Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V13 – Chapter 159 Bond with new Realities

“We are here to report about the recent Imperial incursion into the Elies Forest. The US military told us that the Empire snuck about five hundred soldiers into the forest in an attempt to block off supply lines into Elies. 

US and French forces cleared out the forest in the early stages of the war, destroying the Imperial force in the sector. During the conflict a US Army Ranger was taken prisoner and tortured before being rescued. 

The campaign to remove the Imperial forces out of the forest came at the cost of seven US and one French soldiers. The enemy dead has been reported in the thousands, destroying the main force.

NATO intelligence believe this is an attempt to retake Valtris, wanting to cut off the Alnus region with Elies. While most of Elies is under NATO occupation, small skirmishes within some of the major cities and the outskirts still occur.” - Alnus Liberty News


--- United States, Philadelphia, Sharpe Condo ---

March 17th, 2026


Sarah Rose closes her eyes. She feels both her and Sharpe's hands locked together tightly as their bodies tense up.

She can feel Sharpe other hand moving down her body, enjoying his rough military hands going down her smooth skin.

She moves her free hand to his back and keeps to keep him close. She realizes that she has to help regulate her warrior. She also wants to keep him close so she is holding him close.

She then moves her head so she is facing right, letting Sharpe kiss her on the cheek.

She moves her hand from his back to his cheek. She glides his head so he is now looking directly at him.

Both of their eyes interlock, realizing no words are needed to express how they feel. Both of them have been through a lot, each in their own way.

Then they both kiss.

She feels the tension and the love as she moves her head back, feeling her body locking up.

She feels Sharpe pick up speed as she grabs the pillow as tightly as she can. She can't stop herself from panting as she feels Sharpe grab her leg.

And then they both stop, breathing heavily.

As she catches her breath, she sees Sharpe lying down next to her. She looks at him as he catches his breath.

"Wow…," she says panting. She uses her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Two times."

Sharpe pants heavily as he catches his breath. "Sorry… I…"

She giggles, seeing his insecurities coming out. He is a soldier to the core and being ex-Delta and now Rangers, fighting monsters and Apostles. He knows how to go all in, on the frontlines, and in bed.

"Everything is ok, I hope I didn't make you work too hard," she comments in a cute tone. She then leans over and kisses him on the forehead.

After that, she rests her head on his right shoulder and snuggles up. Her left-hand rests on his chest as she gets comfortable beside him. As she gets close, she can hear his heart pounding.

"No…," Sharpe said. "It did get tense there."

"No worry," she replies. "You’re SF. I expect all or nothing from a man like you."

As she cozies up, she feels so happy that she finally was able to catch him. It was not easy, it took longer than she liked to claim him. In the end though, she won her beast and now he is hers.

She lightly moves her hand across his chest, feeling his muscles which isn't surprising. She also feels old scars from knife and shrapnel wounds, a scare where he was shot by a Chinese soldier, and right in the center, she feels that burn scar where Frayen used his magic attack on him(1).

Feeling all those scars reminds her of who he is, that he doesn't have to explain anything. That he is the best and worst kind of soldier, someone who cares and is willing to go to the ends of the earth to achieve his objective. Not for the ego, but for love.

"You're a bit rough on the edges but I love you," she says in a soft voice. "We all do. Just remember, we are in this together."


--- Next morning, 0722 ---

March 18th, 2026


Sarah lays in the master bedroom with her boyfriend Sharpe after spending a romantic night alone.

She suddenly wakes up after feeling the bed moving. She can hear Sharpe mumbling something too as he wakes up.

She looks over the bedsheets and sees Rory sitting at the end of the bed on her knees.

"Hi, sleepy heads!" Rory says in a cheeky tone.

She sits up quickly, grabbing the sheets to cover her naked body. She sees Rory grinning, holding into the sheets like she is about to pull the covers. She gives her a warning glare but before she could say anything, Sharpe spoke.

"Rory!" Sharpe said, not in a thrilled tone. "What are you doing here?"

"What?" Rory asked in an innocent tone. "I am not alone. Why are you picking on me?"

Still being tired, it took a moment for her eyes to focus. She then sees Lelei, Tuka, and Selina behind Rory. All of them are still in their nightclothes. All wearing some kind of a nightgown expect Lelei, who is wearing a white tank top and brown shorts. "What are you all doing in here?"

"We voted and decided that we are hungry," Rory said with a big smile.

"You voted and that is why you three are hungry?" she asks, confused by what Rory said.

She watches the four look at each other, nodding their head in agreement. She cannot believe these four, they all have become close like sisters, even though they are so different. "You woke us up because you voted on being hungry?"

"Well yes," Tuka said. "You people believe in voting so we voted."

"Why didn't you just make yourself breakfast," Sharpe asks, getting more annoyed.

She wants to place her hand on Sharpe's shoulder, wanting to calm him down but she is more worried about the blanket falling. "That is a good question."

She then notices Lelei standing there lightly blushing, trying to avoid looking at Sharpe. She looks at Sharpe and sees him shirtless. She remembers being Lelei age and there's not much hotter seeing a well-built man with a few scares.

Tuka leans over. "Don't feel so nervous Sarah, its nothing any of us haven't seen before so you don't have to cover yourself. And besides, we won't let Rory touch your cooking equipment."

Lelei leans over. "That is correct. We don't want Rory to burn our home down, so we voted that she isn't allowed in the kitchen."

Rory frowns hearing that and crosses her arms. "I only almost burned down a building that one time(2)."

"Three times," Lelei corrects

"The other two don't count," Rory states with pride. "I didn't like that person anyway."

"Besides we need help making this," Selina says and then holds up a cookbook.

She looks at Selina and sees the cookbook showing a sausage and egg casserole. She takes an annoyed breath, wishing they just waited until she and Sharpe were decent.

"You could have waited until I woke up," she mumbles.

"We are going to have a conversation about boundaries," Sharpe said.

Rory laughs. "Boundaries? Like that will ever happen. If I wish I could kick your butt so good luck."

Sharpe holds out his index figure, making sure everyone knows he is taking control of the conversation. "Rory. You will never be able to overpower me. I know all of your sensitive spots, all three of them."

Rory laughs and then stops smirking as she thinks about what Sharpe said. Sharpe just looks at her calmly, showing no emotion which is scaring her more. She was about to respond but then stopped herself. She smirks and then gets scared again as she decides on the context of what he said. She then scoots back a little to the back of the bed, blushing bright red now.

She looks at Sharpe wondering what he meant by that. Her eyes widen and slap him in the arm. She knows of their little sexual teasing games they do and knows it can go too far, forcing her to be the referee at times.  "Ok! Everyone! Outside! Or no food."

She sees the Girls starting to leave until Selina jumps on the bed.

"I am happy you two have embraced Miritta!" Selina said with a cheerful smile. "Are you two going to have a baby now?"

"Get out!" Sharpe orders as he points to the door.

She sees all of them rush out the door. She takes a relaxing breath, wondering if she and her sister were this much of a pain in the ass when they were kids.

She then sees Rory stop by the door. She stops and looks at her with an evil smirk. "By the way Sarah. You get really loud at night." She then winks.

Hearing that she grabs a pillow and tosses it at Rory. Rory runs out the door, slamming the door as she laughs.

"My god, she is a little bitch," she states, annoyed and embarrassed.

"You can never show weakness around her," Sharpe said. "Otherwise she will pull things like that all the time. She is an alpha female, so you have to out alpha the alpha."

She thinks about that and blinks. She suddenly feels a headache coming. "I see how you two act and I- I can’t compete. I will leave that to you." She mumbles.

Sharpe chuckles hearing that. "Go get ready, I will go make them something."

She places her hand on his arm. "No. You go get ready. If you wait too long, then you will have to wait forever. You know them in Showers." She smiles at him. "I will go to make breakfast."

She then leans forward and kisses him.




After breakfast, Sarah is in the kitchen washing dishes in her black satin floral robe. She enjoyed teaching Lelei and Tuka how to operate the kitchen appliances and how to read a cookbook.

She enjoyed teaching them how to cook, enjoying the bonding time. She saw that both Lelei and Tuka picked up on everything quickly, showing they have experience behind a kitchen.

They had a fun breakfast. It was simple as all the Girls talk over each other as they try to tell a better story. Half of the stories kept related to her and Sharpe in bed, making fun of them.

Selina kept bringing up babies and Miritta as usual. This time what Selina said was tamer when talking about her faith, saying more family and motherhood than prostitution. Her time with Karlin seems to help her wash away the extremism of her people's religion.

Yao sat at the corner, confused by everything she saw. She must have found the sight strange. A High Elf, an adopted princess, a mage, and an Apostle sitting around a table acting as a family with two Other Worlder Humans.

She and Rory didn't fully approve Yao coming with everyone, especially after what happened at the bar however Lelei made a good point. Sharpe did save Yao people and if she made the cultural misunderstanding than other Dark Elves will. Lelei made the argument that Yao should come because they already know her and it would be a good chance for Yao to see what Earth is like besides hearing about it.

With some hesitation Sharpe agreed. Lelei never has mislead him before and her impute has great weight on Sharpe.  

While everyone else is in the living room, Lelei is behind her drying dishes. "You girls really need to learn privacy."

"I still don't understand the issue," Lelei replies. "You Americans are so sensitive about such things. Making love isn't something to be ashamed of. In my tribe, the first time was always a community event, to celebrate a new union."

She has heard customs before, seeing it in movies and television shows all the time. She never considered it a real custom though, just a shock event for ratings.

"It is not about being ashamed," she replies. "It is about privacy, being with the one you love. About bonding between two people who are in love. It is supposed to be intimate, not to be a Broadway theater special."

"No idea what that means but I still think you are all strange," Lelei replies.

"I just think it is funny for such technology and culturally advanced people you get shy about something so natural," Lelei said. "Selina people follow a Goddess based around this. Elves are best described as hippy warriors, very natural and Rory, well its Rory so nothing needs to be said there."

"Besides," Lelei continues as she sets a dish down and grabs another. "Outside there is a sign for girls' underwear. Farther down there is another for men. In your commercials, you sexualize many different things. And all the time we go shopping I noticed a lot of your clothes are sexualized too. Even the rob you are wearing is a little bit sexualized."

Hearing that she glances down at her rob. She thought it was cute and never considered that. Or that is what she convinced herself of.

"I just find it strange how reserved you are in bed but explode everything else in public. Even you showed us Victoria Secret clothing." Lelei continues.

"I guess," she said as she thinks about what Lelei said. She never thought about it like that and when Lelei calls someone reserved, that is a massive statement. Cultural clashes are not always these big subjects like slavery, women's rights, or how their political structure is. Sometimes they are subtle like this and she finds it interesting and confusing. "Lelei, mind getting the rest of the plates?"

"Ok Sarah," Lelei said.

She looks over as she notices that Lelei didn't walk away. She then noticed the plates on the table glowing blue and hovering towards her.

She knows that Lelei had telepathy but every time she sees her do it, it impresses her.

"Here you go," Lelei said. "By the way, I like that casserole."

She smiles and looks at Lelei. "Thank you. Mom made it all the time when I was young."

She then looks out into the living room. She sees Sharpe teach the girls how to teach a city map and other things the Girls should know while in Philadelphia. They need to know how to navigate through the city if they are ever alone.

"You know Lelei, I can finish this," she said. "Go and hangout with the rest."

"I am good," Lelei said. "You need help with dishes."

She thinks about that. After breakfast, Sharpe offered to clean the dishes but Lelei objected, saying that a man shouldn't do that but should do more important things.

What Lelei said shocked her and she noticed Sharpe had a confused look. She joined with Lelei so she was not alone.

On the TV, she notices that there is a debate going on in the background. She cannot tell what video website it is, either Bitchute or Minds but both are well-known online Independent Content Creators. They are debating on what role the US has on Uros. Should the US just fight the war and come home or limited colonization. Should the natives in Alnus be granted citizenship or a separate system just for them. Moral topics like women's rights and slavery and how should that be addressed.

"I would think you would like to learn how to do maps," she said. "Or watch the TV. I know you have gotten addicted to the Internet."

"I said I am good," Lelei said as she dries a dish. "I already studied the maps of this city when I was here during Christmas. The style of signs and directions in Alnus are the same here."

"I see," she replies and thinks. "Why didn't you want Sharpe to do the dishes? You know he isn't the type of man who thinks this is only women's work? You have been around us long enough to know these things."

"I know," Lelei replies. "But I was raised that you should keep a man productive on important things. My sister and I always washed what we used as dishes in the tribe. We did it together in Rondel at the Magic Academy. When I was being privately tutored by Master Cato. It is just what I am used to."

Lelei looks over to Sarah. "I didn't mean to imply any sexism, so I am sorry. I do understand the differences but if my father was here beside Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe then I wouldn't have said what I said."

Lelei then looks out at Rory, Selina, Tuka, and Yao as Sharpe shows them how Earth maps and apps work. He explains what emergency contacts are and how they work and the rules on the street. "My father would just sit down and watch TV and do nothing, using an Earth example. Sharpe is being productive like a man should be. Making sure everyone is safe and understands the rules, educating them on what everyone needs to know."

She sets down her dishes and walks over to Lelei and gives her a one-arm hug. "You overthink too much, but I am glad it is from the right place."

She has heard stories on how Lelei and her sister Arpeggio escaped their father because he was a tyrant. She has wondered if that is why Lelei is so reserved, because of her father. A part of her wonders if Lelei is missing her sister.

"Do you miss your sister?" she asks.

Lelei is hesitant to reply but she nods yes. "She is six years older than me and I have never been away for this long from her. We used to giggle and play when washing dishes. We used to talk, well she did most of the talking but still."

"I understand the feeling," she replies. "I know we can't replace her, and I can't wait to meet her. One day we will go to Rondel, it is just the war demands keep getting in the way."

Lelei nods her head and takes a breath.

She then wraps her arm around her, seeing that she misses her sister a lot. "I know you see Sharpe as a father figure, someone to model after. When we met you, you were very shy and reserved young lady but now you have blossomed into a strong woman that everyone relies, and trusts on. Be proud of that and when your sister sees you again, she barely will recognize you."

She then thinks about what Lelei said about her father. It reminded her of her uncle, a wife-beater drug dealer. “Was your father that much of a tyrant? So bad that you had to run away?"

Lelei stops drying the plate and glances down. "I think he hated us because we were not boys. We always had to do all the domestic work alone. When we packed up because we were moving locations, we had to pack everything up and then unpack. If we didn't do a good job, he would hit us as punishment."

She looks at her shocked by that. When she was young, she knows her father spanked her and her sister for doing stupid stuff but she never could imagine being beaten by him. "I am glad you are safe. But why would he care if you were a girl?"

"He wanted to be the next tribal leader," Lelei explained. "Having two sons would have boosted his chances of becoming the leader of our tribe. He never forgave us for being girls."

"There, there," she responds. "There's nothing wrong with being a girl, Lelei."

She knows Lelei has had confidence issues, both her and Sharpe talked about it and always wondered why she is like this. Just like the Girls had a positive effect on Sharpe, the same effect has helped boosted Lelei's confidence, becoming a major ally in the US war effort.

"I know," Lelei said. "I never thought there was. I just wanted approval and I am happy I have it now."

She smiles and gives her a light hug. She then hears Rory being dramatic about something. "Now what."

She sets the dish down and adjusts her rob so she is decent. She walks out of the kitchen with Lelei and sees what Rory is looking at.

Rory is standing, pointing to the TV. "Why do you people keep putting these sad animals on your screens? It is depressing."

"I have to agree," Tuka said. "I find it strange and cruel. I know you are not barbarians but why do you think this is entertaining?"

"It is not for entertainment," Sharpe responds. "They are asking for donations."

"Correct," she adds. "They are an animal rights group."

She sees all the Girls look at her confused. "What? In the United States and most of the world, we have something called animal rights laws. You can't just beat or kill animals because you feel like it."

"So, let's say we have an animal in the room? We can't just hurt it?" Lelei asks.

"That is correct," Sharpe said. "If you had a pet, that doesn’t mean you could just beat it. You have responsibilities like giving it shelter, food, care, and so on. You also cannot force animals to fight each other. That is a big no."

"Interesting," Tuka said as she thinks about it.

"This reminds me of those child laws you have(3)," Selina brings up.

"Correct," Sharpe states.

"You people have laws for everything" Tuka points out. "But I do enjoy seeing that your kind tries to protect other kinds of life."

"Thank you," she replies. "Pets are cute and part of a family. You can't just abuse one because they are not people."

"My tribe took care of their horses because they were vital to move around Falmart," Lelei said. "Same logic applies to everyone. You take care of your horses, Wyverns, and other beasts because you need them to do a task. But having one as a pet, that is rare."

"Yup," Rory says. "Only time I have seen someone have a pet is usually in higher society. Peasants and free folk have no use for a pet. If they do, it is a sign that you have more resources to waste on such a thing."

Tuka raises her hand to make a point. "Besides. Why have a pet if you could eat them?"

"We don't eat pets," Sharpe responds. "They are just for fun inside a home."

Selina then smirks and looks to Sharpe. "Can we get a pet?"

Without looking at Selina he responds quickly. "No. We travel too much as is. Besides, I already have one."

Rory then laughs but suddenly stops. "Wait, who is the pet? Selina or the Dark Elf, right?"

Sharpe stops and looks directly at Rory. He then looks away.

Rory stands up angrily. "Wait? I am the pet!?"

"You are the shortest after all and the most needy of them all," Sharpe states.

Rory glares at him and then tackles him. “You prick!”

She stands there, eyes wide as she watches Rory grabbing the couch pillows and throwing it at him. For a second, she thought about stopping them but decides that she doesn’t want to die.

She just laughs as Rory gets on top of him as Sharpe tries to hold her back.



--- Populis, Prance Palace Tavern ---

March 18th, 2026


Milhay Id Anem walking down the hall. Behind him is one of his brothel whores. "This is a Rank 5, so he is paying well."

"I understand master," Kalito said. "But I thought Sallis had first picks on the Adventurers clients?"

"She does but this Adventurer wants a pregnant woman," he replies. "And he is paying me good money for that."

"Oh," Kalito said. She then giggles. "He is that type of man."

He stops at the end of the hallway. After a short interaction with the Adventurer, he allowed his employee to go inside the room.

He sees Kalito getting on her knees as he closes the door.

He heads back downstairs, thinking about all the money he just made. While his primary focus is on the tavern, serving beer and food, his brothel whores bring in an extra thirty percent income. Most of his clients are from the Adventurer Post in town and from passing travelers. While he doesn't have as many whores as in Sadera or the High Moon chain in the Ticaret Conglomerate, he has carved out a good market here. Six female and two male whores.

When he gets downstairs, he sees a busy room. As the war continues the Empire has been relying on its trade network to move troops and supplies to the frontlines. He sees the Adventurers from this Guild, Merchants from their Guild, the Slave Guild, and Magic Guilds all have been passing through. Each group has their own opinions on the current situation.

Now that there is peace with the Ticaret Conglomerate, Populis is becoming a major for their alliance.

"Are you kidding me?" A man yells. "A Falmart League?"

"It looks like the rich and powerful are just trying to keep themselves in power." Another man says.

"Do not be a fool," This elf says. "These Other Worlders are far stronger than any of us expected. Didn't you see their falling paper?"

"Of course," A Human man says. "I am still cleaning it up."

The elf stands up. "It is everyone in Falmart uniting to fight this common enemy. We have a chance now."

He has been hearing this topic all week. In all of Falmart history, the only time the continent has been unified was during the Demon invasion two thousand years ago. While he has no idea how true those facts are, it is unprecedented for the continent to unite for anything.

So far, he only has just heard rumors. Some people believe this is just a way for the leadership to maintain their power while others think this will be the change Falmart needs. The military sees this as a way to build up their ranks. Seeing that they are no longer fighting alone, they believe they could win.

However, some see this as a desperate act because the Empire has been losing the war. If this was any other war the Empire would never support such an alliance. Depending on their personal view of the world, this alliance is an act of strength or weakness.

For him, he does not mind normalizing relations with the Ticaret. They are natural traders and would boost his business.

"Who cares about the alliance?" A man yells. "The Imperial Senate just made a Succubus an Empress. These are the end of days."

He notices the room went quiet for a moment. That news shocked everyone in his town, including him.

During his days in the Imperial Army, serving with Krysist, they kept the Demi-Humans in line.

The official statement by the Empire has been the unification of the Common and Dark Races. With Empress Altoria Sif Famulis armies working with the Imperial Army, they will be able to defeat NATO in battle.

While the idea of having a Demi-Human on the throne scared everyone, the idea that the Imperial Senate overwhelmingly supported the decision. He knows the Senate wouldn't have supported her ascension to the throne unless they trusted Famulis.

That is the biggest confusion, how much support the Senate gave to their new Empress. Things are changing and everyone knows it.

"I don't know about you all, but I am going to Alnus the first chance I get," This man says.

He knows this man and was shocked to hear that. He is one of the local blacksmiths "Why would you risk that? Valtris is fifty leagues away but still very far. Both the Empire and NATO build trench fortifications along the Appia Highway."

"Look," the blacksmith said. "I mean no offense to any Adventurers here but the only reason we have a Post here is that this town is always attacked by Elf tribes, outlaws and bandits. My wife was taken by bandits years ago and sold into slavery. Rumor is that these NATO people take no chances when it comes to these outlaws and bandits. They will put them down for free."

He heard all the Adventurers grown a little, but he couldn't disagree with his friend. His wife was taken, and no one knows where she is now. He has two kids and has been worried if they are taken, there is nothing he can do.

"You want to go there for security," an Adventurer said. "Nothing is for the free and good chance they are lying."

"You are just saying that because they are going to put you out of business," the blacksmith said.

"Assuming they are telling the truth," someone else says. 

Security has become a major topic in recent days. The rumor is that most bandits and outlaws have been arrested or killed within NATO occupied territory. After Legrath fell, NATO launched a major campaign against many of the bandits in the region, trying to gain the favor of the towns in Elies. While many of the Counts in Elies are still wary of NATO, safety has become far less of a concern.

An adult female Cat-People sets down a plate. "I don't know but I heard they treat all races the same in Alnus. I know someone in Italica and they embraced… hmm, what do they call it? Well anyway, I’ve seen some debate going on."

He knows what she is talking about, civil rights. This has been a big topic in recent days. The rumor is that NATO will value equality of all races or all the civilized ones.

He finds that the last part confusing because they include races like Warrior Bunnies, Cat-People, and Orcs as civilized. Humans, Dwarves, and Elves he understands but the others are just savages. The only reason people see Cat-People in in civilized places is because of centuries of being subjects and slaves.

Most citizens and free folk find this idea barbaric however he has been hearing stories of runaway slaves from their masters. While that does happen, it is usually rare. The Slave Guild is very efficient in deterring runaway slaves. Now, it is happening more commonly.

The idea of having equal rights and opportunities might seem strange to free folk and citizens, no one considered the slaves when they heard these ideas. This kind of propaganda is very attractive to the slaves, assuming if it is true. Some slaves might risk what little they have just for the chance of freedom, chasing a like above their natural right. It has become such a problem that the Slave Guild had to create their own Post in Populis to try and catch them.

He has no idea how much of it is true. NATO talks about abolishing slavery but most of the cities they are occupying still practicing the institution. He has heard rumors the plan is to phase them out, but he just doesn't know. He has fought so many wars and yet this war seems to throw all the rules out.

He looks to his Cat slave servant. "Not until your debt is paid."

"I know, master," The adult Cat said.

He is kind to his slaves, the same with his whores. He doesn't believe that because he owns them doesn't mean, he can abuse them. He never understood why so many owners would abuse their property just for a power trip. Now that he thinks about it maybe that is why the Empire is struggling.

This Adventurer walks up and leans against the bar booth. "Milhay. You are a reasonable man. Are you loyal or going to go to Alnus?"

He thinks for a moment, being careful how he speaks. "I would be lying if I haven't considered it. The truth is that these other Worlders do provide better security. Being able to talk between downs and hoping that won't be your last time. While I have no negative feelings towards the Empire, the Empire has never been able to provide that. Same with your Adventurers, no offense."

"Offense is taken," the adventurer said as he takes a drink. "So, I take it you will be going, for your daughter's safety."

He takes a breath. "As of now no. I need to know what their position on slavery is first and while my Tavern could do good in Italica or Alnus, they claim to outlaw prostitution and brothels. I make too much money from that to walk away."

This man stands up. "Speaking of that, what gives those bastards the right to talk down on us like that? Do they think they are moral superiors? Better than us? Out of everything that pisses me off the most. They claim to be better than us, saying we could be too if only we give up everything to make them happy."

He sees a lot of people agreeing with this man. There seems to be a lot of arrogance with these Other Worlders. He had to admit that he took offense too. It was his wife who came up with the idea to add a brothel to his tavern and she would be on the table tearing apart the Other Worlders propaganda.

However, he does wonder how far these Other Worlders will go on this subject. Prostitution is the oldest profession, all races have the urge and in a weird twisted way, it surpasses all racial and income classes.

He has seen some people mention that this propaganda was just meant to show that the Other Worlders value women more, treating them as equals. If that is true, then he would recommend fixing their messaging because connecting the two has been a horrible idea. However, if this is true, the chances would be greater of him moving to the occupied territory, solely for the benefit for of his daughter.

"As I said, as long as these people continue their war against my profession I cannot go," he said. "I am too old to start a new profession."

He then looks over and notices he needs more beer from the cellar. "I will be right back."

He walks outside and sees a column of Imperial troops walking through the streets, heading to the frontline. The soldier's side of him wants to join the soldiers heading to war but the father side says that he is happy that he is done with war.

He heads to the back of the caller and unlocks it. He heads downstairs.

He sees the barrels and heads to the one he needs. As he grabs one, he hears a noise.

Noticing that he isn't alone he slowly puts the barrel down and grabs the hammer on the table. He walks over with the hammer and stands in the middle of the basement. "I know you are here. I will kill you."

He then hears something to his right. When he looks, he sees a shadowy figure hiding between some barrels.

Whoever it is he notices him holding a blade.

He decides to try and trap whoever it is between the barrels.

He rushes up and grabs the barrels right above him. Seeing the sword, he smacks it with his hammer. To his surprise, the sword is dropped with the light hit.

As he starts pushing the barrel down, he sees a long gray hair ear. He looks more closely and sees a Warrior Bunny sitting there, looking at him. He can see that she is terrified of him.

He stops himself from bringing down the barrel on her. He looks again and looks more closely at the Bunny. She is young and by her side is another Bunny, a child. He can see that the young Bunny has her ears cut, bruises across her body. All signs that she and her child are slaves.

"Please don't hurt us," the Bunny said. "I didn't mean to. We are just hiding."

He holds his hammer tightly, making sure she knows not to try anything. "Going to Alnus?"

He can see her hesitant to respond. Any slaves that say that they are fleeing to Alnus or the other occupied cities could be put to death or worse.

The two Bunnies are sitting there, hugging each other scared.

As he looks at them, he remembers all the times he had to kill the Warrior Bunnies as he and Krysist Army were stationed close by. They are savages, killing anyone who was not Bunnies. He saw many of his friends get torn apart by them. He remembers doing some horrible things to them too but that was war, protecting the Imperial villages in the region.

While he was not happy how many Imperial troops died in the war against the Warrior Bunnies, he was happy to see that the threat was finally over.

He can tell they are escaped slaves, hoping to gain freedom. Bunnies are the popular property right now and with the one, he knows he could make a month's worth of income for just turning her in. The little one he knows he can make an extra month, maybe two.

He takes a deep breath and wants to turn them in knowing that he has them trapped.

But then he remembers the propaganda and the debates going on upstairs.

He holds out his hammer to make sure the Bunny knows who is in control. "Stay here. There are Imperial soldiers everywhere and they will see you if you go outside. In two or three days the Army should be gone so it should be easier for you to escape. Until then I will take care of you."

He then grabs the barrel and leaves his caller, relocking it. He wonders if she dug a hole somewhere to sneak inside the cellar. He decided to lie to them, so they do not escape.

He walks back into his tavern.

"Hey Milhay," An Adventurer said as he laughs. "We were about to go after you. You were gone for a while."

He turns around to face the Adventurer. The Adventurer and Slave Guild have an arrangement when it comes to escaping slaves. All he has to do is tell the Adventurer and he will make three months of income in minutes.

But for some reason, he doesn't want to go through his plan. He wonders if the propaganda has influenced him or seeing the little Bunny scared in the other one’s arms.

He looks at the Adventurer but hesitates to reply. "I dropped a barrel in the cellar. Everything is all good."

He can't believe that he just said that. It would have been easy to sell out those two Bunnies who are hiding in his cellar.

He decides he will keep an eye on them for the next few days. He decides to have his daughter bring them food and water.






Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 73

(2)Chapter 77

(3)Chapter 27








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