Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 56 An Absurd Request(II), The Country’s Current Deplorable State

56 An Absurd Request(II), The Country's Current Deplorable State

Right after Silas saw Mr Andrés identity, he was continuously being updated by LUNAR and from the information she gave him, he already knew the reason why Mr Andrés wanted them to meet in person.

Of course, the reason why LUNAR was able to get such extensive information on Mr Andrés was because she used unconventional means, like directly hacking into Mr Andrés' phone.

Yes, it's unethical but to LUNAR, things like ethics and morals are restraints she doesn't understand it's benefits. As long as it benefits her master, then the consequences be damned.

{Just like you said before when you were in the car, if you're to release the product to the as planned, it will attract the attention of the top tech companies and very possibly, some of the world's governments.

Attracting their attentions means that they will want to acquire the company and the source technology through all means. Something which you won't want to give up, but accepting the proposal will help us in a lot of ways.}

{Accepting his proposal can allow us to ask for some benefits and conditions that will help to fight back at the governments and companies, if they come growling at us like hungry hounds.

I also understand the fact that you don't want to involve yourself in anything political but it's impossible for you to achieve that.

There's no business that has ever survived without the help of any political affiliation, both directly or indirectly.

All we just have to do is take advantage of this opportunity and put ourselves in a better position.}

Silas closed his eyes briefly and sighed.

What LUNAR said is something he has considered and has started to put plans in place to prevent it from happening. One of those plans is building his base on an island.

He wanted the production part of the company to be on the island and the business part will be somewhere in USA, but it seems like even doing things that way won't solve the actual problem.

Just like the description LUNAR gave, they will definitely come growling like hungry hounds.

Who would want a no-name start-up company like his to hold on to such ground-breaking technology? No one!

Silas was aware the value of the technology in his hands and he knows how valuable things can incite human greed.

Though, ELLA might not seem like much but the same can not be said about the Pod and Gear.

Their release will definitely cause a lot of chaos and raise lots of storms, and many will come but Silas is still skeptical about accepting Mr Andrés' proposal.

"LUNAR, even if we do accept the proposal, how are you sure that he will be able to replace the government? You know that this is not the first time, right? Someone has tried it before him and even after more than three years, nothing has changed," Silas said.

{Yes, I know of the last failed mass political movement that seeked to remove the current president, but that person and Mr Andrès are two different people.

The last person was an outsider while Mr Andrés is an insider. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, what I meant was that the last person was just a political rival and had little to no access to the crucial information of his opponent, nor was he able to come in contact with those that really mattered in the government.

Unlike the last person, Mr Andrés is someone who holds more political power, influence and connection. He has inside information, and with the help of his group, taking down the current government will be very easy,} LUNAR explained.

"What you said might be true but even with all this, you know it's still possible for it not to work. Besides, you know that something like this is a very delicate matter and with just a small mistake, it can explode in our face and Venezuela is not a small or unknown country. Our actions will definitely attract attentions."

{True that but you don't need to worry about the attention from other countries. We won't even be in the spotlight neither will we make our presence known during the movement. We might also be able to rally the goodwill of other nations and significant world organization, by controlling opinion.

Beside, the current president's time to leave office has been long overdue.}

"That's true," Silas said with a sigh.

"I will call Mr Andrés to know how much preparation he has made before making my decision," Silas said to himself after making his decision.

He felt that this is the only way to go. Placing the business side of the company in the US means that the company will still be registered in the US, and that means that he will have to comply with everything the government wants. freēwē

Silas was still thinking, when his empty stomach growled in protest.

"Ahh.. Time to get myself something to eat. I'm so hungry."

"LUNAR, call Mr Antonio and the driver," Silas said, and walked out of the cabin and made his way to the pier.

{The speedboat and driver are on standby, sir.}

{Yes, sir.}

By the time Silas got to the pier, he saw Mr Antonio sitting in the speedboat, waiting for him.

Silas got into the backseat of the speedboat and Mr Antonio started the engine.

It didn't take them long before they got back to the port as the distance between the Canaima Isle and the Bahìa Dorada by speedboat, is 15 minutes.

When Silas got to the port, he saw Mr José also waiting for him at the deck. Silas got out of the speedboat and followed Mr José to the car and they left for the hotel.

The drive to the hotel was quiet, just like the ride from the island. When Silas got into the hotel, he went to the reception desk and took the key to his room.

Getting to his room, he saw that his food had already been delivered and the first thing he did was to eat.

Due to the extreme hunger he was feeling, he quickly finished the amount of food that will normally take two adults some minutes to finish.

Silas was already aware that since the increase in his stats, his appetite has been growing with it. Every increase in stats means an equal increase in appetite.

The next thing Silas did after eating was to take his bath and rest. He lay down on the bed as he thought of his meeting with Mr Andrés.

Silas knew that the so-called preparations he made before wasn't enough and honestly, keeping the business part of the company in the USA would have made him an easier target for the picking.

All it takes is an order or 'request' from the government to hand over the source technology of the Gear and Pod, something which he doesn't have and wouldn't even release if he did, potentially leading to another issue.

Would he tell the committee when he gets summoned that the technology is from his system store? No, that will be simply courting death.

What will he say then? How will he explain something that even he can't recreate.... yet.

In addition to the pressure that will come from the government, he will also be facing the tech giants of the world.

One would say that Silas is overestimating himself too much but thinking about it, would companies like top dogs in the tech industry watch him have such technology to himself?

How would they react when they see what the Pod and Gear can do?

The type of technology that they have always dreamed of.

Silas knew that he had to change his plans. If it was just him, in a physical warfare, fight against Phenomenals or a cyber war, he will take anyone on, anytime, any day but he was not naive enough to think that they won't go crazy and target his family to get what they want.

'I will call Mr Andrés tomorrow to discuss more but for now, I just want to get some rest.'

This chapter is by freē


Meanwhile, in one of the offices in a government building, Mr Andrés and a group of individuals were seated at a table.

"What did he say? How did it go?," One of them asked Andrés.

Andrés shook his head negatively in response when he heard this, "It didn't work out …yet"

"Why? Didn't you tell him that we're willing to offer him compensation and he can even ask for anything he wants as long as it's not excessive?," One of them asked Andrés.

"I wasn't even able to say that before he refused but I gave him my card so that he can call me if he changes his mind," Andrés said as he sighed.

"This is the fifteenth person we have sought help from but we have not been successful.

I wonder if we will still have to continue with that tyrant who's at the seat of power? I'm so tired.

Look at how low our country has fallen. Extremely pathetic." Another person said, shaking his head.

"We just have to hope he accepts it," Andrés said and sighed.

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