Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 55 Meeting With Mr Andrés, An Absurd Request

55 Meeting With Mr Andrés, An Absurd Request

Silas stepped out of the car and looked at the semi-bustling port in front of him. He could see the clear coastline filled with small watercrafts, ranging from small boats to speedboats, and also a significant amount of human activities.

What actually caught Silas' attention was the beautiful expansive Caribbean Sea with its clear, see-through blue waters and golden sand on its bed floor that reflected the sunlight back to the surface. A view that Silas couldn't get enough of.

'I've heard of the Caribbean Sea, and seen pictures and videos of it but I must say that pictures and videos just doesn't do its beauty any justice.'

Silas was still admiring the beauty of the sea when he heard someone calling out to him. He turned his head towards the source of the sound and saw a middle-aged man in a maritime worker's uniform standing in front of him.

"You must be Mr Silas. I'm Mr Antonio, I will be taking you to the island," The man said, and started taking Silas closer to the sea where his boat was docked.

Silas didn't say anything and followed Mr Antonio. He didn't want to waste anymore time as he only has less than a few minutes more before the meeting with the island owner will begin.

Few seconds later, the both of them were standing in front of a luxuriously designed speedboat.

Mr Antonio got into the driver side of the speedboat, while Silas comfortably took his seat at the back.

Seeing that Silas was already seated, Mr Antonio started the speedboat, and its engine came alive.

He steered the speedboat out of the dock and onto the waters of the Caribbean Sea, making their way to the island.

During the journey, Silas briefly forgot about everything as he relished the feeling of the cool sea breeze blowing against his face and his body.

This is the first time he's gone on a trip. Even though the reason for the trip is to buy the island, he still wants to enjoy the scenery to the best of his ability.

After a few minutes, the outline of the island was already coming into view, Canaima Isle. Silas' attention was instantly attracted by it and he started accessing it and its surroundings.

Canaima Isle is an island surrounded by the beautiful transparent blue Caribbean waters. It's also covered by canopy-like and dense greenery making it look like a forest in the middle of the sea, and the greenery also serves to block anyone outside from seeing what's inside the island.

The speedboat came to a stop and docked beside a pier at the island's shore. At the pier, Silas could see a middle-aged man dressed in formal attire, exuding an aura of authority and a young male who seems to be his guard standing beside him.

Silas already knew their identities and information as LUNAR has already displayed it on the Gear.

Silas saw that the middle-aged man started walking up to him as he got off the speedboat, followed by his bodyguard.

"Se?or Silas, bienvenido a la Isla Canaima. ?Espero que haya disfrutado su viaje hasta aquí?," The man in formal attire said when be got to where Silas was.

If it was before, Silas would have been stumped on how to reply as he didn't understand shit about Spanish, but that changed as Silas now has the Gear and LUNAR.

LUNAR immediately translated what the man said and displayed it.

{Mr Silas, Welcome to Canaima Isle. I hope your trip here was enjoyable.}

"Yes, it was. Thank you."

"Once again, welcome to Canaima Isle. Please follow me, our meeting place is inside," The man said, as he pointed at a wooden cabin house almost covered by the island's greenery and vaguely visible from where they stood.

The man started walking towards the cabin house and Silas followed behind. During the short walk, Silas accessed the interior of the island.

Apart from the dense greenery, the only thing Silas saw was different species of birds, some flying around while some perched on trees.


It took a few minutes before they got to the cabin. The middle-aged man walked into the cabin house, followed by Silas, leaving only the young man standing guard outside.

Inside the cabin house, the man walked towards an island retreat armchair and sat down.

"Mr Silas, please have your seat," He said and pointed to another armchair.

Silas nodded and took his seat.

"Mr Silas, I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Mr Andrés, the owner of the island."

Although Silas already knew his identity, he didn't reply and only nodded in acknowledgement.

"You must be thinking of the reason why I asked for us to meet instead of just selling the island directly to you," Mr Andrés said.

"Yes. I'm quite curious as to the reason why, Mr Andrés," Silas said with a curious expression on his face.

"Before we proceed, Mr Silas, do you know my actual identity? Who I really am?," Mr Andrés asked.

"I'm sorry Mr Andrés but I don't have an answer to that question," Silas replied.

Of course, Silas already knew all the available information on the man standing in front of him, but he decided not to acknowledge it.

"That was to be expected. Let me not make this take any more of your time," Mr Andrés said, as he looked at Silas intently.

"My name is Andrés Martínez, I'm the minister in charge of the Office of the Presidency and Monitoring of Government Management," Mr Andrés said, and paused as he waited for what he said to sink before he continued.

"The reason why I called you here is because I have an offer for you. I need your help with something and I can give you whatever you want in return."

Silas smiled when he heard. He could already guess where the conversation was going as LUNAR has been continuously scouring the internet and every available source that she could for more of Mr Andrés information, while also simultaneously updating Silas.

Mr Andrés saw Silas' silence and decided to continue.

"Mr Silas, there are two options. The first option involves me selling the island to you for your base price of $500 million," He said, and paused once again before continuing.

"The second option is that I will give you the island for free and you will receive additional compensation after you help me achieve what I want."

Hearing what Mr Andrés said, the smile on Silas' face widened before disappearing immediately. .

Without much thought, Silas chose the first option. He felt that it was better not to entangle himself with politicians because to him, they are venomous snakes.

Yes, Silas hates politicians.

"Mr Andrés, I will choose the first option," Silas said.

Mr Andrés gave a light laugh when he heard this. Silas choosing the first option was something he expected.

He could feel that Silas already has an idea of what his request would be and honestly, he doesn't blame the young man, but the truth is that he seriously needs someone like Silas who has high spending power to help him and his group with their ambition.

"Mr Silas, you didn't even hear my request before you made your decision."

Mr Andrés sighed and clasped his hands as he looked at Silas.

"Mr Silas, I need your help to overthrow the nation's current president and government," Mr Andrés said.

He wanted to maintain the lead in the conversation and hold the advantage during any possible negotiation but it seems that he has to give it up if he wants to secure Silas' help.

The truth is that he and his group have tried to seek help from different people and organizations but none of them seems to be willing. Those that agreed all asked for the impossible as compensation. Something he couldn't agree to.

"I understand that you may not be able to make a decision immediately but please, do give it some thoughts. I'm willing to give you anything in compensation as long as it's not excessive," Mr Andrés said, and stood up from his armchair.

He reached into one of the pockets on his suit and pulled out a card.

"This is my card, Mr Silas. Please do give me a call after making your decision," He said, and dropped the card before leaving Silas in the wooden cabin.

When he got outside, he called for the male that accompanied him and the two of them made their way towards the pier.

Silas stood up from his seat as he watched their disappearing figure.

"LUNAR, what do you think?"

{Accept his proposal.}


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