Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

vs Unohana

"Yeah, let's have some fun~"

As Yuna said that, she pulled out one of her swords and pointed it skyward.

"But first, let's prepare the location: [Freeze All of Creation and Consume it, Kurama]."

[*Urgh* I really don't like everyone knowing my name.]

'Want me to change it? It's not like I actually use your name.'

[Tell me the alternative name first.]

'Ten-Tailed Divine Ice Kitsune.'

[Yeah, let's stick with Kurama.]

'Got it.'

As Yuna and Kurama were bantering, Yuna's Zanpakuto changed form, becoming much bigger, broader, and longer while turning ice-like and somewhat transparent. Simultaneously, the temperature in the room started dropping drastically, and moments later, Yuna stabbed her sword into the ground, causing it to freeze.

"Kurama!? Wasn't it Chaos!? And what's with the ice!?"

Hearing Rangiku's outburst, Yuna simply chuckled in amusement and put her focus on the task at hand. Around a minute later, the whole underground cave was covered with a thin layer of ice that, surprisingly, no longer gave off a cold feeling.

"Well, let's seal this room up!"

As Yua said that, she twisted her Zanpakuto, resulting in quite a bit of Spiritual Power getting injected into the ice, resulting in a complex pattern of unknown symbols covering everything inside the cave.

Meanwhile, Unohana inspected everything happening around her with clear fascination in her eyes, and as soon as Yuna was done, she started talking.

"Fascinating. I have never seen a barrier Kido getting deployed like this, nor have I ever seen the one you used."

Hearing Unohana's words, Yuna shrugged her shoulders as if it was natural for Unohana to be surprised.

"That's only natural. After all, I'm the one who developed the Kido and the application technique."

Unohana nodded her head, clearly impressed by Yuna's words, but moments later, her mood switched back, resulting in an eery smile.

"Anyway, I hope you are ready."

As she said that, she slowly pulled out her Zanpakuto and pointed at Yuna.

"Because if you aren't, you will die."

With these words spoken, Unohana vanished from her position and reappeared in front of Yuna with her sword already swinging downward.

The sound of two swords colliding echoed through the room as two incredibly powerful Spiritual Pressures collided, causing space to tremble as a powerful shockwave obliterated the ground they stood on. However, the duo wasn't bothered by that in the slightest as they drew back their blades for another clash.

Again and again, the duo's swords clashed until Yuna overreached in one of her swings resulting in a small opening Unohana could utilize. A glint passed through her eyes as she stabbed toward the opening, but just before she could injure Yuna, her instincts flared, and she quickly put more Spiritual Power into her legs. This allowed her to vanish from her position just before multiple icicles stabbed into the space Unohana occupied not even a second ago.

"Are you sure you don't want to use your Shikai? Currently, I have a massive advantage due to my release."

As Yuna said those words, the air above her rippled, resulting in dozens of icicles appearing above Yuna's head. Seeing this, Unohana could only shake her head.

"Unfortunately, my Shikai is not a combat type, so this will have to do."

Unohana raised her sword and ran towards Yuna at high speed while Yuna's icicles started spinning and shot toward her.

She easily dodged the first one by slightly shifting her body to the side and redirected the next one with a precise palm strike to the side while destroying the next one by cutting it in half.

"Hahaha, nice! What great combat skills!"

Yuna couldn't help but get excited when she saw how Unohana skillfully weaved through the rain of icicles while slowly approaching Yuna's position. Yuna truly wasn't expecting that she would find such a skilled swordmaster, seemingly by accident.

'How truly lucky I am~ Pretty sure she is more skilled than anyone I have met in my second life if. Of course, that is if we are looking at skill alone and don't consider actually combat power.'

[What about Hinata?]

'Meh, I don't really consider her a swordsman, and I don't consider her assassin techniques to be swords techniques either.'

[Mhh, I see.]

Frankly, if it came to the pure skill with the sword, no one could match Unoha within Seireitei, and there was actually a pretty good reason for that. Unlike other Shinigami, she had no middle ground. She either had to win with her Zanpakuto in a sealed state or go full nuclear and use her Bankai, which would obliterate everything around her.

Anyway, while the duo was chatting, Unohana reached Yuna and swung her sword yet again, just for it to be blocked by Yuna's own. However, a smirk appeared on Yuna's face as she let go of her sword, causing Unohana's eyes to widen in surprise as a fist hit her stomach, sending her staggering backward.

"Hehe, got the first hit~"

Unohana couldn't help but frown due to Yuna's words. So what if she got the first hit? Now her sword is on the ground, and she has to somehow pick it up while Unohana is close to her.

Obviously, Yuna noticed Unohana's expression and chuckled in amusement. She grabbed the air in front of her, and to Unohana's surprise, a hilt formed quickly, followed by a blade, reforming Yuna's weapon and causing Unohana to squint her eyes.

"Your Shikai turns your Zanpakuto into ice."

Hearing Unohana's words, Yuna nodded in acknowledgment.

"Correct, there is little more natural for me that using a blade made out of ice. That is just how it is supposed to be. So then, can we finally kick it up a notch? This should be enough of a warm-up, right?"

Hearing Yuna's words, Rangiku, who could only watch the whole fight in awe, almost had a heart attack.

'This is a warm-up!? How monstrous are these two!? I'm just happy that Yuna never was after Kira and my life; otherwise, there would have been no way for us to survive the encounter with her.

Unohana's Spiritual Pressure erupted like a volcano when she heard Yuna's words. So far, she was only probing around to see if Yuna was all bark and no bite and would melt the second Unohana used her Bankai. However, she was done with probing now as she no longer had any doubts about what she was capable of. Someone who was at the very least as skilled as her with a sword wouldn't die so easily, even if it was Unohana's Bankai.

"Very well, since you asked for it, you will get it. Be prepared. Bankai. Minazuki."

As soon as Unohana finished speaking, her sword seemed to melt into a reddish liquid, and as soon as the first drop of it touched the ground, small sizzling sounds could be heard as the liquid corroded the ground.

Seeing that, Yuna moved instantly as a small opening to the ice barrier temporarily opened, followed by an ice hand grabbing Rangiku and throwing her out of the barrier. Yuna could tell that things would become top dangerous in here for her.

However, feeling Unohana's intense Spiritual Pressure, Yuna couldn't help but smile as she flared her own, easily contesting with Unohana.

"Well, since you have already shown me your Bankai, it would be discourteous of me not to reveal mine."

As soon as she finished speaking, she stabbed her sword into the ground and rested her hand on the tip of the hilt.


Spiritual Pressure erupted out of Yuna like magma out of a volcano as the temperature in the room decreased at a rapid rate while the ground she had stabbed her sword into started freezing over.

The moment the ice came into contact with the acid that was constantly dripping from Unohana's sword, loud sizzling sounds could be heard, and a moment later, the acid was frozen over, sealing it away.

Moments later, Yuna's new form was revealed. Unlike other Bankai, her weapon didn't change at all and still looked exactly like it did during her Shikai form. After all, this was the weapon Yuna had spent an eternity with. Suddenly having to fight with something else would only reduce her skill level by a huge margin.

Instead of her weapon, her clothes changed completely. She was now wearing a tightfitting set of white armor that seemed to be made out of ice itself and was highly ornamented with interconnected snowflakes of all types and sizes. Additionally, she now wore a small cristal diadem that circled around a pair of blue fox ears on her head. Also, the eye color of her right eye changed from purple to pure white as white and blue markings appeared on her face.

And finally, the biggest change, there were now ten blue fox tails with white tips attached to where her spine ended above her butt.

A few seconds later, Yuna's Spiritual Pressure settled, and she raised her sword, which was still stabbed into the ground, and pointed it at Unohana.

"Ten-Tailed Heavenly Demon Fox's Shape, Goddess of Ice's Divine Regalia. Don't die on me, Unohana."

Hearing Yuna's words, Unohana's grin twisted further as she raised her sword and slashed it down, causing a sea of acid to shoot toward Yuna.

"Hahaha! Do not die!? These are my words! DON'T DIE BEFORE I CAN EXPERIENCE THE THRILL OF BATTLE!!!"

Yuna's face split into a grin as she charged forward directly into the incoming acid wave. Just before she could reach it, she slashed down her sword, causing the sea to part while carving a frozen pathway into it.

"Hahaha! Very well. COME!!!"


The sound of two swords clashing echoed through the room, which was quickly replaced with a sizzling sound as Unohana's acid tried to melt Yuna's swords. However, as soon as the sizzling sound came, it vanished as Yuna's sword simply froße everything touching it.

Again and again, the duo clashed as the barrier they were fighting in was filling up with more and more ice and acid, making the environment deadlier by the second.

Despite that, the duo wore massive smiles as their sword were constantly clashing, and around a minute later, the fighting slowed down a little as Yuna and Unohana stood in front of each other, their blades pressing into the other while trying to overwhelm their opponent with strength alone.

"Haa~ This is so much fun! This is the second most fun I have ever had. Ah, but I ruined the first occasion due to my weakness, so this might actually be number one~"

Hearing Unohana's words, Yuan could only shake her head in pity.

"This little fight is so high up the list? You must have to lead a dull life then."

"Haa~ It couldn't be helped. Everyone I met, all of them, they were weak and couldn't give me what I carved."

"Hee? That's rather sad. How about you join my harem? I have plenty of people that match your strength and even surpass you following me around."

Yuna's words momentarily managed to get Unohana out of her battle-crazed state, resulting in her looking a Yuna in disbelief.

"The harem matter aside, there is no way there are that many people as strong as you hanging around in the human world."

Yuna hummed in acknowledgment before shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, what can I say? There obviously aren't, but things around me are a little more complex, and unless we form a meaningful connection, I'm not willing to reveal all my secrets to you yet."

Unohana nodded in acknowledgment as she realized that there were indeed quite a few unusual things about Yuna.

'That's right, I didn't really pay attention since I was too engrossed in the battle, but the woman in front of me is an enigma. She should be a normal human around the age of 16 or 17, and yet she easily matches my skill with the sword. Considering how long I have been honing my skills, that's a time difference of multiple thousand years. No matter how much of a genius she is, that kind of bridge can't be crossed with talent alone. Clearly, she has quite a few secrets, which I find rather interesting. However...'

"Harem? I have no interest in carnal stuff like that. All I live for is for fighting strong opponents. I have not the slightest interest in sex or anything related to it."

Yuna couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment when she heard Unohana's claim.

"No interest in sex? That means you tried it before, right?"

"Yeah, I didn't see the point. Well, I know the point, but I don't see why people are so obsessed with it. Isn't it just an act to keep the family genes running?"

A glint passed through Yuna's eyes when she heard Unohana's words. She loved "convincing" people that sex was more than just an act to produce children.

"Hehe, since you don't seem to care about it, you surely wouldn't mind doing it a few rounds after I've defeated you? Let's see, how about calling it a challenge where I convince you that there is more to sex than just making children?"

Hearing Yuna's suggestion, Unohana only shook her head in denial.

"Doing a few rounds after defeating me? What are you talking about? After you defeat me, I'll obviously lose my life, so what's the point of it?"

Yuna was a little dumbfounded due to Unohana's words, but she quickly managed to regain her bearing.

"Haa? Why would you lose your life after I defeat you? I want you to be part of my harem, so why would I kill you? That's just silly."

This time, it was Unohana's turn to be dumbfounded. Here she was, giving it her all to kill her opponents, but her opponent apparently didn't show any signs of actually returning the favor.

"You... don't fight to kill me?"

Hearing Unohana's question, Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as the ten tails on her back started moving.

"Well, let me answer your question with another question: Do you think these ten tails are just for decoration?"

Unohana's eyes widened as Yuna's tails suddenly started moving, piercing towards her with ice-covered tips. She moved as fast as she could as she deflected a few tails with her sword while dodging a few more. Despite that, three of them managed to reach her, resulting in three bloody gashes appearing on Unohana's body.

"Well, ready to give up and have a few rounds underneath the sheets?"

Although Unohana heard Yuna's words, she didn't answer her and inspected the blood flowing down her body instead. She swiped some of it with her finger and looked at it with fascination.

"Just how long has it been since someone made me bleed~ Haa~ This is so exhilarating~"

As soon as she finished speaking, Spiritual Power gathered around her hand, which she casually swiped above one of her wounds, healing it instantly.

"You know, the was only one reason for me to learn how to heal people with Kido."

As she continued speaking, her hand resumed moving as well as it wandered from a wound to wound, healing them instantly as a deranged smile appeared on Unohana's face.

"I learned it to keep my opponent and me alive for as long as I can, to savior the fight as much as I can. Getting defeated, joining your harem, and whatever else there is, I don't care. Let's fight to our heart's content!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Unohana's Spiritual Pressure grew even further, and she attacked Yuna with a crazy smile on her face. Yuna's tails reacted instantly and stabbed towards her, but this time, she didn't retread, resulting in another set of bloody gashed appearing on her body.

However, those gashed started closing the moment they appeared, showing how ridiculously proficient Unohana was at Spiritual Power control, and moments later, she was within striking distance of Yuna.

As she slashed down her sword, Yuna moved her own to block it, but before the blades could collide, Unohana stopped holding her sword with two hands and used her left one to intercept Yuna's strike. This resulted in it moving out of the path of her own sword's trajectory, creating an opening while simultaneously reviving heavy damage to her own hand.

Yuna couldn't help but be surprised by such a suicidal move but nevertheless moved accordingly, tilting her upper body backward to dodge Unohana's attack.

Despite that, she was a little too late to fully dodge the strike, resulting in Unohana actually managing to cut deep into Yuna's armor and leaving a gash behind.

Obviously, Yuna wouldn't panic due to receiving such a simple wound and only swiped her finger over it, inspecting her own blood.

"Honestly, I'm not a fan of suicidal techniques like that, but considering how fast you heal, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. For you, this can't even be called a suicidal technique anymore."

Hearing Yuna's words, Unohana couldn't help but smirk as the wound she had just received was already healing at a visible pace. She wanted to get in a word or two, but before she could do so, she froze in place as incomprehensible powerful Spiritual Pressure erupted out of Yuna.

"Unfortunately, two can play this game!"

Unohana's eyes widened as the wound Yuna had just received knit itself together like it wasn't a big deal while Yuna's Spiritual Pressure continued rising.

"I see; you think you still have a chance due to your incredible healing techniques, huh? Very well, I wanted to save this for later, but I guess I might as well reveale it right now."

As soon as Yuna finished speaking, she raised her hand and put it in front of her forehead while making it look like a claw.

"Experience despair, HAHAHA!"

Before Unohana could realize what was going on, Yuna moved her hand downward, resulting in a fox-like mask appearing on her face. Additionally, as soon as the mask appeared, Yuna's Spiritual Pressure rose even further, almost causing Unohana to suffocate.

Seeing Yuna standing in front of her with her ten fox tails, ice armor, and Hollow-like fox mask, only a single thought passed through Unohana's mind.

'Where did this monster come from?"

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