Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 294

Two hours later, the passenger ship temporarily rented by the program team was full and ready to go. However, what worried director Xie Kui was that Chen Yi was still driving at high speed in the headwind and might not be able to catch up.

But now that things have come to this, can we still not start our journey? Previously, six hours was changed to two hours, and many tourists were dissatisfied. However, if you wait for so long, you may not be able to catch up, and there is nothing you can do. If it is changed again now, you will tell the tourists that you may not be able to catch up, and you will not set off. , then how can these tourists who have already come and boarded the boat accept it and not eat him alive?

At this point, we can only set off first and then look at the situation. The sea is ever-changing and there may be no wind after a while. In that case, even Chen Yi will have to paddle with his hands, right? That kind of speed must be pitifully slow, and there will always be times when Chen Yi gets tired and he has to stop and rest. However, the ship can keep chasing forward at a constant speed. There is still a good chance of catching up with Chen Yi.

Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, nothing happens to Chen Yi. If he finally catches up with Chen Yi, but Chen Yi can no longer hold on, it will be in vain.

The only good news now is that Chen Yi's speed against the wind is much slower after all. Bai Hetu and Liu Ying, who are driving the yacht, are catching up. Once they catch up, the helicopter can withdraw. The yacht has a very long sailing distance. Far away, no worries about battery life. As long as you don't go out to the open sea and the wind and waves are too strong to bear, then there will be no problem in following along.

In this way, the cruise ship was given enough time. It would not be a big problem to spend half a day, or even a day or two to catch up with Chen Yi.

Once the cruise ship catches up, everything is easy to say. This cruise ship is very big. Not only can yachts be placed on it, but also helicopters can be parked. The yachts and helicopters can use the cruise ship as a harbor. Occasionally, Chen Yi is too fast and the cruise ship cannot catch up, so let him The yacht is dispatched. If the yacht cannot catch up or the waves are too big, the helicopter will be dispatched. When the cruise ship can catch up with 29, both the yacht and the helicopter can return to the cruise ship. The combination of the three is foolproof.

The ship started to set off, chasing Chen Yi, but the distance was still getting farther. After an hour, two hours... the distance became farther and farther. Chen Yi, who was moving zigzag against the wind, didn't take the cruise ship seriously at all. Well, a cruise ship so big is not even as big as a windsurfing board in a headwind.

The tourists on the cruise ship became more and more anxious for fear of not being able to catch up, and kept urging the Global Racing staff. The staff kept explaining that it was already the fastest.

"Don't worry, everyone, there is always a time when there is no wind on the sea. Without Feng, Chenyi will definitely not be able to sail the sailboat. By then, he will be able to catch up, and he will always have to stop and rest, but our boat does not need to rest."The staff followed the instructions of director Xie Kui and comforted the tourists.

After another half an hour, the headwind finally weakened, and then finally entered the windless sea area that the director and staff expected.

The entire sea surface changed. It was calm, the sky and the ocean were like a huge piece of blue amber, everything was quiet and beautiful, but Chen Yi really couldn't sail. The only driving force for the sailboat was the wind, even if it was a headwind, it would still be wind. Once there is no If the wind blows, no matter how skilled you are, it will be useless. If you want to move forward, you really have to close the sails and row. Moreover, Chen Yi's so-called boat is a surfboard. Once it stops, he is not allowed to stand at all and has to lie down. Above.

When director Xie Kui saw this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The staff on the cruise ship also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled:"Did you see that, you don't have to worry now, right?"

The tourists on the cruise ship finally felt relieved. However, the viewers in the live broadcast room began to worry. Rowing with hands, will it take until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse?

"Rowing by hand is too slow"

"Yes, even if there is no problem with the course, we still have to row until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse?"

"But there is no wind or waves, so what else can you do without rowing with your hands?"

"This is the sea. It will not follow your will. Don’t look at how fast Chen Shen was before, and you think it is as easy as crossing the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, there are countless problems waiting for Chen Shen."

"Chen Shen didn’t have any tools. This was definitely a test of pure navigation skills. He had to rely on his own navigation knowledge and experience to judge the wind direction, tides and ocean currents, and adjust the sails and course... Even if it was a small boat with power, it would be difficult. Climb to the sky, not to mention Chenshen, this is just a windsurf board, not even a boat."

"If there is no wind, it may be difficult to move forward."

Chen Yi himself also has a slight headache. There is no wind or waves, so there is no motivation. If it continues like this, he may be trapped in this sea area for a long time.

But at this time, he has no choice. It is almost one o'clock in the afternoon. After working hard all morning, his stomach began to growl and he was very thirsty.

He didn't bring any food or water, so he didn't have anything to eat or drink, so he looked towards the sea, where there was a lot of water. It depends on whether you know how to obtain food. Not only can you obtain food, but you can also obtain water from the body fluids of some marine organisms. Even though the sea water is so abundant and clear, you must not drink it because it contains high salt content. The human kidneys cannot bear it, and drinking it will cause loss of kidney function. Some people abroad have conducted surveys and found that the number of people who died after drinking seawater was 12 times higher than those who died without drinking seawater. We will talk about the problem of moving forward later, but first solve the problem of food and water. After eating and drinking enough, he had enough strength. There was no wind and he didn’t have to worry about the sailboat drifting away, so he plunged into the sea.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment.

"Chen Shen plunged into the sea, what was he doing?"

"I don’t know. Could it be that he abandoned ship and went swimming?"

"How is it possible? Swimming is more strenuous."

At this time, Liu Jing said:"I guess it's prey. The sailboat was too exciting just now. Did you all forget that Chen Yi didn't bring food and water? He has to get food and water on his own.

Lin Hai suddenly realized:"So that's it, he hasn't replenished food and water for several hours." Su

Ya couldn't help but ask:"I know that sea fish can be eaten, even raw. I can accept sashimi. Of course Chen Yi doesn't care, but the question is, can I catch the fish with my hands?"

Yan Xueqi said:"I think for Chen Yi, food shouldn't be a big problem. The biggest problem is water. How to get fresh water to survive in the ocean?" Liu

Jing shook his head:"Generally, the way to obtain fresh water at sea is to catch rain or collect dew. But now there is no rain or dew. There is another more difficult method, which is to desalinate sea water. But there is not much sunshine now, Chen Yi I don’t have any tools either... Although I am best at surviving in the wilderness, to be honest, I have never thought about surviving in the ocean, and I don’t know how he can get fresh water."

The audience in the live broadcast room listened to the words of the four commentators and then recalled the matter of food and water. They couldn't help but become more worried. Not to mention being trapped in this sea area, there was no food and water. As Yan Xueqi said, maybe food Yi can still be obtained. If Chen Yi can't catch fish, no one will believe it, but what about fresh water?

After Chen Yi got into the sea, there was no sound. After one minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, Five minutes, six minutes, seven minutes, eight minutes... there was still no movement, but the audience was miraculously unified and had basically no worries.

For ordinary people, let alone eight minutes, if they don't float for one minute, they should Consider whether he has drowned, but everyone has already seen how awesome Chen Yi is. He is a man who dived 110 meters under the sea in one breath and swam back up through a cave. What does eight minutes mean?

Sure enough, ninth Minutes later, there was a splash on the surface of the water, and Chen Yi emerged. He took off his shirt, tied the sleeves and collar of the shirt to form a bag, lifted the"bag" out of the water and placed it on the surfboard. He saw that the"bag" was filled with It was full and heavy. There were a lot of fish inside, scurrying around.

Chen Yi knocked a few times through his clothes to knock the fish out, then opened the"bag" and saw that there were all kinds of things inside, including sea fish. , there are abalone, there are sea urchins, there are lobsters, there are kelp... the viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Damn, this is too rich." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How could we catch so many things in one trip?"

"That lobster probably weighs a pound."

"Look at those sea fish, one of them is actually a rare rat spotted rat"

"If this was put on the dining table, the meal would cost several thousand dollars less."

"Damn, this is a seafood feast."[]

Everyone can’t believe it, is seafood so easy to catch?

In fact, although seafood is indeed abundant in such inaccessible sea areas, it would definitely not be so easy for ordinary people to go down there. The reason why Chen Yi harvested such a rich harvest is, firstly, because of the long diving time and fast underwater diving speed; secondly, because With eagle eyes, you can see where there are sea urchins, abalones, etc. at a glance. Even if they are hidden in secret places on the seabed, Chen Yi can see them as long as they are exposed a little bit.

The third reason is because Chen Yi has dragonfly dynamic vision and super agile reactions. As long as he is nearby, he can reach out and catch fish. For example, the grouper hid in the reef. Chen Yi stepped forward and chased it away a few times. It came out of the crack in the stone and tried to get into other stone cracks. However, the moment it came out, Chen Yi made a lightning move and caught it. Ordinary people would not be able to catch it if they saw it.

The sum of all the factors made it easy for Chen Yi to catch seafood. It was like entering a vegetable market and just picking up whatever he saw.

Chen Yi lay down next to the surfboard and started eating lunch. He cracked open the sea urchin and ate it raw. He broke open the abalone and ate it raw. Lobster, sea fish and kelp were all eaten raw. They were a combination of meat and vegetables. They were nutritious and healthy. Besides, kelp was relatively Apart from the hard taste, everything else is passable.

Even if there is no necessity, many of these types of seafood are eaten raw. Of course, even if they are eaten raw, they will usually be processed and eaten with dipping sauces. If eaten raw without any dipping sauce, naturally it will not be that good. I ate it, but it was still okay.

You can't pay too much attention to survival in the ocean. Chen Yi would not refuse anyone who came, taking big gulps and eating them all. The audience also discovered that Chen Yi deliberately dug out the fish's eyes and threw them into his mouth to eat.

While Chen Yi was eating, he explained:"Don't feel disgusted by eating fish eyeballs. Fish eyeballs contain a lot of water and are an important way to replenish fresh water for survival in the ocean. If it doesn't rain and you can't get fresh water, then Fish eyes can save your life."

Then, Chen Yi broke open the backbone of the leftover fish bones, put it into his mouth and sucked it, and added:"In addition, the fish backbone also contains drinkable marrow fluid, not only Moisture and contains a lot of protein"

"If it's not enough and you have a lot of fish, you can cut the fish into pieces and put it in a clean cloth to wring out the body fluids, which is also drinkable."

"In addition, if you have to, you can drink turtle blood."

The audience listened with gusto and felt they learned something.

"It turns out that there are so many ways to obtain water in the ocean"

"I've learned it, I've learned it, Chenshen is indeed an expert in wilderness survival."

"No wonder Chenshen didn't bring food and water, he didn't need it at all. To him, the ocean is simply a seafood market. Food and water are everywhere. If you want, just take them. Isn't carrying them a waste of energy?"

"If you learn these things, wouldn't it mean that ordinary people can survive for a long time in the ocean as long as the boat does not capsize?"

"The guy upstairs, don’t be naive. Even if you know this, can you catch fish? Can you catch enough fish to eat, or even enough to rehydrate your body?"

Liu Jing was also filled with emotion. Sure enough, Chen Yi is the master of survival in the wilderness.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Yi continued to eat and drink. Because he was very confident in his fishing ability, he had no plans at all. He left some spare food and prepared to eat it all. His appetite was too big, and he could barely eat until he was 80% full. The audience looked at it and felt hungry, eating raw fish, raw lobster, raw Abalone, etc., unlike eating bugs, the audience did not find it disgusting. On the contrary, Chen Yi's eating style made them a little greedy and couldn't help but want to eat seafood.

Eat. While eating, Chen Yi suddenly stopped and looked to the left. The photographer on the helicopter also controlled the drone to take pictures there, and then he could vaguely see several black things approaching in the water.

Look carefully. Looking at the shapes of those black shadows, the audience in the live broadcast room, Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, director Xie Kui and others gasped, they looked like several sharks...

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