Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 42 Going To Stanford University, Building The Quantum Computer

42 Going To Stanford University, Building The Quantum Computer

The next morning, Silas woke up early and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After he was done taking his bath, Silas dressed up and went downstairs to have breakfast and prepare for his trip to Stanford University.

Few minutes later, Silas was done with his breakfast and preparations, and was already on the road, on his way to Stanford University.

As usual, the journey from Newport to Stanford University took him seven hours.

Before getting to the entrance of the university, Silas called President Odetta and told her that he's already on his way.

When he got to the institution's entrance, he met President Odetta there, waiting for him. When he saw her, he came out of his car and went to greet her.

"Good morning, President Odetta."

"Mr Silas. You're here early?," President Odetta asked with one of her eyesbrow raised in surprise.

"Yeah, I want to complete it as soon as possible," Silas replied.

"Ok, let me take you to the facility. Do we take your car?," She asked and looked towards Silas' Corvette.

"Yeah, let's take my car," Silas said and got into the car. When he got in, he pressed the ignition button and the car revved to life, before driving off in the direction that President Odetta gave him.

Twenty minutes later, Silas parked in front of a building. He and President Odetta came down from the car and walked towards the building's entrance.

When they got to the entrance, President Odetta brought out a key from her pocket and opened the door before she looked at Silas, "Mr Silas, I was only able to secure a time-period of two months for you, which means you have to be done with whatever you're doing within two months."

Silas heard this and nodded in acknowledgement, "Don't worry, I might get done with it in a month-time."

"Good then. Here's the key, have it," President Odetta said, and gave Silas the key before walking off.

She had not gone far from the building when she turned back and said with a smile, "Mr Silas, one more thing. You're replacing whatever you damage. "

"Sure," Silas said with a smile.

'I'm replacing whatever I damage or you want me to damage everything and replace them. What a sly woman.'

Silas shoke his head at this and walked into the building. When he walked into the building, Silas was met with the facility's massive interior, it looks way too big to be called a lab.

Silas could see some uncompleted projects lying around but he paid no attention to them, as he walked towards a lab table and proceeded to start creating the quantum computer.

Unlike experimental quantum computers that are now in existence, what Silas is aiming to achieve is to create a quantum computer that will have a completely different appearance, and the actual performance and capabilities of a quantum computer.

If you're looking for a comparison, it would just look like a very bigger version of the quantum smartwatch on his wrist, just without the straps.

Thinking of the quantum smartwatch, Silas looked at his wrist.

"It would have been better if I had someone to assist me but I should be able to manage this alone with my high stat," Silas said with a shrug, and started the creation of the first component of the quantum computer, writing the quantum algorithms.

Silas placed his laptop on the table and started writing the quantum algorithms. Silas did not need to do much as he already has a programming language that can be used for writing quantum algorithms, Uniscript.

What Silas would have loved to create isn't a quantum computer but a moleculartronic computer.

A moleculartronic computer is a quantum computer that uses nanotechnology, and nanotechnology is something that Silas doesn't have at the moment, and that's why he has to make do with just creating a normal quantum computer.

Silas continued typing the codes and his fingers were flying all over the laptop's keyboard and he was writing like more than a thousand words per seconds.

Yes, his laptop didn't crash and it's still working normally as it used to, but it definitely won't remain the same after he's done.

As Silas continued typing the codes, his fingers were so fast that if there was someone beside him and looking at his hands, all the person would see would be a blur.

Since the Uniscript was a programming language is something created by… aliens, Silas didn't care and wrote the quantum algorithms in a very complicated way, in a way that only he would understand.

Another thing to note is that the quantum computer that Silas is creating won't be performing a specific task but multiple tasks unlike the current available quantum computer used by IBM and Google.

It took Silas more than six hours to finish writing the quantum algorithms and he has written more than thirty million words.

After he was done with the codes, he left the laptop on the table and moved on the next thing, creating his quantum computing model, which is the qubits.

Silas plans to create his quantum computing model by combining two present and available technology, superconducting qubits and majorana fermion.

To be honest, if Silas wanted to create a quantum computer just like the one he saw in the head when the quantum computing information was transferred to him, it's impossible.

Why? Because the majority of the technology and materials needed are not currently available on Earth.

Silas first started with the superconducting qubits. He chose his desire material, a nobuim.

The next few days saw Silas busy himself with creating the superconducting qubits before moving on to creating the majorana fermion, which is a topological qubits.

This is actually one of the process that's different, as other quantum computers are created with either a superconducting qubits or a topological qubits, Silas combined the two of the achieve something close to what he wants.

It has been more than a week since Silas started his project and it has been progressing smoothly. He was already on the topological qubits and he predicted that he would be done with it in another week or so.

Just as Silas was busying himself with the topological qubits, his wristwatch vibrated.

{Sir, I'm done with my assigned tasks.}

"That's good. How much information were you able to gather?," Silas asked as he continued with what he was doing.

{800 petabyte worth of information, sir.}

"That's huge. The watch has so much space? What's the remaining storage capacity of the watch?"

{About 9 Exabyte remaining.}

"That's insane. This means I can basically store a nearly infinite amount of information and I also have one more smartwatch."

"LUNAR, assist me on this. I'm creating a quantum computer for you."

{Yes sir. What do you need me to do?}

"Take charge of creating the quantum circuit and the materials. I have prepared it, all you just have to do is to monitor it and let me know when it's ready. Can you do that?"

{A very simple job, sir. I will get to it right away.}

"Good. I will take care of the quantum hardware platform and the quantum processor."

It took Silas a few more days to finish with the topological qubits before he started with the quantum hardware platform.

Silas chose his qubits and quantum gates and immediately got to work. It took him almost a week to complete it and he focused on the next thing.

Creating the quantum processor was one of the difficult parts, if not the most difficult part of creating the quantum computer.

The appearance Silas intends to give the quantum computer is like that of a massive television but the current method he's using to create the quantum processor would make that almost impossible.

So, Silas tweaked it a little. Silas changed it and created it in a way that it would be able to take on the appearance he desires and for that, he would need LUNAR's assistance.

LUNAR was already done with the task he assigned to her, so she was free to assist him.

The two of them began the process and it was after almost a week, they finished with it.

When they were done, it only remains to do some testing and optimization. Silas left that to LUNAR as he wants to get some sleep.

He hasn't had a wink of sleep for more than a month and it was already taking a toll on him. The only reason he was able to last this long without crashing is due to his stamina, which is twice more than that of a normal human.

"Time to get some shut eye," Silas said and rested his head on the table, and he fell asleep immediately.

While Silas was sleeping, LUNAR was on her task. Due to the high computing power of the wristwatch that was way better than the best quantum computer available, performing such a task was very easy for her.

Infact, when she was gathering information, she felt the presence of some stupid things that calls themselves AIs.

If she's to be honest, to her, they were more than cheap parlor tricks. None of the AI she saw were able to last long against her.

If not for the fact that Silas only told her to gather information, she would have crash those stupid things into oblivion.




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