God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 115: Count Castelle and Teleport Gates

Narrator POV 








Today is the day for Kazue to leave Vestir. 

Today, Kazue and Alicia will be heading out to go and see the person Kazue will be working with for the next 6 months. 

In these 6 months, Kazue will be guarding the daughter of this noble whom they will be meeting today. 

She agreed to accept this job in exchange for a large amount of money. 

Well, half of this is because she has no choice but to agree to Alicia's request to accept the job. 

The reason as to why Kazue and Alicia were going there was to discuss the fine detail of the job. 



They traversed into the city riding a luxurious carriage and rode it to that nobleman's home. 

A mystical-looking horse was pulling the carriage. 

The horse had a pair of horns that looked like a tree branch. 

These are monsters known specifically for pulling carriages such as the one they are riding. 

The carriage coachman wears nice clothes that make the carriage look more prestigious. 

Their carriage moved in the road while catching the eyes of the people walking by the sidewalk. 

Everyone knew that whoever was riding that carriage was a high-ranking nobleman. 

It did not take long for them to arrive at that nobleman's place. 



Upon arriving at the noble's property, Kazue observed that compared to Miss Alicia's place, this noble's home was significantly smaller than that of the Azurearozi mansion. 

The place did not have the large lawn that the Azurearozi had. 

The place was a simple building with a small garden barricaded within a wall to indicate the area the noble owned. 

The property was not that big but the building itself was quite fancy compared to nearby noble's homes. 



As they arrived, guards came out of the property entrance and welcomed their carriage as they entered the property. 

The guards stood by the luxurious carriage as Alicia and Kazue prepared to exit the carriage. 

The guards knew that the carriage belonged to the Azurearozi as the Duke's family crest was embedded on the carriage itself. 

It goes without explaining that the person inside the carriage was from the Azurearozi house. 

Knowing this, the guard prepared to welcome whoever was inside that carriage. 



The chauffeur of the carriage opened the doors for Kazue and Alicia. 



"Huee~~" <Kazue> 

Kazue came out of the carriage. 

Seeing the respectful bowing figures of the guards as she exited the carriage, Kazue felt like a VIP. 

The inside of the carriage was as luxurious as how the carriage looked. 

The ride was comfortable and Kazue did not feel like she was riding a carriage pulled by some mystical horses. 

Kazue and Alicia came down from the carriage while being assisted by the coachman and the guards guarding the property entrance. 



"We've been waiting for your arrival Alicia-sama." <Guard> 

The guards bowed in respect of the Lady of the Azurearozi dukedom. 

"You may raise your head. Is the Count present?" <Alicia> 

Alicia spoke in a very dignified voice, It was a bit different to her usual atmosphere when she was talking casually to Kazue. 

Seeing this change in attitude, Kazue was a bit taken aback and think. 

[Ah... this is how Alicia acts in her noble lady mode.] <Kazue> 



"Yes, Lady Alicia, he is waiting for you inside. Please let us accompany you inside." <Guard> 

Without saying a word Alicia nods and allows the guards to accompany her and Kazue into the building. 

It seemed that the guards were informed of Alicia's arrival beforehand. 



Kazue and Alicia entered the mansion. 

The inside was more impressive than how it looked from the outside. 

Although Kazue had already expected the inside of that home to look expensive, she was still shocked to see the inside of the building. 

The interior of the place was nothing less than the interior of the Azurearozi's mansion. 

Although the place is a lot smaller compared to the Azurearozi's property in the city, this mansion still matches the prestigious look of a noble's home. 



From the stairs that go up to the second floor, a man walks down and welcomes Alicia. 

"Ah, Lady Alicia I've been waiting for you. You're as beautiful as ever."  

A middle-aged man dressed in noble-like clothes welcomes Alicia. 



"Ara~ Count Castelle still has a flowery tongue as always." <Alicia> 

"Ahahaha, Please these old man's words are not some empty compliment, I truly think that the lady possesses unrivaled beauty." <Count> 

"Really? More beautiful than your daughter?" <Alicia> 

"Ahahaha~ Lady Alicia, that remark makes it hard for me to answer. Lady Alicia is still one of the most beautiful women in the empire, but I am sorry to say to the lady that to my eyes, my daughter is still the best." <Count> 

"fufufu~ " <Alicia> 

Alicia and the nobleman exchange a friendly chat. 

This created a comforting atmosphere between the two nobles. 



Count Jefferson Roni Castelle, is one of the many noblemen originating from the Artesia Empire who is currently at Vestir. 

Like many other nobles, Count Castelle's purpose of staying here in Vestir was to join the noble summit that happened 3 weeks ago. 

Initially, his purpose here was to confirm the rumors about some nobles working on a possible rebellion. 



In a trick of fate. 

Things escalated quickly and soon a large-scale battle occurred in the city. 

Many nobles were caught in the middle of this large-scale battle. 

Indeed, some nobles from the empire really planned a rebellion and tried to conquer Riles for their own gains. 

In the end, as things became serious Count Castelle was forced to help with the affairs happening in Riles. 

He, together with many other nobles wanted to stop the other nobles from rebelling. 

It was clear that many nobles from Artesia were actually pushing for the destruction of Riles. 

Count Castelle was one of the other nobles from Artesia who wanted to stop this and prevent an all-out war in Riles. 

Count Castelle and many other nobles just like him were caught in the middle of the crossfire between the forces of Riles and the rebelling nobles backed by the Ecclesia empire. 




In the end, the rebellion started. 

A battle erupted in Vestir. 

Nobles such as Count Castelle and many other nobles from Artesia helped to the best of their ability as proud nobles of the Artesia Empire. 



Making things short, the combined forces of the rebelling nobles and the army of Ecclesia inquisitors were defeated. 

If not for the help of the Guild master Svencity, the war here in Vestir would have ended in a tragedy and would have sparked an even bigger war than what happened some time ago. 

In the end, they won. 

Thanks to that, Count Castelle no longer needs to stay here in Riles as most of the matter has been dealt with already. 



Count Castelle has known Alicia for a long time. 

His daughter was one of Alicia's playmates when she was young. 

Thus Count Castelle knew Alicia and had a good relationship with the Azurearozi dukedom. 

Seeing the figure of the lady now leaves him in awe. 

Count Castelle is very impressed by what the lady has achieved and what she has become. 

It seemed to him that the girl whom his daughter had playing with some time ago is now an accomplished lady that everybody is looking up to. 



The lady had grown a lot. 

That is what he thought. 

She is far from that little girl who once played with his daughter a long time ago. 



Now that most of the work is done and has been dealt with. 

As a final task, Count Castelle is going to meet Alicia. 

Knowing his circumstances, the lady of the Azurearozi had suggested helping him solve his problem. 

Today the lady will be introduced as a capable bodyguard for his daughter. 



The count shifted his gaze to Kazue's direction. 

The count already had the idea that this person must be the one Alicia told him about. 

He knew that Kazue was going to be the person working with him for the next few months. 

Still, despite having that thought, the count asked about Kazue. 

"Hmnn? May I ask who this beautiful young lady is?" <C. Castelle> 

He asked despite having a confident guess who Kazue was. 



Alicia presented Kazue to the count. 

"It's a bit late but let me introduce her to you. This wonderful young lady is Mizusawa Kazue. She may just be a D-rank adventurer but her abilities rival that of those skilled C-rank adventurers. I can even tell that she can match several B-rank adventurers." <Alicia> 

"Oh~ B-rank level of skills... that's a promising thing to hear..." <C. Castelle> 

The count had a short pause and continued his words with a more serious tone. 



"I am sorry to ask this to the lady but can I really trust this adventurer?" <C. Castelle> 

The Count asked with a stiff smile on his face. 

"You don't have to worry about that. There is no way that this girl would betray you or whatever. I can guarantee it in the name of the Azurearozi dukedom." <Alicia> 

"Hmnn... If that is what the lady says, then I will take the lady's word for it and give my full trust to this girl." <C. Castelle> 

"I am glad to hear that, Even so, I shall tell you the reason why this girl would not betray you. To tell you the truth, this girl is one of the 28 heroes summoned by the Empire 7 months ago." <Alicia> 

"Hooo~" <C.Castelle> 



The count's eyes went wide hearing this from Alicia. 

Meanwhile, Kazue was shocked that Alicia revealed this fact to the count. 

It's not as if her being an otherworlder is a secret that Kazue insists on hiding from others but she would rather keep this a secret. 

Still, the lady revealed that Kazue is an otherworlder. 

Kazue thought that there must be some reason why the Lady would reveal this to the count. 



The count was in deep thought as he stared at Kazue. 

"I see... then this one would not have a connection with the assassin guild nor to other nobles in Artesia... That's perfect." <C.Castelle> 

After a while, the count gave Alicia a difficult look. 

"Do you think that having such an individual working under my name may be a bit problematic?" <C.Castelle> 

"Problematic?" <Kazue> 

Kazue asked. 



As if to answer Kazue indirectly, Alicia replied. 

"Really? In my point of view, I can see how Kazue's status as one of the 28 heroes may become an asset that the count can use to protect the young lady." <Alicia> 

The count ponders what the lady's words meant. 

He quickly realized what Alicia meant behind those words. 

"Ah... Hmnn... I see... if you think of it that way, I suppose that this lady can be used as that "impregnable shield" for my daughter. But, this does not change the fact that using her as such may be a bit tricky." <C.Castelle> 



From the exchange of words between the count and the lady, Kazue made a vague guess from what she heard. 

Kazue is an otherworlder. 

In this world, other worlders are treated in a special way. 

Kazue can deduce this from the way the people of the Artesia Empire castle never risked antagonizing anyone of the class after they got summoned into this world. 

Instead, they treated the 28 heroes nicely and acted in a way that would give good impressions to the class from the very first moment they were summoned. 

Knowing this, Kazue made her deduction. 

[This means that to the empire of Artesia, the heroes are like VIPs that would someday help them fight with the demon lord. It is possible that nobles can't just simply mess with otherworlder such as Kazue. The empire of Artesia must be backing and protecting us otherworlders from the influence of nobles.] 



Indeed, the Artesia empire backed up all the heroes, and not even the nobles of the empire could touch them without risking getting in trouble. 

Because of this, nobles are trying their best to not cause any trouble with the otherworlders in any way. 



The reason behind this special treatment of the Empire to the summoned heroes is due to this world's history. 

Kazue had heard the story of the demon lord from Alicia. 

In that story, the "Hero" of that time who was an otherworlder like Kazue and her classmates was betrayed by some empire, and led to the birth of the "Demon Lord". 

In the past, the nobles of another empire messed with the hero and brought forth the destruction of an empire that was even more powerful than the Artesia Empire in its full glory. 

It even caused the birth of the current demon lord. 

Because of this lesson from the past, the world learned that it would not be a good idea to mess with the "Otherworlders". 

Forcing the otherworlders to bend their wills just to accommodate the noble's selfish desires often ends up in a problematic situation. 

Throughout history, many similar disasters occurred involving otherworlders. 

Most of these disasters involved unnecessary harmful meddling of the nobles. 

These disasters gave lessons that must be avoided in the future. 

To do that, the empire made a strict rule to never "cause unnecessary harm" to the otherworlders. 



This is the reason why the Empire always respects the summoned hero's will. 

They would never ask them to bow down to any noble's will. 

They are given free reign over their actions. 

This is why, the Artesia Empire would support the heroes to the best of their capabilities. 

And, Mizusawa Kazue is one of those "otherworlders". 



If Mizusawa Kazue becomes the guard for the count's daughter. 

Nobles who are studying in that academy could not harm Kazue in any way. 

If they do so, they will be punished dearly. 

If other nobles knew that Kazue was an otherworlder, they would avoid creating troubles involving her. 

Even if the nobles did harm Kazue without knowing that she was an otherworlder, they would take full responsibility for their actions. 

This is how strict this rule was. 

That is how this iron-clad rule is being implemented not only in Artesia but in the whole continent. 

This is what Alicia meant by using Kazue as an "impregnable shield" for the count's daughter. 

This is why the count was hesitant to use Kazue for this plan. 

Indeed, other nobles would not simply mess with Kazue if they discovered that she was one of those 28 heroes summoned by the empire. 



"What do you think Kazue-chan?" <Alicia> 

Alicia asked Kazue for what she thought. 

"So, let me confirm if what I think is correct... If what I think is correct then---" <Kazue> 



Kazue started to explain her thoughts. 



After explaining her reasoning... 

"---, that is what I think. Tell me is my reasoning correct?" <Kazue> 

"That's about right, As expected of Kazue, I love how you get things fast. Yes, nobles not just in Artesia but this also applies to all individuals with high status to never mess with otherworlders." <Alicia> 

"I knew it." <Kazue> 

Kazue felt that just revealing her status as one of the 28 heroes might stir many unpredictable problems. 

Her intuition was telling her that it was a bad idea to reveal her identity. 

Kazue thought that it was better to have this advantage as her final trump card if she was going to interact with many nobles in that academy. 



"Uh... I would appreciate it if you guys avoid spreading the fact that I am an otherworlder." <Kazue> 

"Hmnn? Why?" <Alicia> 

"I feel that it might get things even more complicated later..." <Kazue> 

Even if Kazue did not fully understand the full story of the plan, Kazue still felt that it was a bad idea for them to reveal that she was one of the summoned heroes. 

It was her instinct telling her that it would be a bad idea if they did so. 

"I don't see it that way tho?" <Alicia> 

"... Please, don't..." <Kazue> 

"Hmnn... if you say so, then we shall keep your identity a secret." <Alicia> 

"Thank you very much." <Kazue> 



Kazue anticipated that if others knew her identity as one of the summoned heroes, she thought she would attract the interest and attention of many people. 

Attracting other's interest and attention is one of the things that Kazue hated the most. 

If given a chance she would rather stay low profile as much as she could. 

She was not comfortable gravitating people's attention to herself. 

Kazue strongly hated that. 

And so she insisted on keeping her identity a secret. 

If she was going to become a bodyguard for the count's daughter, Kazue would rather protect the lady silently without attracting attention. 

Seeing that Kazue strongly dislikes the idea of revealing her identity, both the count and Alicia give up on that idea. 



"That's a shame but okay. I shall respect your will." <Alicia> 

"I understand, I respect your will and I will keep that information a secret too." <C. Castelle> 

"Thank you very much, Miss Alicia, Count Castelle." <Kazue> 

Kazue bowed at the count and Alicia who promised to not tell others that she was a summoned hero. 



"Okay, how about we move on to the details of this job." <Alicia> 

"Ah..." <Kazue> 

"Yes." <C. Castelle> 

Kazue, Alicia, and Count Castelle proceeded to discuss the details of the guard task. 

They all sat opposite of one another to discuss more about this job. 




"This is my daughter..." <C.Castelle> 

The count brought a piece of canvas. 

He unrolled the canvas to reveal the image of his daughter. 

On the canvas was a painting of a person. 

The picture was well-painted and it looked very detailed and realistic. 

Kazue thought that the painter who painted this picture must be very skilled. 

In that painting, it reveals a lady dressed in an elaborate light green dress. 

She has long pink hair flowing down to her waist. 

Looking at the painting, Kazue has the impression that the lady must be pure and kind in nature. 

She seemed to be in her mid-teens making her about as old as Kazue. 



"This is my daughter, Josephine Reina Castelle and this is the person I want you to protect, miss Kazue." <C.Castelle> 

"Hmnn~" <Kazue> 

Looking at the painting, Kazue thought of several anime characters she watched in the past. 

[Hmnn... If you give her a bigger breast she looks like one of that super pure clumsy girls with long pink hair...] 

 [No... she also looks like those girls who seemed pure and kind but actually have a sadistic side or have some kind of yandere traits...] 



"Is there a problem miss Kazue?" <C.Castelle> 

"Ah... no... I just thought that the miss is quite cute, that's all. hehehe..." <Kazue> 

"Hahaha you think so~ Indeed my daughter is really cute isn't she!" <C.Castelle> 

"Y-yeah... sure!" <Kazue> 

Kazue could not say her real thoughts as she thought it was a bit rude and just agreed. 



The count, Kazue, and Alicia discussed the details of Kazue's new job. 

In a nutshell, Kazue has become a bodyguard while disguising herself as a student within the Magic Academy. 

Everyone in the Magic Academy is required to live in dorms. 

During her mission of guarding the lady, she is asked to live with the lady as her roommate. 

This is pre-arranged by both the count and Alicia themselves. 

This is to ensure Kazue will have an easier time protecting the lady. 



To protect the lady, the count, Kazue, and Alicia have decided to create a false identity for Kazue to use once she enters the academy. 

With that false identity, the only thing that they did not change was her name, Mizusawa Kazue. 

There was no need for them to change her name in the first place. 

No one knew who she was. 

Only nobles who lived in the empire capital may be the only ones who knew the names of the Heroes who stayed in the castle and trained with the soldiers. 

Even amongst those nobles, none of them knew about Kazue. 

This is because Kazue did not stay in the castle, unlike her other classmates who stayed in the castle for about a month to train. 

Unlike them, she and a group of 4 boys left the castle on the third day after the class was summoned. 

Count Jefferson is one of those nobles who knew the names of the heroes who stayed in the castle. 

The fact that he did not know about Kazue's origin despite hearing her name is proof that almost no noble knew who Kazue was. 

In fact, the only nobles who knew Mizusawa Kazue were the Emperor and his close aids. 



Aside from the name, everything about Kazue will be falsified. 

Kazue will have to align her story based on that story. 

In that falsified story... 



On paper. 

Kazue is just a commoner who is sponsored by the Azurearozi to attend the academy. 

Her hometown will now be in a small town located in the north country of Fuyutochi. 

Her reason for studying. 

After graduating she will serve the Azurearozi dukedom in exchange for their goodwill. 

Her job class is changed from a "Swordsman" to a "Tamer". 

Since Kazue already has familiars, no one will even suspect that she's not actually a "Tamer". 

This was perfect to hide her real job class as a "Swordsman". 

Plus this fake identity will allow Kazue to bring her familiars with her. 

Her identity as an adventurer will be under classified information. 

She is also instructed to keep a low profile. 



After discussing strategies and the details of the contract, Kazue is now ready to finalize their contract. 

Kazue has learned that in this world, "Contracts" are absolute. 

She learned this the hard way after signing a "contract" with the devious owner of "Shaina's Workshop". 

Ever since then, she has been forced to pay a huge amount of money as she signed the same kind of contract before. 

Thanks to that she was able to obtain a set of equipment that helped her in her adventurer work. 

But, at the same time, because of this powerful set of equipment, she also gained a huge amount of debt. 

In that contract, if Kazue is unable to pay her debt on time, she will become Shaina's slave.  

Contract in this world is bound by magic. 

Breaking a contract is almost impossible. 

The only way to break a contract is when the parties who are involved in the contract agree to "break" it and make it void. 

That is how powerful these "contracts" are in this world. 



Kazue read the contract written on a piece of paper seriously. 

She never wants to be deceived again. 

Ironically, that lesson is also her greatest motivation as to why she accepted this "guard" quest in the first place. 

As Miss Alicia promised, by the end of this mission she will gain a huge amount of money to pay off her previous debt. 

Thus, she reads the contract and goes over it three times over. 

She made sure that nothing was wrong with the contract. 

The count also did the same. 

Once the two checked the content of the contract and were happy with all the details written within it they both agreed to sign it. 







Both Kazue and the count signed the contract, each keeping a copy of that contract as proof and a reminder when a problem arises. 

The employee, Mizusawa Kazue. 

The employer, Jefferson Roni Castelle 

The guarantor, Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi 

All three of them shook hands at the creation of this contract. 

All of them are satisfied with the contents of this contract. 



The rewards. 

The do's and don'ts. 

The Specifics plans. 

The things she needed to know. 

These are all discussed during this seating. 

But, most importantly Kazue's top priority is the ladies' safety. 

She may ignore all of the rules to protect the lady. 

Kazue is not required to follow any order from the lady when it comes to her safety. 

Kazue may even think that she has a higher authority than the lady herself. 



A week from now, Kazue will have to attend the Academy as a student. 

She felt nostalgic as she was a student before coming into this world. 

Who would have thought that she would have to attend school once more? 

Kazue finds this to be funny. 

This time around, she is no longer a typical student. 

This time, Kazue is in a way an "Undercover" guard. 

[Wow... guess I have to attend school again...] 


Kazue sighed in regret, not wanting to attend school again. 



The next day. 

Alicia and Kazue entered the scale atelier. 

Their purpose is to use the exclusive Scale atelier's "Teleport Gates". 



In this world, only the scale atelier has developed the magic called "Teleport Gates". 

With this, people can travel unlimited distances over the continent. 

By using the teleport gates installed in all-scale atelier buildings, people can travel all over the world. 

Scale Atelier buildings located in capital cities all over the world are connected by these teleport gates. 

Using these gates allows instantaneous travel over long distances where the building acts like waypoints. 

If one is familiar with computer games, the "Teleport Gates" is comparable to the "quick travel" feature in open-world games. 



The scale atelier also uses these teleport gates to connect shops all over the world. 

Thanks to this Magic, the Scale Atelier can rotate shops from different locations all over the world to be accessible within the building at certain times. 

With this, the Scale Atelier has created quick and accessible trade routes all over the world. 

It is not an exaggeration to say that with the use of "Teleport Gates" the Scale Atelier has created a monopoly of this world's economic trade routes. 



This magic tech was developed by the owner of the Scale Atelier. 

Only the Atelier has access to the Teleport Gates. 

Not even the Empire nor any country or Kingdom in the world knows how to create these gates. 

Only the Scale atelier has monopolized the use of this Magic Tech. 

A magical marvel that was created a mere 12 years ago. 

The first of its kind. 





Outside of the Scale Atelier Building. 

Kazue and her friend are gathered. 

Today is the day for Kazue to leave for Marizen where she will be attending the Magic Academy. 



Kazue will be departing with Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi to the country of Marizen, to its capital city where the Celest Magical Academy is located, the city of Lux Promir. 

This will be her first time using the teleport gates. 

Kazue knew that not all people were allowed to use the scale atelier's Teleport gates. 

To access this, you must have a connection with the Atelier's top management. 

Using teleport gates to travel requires a lot of money and connection. 

Only an influential and rich noble like Miss Alicia can afford this service provided by the Scale Atelier. 



As Kazue was walking inside the Atelier, a question suddenly floated into her mind. 

"Miss Alicia, can I ask a question?" <Kazue> 

"Ask away." <Alicia> 

"Since you can use this "teleport gate" in Scale Atelier, why were you traveling by foot when I first met you? I mean... with all the power and wealth you have, I don't see why would you not use the teleport gate to travel?" <Kazue> 

"Hmnn? You ask something weird there Kazue. Well... that is because I am an adventurer." <Alicia> 

"Because you're an adventurer?" 

Kazue asked as Alicia answered vaguely. 

Seeing that Kazue was a bit confused about what she wanted to say, Alicia continued to talk. 



"Yes, to put it simply, as an adventurer I simply wanted to adventure. I would not be able to do that if I used the teleport gate to travel am I?" <Alicia> 

"Well that's true..." <Kazue> 

"A man once told me that adventuring is not about reaching the destination, it's all about the journey." <Alicia> 

"Those words sound nice, very romantic... Journey huh..."<Kazue> 

"I wanted to see as many things as I can while I travel. I did not want to miss anything at all. If I used the gate to travel to Riles, then I would never meet a pleasant girl like you." <Alicia> 

"Hahaha... that's..." <Kazue> 

"Fufufu~ I am an adventurer. Adventurers travel the world while seeing the world with their own two eyes. We Adventurers are free souls we can almost do anything we want." <Alicia> 

"I guess that is true..." <Kazue> 

"Then let me ask you, why did you become an adventurer?" <Alicia> 

"Me? Well..." <Kazue> 



Kazue thought of the reason why she became an adventurer in the first place. 

It took her back to when their class was first summoned into this world. 

It was her first day in this world. 

Back then, she was still in the Artesia Empire castle. 

She wanted to see this world with her own eyes. 

She wanted to treat this whole "Being summoned in another world" thing as something like a "field trip" and take her time sightseeing in this world. 

Thus she decided to become an adventurer, to sightsee.

She asked herself again. 

Was that feeling still there? 



In the past 7 months, Kazue has experienced a lot of things. 

Her life was in danger so many times. 

She did see this world with her own two eyes. 

She saw a lot of dangerous things. 

She experienced bad things. 

She even experienced killing another person. 

After all that... does "Mizusawa Kazue" still see this world as some kind of "field trip"? 

The answer was... 


She no longer sees this as a simple "field trip" anymore. 



After living as an adventurer for 7 months, Kazue has realized that from here on out, this will be her life. 

This is now her reality. 

This is no longer a simple "field trip" that she can take things lightly. 

Yes, Kazue realized that to survive in this world, she needed to take things more seriously. 

But a question remains. 



This world is really a dangerous place. 

In this world, many cruel and bad things are happening. 

Does Mizusawa Kazue still want to see more things in this world? 

Her answer was... 


Kazue still wants to see more of this world. 



Despite experiencing so many bad things in these past 7 months 

If Kazue was to evaluate her experience as she traveled this world as an adventurer. 

Kazue can confidently say that she enjoyed this journey she is having so far. 

She loves the thrill, she loves the challenges that come her way. 

The things she experienced in this world were not all good. 

Still, she was loving this new life she had now. 



So, as to the answer as to why Mizusawa Kazue wanted to be an adventurer, it was... 

[I wanted to see this world with my own two eyes.] 

That feeling remains the same, perhaps it even became stronger. 

Kazue wanted to see more. 

Kazue answered Alicia's question. 



After some delay, Kazue finally answered Alicia's question. 

"I... wanted to see this world with my eyes." <Kazue> 

"See~ you get it. That thought is true for the people who call themselves adventurers. After all... who in their right mind would risk their life traveling in this dangerous world other than us, right?" <Alicia> 

"I guess that's true~" <Kazue> 

"Well in all honesty I wanted to travel to Marizen by foot but unfortunately it is impossible to travel from here to Marizen in a week. The new year for the Academy will start in a week. We don't have the time to travel normally." <Alicia> 

"I see..." <Kazue> 



Kazue thought of what was going to happen from here on. 

"Aa~ 6 months huh..." <Kazue> 

"Fufufu~ 6 months in a short time you know Kazue-chan." <Alicia> 

"... you think so?" <Kazue> 

"I do... 6 months is a very short time..." <Alicia> 

Alicia smiled at herself as she said this. 

Kazue did not notice this but there was a dark emotion looming behind that smile. 



One of the employees of the Scale Atelier walked up to Kazue and Alicia who were waiting in preparation to travel using the Teleport gate. 

"Alicia-sama, the gate is ready." <Female Employee> 

Alicia nodded and then looked at Kazue. 

"Is that so... Shall we go?" <Alicia> 

Kazue was a bit excited and nervous this was her first time using the gate. 

She replied with a shaky voice. 

She was very nervous and very excited. 

"S-s-sure!" <Kazue> 



Kazue entered the teleport gate with Alicia. 

Behind that teleport gate is where Kazue will spend her next six months. 

A place that is also considered the center of the mortal realm. 

The land of the dragonute, Marizen's Capital city Lux Promir.  

Kazue will undergo a long and yet short 6-month here. 
















Author Note: 


At last, "The Saint of Riles Arc" is done. 

The next chapter will be wrapping up the current Arc and will be the introduction of the next Arc. 

I guess it is fine to call it as "Magical Academy Arc" following Kazue in her guard quest. 



Like always, starting from the next chapter we will be going away from Kazue's perspective and visiting the other heroes who are roaming around the world. 

These are the side stories I plan on writing before I continue with the next Arc. 

-Regressor: Tamashiro Naofumi 

-Hero Party: Being a hero and being Girls 

-Normies: Normies and Work 

-Fallen Hero: Inaba Motoichi 

-Merchant Girls Diaries 

-Fast leveler: Hayasaki Keikain 

-The Slime Tamer: Ishibashi Minato 

-Transmuter: Yanase Yokuami 

-Assassin Girl Chronicles: Ota Rio 

-Random side stories  



I am planning to finish all these side stories in about 10-15 chapters. 

After visiting these side stories I will continue with Kazue's perspective of the story. 




-THE END of "The Saint of Riles" Arc- 


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