Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Finding a Hideout

A few minutes later, Yuna was strolling through Seireitei at a leisurely pace while happily humming to herself. The conversation with Aizen had given her a pretty good chunk of information, so she naturally was in a good mood even if there were no nobles to bully.

As she was walking through the city, her sense picked up a rather familiar sensation, causing her to smile lightly.

"As expected, they have one inside the city as well. Very good."

Following her senses, Yuna quickly arrived at an inconspicuous-looking wall, causing her grin to widen.

"Yup, I can feel it~"

As she said that, her hand lightly brushed along the wall while injecting Spiritual Power into it with a certain pattern. Moments later, the wall moved, revealing a set of stairs that went underground.

"Found it~ Good think I memorize how Kisuke unlocks his underground training area."

She swiftly stepped on the first step and went underground while the door behind her was hidden away automatically. After walking down for about a minute, she found what she was looking for: A colossal underground space that doubled down as a training area and a place to live. There even was a hot spring area!

Meanwhile, at Rangiku Matsumoto's residence, Rangiku wore a somewhat conflicted expression. She actually slept with an intruder. She didn't know what kind of punishment something like that would warrant, but it couldn't be anything good.

"Shit, if someone asks, I'll just claim Yuna forced herself on me."

"Sure, I don't mind~"


Suddenly hearing someone talking behind her, Rangiku yelled out in surprise, causing the owner of the other voice to chuckle in amusement.

"What the hell, Yuna!? Why did you sneak up on me like this!?"

Hearing her question, Yuna simply shrugged her shoulders with a grin still clearly displayed on her face.

"Because I wanted to see your reaction. I have to admit; it was pretty cute~"

Rangiku's glare intensified, but moments later, her shoulders sagged as she sat down on a nearby chair.

"Why are you back already? Are you already done with your outrageous activities?"

Hearing her question, Yuna shook her head as she sat down opposite Rangiku.

"Nah, I found something interesting and immediately thought of you. Currently, you can't exactly walk in the open, so I found a nice place for you to relax. Staying at your house is rather unsafe."

Rangiku smiled when she realized that Yuna had been worrying about her safety, but moments later, the smile vanished and was replaced with a frown.

"That's really nice of you, but how am I supposed to get there? As you said, I can't exactly walk around in the open."

Yuna scoffed at Rangiku's worries and wagged her finger at her.

"What are you talking about? Aren't I here? How could you possibly get detected when I'm the one leading you? Let's not forget that I managed to appear directly behind you without you noticing."

Hearing Yuna's boisterous claim, Rangiku's frown deepened, but after realizing just how easily Yuna had sneaked up on her, she could see where she was coming from with her claim.

She pondered the situation a little longer, and after realizing that staying here at her house could truly be dangerous, she nodded her head at Yuna's offer.

"Fine, if you are that confident, then le... WHAT THE HELL!?"

Before Rangiku could fully agree, ropes shot out of Yuna's sleeves, binding Rangiku in a tight turtle shell bondage.

"Well, if you tie you up, then even if we are discovered, there won't be any trouble for you."

"That's all very nice, but was it really necessary to tie me up with a bondage technique!?"

"That's ridiculous. How else am I supposed to tie you up? Ohh, I get it; you prefer another rope technique. No worries, just make your request, and I'll adjust the ropes."

Rangiku's face deadpanned as she looked at Yuna in disbelief. However, she couldn't see a sliver of mischief nor a teasing smirk, meaning that she probably was serious. So, there was only one thing she could do.

"Please add a crotch rope."

She might as well run with Yuna's antics. Yuna, on the other hand, nodded in approval when she heard Rangiku's request as more ropes shot out of her sleeves, modifying how Rangiku was tied up.

"Nice, kinky. I like it."

So, a few minutes later, a tied-up woman carried by another woman could be seen running through Seireitei, and just as Yuna had promised, they arrived at the secret hideout without anyone spotting them.

"Why is there such a massive hidden underground space underneath Seireitei? Who build this?"

"Urahara Kisuke did."

Rangiku's eyes widened when she heard that name. Although it had been a long time, she had read that Urahara Kisuke was initially one of Seireitei's captains but was exiled for some unknown reason.

"Okay, and how in the world did you find it?"

"Easy; I have seen the same hideout in the world of the living, so sniffing this one out wasn't too hard."

"Seriously? Is that really how it works?"

"Mah, I have sharp senses, so everything is fine."

Rangiku could only shake her head due to Yuna yet again doing something outrageous.

'Seriously, how abnormal can someone be? Oh well, I at least can't feel any malice against Seireitei in her so things won't get too bad, right? So far, it seems that Yuna is more interested in pranking people than anything else, so I'm sure everything will be fine.'

Meanwhile, Yuna inspected Rangiku's body with scrutiny. She had noticed it earlier during night activities, but Yuna noticed that something seemed to be wrong with her soul.

Obviously, Rangiku noticed Yuna looked at her from top to bottom and chuckled in amusement while lightly parting her clothes, revealing more of her cleavage.

"If you want another round, I don't mind. I have rested a little, but more than one is impossible."

Yuna smirked a little as she shookshook her head in denial.

"Although I wouldn't mind going at it again, a single round couldn't even be considered a snack, so let's do something else. Earlier, I noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with your soul. It feels as if a part of it is missing."

Rangiku's eyes widened in shock after Yuna finished speaking, instinctively taking a step back while taking on a defensive stance.

"How do you know about that?"

"Well, as I previously managed, I have sharp senses. So, would you like me to help you out with that? Fixing your soul should allow you to become more powerful, while there honestly is no drawback."

Rangiku's head snapped towards Yuna as her jaw hit the ground due to Yuna's seemingly impossible claim.

"You can fix it? I have never heard of anyone being able to fix a damaged soul. Even Retsu Unohana, Seireitei's greatest healer, wasn't able to do so."

Obviously, Rangiku would be skeptical of Yuna after she made such a wild claim. However, Yuna wasn't bothered by Rangiku's doubts in the slightest and only shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I'm not just anyone. Just because others can't do it, it has nothing to do with me. I'm that great. Besides, fixing your soul isn't really the correct term. It would be better to say that I have a method to regrow the missing part."

Although Rangiku couldn't really believe Yuna's words, in the end, she still agreed to Yuna helping her. Worst case, nothing changes. Best case, her soul is restored, which might even allow her to learn her Bankai at one point in time.

"Okay, I still have some doubts, but please help me out. It's not anything dangerous, right?"

"No, as long as you aren't acting with reckless abandon, the is no risk involved."

Rangiku's face became serious as she eagerly nodded her head. As long as there was no risk, then why not try it?

"Okay, please sit on the ground and close your eyes, Rangiku."

Rangiku simply nodded her head and sat down, quickly followed by Yuna, who did the same behind her while putting her hand on Rangiku's back.

"I want you to concentrate on the Spiritual power I'll be injecting into your body. Don't worry, although that would usually be a dangerous act, there are a few tricks to mitigate the danger."

Rangiku simply nodded her head as she fully concentrated on the warm palm on her back, and a few seconds later, she could feel a minuscule mote of foreign Spiritual Power entering her body. Usually, something like that would be considered an attack, and hers and Yuna's Spiritual Power would clash, but surprisingly, none of that happened.

Rangiku quickly realized that the reason that there was no clash was, that Yuna had tuned her Spiritual power to Rangiku's.

'How in the world does she do that? Just how much control does she have over her Spiritual Power? That's ridiculous.'


A jolt went through Rangiku's body when she heard Yuna scolding her and quicklyquickly put her attention back on the sliver of foreign Spiritual Power coursing through her body.

Initially, she had no idea what was going on, but the more it moved around her body, the more relaxed she became while her senses grew sharper. Clearly, Yuna was doing something to improve her body, which was currently in soul-state, effectively fixing her soul.

It took Rangiku around an hour before she memorized the path the Spiritual Power was supposed to take, causing Yuna to remove her hand.

"See, isn't that easy?"

Hearing Yuna's casual question, Rangiku could only look at her in bewilderment while uttering a single word.


Seeing the bewildered Rangiku, Yuna chuckled in amusement before leisurely letting her upper body rest on the ground.

"It's a method to circulate some Spiritual Power in your body to stimulate it, effectively making it grow stronger. It's called cultiva... *Cough* [Supreme Cultivation Divine Art: Plundering the Heaven and Earth's Resources.]."

[You really changed it this time, huh?]

'Obviously, I need to take this chance and correct the blunder of my previous life.'

Meanwhile, Rangiku's face deadpanned yet again as soon as Yuna named her technique.

'There is no way I'll say that out loud.'

"Hehe, that's a really good name, but I think I will just shorten it to 'Cultiva..."

"No, you won't."

Before Rangiku could finish speaking, Yuna interrupted her, and just as Rangiku was about to start arguing with Yuna, a shiver went through her spine as her eyes met Yuna.

'Holy hell, that stare can probably kill a person. Oh well, just I'll just comply. It's not like there will be many chances to actually utter the name.'

"Hahaha, as I was saying, what a fascinating name! [Supreme Cultivation Divine Art: Plundering the Heaven and Earth's Resources.] How domineering."

As soon as Rangiku changed her mind, a happy smile returnedreturned to Yuna's face as she nodded in approval.

"Haha, it's got that you understand, Rangiku. After all, it would be a great disservice to the technique's creator if its name was spoken incorrectly, don't you agree?"

"Yesyesyes, very disrespectful. I'll make sure always to use the full name in the future."

Hearing those words, Yuna nodded in satisfaction as she got up from the ground while picking Rangiku up as well.

"This place has a hot spring. Interested?"

Rangiku's eyes widened in shock when she heard Yuna's words before they started shining in excitement.

"A hot spring!? What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Seeing the excitement in Rangiku's eyes, Yuna chuckled in amusement and carried her toward the hot spring for a relaxing bath.

Another day passed, and Yuna was currently making her way to the 11th Division with a wide smile on her face. She had decided that today she would fight the supposedly immortal Zaraki Kenpachi, who had rumors surrounding him that he couldn't be cut.

'Cutting him up is going to be fun~ I heard he's a battle junky, so we should be able to have a lot of fun together.'

"Who might you be? You look a lot like the reported intruder."

Unfortunately, while drolling in anticipation of the soon-to-happen fight, Yuna let her focus slip a little. Frankly, it was rather surprising that someone found her despite that.

So, Yuna turned around and looked at the person blocking her from having fun. It took her a while, but she realized the identity of the person rather quickly, as she was rather an important figure in Seireitei.

"Retsu Unohana, huh? No offense, but I'm not too interested in fighting a healer."

Unohana was somewhat taken aback at how leisurely Yuna acted despite a captain-level fighter appearing in front of her.

However, Unohana was rather happy about Yuna's stance in regard to fighting her, as she didn't like fighting and would rather have everything resolved peacefully. Well, Frankly, she loved fighting, but what she didn't love was fighting those that were too weak to put up a fight. In her opinion, only two people were qualified to fight her. The Head Captain and the real Zaraki Kenpachi. In conclusion, she had no interest in fighting some random intruder.

However, just before they could walk away from each other, the two met eyes. Then, without any warning, the duo's eyes sharpened as incredibly dense Spiritual pressure erupted out of the duo, suffocating every Shinigami nearby. Simultaneously, Unohana's hair was undone due to the powerful pressure, revealing a single deep scar in her chest area. The pressure kept going for a few seconds before Yuna was the first to speak with a face-splitting grin on her face.

"Hee~ You are a healer? What a joke. Aren't you a killer?"

Unlike Yuna, there was no grin on Unohana's face; instead of that, a creepy-looking smile had formed as her eyes turned lifeless with a hint of insanity.

"Indeed, I am a killer. However, what about you? Just how many have you killed yourself? When would you even have had time to do so? Aren't you supposed to be a human? Hehe, don't tell me; I don't care. If it's you, the feeling of joy might actually return to me. The joy of fighting and killing your opponent; I truly missed it~"

She was just about to attack Yuna when her movements halted.

'This is not good. This is the middle of Seireitei. If she can actually make me go all out, nothing of Seireitei will be left if we fight here. Hehehe, maybe, we should do it anyway. Who cares about Seireitei~'

Seeing Unohana's conflicted expression, Yuna chuckled in amusement as she knew exactly what the problem was.

"If you want to follow me, I have a nice place where we can fight to our heart's content."

Unohana's head immediately snapped towards Yuna, doubt clearly visible on her face. In her opinion, there was no way an invader would have a location within Seireitei where she could unleash her Bankai. Everything would just melt away, no matter where she fought.

However, her desire for a proper fight vastly overshadowed her sense of logic, so a few seconds later, Unohana decided to follow Yuna to whatever hideout she had.

'Mhh, maybe she will lure me into a trap? No, I highly doubt that. There is no way she would think that a simple trap could deal any significant damage to me. Maybe, she really has a safe location?'

As impossible as that seemed to be, Unohana truly wished for it to be true. The first time she fought an opponent worthy of her, she disappointed her enemy, unconsciously forcing him to hold back. She could only hope that she wouldn't make the same mistake again, ruining another incredibly powerful being.

A few minutes later, the duo arrived at the previously mentioned wall, and while Unoihaha clearly still had some doubts about his whole situation, Yuna injected her Spiritual Pressure into the wall, causing it to open and Unohana's jaw to drop to the ground.

'To think there really was a secret location like this. Who in the world build this.'

Thinking about the owner, a man wearing a stripped head briefly flashed through her memory, causing her to shake her head.

'That damn Urahara Kisuke, just how many things has he hidden away.'

Despite all her doubts, Unohana didn't say a word and silently followed Yuna, who by now had a happy skip in her step.

'She seems to truly like fighting and still has fun while fighting. How enviable.'

A few moments later, the duo reached the bottom of the stairs, giving Unohana another surprise. Although she had expected this to be some kind of secret base, she was not expecting it to be this humongous.

"The size is adequate, but can this facility really endure our clashes?"

Hearing Unohana's question, Yuna shook her head in denial.

"I don't know about you, but I would tear this place into shreds, so a few additional modifications need to be made before we can start."

Unohana nodded her head in understanding before she noticed a third person being in here. Her gaze wandered to the source of the Spiritual Power she felt, and to her surprise, she found the so-called missing Lieutenant Matsumoto, who was currently relaxing inside a hot spring drinking sake.

Unfortunately, Rangiku was in her own world, so she didn't notice two people approaching until one of them spoke to her.

"You seem to enjoy your kidnapping, Lieutenant Matsumoto."

Naturally, Matsumoto was startled due to someone suddenly talking to her, and as soon as she opened her eyes, her face paled.

"C-C-Captain Unohan, n-nice meeting you here, hehe."

Obviously, she was rather startled by a captain suddenly standing in front of her, so the only thing she could do was glare at Yuna in annoyance.

"What is the meaning of this? Do you want me to get punished, Yuna?"

Instead of answering, Yuna only chuckled in amusement as her gaze landed on Unohana.

"Since we are about to have a good fight, you won't care about Rangikju being here, right?"

It didn't take Unohana long to think about Yuna's question before she answered.

"As long as I get a proper fight, I don't care about any of that."

Rangiku's mouth opened as her eyes bulged out, and her chin hit the ground.

'Is THAT Captain Unohana letting a rule slip? I don't think that has ever happened in the history of Seireitei. What the hell is going on here?'

However, Unohana completely ignored Rangiku's shocked expression and turned her attention back to Yuna instead.

"Anyway, let us prepare for the fight. Show me if you are capable of awakening my desire for battle because if you don't, you will die."

Hearing Unohana's words, a grin split her face as she drew one of her swords.

"Yeah, let's have a lot of fun~"

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