

Ryuk’s eyes widened in shock, and before he could react, Horyu's arm shot forward, piercing straight through Ryuk’s chest. The Shinigami gasped, his form trembling as Horyu's hand gripped his heart, dark energy pulsating from the point of contact. For the first time, Ryuk felt a deep, primal fear.

Something strange began to happen. Ryuk felt his essence being pulled, drained into Horyu. It was as if his very being, the powers he had accumulated, the souls he had devoured, were being siphoned away. Ryuk struggled, but it was futile. Horyu’s grip was unyielding, and the absorption continued relentlessly.

"Die," Horyu whispered, his voice cold and devoid of emotion, "knowing that you are making me stronger. And with your power, I will challenge and kill the Specter God one day."

Ryuk’s body convulsed, his form flickering as it was absorbed into Horyu. The Shinigami’s power, the essence of the countless specters he had devoured, all flowed into Horyu, merging with his already formidable strength. Ryuk’s eyes, once filled with cunning and arrogance, now showed only terror as he felt himself being unmade.

"Horyu," Ryuk gasped, his voice weak, fading, "you don’t know what you’re—"

But Ryuk never finished his sentence. With a final shudder, his body disintegrated, his essence completely absorbed by Horyu. The last remnants of the Shinigami were gone, leaving only silence in their wake.

Horyu stood there, his arm still extended, as the power coursed through him. He could feel the energy of Ryuk merging with his own, the new abilities, the knowledge, the strength. It was overwhelming, but Horyu’s will was ironclad, and he quickly asserted control over the new power within him.

"Now," Horyu murmured to himself, "it’s time to settle old scores."

With a mere thought, Horyu split the fabric of reality, the world around him bending to his will as if it were nothing more than a fragile illusion. In an instant, he found himself standing on the stone face of Tobirama Senju, carved into the mountainside in Konoha, thousands of miles from the battlefield he had just left. The cold wind of the night brushed against his skin, but he barely felt it, his mind focused on the task at hand.

The village below was quiet, the residents still hiding from Specters, most in the bunkers, some already dead. Horyu stood on Tobirama’s stony visage, his gaze intense as he stared down at the expression carved into the mountain. The sight of it filled him with a deep, simmering anger—a reminder of the man who had caused so much suffering to him and his loved ones.

For a moment, the urge to destroy the face, to kick it off the mountain in a fit of rage, surged through him. But Horyu held back, his anger quickly replaced by a cold, calculating resolve. He had better plans for Tobirama, plans that would be far more satisfying than a mere act of destruction.

With deliberate precision, Horyu pricked his finger, drawing a single drop of blood. The crimson bead formed on his fingertip, hanging there for a moment before beginning to twist and turn, growing in size and shape as it hovered in the air. The blood expanded, reshaping itself into a figure that quickly became familiar—Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage.

Tobirama’s form materialized fully, his features clear and distinct, as if he had never been gone. His eyes were wide with shock, his mind trying to process what had just happened. The last thing he remembered was fighting alongside his brother, Hashirama, and his sister-in-law, Mito, in a desperate battle against the Shinigami. They had lost, and he had been consumed by the dark entity, his essence devoured and seemingly lost forever.

And now, here he was, standing on the face of his own monument, staring into the cold eyes of an Uchiha—an Uchiha who had summoned him back to the world of the living.

Horyu's gaze was cold and unyielding as he looked down at the newly revived Tobirama Senju. The Second Hokage's expression was one of confusion and dawning realization, but Horyu didn’t allow him time to fully process the situation. His voice was low.

"You wanted to get rid of me and Shisui by sacrificing us," Horyu began, his tone laced with silent rage. "You didn’t even care that Kurenai was with us. In your small mind, it was just a necessary sacrifice in your hate against the Uchiha, right? For the greater good? For the sake of Konoha and the world?"

Tobirama’s eyes widened as the memories came flooding back—the ritual, the manipulation, the cold calculations he had made without hesitation. He opened his mouth to speak, perhaps to defend his actions, but Horyu’s next words cut him off.

"You tricked us, Tobirama. You twisted Mito’s ritual, turning what should have been her willing sacrifice into a trap for us. You thought you were sealing off the Specter Realm permanently, but in the end, you were just a coward trying to rid the world of those you despised."

The accusation hung heavy in the air, the truth of Horyu’s words undeniable. Tobirama’s face tightened with anger, but he said nothing. He had always been pragmatic, even ruthless when it came to what he believed was necessary for the greater good. But now, faced with the consequences of his actions, there was no justification strong enough to counter what he had done.

"You thought it was just a small sacrifice," Horyu continued, his voice growing colder with each word. "In your mind, the deaths of a few Uchiha—of me, Shisui, and Kurenai—were worth it to protect your precious village. But you never considered the cost. You never imagined that by trying to eliminate us, you would doom the world."

Tobirama flinched, the weight of Horyu’s words striking deep. "I did what I had to," he finally spoke, his voice firm but lacking its usual conviction. "The Uchiha were a threat—a danger to the balance of the world. I did what I thought was right."

Horyu’s eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flashing within them. "And look where that got you. Look where that got the world." He took a step closer to Tobirama, the full force of his presence bearing down on the older man. "The world descended into chaos, Tobirama. The Specter Realm broke free, and it wasn’t the Senju or the village you loved so much that saved it. It was an Uchiha—me. The very clan you tried to destroy was the one that held the line, that kept the world from collapsing entirely."

Tobirama’s jaw tightened, his pride and prejudice warring with the reality Horyu was laying before him. But he remained silent, unable to refute the truth of Horyu’s words. The hatred and fear that had driven his decisions now seemed hollow in the face of what had actually transpired.

"And now," Horyu said, his voice softening but losing none of its edge, "you’re going to pay for what you did. Not with death—oh no, that would be too easy, too merciful. You’re going to live, Tobirama. You’re going to see everything you tried to destroy prosper."

Before Tobirama could react, Horyu simply waved his hand, his chakra flaring with a dark, ominous energy. "I’m going to seal you into this mountain, into your own monument, where you will never die, never sleep, never hunger. You will be trapped for eternity, forced to watch the Uchiha rise from the ashes of your hatred. And you will see us thrive, see the world that you tried to shape crumble before the strength of the Uchiha."

Tobirama’s eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen. He struggled, trying to break free, but Horyu’s power was too great, his will too strong. The sealing technique took hold, binding Tobirama’s essence to the stone face of his own monument. The process was slow and agonizing, every fiber of Tobirama’s being resisting the inevitable.

Horyu watched dispassionately as the former Hokage’s struggles grew weaker, his form becoming one with the stone. Tobirama’s eyes, once filled with fire and determination, now reflected only fear and despair as the last remnants of his body were absorbed into the mountain.

As the seal took hold completely, the stone face of Tobirama Senju remained unchanged on the surface, but beneath it, the Second Hokage was trapped—alive, aware, and utterly powerless. His consciousness would remain intact, forever bound to the monument, forced to witness the future he had fought so hard to prevent.

Horyu stood on the stone face of Tobirama Senju. Tobirama was now sealed within the mountain, his consciousness trapped, forced to witness the rise of the Uchiha, the clan he had tried so desperately to destroy.

With a small, almost amused smirk, Horyu’s first action was to unceremoniously lower his pants. He had been battling for hours, and his bladder was especially full. There was no ceremony, no grandeur in what he did next—just a simple, primal act of contempt. He aimed at the stone face, letting out a long stream of urine, the sound of it splashing against the carved stone echoing in the quiet night.

As he relieved himself, Horyu began to whistle a tune, a mocking melody that filled the empty air. There was no need for words, no need for any grand declaration. This was his final statement to Tobirama—a show of utter disrespect to the man who had wronged him so deeply. It was a moment of pure satisfaction, one that needed no elaborate words to convey its meaning.

The steam from the urine rose into the cold air, adding to the surreal nature of the scene. Horyu continued to whistle, his tone light, almost playful, as he finished his business. He shook off the last few drops, pulling up his pants with a sense of finality. There was no sense of shame, no hesitation in his actions—just the straightforward satisfaction of a man who had won his battle and now stood victorious.

With a final glance at the stone face, Horyu gave a short, derisive laugh. "Rest well, Tobirama," he muttered, his voice carrying a cold edge. "You’ll have plenty of time to think about your mistakes."

There was no need to linger. Horyu had done what he came to do. The weight of the past was finally lifted, and the future—his future—was his to shape. He turned away from the monument, leaving behind the sealed Hokage.

With the task of sealing Tobirama complete, Horyu didn’t waste time dwelling on the past. He had more pressing matters to attend to. His next action was as simple as it was symbolic.

Standing on the mountainside, Horyu looked up at the massive stone faces carved into the rock. The face of Shisui, who had temporarily replaced Minato, stared back at him. With a flick of his wrist, Horyu’s chakra surged. The stone shifted under his command, and in a matter of seconds, Shisui’s face slid smoothly over to the fifth position, making room for Minato’s face to reappear in its rightful place as the Fourth Hokage.

The change was seamless, as if Shisui’s face had never replaced Minato’s. The mountain now displayed the true order of the Hokage, with Shisui’s face marking the fifth spot, a silent acknowledgment of his place in history.

Satisfied, Horyu turned and, with a single step, vanished from the mountainside. He reappeared instantly at the Senju Compound, the once-grand estate now silent and empty.

Stopping at a secluded spot in the compound, Horyu pricked his finger again, drawing a single drop of blood. The crimson bead floated before him, quickly expanding and reshaping itself in midair. The transformation was swift and precise, and within moments, the figure of Mito Uzumaki stood before him.

Mito’s form solidified. Her eyes, sharp and wise, met Horyu’s with a mix of recognition and curiosity. She took in the scene around her, the remnants of the compound, and the sight of Horyu standing before her.

“Mito-sama,” Horyu greeted her with a smile.

It took a moment for Mito to fully grasp her surroundings. Her eyes scanned the familiar compound, now worn by time and battle. She turned to Horyu, her expression a mix of surprise and relief.

"Horyu… I’m back," she murmured, her voice steady despite the confusion.

Horyu nodded, offering a small smile. "Yes, Mito-sama, you are. But a lot has happened since you were taken."

He began to explain, keeping his tone matter-of-fact. "After the Shinigami swallowed you, the world changed drastically. The Specters raided our realm, leading to a war that nearly tore everything apart. You were at the frontlines before, so you understand the scale of it."

Mito’s expression darkened as she recalled the relentless battle against the Specters. "I remember the war… but how did you survive? How did you get the power to bring me back?"

Horyu continued, skipping over the parts that didn’t need to be shared. "To escpe from Tobirama's ritual with Kurenai, Shisui, I took them to the Specter Realm. It was there that I trained, fought, and eventually gained the strength of the Specters. When I returned, I dealt with the remaining Specters here. The world is free now."

Mito’s eyes softened as she looked at Horyu. There was a deep affection in her gaze, the kind that a grandmother might show her beloved grandson. "You’ve grown strong, Horyu. Stronger than I could have imagined."

Horyu shrugged slightly, downplaying the magnitude of his achievements. "It was necessary. The world needed someone to stand against the Specters, and I was in the position to do it."

There was a pause as Mito processed his words, her mind piecing together the events that had transpired while she was gone. "And now?" she asked, her voice quieter, more introspective.

"Now, the world is free of Specters," Horyu replied. "But there’s still work to be done. The village needs rebuilding. But for now, you’re back, and that’s what matters."

Mito smiled, a genuine warmth in her expression. "You’ve done well, Horyu. I always knew you had the potential to change the world."

Horyu didn’t respond to that. Compliments weren’t something he was comfortable with, especially after everything that had happened. Instead, he changed the subject. "There’s much to discuss, but for now, you should rest. You've been through a lot, and the world isn’t going anywhere."

Mito nodded, though her eyes were still filled with concern. "You’ve taken on so much, Horyu. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too."

"I’ll manage," Horyu said simply.

Horyu then waved his hand, and a portal to the Twilight Realm opened. The shimmering gateway seemed to ripple with energy as it expanded, revealing a path from the other dimension. Slowly, people began to emerge, their faces familiar and filled with relief. These were the ones Horyu had sent away to protect, and now, they were finally returning.

The first to step through were Kurenai, Ino, Karin, Hinata, and Hanabi. The moment they saw Horyu, any hesitation they might have had vanished. They rushed forward, their emotions overwhelming them. Kurenai reached him first, her arms wrapping tightly around him in a fierce embrace. Her usually calm demeanor broke as she clung to him, the relief of seeing him alive and well clear in her eyes.

Ino followed closely, her expression a mixture of joy and something deeper, something that she had held onto for too long. She didn’t say a word, just buried her face into his chest, her grip strong as if she feared he might disappear if she let go.

Karin was next. She hugged Horyu, a rare show of vulnerability on her part. "It’s good to see you, Horyu," she murmured, her voice betraying just how much she had worried.

Hinata and Hanabi came together, their eyes reflecting a blend of emotions—relief, happiness, and a lingering fear. They hugged Horyu tightly, the bond between them unspoken but strong. Hinata’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, but she quickly blinked them away, not wanting to appear weak in front of him.

Horyu, standing firm as they all clung to him, allowed himself a brief moment to take in the sight of them all. Each of them had been through their own struggles, but they were here now, alive and safe.

As the initial wave of relief settled, the rest of the people Horyu had sent to the Twilight Realm began to emerge. They came through the portal cautiously at first, their eyes scanning the area as if unsure of what awaited them on the other side. But as they recognized the familiar surroundings and saw Horyu standing there, a collective sigh of relief seemed to wash over them.

Horyu stood at the edge of the compound, watching as the rest of the people he had saved began to step through the portal. It wasn’t just his loved ones; there were many others—people from all walks of life who had been rescued by his five life clones, who had disguised themselves as Daimyo. Horyu had planned for them to be strategic assets, ready to take control if needed. But when he was forced into the Specter Realm unexpectedly, their roles changed.

The clones had changed their appearances, making it easier to maneuver through the chaos that followed the Specter invasion. Despite their limited power, they managed to save countless lives, using their influence and cunning to protect those they could. While Horyu was trapped in the Specter Realm, these clones had been the lifeline for many, including some of the most important figures in the shinobi world.

As more people emerged from the portal, familiar faces began to appear. Tsunade stepped forward, her gaze sharp as she took in the surroundings. Naruto followed close behind with Sasuke and Himawari, his usual energy subdued but present, his eyes searching until they landed on Horyu. 

Raikage A, Bee, Mei, Oonoki, and his family began to step through the portal, followed by many others. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as they gathered, uncertain of what awaited them in this new reality. The once vibrant leaders of the shinobi world now appeared subdued, their faces marked with the weight of the recent chaos and the uncertainty of what was to come.

Horyu observed the group with cold detachment, his presence alone enough to command attention. The shinobi, once proud and confident, now stood in silence, awaiting his next move. There was no room for negotiation, no place for defiance.

Turning to Mito, Horyu’s voice was calm but filled with authority. "I will leave them to you. Remind them of two things. First, I will not tolerate any petty schemes. Anyone who thinks otherwise will be killed without mercy. Second, the world is now free of Specter influence. Any battle, greed, or war that follows is their own doing, and I will be the judge of this world from now on."

His words hung in the air, carrying a weight that none dared to challenge. The leaders of the shinobi world exchanged uneasy glances, but none spoke. The sheer force of Horyu’s presence, combined with the aura of power that radiated from him, was enough to silence any thoughts of dissent.

Mito nodded, understanding the gravity of her task. She stepped forward, her gaze sweeping over the gathered shinobi. "You’ve heard Horyu. The world has changed, and so have the rules. This is not the time for old grudges or ambitions. The Specters are gone, and with them, the excuse to wage senseless wars. You are all responsible for what comes next. Make your choices wisely."

The weight of her words settled over the group, reinforcing the reality of their situation. They were no longer the unchallenged rulers of the world. A new power had emerged, one that would not hesitate to enforce its will.

As Mito spoke, Horyu turned his attention back to the women who had waited for him—Kurenai, Hinata, Hanabi, Karin, and Ino. Their eyes met his, filled with a mix of emotions—relief, love, and a deep-seated understanding of what they had all endured.

Without another word, Horyu led them toward the portal to the Twilight Realm. Together, they stepped through, leaving the weight of the past behind as they moved toward a place where they could pay their respects to the Kurohana Owl Tribe for safeguarding their people.

As the group disappeared into the portal, the leaders of the shinobi world remained, left to grapple with the new reality that Horyu had established. None dared to question his authority, not after witnessing the raw power he wielded and the cold finality of his words.


Hello to everyone still supporting this novel—thank you for sticking with it. This is the final chapter, with an epilogue to come that will show Horyu's new reality a few years later. But before that, I want to address a couple of things.

First, I know the Specter Arc dragged on a bit, but it was something I planned from the start, with hints and foreshadows throughout the novel. If I didn't wrap those up, it would have bothered me constantly.

Secondly, I hope you’ve enjoyed the fanfiction overall. I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope it’s been as fun for you to read.

All the best!

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