Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 43 Building The Quantum Computer(II), Crazy Things Are Happening

43 Building The Quantum Computer(II), Crazy Things Are Happening

{Sir, it's completed.} LUNAR said as she made the smartwatch to vibrate.

Silas groggily opened his eyes as he felt the vibration on his wrist.

"Lunar... Is it ready?," Silas asked as he rubbed his eyes slightly to get the sleep out of his eyes.

{Yes sir, it's ready.}

"Good," Silas said and walked towards the table that hosts the project he's working on.

"LUNAR, how long was I asleep?"

{Approximately 14 hours sir.}

"I see... It seems I was nearly burned out."

{It seems so.}

"Well, that's that. Let's see the final result. Have you tested it?"

{No sir, I was waiting for your permission.}

"Alright, let's see if this thing actually works."

"LUNAR, power it up."

{Yes sir.} LUNAR said and immediately connected the quantum computer to the quantum smartwatch.

Immediately, the screen of the quantum computer displayed an hyperspace just like what the smartwatch did, the first time Silas wore it on his wrist.

Seeing this, Silas nodded in satisfaction and smiled in relief.

'Not a failure.'

"LUNAR, connect and transfer to it. Also transfer all the files you gather and start sorting them out. Do let me know if there's any issue, so that we can fix it immediately."

{Yes sir.}

LUNAR transferred her consciousness to the quantum computer and the smartwatch went blank again.

"Phew.. Now I can finally get some rest. All I just need to do is to package it and everything is good to go. I still have a week or so in the two-month-window period remaining," Silas said to himself, and started going through his phone..

He was checking for any missed calls, or missed messages as his phone was in DND mode during the time he was working on the quantum computer.

Silas saw a couple of missed calls and messages. Some were from Mr Williams, some from the private investigator and also from Mr Brandon.

After he saw this, he put his phone back in his pocket. He wants to finish the task at hand first, before shifting his attention to other things.

It took Silas more than ten hours before he was finally done with putting the final touches on the quantum computer, and LUNAR was also done with the task assigned to her. She found no problem during the process.

After everything was done and ready, Silas called a moving company for a moving truck to help him move the quantum computer to the villa.

While Silas waited for the truck to arrive, he took out his phone and started going through the missed calls and messages one by one.

He first dialed Mr Williams number. It took a few rings before it was picked.

"Hello, Mr Silas," Mr Williams' worried voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr Williams."

"Thank goodness, Mr Silas I have been calling you for weeks now. I thought something happened," Mr Williams said.

"Nothing happened, I was just busy with some project. How's the preparation going? Has the private investigator gotten enough information on him?," Silas said, dispelling Mr Williams worries.

"I'm glad that all is well. On the progress of the lawsuit, we have gathered enough evidence. We even got some some people who will testify against him in court. About the investigation, I think you need to check the message the private investigator sent to you."

"I saw his messages, I will check it later. You said something about getting some people to testify against him in court, how did you do this and what did he do to them?," Silas asked curiously.

"About that, apparently Mr James has a long history of criminal activities in his record, just like those which you're charging against him. But here's the funniest thing, he has been charged to court with these crimes, including s*xual a*sault, allegedly sl*eping with min*rs but he was always acquitted. Never actually found guilty."

Though Silas guessed that his father and Kim weren't the only victims of Daniel's father's scheme, Silas was surprised to find out that he has even more criminal charges against him, and even the worst ones.

What a pig!

Don't get it wrong, Silas isn't a hero or a saint but since he's charging Daniel's father to court, he might as well get other things to make his case a solid one but he felt a sense of foreboding. Why was he never sentenced?

These crimes are crimes that any individual who is found guilty of them will see themself serving a lifetime in a maximum security prison, if not death sentence.

"Mr Williams, why was he never sentenced? Is there someone backing him?," Silas asked curiously.

"Mr Silas, here's where things get tricky. Apparently, Mr James is a close business associate with the mayor of Oakland and an acquaintance of one of the Justices of the state's Supreme Court."

Silas smiled when he heard this. Just as he expected.

"Have you investigated the two of them to know how much benefits Mr James gives them or what fuels their relationship?"

"We did and here's what we found out. Apparently, Mr Anderson helped Mr Klein to win the last mayoral election and Mr Anderson is one his biggest supporters. As for the Justice, Mr Morton, he's on Mr James' payroll.

We also found out after our investigation that, not only the Justice, but almost most of the police officers in Oakland are on his payroll, and even some major civil servants."

"This is huge... Did you investigate to know how much he pays them to make them lap up to him?"

"We did, but we couldn't get a definite amount but the information we got from one of the police officers on his payroll was that he was getting a little bit above $2000 from Mr James, every week. Also, he's just a newbie."

"This is interesting. I guess this was the reason why he did those things without fear for any form of repercussions.

Mr Williams, you can continue with what you're doing. I have some things to do first before we charge him to court."

"Ok, I will continue with it. Please let me know when you're ready, so that we can proceed with the lawsuit."

"Yes, I will do that," Silas said, and hung up.

After he hanged up, he dialed Mr Brandon's number.

"Hello Mr Brandon."

"Mr Silas, I have been calling you for sometime now."

"Sorry about that, I was busy with something. Any progress?"

"I'm not sure if you would call this progress but I found an island, just that it's somewhat small."


"39,000 square feet."

"No, too small. Mr Brandon, I'm not positive on the possibility of the island being enough for the type of project I plan to undertake," Silas said in disappointment.

"*Sigh* Mr Silas, you don't know how hard your request is."

"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you, Mr Brandon. You can try one more time, if no progress, then I will seek another alternative."

"Yes, I will get back to you after two weeks to a month, with or without progress."

"Thank you for your effort, I'll definitely compensate you when all this is over," Silas said and, Mr Brandon laughed.

"Hehe.. Mr Silas, you don't need to worry, I will definitely do my best."

"Thank you once again, Mr Brandon," Silas said, and hung up.

The next person he called was the real estate attorney. The reason the real estate attorney called him was to inform him that he has gotten the document of the office building from Mr Brandon and he wants Silas to go through it, and sign it.

Silas told him to come to the villa the next day so that it can be done. After that, he hung up and called the private investigator.


"Hello Mr Silas. Mr Williams told me you have spoken to him"

"Yes, I have. Any new information?"

"No, I have already given all the information I have to Mr Williams to prepare the lawsuit but I do have something. A gist actually."

"What is it?," Silas asked curiously, as his interest was piqued.

"Well, how do I say this? It seems that Mr Anderson has been having a secret affair with his son's girlfriend." The private investigator dropped a bombshell, shocking Silas.

As if it wasn't enough, the next words that came out of his mouth shocked Silas even more.

"Actually, his relationship with the girl called Layla who apparently is his son's girlfriend started when she was still in high school. Also, this is without the knowledge of his son, and another surprising thing is that his wife is also cheating on him and guess with who?"

Silas already had his breath in his mouth and he instinctively answered the question, "Daniel, her son?"



Silas couldn't believe this. Like what in the actual fuck is going on. He just had to confirm that what he was hearing was true.

"Are you absolutely sure? You're not joking right?," He asked but he was shocked by the private investigator's response.

"Absolutely not. I even sent a video of the two different parties when they were going at it."

'The fuck, man!'

"Ok" Silas said and hung up.

Silas was stumped for words.

Who would have believed that such a thing could happen? How much of a degenerate must the family be? The worst is the private investigator, what sort of crazy did he actually employ?

'The h*ll is going on?'

Silas didn't even bother to play the video as he put his phone back in his pocket.

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