Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 293

I saw that Chen Yi maintained a speed of more than 125km/h and passed rapidly across the sea, much faster than a speedboat. The surfboard only had a little contact with the water, and it was as if he was flying.

After hearing the news, many spectators came one after another and were shocked when they saw this scene. At the same time, a group of sailing athletes were training on the seaside of China, where the sun never sets.

The sailing boats of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Set have always been at the top level. The champion of the sailing competition in the last Olympic Games was Cook, a player of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets. He is also training here at the moment.

I saw that these athletes were very good, especially Cook, who flexibly controlled a 4.2-meter-long sailboat and sailed freely on the sea, just like driving a speedboat with a steering wheel. If he wanted the sailboat to turn left, he could turn left. If you want the sailboat to turn right, the sailboat will turn right. It’s so cool.

"Cook's level seems to have improved again"

"Unbelievable, he hasn't reached the bottleneck yet"

"It seems that he will be the champion in the next Olympic sailing competition."

A group of preparatory athletes who were resting were amazed at what they saw.

However, if you watch too much of anything, you will get tired of it. They would also check their mobile phones to relax while they were resting. Soon a piece of news came into their eyes.

【Chinese boy Chen Yi drove a sailboat at a speed of 125km/h.

Their first reaction was to widen their eyes in disbelief. They thought it must be sensational fake news, deliberately using this kind of title to make people click on it, and to deceive those who don’t know. knowledgeable

"125km/h bragging without even making a draft?"

"And it says that the wind speed is only 46km/h. In this wind speed of"907", the sailboat can reach 125km/h? It’s just nonsense. Do you think everyone else is a fool?"

"Today’s editor has increasingly no lower limit"

"Wait, it says that the Chinese boy driving the sailboat is Chen Yi. I heard that guy is an inhuman and has set countless incredible records."

"So what, it’s impossible for a sailboat to reach a speed of 125km/h."

Having said that, because of Chen Yi, they still clicked in to watch. There was a video on it. They clicked on the video to watch, and soon their mouths began to open wide. After all, they were professionals, even if they didn't watch the test From the data, we can see at a glance how terrifying the speed of Chen Yi’s sailboat is. It is simply lightning fast.

It does not seem to be an exaggeration to say that it is 125km/h.

"God, so fast"

"The wind speed does not seem to be more than forty or fifty. How can the sailboat be so fast?"

"This is impossible, this is unscientific"

"If it's really that fast, isn't it even inferior to Cook?"

They followed the link one after another and entered Chen Yi's live broadcast room.

The live broadcast is not as easy to fake as the video and cannot deceive people. They saw Chen Yi speeding on the sea, just like in the video. Now they didn't believe it, but they had to believe it..

They were amazed and excited, which attracted the attention of other athletes. They were all shocked when they came over to see it. Finally, even Cook, who had rested ashore, was also shocked.

"What happened to make you so excited? asked Cook

"Cook, something big happened. That Chinese boy Chen Yi drove the sailboat at a speed of 125km/h in a wind speed of 46km/h.

Cook was stunned for a moment and said,"This is impossible.""

"At first we thought it was impossible, but it seems to be true."

Cook came forward and looked at the screen. After just one glance, his pupils shrank slightly. Although he could not accurately see the speed, an expert could judge how terrifying the speed was based on the wind, waves and water spray. It can be seen how skillful Chen Yi is in maneuvering a sailboat.

Cook watched Chen Yi's movements closely, and at the same time observed the wind direction and the sail that kept the wing shape at all times. The more he watched, the more shocked he became. A coach once told him As mentioned before, if Bernoulli's principle can be perfectly used to obtain the same lift as an airplane, then the speed of a sailboat will be beyond imagination, and may even approach three times the wind speed.

Cook was able to win the championship because he used Bernoulli's principle to a certain extent. The principle of hard work, but the wind speed was three times. Even if the coach told it like a story, he did not take it seriously. He did not expect that someone actually did it. The extreme control was simply terrifying. You must know that the wind direction can change at any time. Subtle changes and waves will also interfere with the course. It is not easy to make perfect use of the wind. But the boy in front of him did it. I saw Chen Yi continue to control the sailboat and continue sailing. As the windsurfing board got more and more As he became more and more proficient, he became more and more able to control the sail, like hands and feet.

At this rapid speed, his feet were not even a boat, but just a surfboard. Normally, it would be very drifting and easily capsize, but Chen Yi still Perfect control, lightness and ease.

His borrowing of wind further pushed him to the extreme, and his sailing speed further increased, 128km/h. 130km/h. 132km/h, 134km/h. 136km/h... At this time, appeared A magical scene. The contact area between the surfboard and the sea is so small that it is almost invisible. When there is a slight wave, there will be a large gap without scratches on the water. In other words, during this section of the journey, the sailboat will simply fly over. of.

Cook et al., gaping

"Oh my god, he's flying."

"Unbelievable, how is this possible?"

"Am I dreaming? How could it be so fast?"

The audience in the live broadcast room, including Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, director Xie Kui and others, were also stunned. The sailboat was flying on the water at 136km/h. This is too exaggerated.

"Oh my god, it really flew"

"I suspect that if the wind were stronger, Chen Shen wouldn't have to hit the ground."

"I don’t know if you still remember the scene in One Piece when the Straw Hats went to the Sky Island. At that time, I thought it was nonsense that the ship could fly. Now I realize that anime comes from real life."

Chen Yi's speed gave director Xie Kui and the staff, who had just changed the departure time, a headache again. He changed the departure time from six hours to two hours, and most of them couldn't catch up. Tourists refunded their tickets one after another, but the refunded tickets were sold out in an instant. Even if the departure was limited to two hours, it was still hard to get a ticket. This shows how many people want to follow Chen Yi. Ticket sales On the other hand, there is no need to worry, but the problem is that according to this trend, even if we set off two hours later, we may not be able to catch up.

The key is that the wind in the wind belt is quite stable. Another hour, one and a half hours passed, Chen Yi has already sailed more than two hundred kilometers.

Director Xie Kui and the tourists who bought tickets were very anxious. Fortunately, at this time, the wind on the sea changed. It became smaller at first, and then began to turn into The headwind was gone.

The wind blowing in front of him almost blew Chen Yi back.

"Fortunately, God is kind, otherwise we won't be able to catch up if this continues."

"The wind on the sea is always changeable, so there is no such thing as smooth sailing. In fact, in the long run, worrying about not being able to catch up is redundant. It is impossible to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a windsurfing board. Although the passenger ship is not as fast as Chenshen, it can keep up. Even at a constant speed, you will catch up sooner or later."

"Now that there is a headwind, wouldn't Chen Shen be unable to move forward?"

"You should just be able to fold up the sail and lie down on the surfboard and paddle with your hands, right?"

Director Xie Kui and the staff breathed a sigh of relief. They could finally relax a little. They organized the arriving tourists to get on the passenger ship and prepared to set off as soon as possible. They saw that Chen Yi seemed to be as expected, and he started to furl the sails. First, he furled the front spinnaker, and then nothing more. He did not furl the remaining two sails.

The audience couldn't help but be puzzled. Logically speaking, if the wind is against the wind, of course all the sails must be furled. Instead, Use the oar to paddle with your hands, otherwise the sail will not only become a driving force, but will become a resistance and be blown backwards by the wind.

Just when everyone was wondering, Chen Yi suddenly stepped on the tail of the surfboard and raised the nose of the board. , holding the spinnaker by hand, turned about 45 degrees to the right.

Yes, Chen Yi was ready to continue sailing. Maybe in the eyes of many people, it is wise to reef the sails against the wind. Sailing against the wind is impossible, but Chen Yi You know, this is not impossible.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to drive directly into the headwind. This goes against the laws of physics. In fact, facing the headwind and within 45 degrees to the left and right are prohibited navigation areas. Entering In this area, your ship will definitely not be able to move, but beyond 45 degrees, as long as you use the sails skillfully and the Bernoulli effect, you can move forward, just diagonally forward. (Watch the storm. For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Chen Yi adjusted the angle, he perfectly controlled the remaining mainsail and foresail and began to move forward. The reason why he furled the spinnaker was because the spinnaker could not play its role against the wind............Under the influence of the tilting wind, his boat tilted slightly, but he perfectly controlled the balance and sailed diagonally against the wind.

And the speed began to soar rapidly, 30km/h, 60km/h, 90km/h, 120km/h... The live broadcast room audience, Liu Jing, Lin Hai, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, and director Xie Kui were all stunned. Cook and other sailing athletes were also stunned. What was going on? Is this a dream?

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"[]

"Oh my god, driving into the wind?"

"Although it's diagonal, it's really driving against the wind."

"Don't lie to me. I don't study well. How can a sailboat sail against the wind? I have studied junior high school physics and the decomposition of separation. Can you tell me how to decompose it so that it can bear force in the opposite direction?"

"This is even more unscientific and simply goes against common sense."

"I'm not sure, but I guess the Bernoulli effect will be used again."

"I don’t understand. Now you can’t watch extreme sports live broadcasts even if you don’t understand physics?"

"And the key is, it’s so fast"

"If you divide the forward speed, it is also 60km/h."

"Chen Shen, why don’t you go to heaven?"

"Qingjun will give you 20 super rockets in a row……"

"The prodigal son returns and gets 30 super rockets……"

"The prince will give you 20 super rockets in a row……"

The barrage and gifts in the live broadcast room filled the screen.

Lin Hai was shocked:"It's unbelievable."

Su Ya said:"This is simply unreasonable."

Liu Jing shook his head and said:"I felt that I barely understood the Bernoulli effect before, but now I don't understand it anymore. I have been here all my life." I am engaged in extreme sports, but today I realized that the threshold for extreme sports is so high. If you want to achieve the ultimate, you even have to understand physics."

Yan Xueqi said:"But there is still a question, is it okay to deviate from the course by such a large amount?"

This Questions are also the questions in the minds of most viewers.

Originally, sailing is a very particular matter. Even if you don't want to deviate from the course, sometimes it is not under your control. Once you lose your direction and get lost at sea, it will look the same in all directions. You don't know how to sail at all. Now Chen Yi has deviated so much. , prone to accidents.

At this moment, Chen Yi seemed to have heard their voices and gave them the answer. After sailing rapidly to the right and forward for a while, he suddenly turned the bow of the ship ninety degrees to the left, which was equivalent to turning the ship to the left. The forward direction is 45 degrees to the left, and then follows the gourd's pattern, continuing to adjust the main sail and foresail, using Bernoulli's principle, and taking advantage of the oblique wind to move forward rapidly.

First, it went 45 degrees to the right, then 45 degrees to the left, making a zigzag of 0.6. The offsets on the left and right naturally canceled out, and in the end, the only thing left was to move forward.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally understood and were stunned

"Damn it, this is okay too"

"In this way, the left and right course deviations can be offset."

"The principle is simple, I can figure it out"

"Then this is a perfect way to drive against the wind, it’s simply amazing."

Every time Chen Yi drove a section, he changed his course and moved forward in a zigzag pattern. Naturally, his speed was not as fast as that of traveling in a straight line, but it was still close.

The audience in the live broadcast room was giving gifts again.

The crow didn't give any gifts this time. He had just When he arrived at the pier and boarded the passenger ship, he saw that the sea breeze had turned into a headwind. He was thankful for a moment. This way he should be able to catch up.

But he was soon slapped in the face. Chen Yi didn't put away the sailboat and used his hands to skate. , actually driving against the wind, and the speed is 60km/h, which is still faster than the speed of a passenger ship.

Although as a fan of Chen Yi, I can’t help but be excited to see Chen Yi so awesome, but at the same time, I am also very depressed. I’m going to kill him. , so the ship can still catch up?

Director Xie Kui and the staff were also deceived. They finally waited until the headwind came. They thought they had time to slow down, but who would have thought that Chen Yi would actually go against the wind, and the overall speed, It's even faster than the fastest passenger ship. Is this a sailboat?

Cook and other sailing athletes were even more stunned. They were sailing against the wind and at such a fast speed. This refreshed their understanding and made them unable to help themselves. Start doubting life...

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