God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 116: Goddesses’ Evaluation and the 1st

Narrator POV 








On the other side of the world. 

Two girls watch what happened in Riles through a mysterious crystal ball created by Luna's ability. 



In that crystal ball, they watched how Vestir's forces defeated the combined army of both the rebel nobles and Ecclesia Inquisitors. 

At first, they were expecting a bloody battle between the two sides causing death on both sides. 

But what transpired was a one-sided slaughter of the rebel nobles and Ecclesia Inquisitor's army. 



"Aa~ it's over..."  

The voice of a little girl echoes as she watches this on her magical crystal ball. 

She spoke in a regretful voice seemingly dissatisfied with whatever she watched. 



Beside that dissatisfied little girl was a voluptuous lady who watched how Vestir's forces slaughtered rebel nobles and Ecclesia Inquisitor's army. 

Like the little girl, the voluptuous lady was having a similar disappointed response to what she just witnessed. 

Both had the face of a regretful watcher who had just seen a movie with a seriously disappointing anti-climatic ending. 



As for the two girls... 

The smaller little girl is the mortal body of a goddess, her name is "Luna Nightfall". 

Luna Nightfall, the Goddess of Spacetime who has full authority over space and time, is capable of manipulating this to her will with no limitations. 

The other girl on the other hand is the mortal body of another goddess. 

The taller girl is Luna's sister goddess, the goddess of SoulCycle. 

The Goddess of SoulCycle carries with her a mortal name "Stella Nightfall". 

Like Luna, Stella is a goddess who has full authority over the concept of "soul" and can manipulate it to her will with no limitations. 

These two mischievous goddesses were the true perpetrators of the conflict that happened in the country of Riles. 



As the true perpetrators of this conflict, Luna and Stella wanted to see the "conclusion" of this little "game" that just transpired. 

Watching that "conclusion" of what transpired in the capital city of Riles, Vestir.

It left the two goddesses feeling unsatisfied with the result. 



The combined forces of the noble rebels and Ecclesia inquisitor were defeated. 



The two Goddesses were disgusted at the sight of the defeated army of Ecclesia and rebel nobles. 

The two girls looked at the fallen soldiers of both the army of Ecclesia and the rebel nobles as if they were disgusting insects who died helplessly.

It was the look of a disgusted person who just killed a bug by stepping on it. 

Human lives mean nothing to these two. 

Unlike the goddess of Life and Death who governs this world, a goddess who cares and loves the people living in this world, Luna and Stella did not care about the lives of the mortals in this world... not even a little bit. 

What they cared about was their own "entertainment". 

"Entertainment", which is the war that just transpired in Vestir. 

To them, the lives lost on this day were nothing of importance.

What they cared about where whether these people managed to entertain them or not.

During this war, those who failed to entertain them were simply worthless, and those who did have at the very least had some value. 

This was how the two goddesses saw how pathetic the Ecclesia and rebel nobles were to them. 



"This is booooring~" <Luna> 

Luna said while stretching her hands up in the air as if trying to wake up some motivation inside her. 


Stella only let out a dissatisfied sigh to show her feeling of discontentment. 



"After Svencity entered the picture, the flow of the battle completely flowed toward Vestir forces and wiped out both Ecclesia and Rebel Nobles army. Just like that, they lost, and just like that, it ended. It was a boring turn of events... There's nothing left for us to watch." 

Luna decided to put off the crystal ball from where she and Stella were watching the entire event happen. 




After watching, Stella could only sigh again to relieve her disappointment, and then she opened her mouth. 

"I wanted to see more "fighting" between the two forces..." <Luna> 

"It can't be helped..." <Stella> 

Stella replied in a relaxed tone but a tone of displeasure was also mixed in it. 



"I wanted to see a more bloody fight." <Luna> 

Luna kicked the ground to show her displeasure. 

"I wanted to see more War! More dead! I wanted a fiercer battle between the two armies! Yet, it ended just like this?!" <Luna> 

She yelled in her cute and childish voice. 

The things she wanted to see from her magic crystal did not happen. 

As she said, she wanted to see more death more fights, and more destruction. 

Most of the Ecclesia and Rebel Noble's army did die at the hands of Vestir's soldiers. 

Luna and Stella wanted to see more struggle, more challenges between the two armies who fought on the battlefield. 

It did not matter to them who won, what mattered was how the fight was fought. 



At first, the two sides were fighting in a way that the two goddesses had expected them to fight. 

Then it all changed after "Svencity" entered the battle. 

He single-handedly defeated the most powerful fighters amongst Ecclesia's and Noble's armies. 

After that, it was just a one-way slaughter favoring the Vestir's fighting force. 

Thus it ended. 

Just like that. 

This is why Luna and Stella were upset. 

They wanted to see a more exciting struggle between the two armies. 

In the end, it ended up like this.  



"Well... no one on Ecclesia's side could have fought that guy anyway. I can even say that even if their so-called "God" joined this war, they would have still lost." <Stella> 

Luna thought for a bit. 

She tried to remember who this "god" Stella was talking about. 

Then as if a light bulb lit up on her brain, it all became clear to Luna. 



"Oh... yeah. That one. If I remember it right..." <Luna> 

Luna digs deep into her memories. 

Once she remembered who it was, Luna suddenly had the urge to laugh. 

"OH!!!! Pff~ No way, No way. The only thing he does is brainwash the minds of the people to act for his cause. Compared to Svencity, his power looked so miniscule. Plus, despite calling himself a god, he is only a "reincarnator" similar to that talking "sword"." <Luna> 

"Is that right?" <Stella> 

"It is!" <Luna> 

Stella could not agree more, after all, she was the one who gave Luminos that power to begin with. 

Stella could not imagine Luminos being able to fight an honest battle with Svencity. 



"God huh... Pfft~ if you call that one a god, then what are we then? That Luminos is nothing but a measly mortal. He can't be compared to a god. He's just a crazy narcissist in my opinion." <Luna> 

"Hhmnn... Luminos, indeed, I can't believe a random loser like him was able to conquer an entire empire and keep them under his control. fufu how laughable that is." <Stella> 

Stella and Luna mocked the "god" to whom the people of Ecclesia dedicated their zealous belief. 

To the two goddesses, the so-called "God" of the Ecclesia empire was nothing but a blasphemous loser who wanted to be worshiped as a god. 

If one member of the Ecclesia Empire had heard this, they would have burst into anger by now. 



"Hmnn... Speaking of Svencity, isn't he too strong compared to most people in this world?" <Luna> 

"Well, he is considered as the strongest adventurer. Hmnn... Aside from the demon king, there are not many people who can match his power in this world after all." <Stella> 

"Well~ If I wanted to kill him, I could just use my real power to obliterate him to nothingness, I can easily do that but..." <Luna> 

Luna said as if it was easy for her to kill Svencity if she tried. 



And Yes. 

Despite how strong Svencity was, to Luna and Stella he was just a mortal. 

If they really wanted to, both Stella and Luna could just kill him without having much trouble. 

For example. 

If Stella wanted to, she could just control Svencity using her ability to control people's souls and make him commit suicide and it's done. 

In the same way, if Luna wanted to, she could just trap Svencity in a closed space and tear him down like food in a blender. 



Still, these two goddesses did not dare to do so. 

In fact, Stella could have used her power to control someone like Svencity, preventing him from helping Vestir's army and the things would have ended in the way they wanted it to be. 

In the same way, Luna could have manipulated time or trapped Svencity inside a mysterious space making him unable to help the people of Vestir. 

There are many ways they could prevent Svencity from joining that battle with their ability as goddesses. 

In the end, neither of them did so. 

And yet, they did not do anything. 

Their reason for this was simple. 

The reason was to prevent themselves from feeling as if they cheated. 



They thought of this like this. 

If you seriously want to play a game, then cheating will only make things feel empty. 

Knowing that you cheated on your way to finish a game will mean nothing and is empty. 

It was the same for Luna and Stella. 

Even if things did end up to what they wanted it to be, they will still feel defeated because they cheated their way to that result. 

If they did so, they were just fooling themselves. 

To them, this was just like a game. 

A game they made for their own entertainment. 

If they tried to alter the result of the game to their will, then there was no point in playing the game in the first place. 

If they prevented Svencity in any way, then they would have "cheated" and that is a big NO. 

They wanted to see this "game" to the end without cheating and so, they did not do anything. 

After all, Luna and Stella still see themselves as "fair" despite having all the power in the world to make it so things would end up to their liking. 



To make things "fair", Luna and Stella wanted to keep their influence at a minimum. 

They used their power to set up a big event in Riles. 

After all the setup was done, the two goddesses promised to not meddle with things any longer. 

Then again, to them, it was like a game. 

If they tried to change the rules they set for themselves, it was as if they were cheating. 

It was not fair for the other participants if they used their ability to cheat. 

Neither Luna nor Stella wanted to do that. 

They wanted to see how things would progress naturally without them further influencing the result in any way. 

And the result was this, a total disappointment. 

Still, they are proud to see the end of this without "cheating". 



"mumumu~ In any way, that dude should be nerfed, he's too strong! It's unfair!" <Luna> 

Luna bit on her clothes in frustration. 

"Well... in a way, he is already nerfed1Nerf: A term used in the gaming community. It generally means to "weaken" or to make something "ineffective" tho..." <Stella> 

Stella retorted in a meaningful tone. 

The lady raised her index finger pointing out a fact. 

"That's true... Still, I am not talking about that kind of nerf..." <Luna> 

Luna frustratingly complained. 

"A fact remains that he "is" nerfed... hahaha~" <Stella> 

"That's not the point! Fuuuu~ this is frustrating!" <Luna> 

She bit her sleeve in her frustration. 



"Hmnn, in any way... Next time, let us try our best to prevent that guy from interfering." <Stella> 

"Agreed. Let's make sure that Svencity will not be participating in our next "game"!" <Luna> 

Stella nods softly in response to Luna's retort. 



Luna and Stella. 

These two individuals were the true masterminds behind what happened in Vestir. 

Despite not meeting any of the people who initiated the war personally... 

Despite being away and countries apart from Riles... 

There is no doubt that the masterminds of this big event were these two. 



Before all of this happened, Stella and Luna manipulated many things behind the scenes. 

To set up the "Game" they wanted to have. 

Stella used her power to control people through their souls. 

With this ability, Stella can manipulate people's actions. 

It was not a simple manipulation of will. 

It was not as simple as mind control. 


With Stella's ability, she can fundamentally change a person's way of thinking by making them genuinely act upon how she wants them to act. 

She can make people's personalities suddenly change. 

They would not even think it was weird unless Stella wanted them to think so. 

To them, it was simply how they were as a person. 

For example, Stella can put an idea in that person's mind such as "lust for power". 

Due to that lust for power, she can bring out thoughts that will guide them to do whatever Stella wants them to do. 

For example... starting a rebellion. 

Just like what she did to many of the rebel nobles who participated in this "game". 

To such... 



[I want more power, money, and fame... Therefore I shall do something to make that happen. That's right I will start a rebellion and conquer Riles!] 

This is how their trail of thoughts goes. 

Then Stella will simply amplify that desire until they cannot stop themselves from acting upon that desire. 

These nobles had the option to fight that desire. 

Stella could have simply controlled them to do what she wanted, but in the end, she allowed them to have an option to not fall to their desires. 

To Stella, doing this will make it a bit more "fair". 



During this event, Stella used many nobles with an innate desire for power to instigate this war. 

After all, this aggressive way of thinking was pretty much normal to many nobles in the empire, no one thought it was weird. 

Stella simply amplified that "lust of power" to a level that they wanted to act upon it. 

Thus... Act upon, they did. 

Those nobles have no idea that their wills were already altered by Stella. 

Stella used only those already power-hungry nobles to instigate this war. 

Stella also utilized the people of Ecclesia to persuade them to act upon their dark desires by offering rule over the lands in Riles. 

Greed enveloped their hearts and in the end, they fell. 

Stella used the slightest "thought" in their minds to eventually participate and act upon these dark "thoughts" into reality. 

She used those crazy people of the Ecclesia empire to push them even further by promising them power, wealth, and fame. 

Stella even saw people willingly join those manipulated nobles to help without the need for her to manipulate them in any way. 

To Stella, she found those people to be more amusing as they were already wicked to the very core of their being. 



At one point, Stella stopped manipulating things from behind. 

She allowed the event to flow as naturally as possible just as promised. 

What's next is to leave everything to fate? 

What started as a simple push, snowballed into many events that Stella did not even plan, and yet those unforeseen events made her happy. 

It all led to that event in Riles. 

Stella was amused seeing those people. 

It was as if she was watching many nobles marching toward their own graves.  



Time passed. 



The results of this war were under the hands of the people involved in the conflict. 

And the result...  

Total obliteration of those Nobles and Ecclesia's forces who helped them. 



Out of the two goddesses, Stella must be the one who was more upset despite not showing it outwardly. 

What happened in Riles is mostly because of Stella's doings. 

If the younger goddess was visibly upset about how things had ended, what more would Stella feel about this disappointing result? 

After watching this whole "game" unfold. 

How much dismay did Stella feel as to, the end result of this "game" was lacking on many levels. 



This result was not something Stella would have wanted. 

Of course, Luna was not happy either. 



"It can't be helped," Stella says to ease herself. 

And in a way, just seeing this "game" ending, made Stella feel a bit relieved. 

At the end of the day, the purpose of this "game" was fulfilled. 

That purpose was to involve the "otherworlders" in this all-out war in one way or another. 

They wanted to see how they would act. 

They wanted to see if they could survive. 

They wanted to see how these otherworlders struggle while they watch them behind the scenes. 



The real reason as to why the two goddesses initiated this war in the first place was to "tease" the heroes". 

The heroes AKA the "otherworlders" whom Stella had gathered here in the city of Vestir. 

The conflict between Ecclesia and Riles 

The reason why many died during the war. 

Why many suffered and felt fear for quite some time. 

They cause this country-level affair just to cause trouble for the otherworlders gathered in the city. 

It may sound stupid but the reason why all of this had happened was for a trivial reason. 

To "tease" the heroes. 



Stella who did most of the work to cook up this war. 

She manipulated people's souls to act according to what she wanted. 

She exploited the dark desires of nobles who ultimately partake in this "treason". 

The desire for power, authority, and riches pushed them to partake in the war. 

Stella, amplified these desires and manipulated them to cause the war. 

They fell into the hands of Ecclesia's temptations to rule over the lands. 

Of course, Stella was also the one who caused Ecclesia to offer these tempting rewards. 

She manipulated people's actions. 

Stella had set up the stage for their little "game". 



Once the stage was prepared. 

All Stella had to do was to gather the "players" on this big "game" she had set up. 

The "players" are the "otherworlders". 

It was not a coincidence that they all gathered in one place and the same time. 

This was all caused by the will of the goddess. 

She gathered all the "otherworlders" there... 



The Players... 

Ota Rio 

Aoki Nikko 

Yoshitte Yuma 

Uesaka Shino 

Suguta Yoshiaga 

Tsuchiya Daisetsu 

Nobira Naonobu 

Mizusawa Kazue. 

Were all gathered here for that very reason. 



Yes, these people were originally the purpose of this huge war. 

The goddess wanted to involve them in a more large-scale battle than the one they fought during this whole event. 

They wanted the other worlders to fight in the war between Ecclesia and Riles. 

But... in the end, the only fight they took was the bare minimum of what they wanted. 

Still, they did see those "otherworlders" participate in this event just enough that the goddess was not completely disappointed with the results of this "game". 



"Anyway... I guess we still have "something" out of this. We still managed to mess with those kids. I guess we can still call this... a mission accomplished?" <Luna> 

"I suppose that is the case." <Stella> 

"So? What do you think, Stella?" <Luna> 



"The end of the war was disappointing, sure. Still, I enjoyed watching our "players" struggle during this "game"." <Stella> 

"Hmnn~ who do you think is the MVP of "game" is?" <Luna> 



As usual, the two goddesses started to conclude the result of their prank. 

They will now evaluate the heroes in their performance in this small "game"  they prepared for them. 



Indeed, despite how it all ended, the otherworlders had a part to play in this entire stage. 

After all the otherworlders were the main actors in this stage. 

Stella and Luna had watched the "players" closely during this event. 

They knew what happened in this "game" more than anyone else. 

They watched the otherworlders up close during this whole affair. 



"Well... If I have to pick then... I think I will give it to Themis' favorite child. Kazue-chan." <Luna> 

"Haha... I expected that much~ I also think so too. But don't you think that she was carried a lot by the people around her?" <Stella> 

"Hmnnn??? You think so?" <Luna> 

"Yeah, for example. Alicia." <Stella> 

"Ah... Alicia huh... Aa~ this is why I don't want spoilers." <Luna> 

"Fufufu~" <Stella> 

Stella found her sister's words to be funny as her words hid a hidden message to it. 



"I guess you're right, Kazue-chan did get a lot of help. But, you should also mention that she worked hard to ask for those people's help. This does not mean that she did a bad job. In fact, I can even praise her for gathering exemptional people to help her." <Luna> 

"Hmnn... True... I guess expecting her to solve this mess all by herself is a bit too much huh? Many of the dangers were focused on Kazue-chan this time around, I guess she needed all the help she could have. She even cared after the biggest piece in this event." <Stella> 

"Biggest piece..." <Luna> 

"Calm Eastertale. Gaiah's favorite girl." <Stella> 

"We originally planned to kill her but Kazue-chan managed to save her and protected her till the end. That itself is amazing. That is why she is the MVP of this "game"." <Luna> 

"Well, Gaiah did agree to let us kill that Oracle of hers to advance our plans but in the end, we failed to do that. Yes, I am sure that without Kazue, that girl should have been dead a long time ago." <Stella> 

"... Ahem, Onee-chan, I will remind you that Gaiah-san did not agree but only said that if "fate" wanted her dead then she would not stop it. We did explain that we were not "directly killing" the saint but rather we made Ecclesia "WANT" to kill the saint." <Luna> 

"Did we? fufu I forgot..." <Stella> 



[This woman, she really wanted the saint dead did she...] <Luna> 

Luna shook her head looking at the sinister face of Stella. 



"I must say, Kazue-chan did a good job in protecting her. She managed to gather people to help her protect that girl to the very end. She was even kind enough to recruit the other "actors" to help her. Thanks to her we were able to see them in action in some capacity." <Luna> 

Stella listens to her sister as she states Kazue's accomplishments during this event. 

"Humu, that makes sense. If you put it that way, it really sounds as if she really is the MVP of this play." <Stella> 

Luna agreed wholeheartedly with all the words Stella just said. 



Stella giggled for a bit as she realized something. 

"But it's a bit ironic that the one we did not want to join our "game" ended up performing the best during the main event. fufufu." <Stella> 

"Oh... now that you said that, Indeed... it is ironic." <Luna> 




These two sisters wanted to avoid involving Mizusawa Kazue in the picture. 

Kazue was an exemption... 

After all, Themis warned Stella and Luna to not mess with her oracle. 

Ever since Kazue had caught Themis' attention, the god became very fond of Kazue. 

Stella and Luna wanted to avoid having her in their "game".  

Still, as if fate wanted her to be involved she got herself mixed up with this entire fiasco.  

She met the Saint of Riles purely by coincidence and after many unforeseen events plus having the God of Creation persuade Themis to allow Kazue to participate in Stella and Luna's little game, Kazue ended up getting involved big time. 



Indeed, Kazue did her best to protect Calm Eastertale to the best of her ability. 

She might not have done everything all by herself but it was still because of her that many people gathered together to protect Calm. 

She did her best to persuade the people she knew to help her. 

Thanks to this effort she managed to cause a big change to Luna and Stella's plan. 

In their original plan, Calm should have died. 

Calm Eastertale should have died at the hands of the Assassin Order. 



Calm used the rare item, "Angel Wings" to escape from the Assassin Order's attempt to assassinate her. 

Thanks to that, she was able to meet Kazue. 

Having Kazue to meet Calm was never planned. 

It was a coincidence that just happened due to pure luck. 

Thanks to this, Calm managed to stay alive up to the end of the "game". 

Maybe... if not due to this change, the events in Vestir might have ended up the way the two goddesses intended it to be. 

It might have prevented a bloody war that would have caused the death of tens of thousands of people in Riles. 



"Next, Aside from Kazue-chan who else intrigued you the most?" <Luna> 

Luna asked Stella. 

Stella thought for a while, but she seemed to have a person in mind. 

She only needed a moment to decide who she was interested in the most. 

"Of course, it must be that girl." <Stella> 

"That girl?" <Luna> 

"Ota Rio." <Stella> 

She raised her index finger as she stated Rio's name. 

"Oh, the mind reader girl?" <Luna> 

Luna said in a rhetorical tone. 

Stella nods slightly. 



As if to remember what Rio did from what they saw in the mysterious crystals, Luna mutters what she remembered from Ota Rio. 

"Ah... yes she did good too. She investigated the Assassin's Order and even helped Kazue in that decisive battle with the Bloodseeker dude. I love how she has progressed compared to how she was during the zombie event we created 6 months ago." <Luna> 

"Indeed, she must have worked hard to improve herself for the past 5 months." <Stella> 

Luna nods strongly in agreement. 



Stella was impressed to see the improvement Ota Rio showed compared to the last time these two goddess created a situation like this. 

6 months ago, in Altus, Rio was too weak to help Kazue in fighting the Undead Knights that rampaged into the city. 

All she could do back then was run around and buy some time. 

She was nowhere near close to defeating the Undead Knight that Kazue was able to defeat mostly by herself. 

It seems that ever since then, Rio worked hard to get stronger. 

During this event, Rio managed to help Kazue in battle without becoming a burden for Kazue. 

In fact, if not for her Kazue would not be able to defeat the Ecclesia Inquisitor at that time. 

This is the reason why Stella was fascinated with Ota Rio. 

This is aside from the fact that Stella was intrigued by Rio's ability to read minds for some reason. 



After saying her answer, Stella then asked Luna the same question. 

"How about you Luna? Did you like anyone? Excluding Kazue of course." <Stella> 

"Hmmm~ I guess... if I have to choose... I like, this one girl." <Luna> 

Luna lifted and created a magical crystal out of nowhere and showed it to Stella. 

There appeared the face of one of the "otherworlders". 

"Ah... as expected, it's Shino-chan." <Stella> 

Luna happily nods. 



Uesaka Shino. 

The only otherworlder who was separated from Kazue was the other during the night invasion. 

Shino was out in the city fighting monsters, assassins, and inquisitors. 

Shino became a huge help to the people in the city, saving many as she defeated the monsters and assassins she faced. 



"Yep, although she did not help Kazue-chan during the game. I like the way she took advantage of this invasion to improve her abilities." <Luna> 

Luna directed Stella a gaze. 

In return, Stella returned that gaze with an indicative smile. 

"It is really nice to watch, she did deserve a reward." <Luna> 

"Shadow of the Past Hunts" <Stella> 

Luna nods, thankful to her sister goddess for giving Shino a reward for her efforts. 



"I knew that you liked that girl. And so I wanted to gift her for entertaining you fufu~ ." <Stella> 

"Oh, that's why you gave her that skill." <Luna> 

"That's right." <Stella> 



It was Luna's idea to give Shino a new skill that would help her in her adventures in this world. 

For that, Stella gave Shino a new skill in response to Luna's wish. 

The skill (Shadows of the Past Hunts) was gifted to Shino. 



"I guess that is why that skill suited her so much. So you really tailor-made that skill for her huh?" <Luna> 

"I did, I did so because you liked her a lot. I think thought she needed some "up-grades" as a reward." <Stella> 

"Haha ~ you also have bad taste in gifting people something. I am aware that by using that skill she will be forced to participate in your odd taste of endlessly torturing souls." <Luna> 

"fufufu~ I wonder what you mean." <Stella> 

"Haha... this witch, stop acting like you don't understand what I mean." <Luna> 

"???" <Stella> 

Stella smiled at Luna,  

It was a smile that showed many things. 

At first glance, that smile looks innocent, but knowing that Stella has something sinister in mind as she makes that innocent smile only makes it more creepy.  



"I wonder what you mean." <Stella> 

Dark shadows appeared in her eyes, and malice was emanating in her eyes. 

"Here we go again... this sadistic goddess." <Luna> 

Luna smiled seeing how contradicting the action of her sister goddess had done. 

A thought crossed Luna's mind. 

To Luna, her sister did not resemble a loving goddess, she looked more like a mischievous devil. 

Luna thought that her sister was helpless in that matter. 

Luna then shook her head as she tried to erase these thoughts in her mind, Luna pressed on to the next topic at hand. 



"Okay... let's look at how the others did." <Luna> 

Luna created several magical crystals once again. 

Each one is displaying the faces of the other "players" in their game. 

Stella and Luna started to voice out what they thought about the person displayed in each crystal. 

They then started evaluating them one by one. 



Luna moved her hand and one of the crystal floats between her and Stella who was facing each other. 

On the crystal was a guy. 

His name is Yoshitte Yuma. 

An otherworlder with the job class "Monk". 

A guy traveling with a girl named Coco who is a member of the beastmen tribe. 



"First is this guy, Yuma-kun." 

"This guy huh... I was planning to have him participate in the war but he ended up helping Kazue-chan. But well... if he did join the war, he would have done nothing as Svencity would have ended up there. I guess he did okay. I just hope he was more involved." <Stella> 

"I think so too. I wanted to use her "waifu" to instigate something more interesting with him but, there was no opportunity to do so. I guess he did what he can." <Luna> 

"In other words, he did so so~" <Stella> 

Stella shrugged her shoulders as she had nothing more to say. 



Stella then looked at the other crystal balls displaying the faces of the other "players" in their little game.  

"What about this guy." <Stella> 

Nikko's face was projected within the mysterious crystal Stella was pointing at. 

"Nikko-kun huh... well, Just like Yuma, I wanted him to be participating in the war too. Well... I did see that he is getting better and better at using that sentient sword." <Luna> 

"That sword, I remember you telling me that he is actually an "otherworlder" too." <Stella> 

"I did, and you said you don't remember about him." <Luna> 

"Well... no one other than me could have done it. I've reincarnated too many people from that world after all. You can't blame me for forgetting one or two of them right?" <Stella> 



At this point, Luna was not sure if Stella had forgotten about the sentient sword or if she was feigning ignorance once again. 

"Yes, yes... whatever you say nee-san." <Luna> 

"I really can't remember who that guy was. Well... he's probably one of those disgusting "otaku" who annoyed me." <Stella> 

Stella did not particularly care about the sentient sword. 

Instead, she looked and studied at her own arm, as if looking for something else to do. 

She ended up appreciating herself. 

And as expected, what she saw was how perfect her arm looked. 



"Haha~ I guess so... The reason why we wanted to have a vacation was because of those recent reincarnators who acted as if they knew everything beforehand. You hated them so much that you reincarnated them into all kinds of things." <Luna> 

"Well, it all turned out okay." <Stella> 

"Indeed, he ended up being useful to increase Nikko's ability to fight." <Luna> 

"I guess that is true, He's like a "Magic Swordsman" now." <Stella> 

"Right? I can see a promising future for those two in the future." <Luna> 

Luna and Stella thought of causing problems around Nikko later on. 



"Uh... how about these boys?" <Luna> 

Luna moved three crystals displaying 3 boys from the group. 

Both girls looked uninterested as they saw the ones in the crystals. 

"The geeks, Yoshiaga, Daisetsu, and Naonobu." <Luna> 

"Well... they are okay..." <Stella> 

Stella was unenthusiastic when evaluating these boys. 

After all, they remind her of the kind "otakus" whom she hates so much. 



"They did well despite being the weakest amongst all of the group. I was not expecting anything from them anyway." <Luna> 

"You're right... I guess they did okay? I barely noticed them though." <Stella> 

Still insensitive to the otaku boys, Stella replied with a still dull voice. 

[Rather than not noticing, it's more correct to say that she never cared about them from the start right?] 

Luna thought. 

Luna did not argue, after all, she also thought that the boys did nothing special. 



"Disappointing, just like how the "game" ended." <Stella> 

"It really is..." <Luna> 

"Speaking of the boys... they were there because of that woman right?" <Stella> 

Stella pointed out a person out of the blue. 

She was looking at Luna with a bit serious gaze. 

A blaming gaze. 

"Alicia..." <Luna> 

Stella proclaimed a woman's name in a very cold voice. 

Luna stiffened upon hearing her name. 



The other reason why things did not go to plan. 

That reason was this person. 

Because of the actions she took during this time, things ended this way... 

As to how and why she did it, only the goddesses knew why and how. 





There were too many factors that made this huge war end abruptly. 



Why was there a "rumor" going around Riles even though Stella was the one who instigated the "idea" for the nobles to rebel? 

Sure, there might be some leaks that some nobles might have been planning a rebellion. 

What was odd was how the rumors spread so quickly and so prevalently that many nobles from the Artesia Empire caught an ear to a rumor originating from a country located beyond the lands of the Artesia Empire. 

The reason was because someone was purposely spreading these rumors... 



How come the Saint of Riles was able to escape from the Assassin Order. 

Was it because of Kazue? 

Was it because Kazue did a good job protecting the saint? 


In the first place, Calm should never have escaped from the Assassin Order when they first attempted their assassination. 

She managed to escape because Aaron was prepared and gave Calm an item so she could Escape. 

"Angel Wings" 

A very rare item that is hard to get a handle on. 

But how did Aaron have this item?  

It was because someone gave it to him... 



Guildmaster Svencity. 

No one on the invader side could match his battle capabilities. 

After all this individual almost rivals the demon lord in terms of raw power. 

Because of him, Ecclesia's army fell right away and was defeated pathetically by the Vestir's forces. 



In the first place, Svencity should not have been there. 

He was convinced to join the war by an individual who brought him into the mix. 

What is the reason why the strongest adventurer came to Vestir and helped them defeat the combined army of Ecclesia and the Rebel Nobles? 

It was because someone convinced Svencity to help... 



The rumors... 

The Angel Wings... 

The Guildmaster Svencity... 

These three things were some of the reasons as to why things ended up this way. 

And the one who brought all these reasons together was a single person. 



Luna averted her gaze away from her sister's glares. 

Stella's eyes were suggesting to Luna that she was to blame for how the "game" she set up ended up in a very anti-climactic manner. 




It was because... 


Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi. 

The Blue Roze Duchess. 

The sole princess of the Azurearozi Dukedom. 


The First Oracle of the Goddess of SpaceTime. 



"All my effort... It all ended up in a waste... Because of that girl... Because you gave her your blessing. This is all your fault!" <Stella> 

Stella gave Luna a loving fist over her head. 


"SORRY!!!" <Luna> 



That concludes the goddesses' evaluation of the event. 























Author Note: 



There we go again. 

Just like how I ended up in Arc 1, revealing Tamashiro Naofumi, who is the "Second" Oracle of Luna 

This time I revealed to you guys the "First" Oracle of the Goddess of Time. 

Alicia might not be an otherworlder but like Naofumi, she already lived this past before. 



I tried my best to make it look obvious that Alicia is hiding something. 

So? Did any of you manage to see this coming? 

The fact that she related to Luna, I mean. 









Like Tamashiro Naofumi I also plan on writing "Original Past" chapters focusing on Alicia but not now.  

Not anytime soon either. 

Her past really has a lot of "spoilers" so I will refrain from writing that for now. 

But I will... LATER. 


The next chapter will be an "Original Past" chapter but it is in Naofumi's perspective. 


Well then, See you next week?~ 

inanashi out. 


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