Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V13 – Chapter 160

"The United States Congress officially passed a bill into law, creating the Department of Research and Development.

The idea behind such a department is for the United States to maintain its lead in research and technological innovation against near peer-competitive countries like Russia and China.

The Speaker of the House Madison Kennedy stated, this new department will look at the discoveries of the Special Region called Uros. Uros being an ancient god in the new world, sticking with the tradition in naming terrestrial bodies from ancient gods.

Outside the war effort, the United States Geological Survey discovered a new ore called Adamantium, a metal that is lighter but stronger than titanium. The other clear priority is to research the topic of Magic and see if US scientists can learn to unlock the strange ability.

While House Speaker Kennedy mentioned those two subjects, the new department is meant to find new resources and discoveries on the new world and see if there is any application for commercial and industrial use." - Jessica Moore, SCNR



--- The Ticaret Conglomerate, Capital City Ticaret ---

March 18th, 2026



Falson El Altin is standing outside the clothing marketplace. Inside, the prostitute blue Siren Tyuwal, is picking out new clothing inside a shop.

The store is located in his district, mainly imports from Edras. While he thinks their culture is strange, he does consider their clothing very fashionable and profitable. That was before their fall though.

"If you are not careful you will have to buy your own inventory for yourself," Eliot Bilberry said, jokingly.

 He crosses his arms and thinks. "My grandfather always warned me how expensive women are. I had no idea how true that was. But at least I can give myself a good deal."

"You should be careful," Bilberry said. "It is not wise to have one of Nara head prostitutes with you in public like this."

He looks at his friend in confusion. "Explain yourself?"

"I don't mean to offend," Bilberry said, getting a little nervous. "I know you and Nara’s house has been close for decades but she did betray you(1) in the vote."

"I told you that was to misdirect the other houses," he replies. "War was going to happen no matter what. The Empire deal was too good to reject(2)."

"I understand," Bilberry said. "But I was thinking, what if Nara is using you? We all know her influence has been growing and she wants her house to become one of the top Houses."

He takes a breath as he has considered this already. He and Nara have worked well together for decades like working in major projects like the first Ticaret bank.

Her family house was small and risked being crushed by the bigger Houses in the city. His grandfather helped her and provided funds and protections. With this breathing room, this allowed her to build a respectable House and market within the Conglomerate.

While Nara still relies on his House for money and protection, she has become a well-respected institution. He knows Nara wants to be among the big boys and make policy for the Ticaret Conglomerate. He also knows she wants to expand her market to the rest of the Empire, just like Gumus Family.

He does wonder if Nara is lying to him about her plans. That maybe she made an arraignment with the other Houses behind his back. That is the Ticaret way. But deep down inside he doesn't believe she would do that to him. The other Houses yeah but not to him.

"I have considered this, but I have faith in our relationship," he said. "We go back a long way and she isn't a war thug. She pretty much said it herself, fighting these Other Worlders is crazy. Why would she tie her future in a war that was already lost?"

"I hope you are right," Bilberry said. "Just be careful about walking around with one if Nara whores. Could be a spy."

Bilberry then looks up at him. "You have enough wealth to have enough influence to attract good noblewomen. Why are you going out in public with a whore?"

"I never felt like I fit in with those other high-class society folks," he replies. "Noble society always rubbed me the wrong way. They might want to marry me for my money and influence but that's it. I would rather be alone then force myself into a political marriage. Besides, there are not many who are willing to destroy their reputation to be with a half-breed like me.

Unlike most others, his father was Human, and his mother was a High Elf. It is not common to be a half-breed humanoid in the Ticaret. While no one cares if you date or buy someone from a different race, having a child is considered taboo. He always thought it was strange that races can be with another race and that was fine but if they have kids was taboo.

"I understand that," Bilberry replies. "I like Tyuwal but she does work for Nara and is one of her favorite employees. You pay her to make yourself happy, remember. Either in bed or spending a day shopping."

He gets annoyed hearing that because there is truth to what his hobbit friend said. Only a true friend would say something you wouldn't want to hear.

"I know and I could be an idiot," he responds. He looks inside and sees the blue feather Siren trying on this nice real green with a silver lining.

"But I can't help it," he continues. "She is sweet, and I enjoy her smile. I know it isn't proper, but I can't help it. She has a nice smile and does not care that I am a half-breed. Besides, I kind of need the company right now."

Being the only one who voted against the war left him isolated among the other Houses. Most of his House’s business activities took a sharp hit economically. The only thing that is keeping his House stable in the manufacturing of clothing and other materials for the war effort.

If Nara's plan fails, he is starting to recognize that these could be the final days of his House.

"How is the wine trade going?" he asked, wanting to change the subject.

Bilberry looks away. "Business is surprisingly going very well. The war economy has been very beneficial. Soldiers want wine to celebrate future victories. I have been struggling to keep up demand."

He smiles, glad his friend is doing better. "It pays to be a hobbit."

Bilberry laughs hearing that. "Everyone always forgets about us."

As they talk, Tyuwal walks out of the shop with Keyra, Falson’s bodyguard and assistant.

"What do you think?" Tyuwal asked with a big smile.

He smiles, enjoying her smile and joy of life. "Looks great."

"Thank you," Tyuwal said. "I also got things for your servant Keyra here. I am sorry Falson but you have a horrible taste in clothes."

"I understand," he replies with a chuckle. "Thank you for teaching her about fashion."

Keyra isn't a normal human girl, she is a Machina. Machina is a special ore that he discovered with magical properties. It can turn objects into living things like Keyra. Outside she looks like a Human girl, underneath she is made out of metal.

 He built her from that material and has been trying to teach her what it means to be Human.

"I don't understand why you put so much value in the style of clothing.," Keyra says in a neutral tone. "However, I do find the patterns interesting."

Everyone laughs, enjoying the innocence of Keyra.

"Well enjoy yourselves," Bilberry says. "I have a shipment that I need to oversee. Enjoy."

As Bilberry leaves, Tyuwal waves goodbye and then looks at him. "I like him. You two are sweet. So, now where are we going?"

He takes a deep breath, wondering where to go that is safe. He knows that he isn't popular right now in the city.

"Well, unless you’re hungry we can just walk around," he asks. "I mainly just need time to think."

"I understand," Tyuwal said. She then grabs his arm and starts walking. "I wouldn't mind a walk. I spend most of my days in bed so sunshine and fresh air will be nice."

As they walk through the upper streets, they pass an opening. With that opening, they both can see the large Temple of Deldort. Just like all the other buildings, it has this desert tan color. Four large pillars with a dome top building in the center.

While he follows the god Elange, most of the people of Ticaret follow Deldort, the God of Covenants, Contracts, and Deals. That faith has allowed the Ticaret Conglomerate to survive for so long. All agreements, good or bad are to be binding.

When the Falmart League bill was passed, Deldort Apostle Martimus Onur showed up to formalize the treaty. This forces all the Houses and governing bodies to support the war effort until victory, surrender or the Empire breaks the treaty.

Every time he feels down or his mind feeling cloudy he likes to come to spots like these with a view of the city. It is a massive place with a sea of tan buildings. Some buildings are tall while others are short. Pillars everywhere with blankets all over the roofs.

While it is a harsh place and if you are not careful, you could end up dead in an alleyway but he wouldn't call any other place home.

"So, what is in your mind?" Tyuwal asked, keeping her arms locked with his.

He takes a breath. "Do you know of Nara’s plan?"

"Well yes," Tyuwal replies. "I am one of her top prostitutes."

"I see. Sorry," he replies. "Her plan is risky. My family House has been around since the beginning of the Conglomerate. Houses have come and gone but mine still stands. The idea that I might be the last scares me."

"Nonsense," Tyuwal says. "My master Nara Tozuko believes in you. All my time working for you she never spoke down about you. And I know you can, just have confidence Falson."

He smiles when she finishes. He needed that confidence boost. It is not easy to stand up against the system, especially alone.

"Besides Mistress Tozuko or any of us can do this alone," Tyuwal said. "You're the man, we need you to lead."

He takes another breath and nods, feeling the responsibility of the task at hand. "Well first off I need allies. If our little revolution has any hope to succeed, we need allies in the right places so when the time comes, we are ready."

"So, are you going to walk around opposing the war and the… what is it called again?" Tyuwal asks.

"The alliance is called the Falmart League," he replies. "And right now no. I need to be careful. I don't want to anger Mors Efreet."

He sees in Tyuwal’s eyes a sense of fear when he brought up that name. Efreet is a Djinn who is an efficient assassin. People say she is like the Apostle Jasis but more mental focus. While she spends most of her time at the Black Bird Amphitheater if you cross her directly or indirectly, there is a good chance no one will ever see you again.

He gathers his thoughts. "If I am too vocal about my position then people might blame me for our defeat. And Martimus Onur might see that as breaking the agreement and I don't want to die by his hands."

"I see," Tyuwal says. "One thing I don't understand is why all this drama? Why did we go to war if we cannot win? You and Mistress Tozuko are convinced that this new enemy."

He has been thinking about that question himself. He was at the summit meeting and the Empire offered what everyone wanted if they joined in the war. While he does not expect to follow through on everything he was impressed by the offers.

"Sometimes greed replaces logic," he replies. "In short, the offer is too good. If we win the Ticaret territory will double, assuming the Empire gives us the eastern part of the desert. Many of the Clans and Houses gain economic access to the Falmart economy."

He looks at her as they walk, passing some traders. "The problem is that this isn't a normal enemy and our armies are not trained to fight this kind of war."

"I think everyone is scared of what might happen," he continues. "Our reports tell us this isn't some normal Empire. Imagine a work without slaves. I can't imagine what that looks like, but these people figured it out."

Tyuwal brushes one of her feathers away from her face. "I don't mind being a slave, but I wouldn't mind that world either. But I'm just a peasant so I don't have a say in the future."

He looks at her and smiles. "You’re no peasant."

After getting a smile from her he looks away thinking. "I honestly believe everyone is just scared about change. They would rather fight a lost war than risk losing what they have now. If these Other Worlders get their way, it will completely uproot the aristocrat system and flip the balance of power upside down."

He then snaps his figure and smiles. "I know what to do. I remember not everyone wanting to go to war. I noticed some in the Seckin Sanctum were not thrilled about the idea. Boldus Keswick of the Tecim Union was hesitant so I think he saw where the win is going."

"I think I can turn him to my side if I can prove that I have supporters," he continues. "I will need to create a coalition first to gain his support."

"Why would the Seckin Sanctum be against the war? I thought they were honorable warriors," Tyuwal asks, confused by that.

"The Seckin Sanctum is the great balancer of Ticaret, making sure no one gets too much power. While we always defeated the Empire wars into our territory, we never won a war against them when we invaded. We fight defensive, not offensive wars. Out of everyone, they would understand what it will take to fight this war and history is not on our side."

"What about Mortimer Gummus?" Tyuwal asks. "Besides your house, he is the biggest player in town."

He became hesitant to reply to her question. Just like his family House, the Gummus House is one of the oldest and most powerful. Both of their families have had a cold-war style relationship for generations, only working together when it benefits the Ticaret.

"I hate to say it, but I will need their support," he says in a defeated sound. "They are too big to go around. But there is no way they will ever support our little revolution. Besides, Mortimer hates me."

"Why does it have to be him?" Tyuwal asks. "Doesn't he have like twenty kids? Wouldn't one of them want to betray the others for power or something? Isn't that how politics work?"

That gives him an idea. He turns around and hugs her. "You are a genius! I have been thinking too traditionally about this matter."

He then blushes and backs away, letting go of her. "Sorry."

Tyuwal covers her mouth and laughs. "You are so silly, but I am glad you think so. I don't know much about House politics."

"You are missing nothing," he replies. "But now I have to figure out who?"

There is a short silence between the two.

Tyuwal then looks at him. "I could find out for you?"

He looks at her confused. "How so?" He then realizes what her idea is. "No."

"It is my job silly," Tyuwal replies. "We have done it a few times with them. I laid with a few Gummus families before. You will be surprised by the things we prostitutes hear. Some crazy secrets. I know I can find some things out and I know Mistress Tozuko will approve."

"But…" he mumbles.

Tyuwal glares at him. She walks over to the edge of the high street and points down the lower levels. "See that alley there? That is where Mistress Tozuko found me. I was still a chick, my parents murdered. I barely had any food. She took me in, and I served her. She gave me a new life."

Tyuwal then looks at him and places her hand on his cheek. "I am not fancy with House politics. I can see most of the things you and Mistress Tozuko will do I cannot help with. I am not educated like you all, but I know I can help this way."

He takes a reluctant breath. He hates the idea, but she is correct, it is her profession and he needs to remember that. And he has a feeling she will do it with or without his support. "Fine."

He sees her beautiful smile again. A part of him hates her smile because every time he sees it, he feels like he cannot refuse. His hobbit friend Bilberry is correct, he is allowing this to go too far. It is not proper for someone of his station to interact with a prostitute like this, but he just cannot help himself.

"I better get you back to the High Moon," he said. "Thank you for the walk. It has been a benefit."




Once they get back to the High Moon Brothel, Tyuwal stops and looks at Falson El Altin. She enjoyed the day with him, finding it relaxing. Politics is a subject that usually goes over her head and finds no interest in it. She is glad that she was able to help, even though she feels happy that she was able to contribute something.

"Thank you very much for the escort Sir Altin," she says. She then giggles seeing him blushes at being addressed so formally.

"You are welcome," Falson said. "How much do I owe you this time?"

She pulls out a small booklet, where she keeps her client's taps. "Well you came over last night and we did it. You stayed over the night and then we spent the day together. I say three hundred coins."

"Three hundred?" Falson asked in pure shock. "That much?"

She giggles. "Well yeah. My services are not for free. And the High Moon isn't some low slum brothel. It is the gold standard in all of Falmart. If you want the best, you pay for the best. And besides, I lost income when you slept in my bed all night, and I lost income for this entire day. Someone has to pay." She says with a smile, calm voice.

Falson takes a deep breath, clearly regretting staying the night. He pulls out his purse and starts paying her. "I did buy you clothes, lots of silk clothes."

"I know," she says with a smile. "And that is why I am not charging you extra for that special thing we did last night."

She collects her three hundred coins and watches him leave, heading to his giant family House. She shakes her head and walks inside the High Moon. "What a fool. He never learns."

She walks through the brothel, passing many of the staff. She passes many of her masters, all of them Kitsunes.

She knows they are not from Falmart but another land far to the south, past the ocean. She knows they are only a few of them, most of them living in the Tozuko House. While she has heard stories and rumors, she does not know much because it is above her station to ask.

She gets to her quarters. Because she is one of the head prostitutes here, she has earned her room.

She gets to her room and walks it. It is very decorative, with colorful clothes draping down the walls.

She walks over to her shelving unit and opens it. She has been overcharging Falson for years, charging him anything she can think of.

She has wondered if he knows this but is too shy to address it, which is fine by her. She understands men's knees can weaken around a pretty face so she takes advantage of that when she can.

She takes a deep breath and smiles as she puts the coin into the jar. Once done, she gets close and looks at the jar. Unlike the other jars with other client money in it, this jar is only from Falson’s purse and it is almost full, almost being worth a thousand coin inside it

With all that money she is hoping to give it back as a present. She dreams of getting married to him when she is released from Nara Tozuko's employment.

"He is such a fool," she mumbles, and she starts singing to herself.




--- Sadera ---

March 19th, 2026


Taylin Virnius is walking down the hallway to the lower chambers.

After the Battle of Legrath and his humiliating defeat, he has to find a way to escape through NATO occupied territory back to Sadera. In the end, he had to go south through Swestual Kingdoms, a realm of all different types if Demi-Humans crammed together.

As he escaped, he saw those small flying machines that he later learned are called drones chasing him. Every time he stopped for a day the American drones bomb his position, forcing him to stay on the run.

Once he got far enough south, he was able to find a boat. The boat took him to the neutral country Toumaren and from there he was able to find another boat that took him to Proptor, Sadera main port city.

While his body recovered quickly, he mentally felt defeated and tired. Legrath fell in less than a day and he was defeated by that mortal name Sharpe(3). He has had to flee from battle before, usually because the number of soldiers was just overwhelming because of numbers, not skill or talent.

He doesn't know which was worse, seeing the American soldier Sharpe fight so cleverly or their conversation. He used every trick he knew, and it delayed their fight until his female friends arrived to save him.

What angers him the most is that he had the chance to kill Sharpe before he did all of his tricks. He could have ended this man in seconds, and he knew it and now he regrets it.

When he returned to Sadera he saw a very different city. Emperor Zorzal proposed forming a military alliance like the one the Other Worlders have, and he committed to marrying the Dark Queen Famulis.

He was ferrous when he heard that but discovered another truth, his influence has decreased in the Imperial Senate. When they first asked for his help, they assumed he would be able to defeat Rory and her NATO allies. The opposite has turned to be true and now their faith in him has shaken.

And now he learned that they got a different Apostle to hunt down Sharpe. Jasis Phisaris is the Apostle of Siflis, the goddess of all evil. Out of all the Apostles, the Empire could call upon, this was the most offensive one.

He isn't scared of Jasis fighting abilities, not being much of a fighter. She prefers playing games and tormenting people for fun. Out of all the god's people can worship and follow, doing evil acts seem to be the most common among all races so Jasis doesn't have to work hard to gain their following.

As he passes the halls, he remembers walking the same halls with Rory during the early days of the Empire.

Both of them used to take long walks as they talked about the future of Falmart, where there are peace, love, and happiness across the lands. Villages no longer having to worry about a band of goblins or bandits attacking them. Cities not having to rely on walls to the defense because of everyone at peace.

Rory was always the one who brought up the well being of the people. He always found it strange that she valued all lives, regardless of who they followed. He always found that attractive about her, how big her heart is even though she is the Apostle of Darkness and War. She always talked about how all motivation is caused by love, being good or evil, it always starts from the heart.

He remembers the nights together, laying by the fire as she rambles about how nice it could have been to have a family, to have children. While she knew that both male and female Apostles can't have children, she always liked to daydream about what if, Pretending to be husband and wife. While he thought the idea was dumb, it showed him that she wanted to be by his side until she ascended.

It was her idea to end religious wars on Falmart and together they did. It was one of the first major victories of the Empire five hundred years ago, giving the idea to continental Empire credibility.

While he laid much of the foundation and won the wars that were needed, she was by his side helping. He hates to admit it but having her there helped his dream of an Empire become a reality. That is why he was furious when she betrayed him and left.

"Stupid woman's heart," he mumbles to himself, getting angry at the memories.

He chased her down for a long time, both fighting battles here and there. After her business with Hardy, he discovered she went to the other Continent of Telirif, southeast of the Avion Sea Island Chain. For about fifty years he fought and battled her there for a decade until he decided she was no longer worth it. However, he never did forgive her.

When he finally believed that she was out of his life as her ascension was coming near, the Gate opens and she chose another man to follow, and this time a mortal.

When he learned this it angered him, confused him. No matter how much he hates her, he knows she wouldn't follow someone for the fun of it. Fighting against her in Sadera(4) showed him that she was in love again and committed to following this man, a weak mortal man who will probably die before she ascends. She also mentioned and embraced their ideals, as she used to during the early days of the Empire.

He stops and punches the wall next to him. His fist goes right through as he takes a frustrating breath. "Why did she do this? It makes no sense…"

Since then he has wondered what this man has that he does not. That question has kept him up at night and he desperately want to find out. He wants to know is why Rory loves Sharpe and not him.

He gets to the chamber door and opens it. In the center of the chamber he sees this large dire wolf laying their asleep. Jasis is known to have these exotic pets like these.

"Jasis!" he yells and looks around. He notices no one answers.

He walks over to the dire wolf head. Before he says anything, he notices an arm laying on the ground by the wolf's mouth.

He picks it up and looks at the dire wolf’s mouth. "Open your mouth."

The dire wolf grunts but opens his mouth. Inside he sees a naked Succubus asleep, using the wolf's tongue as a blanket.

He lets out an annoying grunt. He then hits her with her own hand. "Wake up!"

Jasis wakes up and looks around. "What? Oh… wait. Hi Taylin! We were just talking about you!"

"You were asleep…" he mumbles, already knowing what she means by 'we'.

Jasis has a split personality, always talking to herself like if there was another person next to her. Both sides of her are insane and he finds it annoying.

"I want to talk to you," he says. "Now get out and get decent."

Jasis yawns and waves him away. "Fine… wait. There is my arm! We were wondering where it went. Silly arm."

Jasis takes her arm back and gets out of the dire wolf mouth. "I told you not to leave my arm on the floor."

Jasis tilts her head as her other personality speaks. "I didn't leave it there. Why would I rip off my own arm off?"

"That is a good point!" Jasis says to herself and then points to the dire wolf. "It was you Fluffy!" She then starts hitting Fluffy on the noise. "Bad Fluffy! No biting my arm off your silly goose."

He stands there, not understanding what he just saw. He has fought her a few times and doesn't understand how she hasn't been cut apart.

Jasis turns around, her arm fully healed. "Now, what do you want Taylypoo."

"First but on some clothes," he orders.

Jasis looks down at herself and then stretches. "You are boring mister blushy."

He grunts and looks away hearing her say that. While he is blushing and that Jasis is an attractive Succubus, he still believes that Rory is more beautiful.

Jasis then turns around and flies to the top of the dire wolf. She lands and then snuggles up into the fur of the beasts. "Mm, Wolfie you are so warm!"

"I said his name is Fluffy!" Jasis says to herself.

"And I told you I don't like words that start with an F!" Jasis says back to herself.

As he watches her getting dressed a thought occurred. "Jasis, why were you sleeping in your wolf-." He then hears the wolf growls. He looks to it. "I am not calling you Fluffy."

He then hears Jasis laughing. He looks up and sees her legs in the air. She then sits up, still laughing.

"You just did!"

"Why were you sleeping in its mouth?" he asks.

Jasis slides down to the wolf head. She then moves the big ear away so she can see him. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Is that why you were naked?" he asks. "Weren't you scared of being eaten? You know the story of Qualisto."

"Because my clothes would get wet silly and of course, I do," Jasis says. "Qualisto was an Apostle five thousand years ago. He was swallowed into a great beast, never to be seen again. What does that have… Wait! You think Wolfie would eat me?"

Jasis then uses her head to net his head. "I have only been swallowed six times... this year. That liquid stuff in his stomach burned through my clothes so that's why I don't wear my clothes while sleeping in his body. But Fluffy would never eat me."

"Then why were you in his mouth?" he asks again, getting annoyed.

Jasis peaks over the world head. "Because it is warm. And that stomach liquid stuff tickles."

He just looks at her in disbelief. "I'm done wasting my time."

He then starts walking away, wondering why he bothered trying to have a civil conversation with Jasis.

"Wait!" Jasis yells. "Why did you come here!"

He ignores her as he gets close to the chamber door.

"Was it because you wanted to know why I am here?" Jasis asks. "Or was it because you wanted to know why she is with him?"

He stops and turns around. He wonders how she knew that. As he turns around, he notices Jasis is gone.

"I knew it," Jasis mumbles.

He looks up and sees Jasis hovering above him. "It has nothing to do with that."

Jasis flies down to his side, still hovering. "I think it has everything to do with that."

Jasis then flies away slowly. "I know why you are here. I faced both of them and you want to know why you keep losing. Why Rory would pick them over you. It isn't hard if you think about it."

"It is because you are inferior Taylin," Jasis continues. "You have the power but not the strength."

Hearing her say that Rangers him. He pulls out his battle-ax and tosses it at her. "I will show you strength!"

He charges at her and misses at the last second from her dodge. 

Jasis flies up and pulls out her bow. She fires an arrow at him.

He jumps away as the arrow hits the floor, exploding into magical dust. He can hear her laughing, seeing this as a game.

"I notice that your battle-ax is broken," Jasis said as she hums. "So, the rumors are true."

He looks at his battle-ax. One side of the two sided is completely destroyed, while the other side has black scars all over it. During the Battle of Legrath as he was fighting Sharpe and his friends, the blue hair mage unleashed unbelievable magic against him(5). The only thing that saved him was his battle-ax blocking the attack however at the cost of half of his weapon.

He recognized the blue hair girl from the Raid of Sadera. She again used strange magic to increase the speed of a ballista javelin, knocking him out.

"Oh, Taylinypoo," Jasis says as she laughs. "I know the man who haunts your dreams. The Leader of the Oprichnina gave me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"And what? Another male slave for your pits?" he responds as he dodges arrows.

"No… well that is an idea but no," Jasis replies. She stops and hovers in place. "That Moony guy told me that I would meet a man that had the tastiest essence in their world. Better than my Krysisty boy. That he would be a challenge. That Rory follows. I couldn't resist the offer."

"At first I was just going to consume his essence but when I was on top of him, I felt his soul," Jasis says as she spins around upside down. "I was asked to kill him, but I couldn't do it. I wanted more!"

Hearing that angers him. He has been trying to kill Sharpe since Sadera and yet when Jasis weas on top of him, she was playing around. "What! You had him and you didn't kill him? Why?"

Jasis stops moving and looks down at him. "Why would I? I was told to take care of him, and I shall. I have this spot on my wall I want to nail him too. Doing this I will get to hear him beg out for his life. In love the sound of strong men begging." She spins around with excitement and then stops, pointing to him. "And besides, we are talking about you. Not my fantasies."

He glares and starts running. He gets to the wall and bounces between the wall and other objects. Once he gets high enough, he pushes off the wall and flies past her. Once he passes her, he rams his knee into her.

Jasis falls towards the ground but stops herself before hitting the ground. She then looks at him and smirks. "I think I struck a nerve. I know the answer you seek."

He lands on the ground and looks at her, walking towards her.

Jasis starts to fly backward, slowly. "When that little brat shot me, Rory busted through the wall.  I saw her eyes. She was angry, scared, pissed, concerned, in love, and passion. She used to have those eyes for you but not anymore. And is that why you let him live?"

"I did not let him live!" he yells.

"You didn't?" Jasis mumbles. "Well, we both know that is a lie. You boys are so easy to read so don't play my games. Why else would you come here?"

"The Empire has gone insane!" he says. "They just voted to make one of your kind as their Empress. Chaos is sweeping through the world and everything is being corrupted. Everything we, I worked for is just-."

"Falling apart?" Jasis says as she hovers down to the ground. "You two did something no Apostle is supposed to do. Get involved."

He looks at her, knowing what she is talking about.

He remembers when he heard the voice in his head 'you been chosen' from his god Idos. An Apostle has to represent their gods and bring balance to the world. Not to bring advancement or changes to this world.

Both him and Rory knew they were risking their positions as Apostle if they went down that path but thought the risk was worth it.

"And yet we did changes, for the good," he states. "Rory just couldn't handle the pressure of what we were doing."

"Or she saw what the Empire was coming too?" Jasis says. "You just complained that your little Empire just allowed my kind to lead it. And whose fault is that? You built it and allowed it to go down this path."

"This is my theory," Jasis says. "You are afraid that you have been wrong. I don't-"

"It's we!" Jasis yells at herself.

Jasis rolls her eyes in frustration. "We… don't care about politics. We barely care about my own goddess will. If the Empire falls and these Other Worlders take over, we don't care. As long as we have our fun we do not care."

He takes a frustrated breath because he could not respond to Jasis's comment. Every time he faces Rory, she talks about that the Empire has gone astray, that the Empire needs to be replaced to a better model. That the American model, the values of liberty and freedom brings better stability to the rule grip.

He feels like his world is crashing down all around him. Over seven centuries of work gone. And not just gone, the idea that he was wrong frightens him.

"And I always thought it was strange that the Gate opened at the peak of the Empire power," Jasis mumbles as she flies over to the dire wolf and sits down on top of him. "They finally conquered Falmart, except for the few regional powers. They planned to invade south to the other continents, and this happens."

"I was not even on Falmart when all this started. I flew here to see what was happening," Jasis continues. "I-we discovered; things have changed."

"I know" he replies. "These changes need to be held back."

"I am not talking about those changes," Jasis says. "When you and Rory worked together that was strange and amazing. But you know what I have noticed? All of these Apostles are appearing in Falmart all at once. First Rory, then you. Frayen then me. I do wonder who else is coming. Besides the Demonic Invasion from the Gate, I can't think of another time all these Apostles are in one place."

He understands why she is saying now. He knew this war was not the same as others but he just assumed it was because the superior technology that was making it different. The more he thinks about it, the more the war makes less sense. Like something more is going on.

Jasis looks down at him. "As I said, I am here for the fun. We don't care who wins but I ask you why do you?"

"To guarantee peace and tranquility on these lands," he responds. "You might want to go to the Dark Age but no one else does."

"Do you want peace and tranquility on these lands, or do you just want to rule through the Empire?" Jasis asks with a chuckle.

"And what would Rory’s answer be to that question?" Jasis asks.

While he knows what Rory would say, she has explained her motives many times to him, trying to convince him that he and the Empire are wrong.

"Rory said that the Empire is wrong and needs to be replaced(6)," he says, it being painful for him to say this but he refuses to misword what Rory would say. "That everything I want is with the Other Worlders and not with the Empire."

"Interesting," Jasis mumbles. "You both can't be right so we shall see."

"But the Empire did bring stability to Falmart," he said. "Should I have allowed the barbarians to continue to destroy these lands?"

"You say that and maybe you two had good intentions, but I don't care what happened a thousand years ago. You didn't care about the suffering of anyone until these Other Worlders arrived and challenged the Empire. Now my kind is here, and the Empire might become dual worship with Idos and Siflis, you won't be the most important person here anymore."

"If you want the Empire to endure you must accept that the Empire is not your creation," Jasis says.

"Enough of this," he says and starts walking away.

"Bye Tylinypoo!" Jasis yells. "If you want to do a sleepover just come over!"

He leaves the chamber in frustration and finds the interaction with Jasis a waste of time. The only value he has gotten was a massive headache. 

He stops and notices the hole in the wall that he punched. He takes a deep, frustrated breath as he thinks.

While Jasis is insane, he realizes that she only spoke what he already was thinking. While he says he is trying to save the Empire to prevent Falmart from descending into darkness again, the truth is that this is far more personal. He respects Rory too much to think that she sold out her beliefs and God.

He knows the Empire is under threat however he knows he has to find out who that real enemy is. NATO, Empress Famulis, or the Empire itself.





Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 141

(2)Chapter 111

(3)Chapter 46

(4)Chapter 111

(5)Chapter 46

(6) Chapter 97







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