God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 70: The Saint and the Goddess

Narrator POV 






A country located in the southern part of the largest continent of the planet. 

A country inhabited by diverse and unique races. 

A country that is known for its secondary names. 

"Country of the Half-Bloods" 

"The Country of Boundless Love" 

"Center of the Church of Life." 

This country gained these names because of the rich history this country had been through all these years. 



The country of Riles might be labeled as the "Country of the Half-Bloods" and “Country of Boundless Love” since people who visit Riles would eventually meet the love of their lives. 

Also, Riles encourages marriage between different races. 

This is why Elves, Dwarves, Demons, Beastmen, Lizardmen, Dragonutes, Mermen, and of course, humans, tend to find themselves within the country. It is a popular place to go when finding love. 



As to why this was the case... 

The origin of why this country ended up in this situation is very sad. 

The label, "Country of the Half-Bloods" and “Country of Boundless Love” came forth after some unfortunate events in history.  

Those names are the result of the unfortunate past of the country. 



Originally this place was not really like this. 

Originally this nation was the home of a variety of the demon races such as succubus, imps, sirens, vampires, and the like. 

This country became the refuge of those demons who survived and are now living peacefully after the defeat of the 1st demon lord 1000 years ago. 

It was around the time when the empire of Ecclesia was established about 600 years ago that the state of this country changed. 



It is no secret that Ecclesia hates other races other than humans. 

As such, they wanted to eradicate the other races and make a Eutopia made only for humans. 

To do this they have to eradicate the so-called “demi-human nations” to fulfill this belief. 

Riles, being the country nearest Ecclesia had been the receiver of their unreasonable malice. 



Riles is originally the country of the demon race. 

Demons are known to be the race where the 1st demon lord originated. 

Because the 1st demon lord caused so many deaths within the land, the other races hated Demons. 

Demon gained the stigma of a race akin to the demon lords, the emissary of evil and destruction. 

Many viewed the demons are fearsome and evil individuals. 

While it is true that at that time demons suffer from the prejudice of being a race akin to evil, they are trying their best to live in peace. 

They are very careful to not cause any turmoil against any race. 

After all, despite being few, demons are still considered one of the most powerful creatures in this world. 

Thankfully due to the efforts of these demons, people are now starting to realize that demons can be good too. 

It was around that time, the other races are starting to accept them as they are. 

The prejudice against demons is slowly being erased. 



But then... 

Right after the Empire of Ecclesia was established, they immediately caused turmoil and started attacking the lands of the demons. 

Thus they attacked the land of the demons and started exterminating them one by one. 

At first, the demon tried to do their best to not fight back as the other races might raise their doubt against them. 

They could not fight back as they feared that they might cause the pre-existing stigma of their race being evil to resurface. 

Because of this many demons died without being able to defend their selves. 

The demons were forced to be silent and just run. 



The king of Riles had no choice but to beg for help. 

It was either they lose their lands and fell in the hands of the Ecclesia or were hated by the other countries. 

He thinks of a way how to solve this dilemma. 

In the end, he was forced to bow his head in front of the leaders of all the other races. 

He begged the countries of other races to help them. 

They seek help. 

The Elves of the Giah Forest 

The Dwarves of Marchial Kingdom, 

The Beastmen of Triana, 

The Lizardmen of Claren 

The Fish people of Pheono. 

The Dragonutes of Marizen, 

And the humans of the Artesia Empire. 

The king of the demons begged each of these race’s leaders. 



The demon’s king did not ask for them to help them win the war and defeat Ecclesia. 

The demon only asked for these nations to help them protect the lives of the innocent demon kins. 

Haven’t they suffered enough? 

Haven’t they persevered for quite a long time? 

They begged. 

And their sincerity has touched the hearts of the leaders of each of these nations. 

As a result, these nations helped the demons in Riles to be able to protect themselves. 



To help Riles, all of those nations decided. 

A pact amongst all the nations around the continent had agreed upon. 

A pact that states that each of the nations must send soldiers to Riles and help them defend against the prejudicial tyranny of the Ecclesia Empire against demi-human races. 

A result of this pact was the formation of the Great Nation Alliance of the 5 Demi-human races. 

They did not declare war against Ecclesia but they wanted Ecclesia to stop their aggressions toward these nations. 

In the end, it was the right decision. 



After some time, the alliance discovered that the Empire of Ecclesia wasn't going to stop after they wiped the demons off the map. 

They would march forward and attack the other demi-human race as well. 

Now that the Great Nation Alliance was formed, they could now protect their lands from the Holy Empire's aggression. 



The Empire of Ecclesia became furious as they believed that the formation of the Great Nation Alliance was blasphemous. 

They could not stomach the existence of this Alliance of disgusting demi-humans grouping together. 

Their existence was against the teaching of the Holy Empire’s god, Luminos. 

The leaders of Ecclesia thought. 

“We must eradicate them before it’s too late.” 

Thus, a great battle happened between the great Empire of Ecclesia and the great nation alliance. 

The Empire of Artesia helped the great Nation Alliance in their fight against the Empire. 



The war caused death on both sides. 

But at the end of the day, the combined forces of the 5 demi-human Nations and the Empire were able to defeat the forces of Ecclesia. 

This period should have been peaceful as the world is not under the threat of the Demon Lord who was asleep. 

But because of the twisted belief of the Ecclesia Empire, these supposedly peaceful times became chaotic. 



The war created a contaminated land full of malice and curse after the constant battles between the two opposing forces. 

This land became unhabitable as the land, air, and water in this area were contaminated by negative energies. 

The land became a land of the dead and was infested by the undead and many dangerous monsters. 

That warzone at the present is called the “Land of the Dead” as it is a land filled with death. 



The war that started more than 600 years ago is still going up to this day. 

Those soldiers send by the nations who still keep the promise they made with the King of Riles 600 years ago are still in effect as the Empire of Ecclesia still wants to eradicate the demi-humans. 

Currently, the empire of Ecclesia had stopped their march and went back to their land in the southern continent. 



And so… 

Years passed and those soldiers lived in that place, found their love, and decides to start families. 

It was not a surprise that the soldiers would fall in love with the soldiers of the other races. 

Thus, interracial marriages between different races occurred. 

And for some reason, this became a trend in that country. 

Thus, it was named the "Country of Boundless Love”. 

It became home for many mixed-race individuals as the result of interracial marriages after many years, thus a “Country of half-bloods”. 

That is Riles. 



Riles became prosperous once again. 

The city was rebuilt. 

Artesia Empire sponsored the development of the cities in riles because many humans decided to live there with their families. 

Artesia gave Riles a huge amount of monetary support. 

It was not a surprise since the Artesia Empire has been supporting this country. 

As a result, most structures in that country looked quite similar to the ones found in Artesia. 



At Present time. 



It's been quite a while since the Holy Empire had set foot in this land. 

In the middle of the capital city of Riles, Vestir where the plaza was located, 3 prominent buildings can easily be noticed. 

One is the Adventurer’s guild building. 

Second is the shopping building of the most influential merchant group, the Scale Atelier. 

And lastly, a large Church was built by the most prominent religion of the continent, the Church of Life. 

Aside from the Adventurer’s guild and the Scale Atelier which are expected to be present in every capital of every nation, the church is something unique only to Riles. 



With just a glance, one would feel the holy aura of the place. 

Aside from being the Nation of the demon races, the nation of mixed races, and the nation of boundless love, Riles is known for one other thing. 

A religion that believes in the goddess “Gaiah”. 

Gaiah is believed to be the goddess who watches over the world. 

She gave life to every creature in the world. 



The Church of life. 

A religion that preaches about life, how to respect life, and ways how to live your life properly according to the teaching of the goddess. 

In the capital city Vestir, one would find the center of the most popular religion in the world. 

They believe that every life matters. 

And this building is the home of the most important individual within the church of life. 



This religion reveres one particular individual who stands atop all else. 

This individual is a girl with a frail-looking body, her skin was pale white that resembles that of porcelain. 

She has abnormally long wavy blonde hair that extends way past her feet. 

She wears a pure white dress with golden patterns and a cape with a similar pattern 

That girl was kneeling on a floor with her hands clasped together in a praying posture. 

She was facing an altar and seems to be praying. 

Her blushed cheeks and pink lips make a perfect contrast to her almost pale skin. 

Behind her was the believer of the Goddess Gaiah and they are relaying their prayers through her. 

This girl’s name is Calm Estertale. 

The Saint of Riles. 

The Oracle of the Goddess of Life. 



The girl lifts her head and gazed at the altar directly in front of her. 

There was a statue of a beautiful lady that was holding an Ankh with both arms over her chest with a caring face similar to that of a mother caring for her child. 

It was the sculpture of the Goddess of Life Gaiah. 

Gaiah is the God of the most popular religion in the continent the “Church of Life”. 



Calm Estertale was doing her usual routine of praying to the Goddess of Life for hours every day. 

She silently prayed without making a noise. 

She is trying to relay the prayers of the people to the Goddess of Life. 

She would spend half of the day praying at the altar just to perform this task. 

It was just past noon; she has been praying since the sun has risen in the east. 

She opened her eyes, and emerald-colored pupil eyes revealed themselves. 

She slowly stood up from her kneeling posture and stood tall. 

At last, she has finished her daily praying routine. 



“Saint-sama, are you done praying?” <Man> 

A person wearing grand-looking armor stood tall while calling out for Calm as she stands up from a kneeling posture. 

Calm replied in a soft voice. 

“Yes, Sir Aaron. I am done praying, thank you for your patience.” <Calm> 

She said with a smile toward the Knight. 

“Then shall we go, Saint-sama?” <Man/Aaron> 

The man offers himself to escort Calm. 



Aaron Van Zelle 

Is a talented knight who came from Artesia Empire. 

Due to his outstanding talent and achievement within the empire at a very young age, he was tasked by the Emperor to become one of Calm Estertale’s personal knight. 

He was chosen as his age was close to Calm. 

He can become a person that Calm Estertale can feel at ease. 

As expected, compared to her other personal knights Aaron has gained Calm’s favor. 

Since Calm Estertale was comfortable being with Aaron the most, Calm treats him like a friend. 




Calm sighs at Aaron. 

“Sir, Aaron how many times do I have to tell you to call me by my name… Just call me Calm’.” <Calm> 

Calm pouts and she did not like the fact that Aaron calls her by her Title and not by her name. 

“Sorry, Sa---" 

He was about to call her Saint once again, to stop himself he coughs. 


"Calm-sama” <Aaron> 

Calm nods after hearing her name out of Aaron's mouth. 

“Much better.” <Calm> 

The saint showed the knight following her an innocent smile that made him blush. 

As expected the Knight, Aaron was still uncomfortable with calling the Saint in by her name. 

Even though Aaron had been with her for quite some time now he still couldn’t help but call her “Saint”. 

Aaron who is raised to be a proper and responsible knight could not simply accept this treatment sincerely. 

In his mind, Calm Estertale is a precious existence and he values Calm more than himself. 

In his eyes, Calm is always been the Saint. 

On the other hand, Calm, wanted Aaron to treat her like a friend and not as a Saint. 

In the end, Aaron succumbs to Calm’s wishes and ended up in a consensus to call her by name when they are alone. 



Calm decided to leave the church for today. 

As she was leaving the church with Aaron. 

Several people were also praying by the altar as usual. 

The identities of those individuals varied. 

Old, young, rich, poor, Human, demi-human, and even demons. 

It may sound weird for a demon to pray inside a church, but the Church of Life has the belief that everyone who can appreciate “life” is worthy to gain the blessing of the goddess of life. 

They have no prejudice among races 

The pillar of belief of the church is the “Sanctity of Life”. 

Its teachings are focused on how to live life properly. 

The appreciation of the sanctity of life. 



Calm exits the church. 

The people who were praying around her, respectfully bowed to her until she got out of the church. 

As soon as Calm exited the church the light of the sun blinded her for a second. 

Her pure white clothes and curly blonde hair seemed to glow with the light. 

This made the people around feel amazed just by looking at the figure of the saint. 

She looked like a transcendent being in the eyes of the people looking at her. 







Calm Estertale is the Saint of Riles and the Oracle of the Goddess of Life. 

Born from a human father and an Elf mother. 

Her father, Johan Estertale was one of the soldiers that the Empire of Artesia sends to aid the Country of Riles from the constant threat of war with the Ecclesia Empire. 

He came to meet, Lehala Tetian Raitarza a female elf who works as an adventurer. 

The two fell in love and got married. 

They lived together in a simple house in a little city called Jahrel. 

Later on, their love bears fruit, and a beautiful half-elf named Calm Estertale was born in their household. 



It was before Calm become the Saint. 

Calm was a very lively and wonderful little girl who was loved by other kids in the neighborhood. 

She was living in peace with the lively townspeople in the countryside. 

One fateful night. 

The village was attacked by soldiers from the Ecclesia Empire. 

They mercilessly killed the villagers who were living peacefully. 

The once peaceful village is now being purged by the soldiers of the Ecclesia Empire. 



“Calm stay here and hide, don’t leave unless I tell you to leave.” <Lehala> 

Calm was being instructed by her mother to hide under the bed. 

Johan, Lehala’s husband was a soldier of the empire. 

He needs to be stationed in the city from the constant threat of the Ecclesia Empire. 

As a result, Johan was away from home most of the time and would return to this village for several days once per year. 

Lehala herself was a former adventurer herself. 

She was once a B-rank adventurer before she retired. 

Lehala decided to retire from being an adventurer as she wanted to raise her child in her husband’s absence. 

Now, Lehala was forced to pick up her fighting gear to face the soldiers and protect her child and the villagers. 



The number of soldiers who attacked the village was 24. 

The only combatant in the village was 10 and they were outnumbered. 

Lehala who was once a B-ranked Adventurer was strong but she could not stop all of the 24 soldiers of the Ecclesia Empire. 

The soldiers were not expecting to face someone as strong as Lehala from within the village. 

Even amongst the 24 soldiers none of them was strong enough to defeat Lehala 1 on 1. 




She managed to kill 5 of them but the soldiers were quite strong themselves.  

“Mama! HELP ME.” <Calm> 

Calm was found by one of the soldiers. 

She is held by the hair of one of the soldiers. 

“CALM!” <Lehala> 

“Oh! So this little thing was your child? How disgusting, a half-elf.” <Soldier A> 

The soldier pulled Calm by the hair. 



“Let her go!” <Lehala> 

“HAHAHA, why should we do that?” <Soldier A> 

“Please, you can have my head instead don't hurt the child.” <Lehala> 

Lehala begged. 

“Really?...” <Soldier A> 

“Yes! So please let her go.” <Lehala> 

Lehala said with a desperate voice. 

The soldiers looked at each other. 

They started to let out a giggle. 

“Okay, first throw away your weapon.” <Soldier A> 

Lehala did not want to release her weapon. 

The soldier who was holding Calm said while threatening Lehala with a blade on Calm's neck. 

She had no choice. 



“I understand” <Lehala> 

Lehala threw the two daggers she held in her hands unto the floor. 

"Good" <Soldier A> 

The soldier pushed the little girl forward after releasing her hold on the little girl’s hair. 

Lehala felt relieved. 

[Calm, I am sorry, this is the only way Mama could save you] 

She thought 



“Mama!” <Calm> 

The little girl ran toward her mother. 

“CALM.” <Lehala> 

Lehala opened her arms wide to welcome Calm in her arms. 




Lehala’s eyes opened wide. 

A sharp object pierced the little girl’s back as she ran to her. 

Lehala ran toward Calm and caught her before she fell to the ground. 

Blood oozed out of her uncontrollably. 

It was a fatal wound. 

“Oops~ my bad…” <Soldier A> 

The soldier’s leader said with a sinister smile on his face. 



“HAHAHA! Sorry! But we were told to kill everyone. Do you think just because you surrender, we’ll just let your disgusting child go? You are strong, stronger than all of us here. But even if that is true if we all come at you there’s no way we won’t be able to kill you eventually. Well, some of us might die but we all came here ready to die anyway.” <Soldier A> 

While still holding Calm in Lehala's arms she smeared at the soldiers. 

“How DARE YOU!!!” <Lehala> 

Lehala screamed as she picked up calm whose heart was pierced by a sword from behind. 



When the other villagers saw Lehala charging toward the soldier after her daughter was pierced by a sword through her heart. 

The villagers felt rage toward the soldiers of Ecclesia. 

But all they could do was watch. 

They could not leave the other villagers that were behind them. 



Lehala moved toward her daughter who collapses to the ground. 

She picked her into her arms. 

Blood coming from her daughter flowed into Lehala as she held her child in her arms 

“Mama...” <Calm> 

Calm said to her mother, she was confused and did not know what just happened. 


Calm coughs blood out of her mouth while staring into the eyes of her mother’s teary eyes. 

Calm’s eyes were opened wide, she doesn’t have the look of pain on her face but rather the expression she had on her face was that of shock. 

She seems to have no idea that she was stabbed in the heart. 

She was even confused about why she was coughing blood all of a sudden. 

"It's OK Calm... Mama is with you..." <Lehala> 



Blood oozed out of Calm's mouth. 

"I feel sleepy, Mama..." <Calm> 

The child did not even know that she was about to die. 

She was not feeling anything but it was clear that she was losing her life very quickly. 

It might be the best way to die, as she was still in shock after getting stabbed in the heart. 

Adrenaline seems to have alleviated the sharp pain that she should be feeling right now. 

Her mind was jumbled, she had no idea what just happened. 

Instead, she only felt really tired... 



Lehala looked Calm right in the eyes. 

She gave her a kind smile of a mother to let her know that she was there with her. 

"Wait for mama, ok? for now... try to sleep... I'll wake you up when it's time for us to eat..." <Lehala> 

The child only nods at Lehala. 



 Calm who was quickly losing her life. 

Lehala knew that her child was on her last breath and the moment she let herself surrender to herself to sleep, she'll never wake up. 

All that Lehala could do was to let her child know that she was there with her. 

She wanted Calm to feel at ease and rest in peace. 

She knew that the soldiers would not stop after this. 



Lehala placed her hands over Calm’s eyes and closed them gently. 

Calm, peacefully closed her eyes with trust that it was ok, after all, it was her mother who said that it was going to be fine. 

“Sleep…” <Lehala> 

With a meek nod, Calm followed the instruction of her mother. 

Until the very end, her lovely child obediently followed her mother’s instructions as she always did. 



Lehala was biting into her beautiful pink lips. 

As a former adventurer, Lehala knew how serious Calm state was. 

This wound was definitely, fatal. 

Tears flowed out of her eyes as she looked at the bloody mouth of her child. 

Lehala did not want her child to suffer, so she used the shock that Calm had as she was stabbed. 

She asked her child to sleep so that she would not feel the pain coming from her pierced heart. 

Calm blindly and wholeheartedly followed her mother’s words and went to sleep. 

It pained her to see that the child trusted her with all her heart even in this situation. 

Lehala places Calm sitting next to a large rock. 

She was looking at her child that fell asleep with wide eyes. 



“My my, did the little sh*t die?” <Soldier A> 

“Well, that’s one less to kill, let’s kill that annoying elf next.” <Soldier B> 

"It's your turn to die, Elf." <Soldier C> 

Lehala clenches her teeth, and a surge of emotion ate her consciousness. 

Before she even knew it, she already charged forward and attacked the soldiers with no regard for her safety. 

All she wanted to do was to end the life of those people who harmed her child. 



Lehala picked up the two daggers she threw and faced all of the soldiers. 


“Yes, yes, show your true nature you ugly monster.” <Soldier A> 

Just a while ago she showed Calm the face of a caring mother looking at her child with an affectionate gaze. 

Right now, that image transformed into a look of endless rage. 

Lehala's mind was set, she wanted to kill all of the soldiers of Ecclesia with her own two hands. 



5 minutes passed by. 

The battle between Lehala and the soldiers was fierce. 

Lehala managed to kill 6 more soldiers. 



“Kuhukkk.” <Soldier A> 

Lehala had her dagger pierced on the neck of the leader of the soldier’s leader. 

"DIE!!!" <Lehala> 

It was the same soldier who pierces a sword in her daughter's heart. 

Lehala managed to deliver a finishing blow to the soldier that harmed her child. 


Lehala coughs blood out of her mouth. 

Swords were stabbed into her body. 

One, on her stomach, one on her left arm. 

A deep wound can be traced all over her body. 



Lehala fell on the floor together with the soldier’s leader. 


Her life was slowly fading. 

She knew it was the end for her. 

Lehala turned her head toward the little girl lying on a rock. 

She looked around her and saw the dead villagers lying around. 




The other villagers are fighting against the other soldiers of the Empire. 

Unlike Lehala, most of the villagers are weaker or just as strong as the soldier they were up against. 

Since they were outnumbered, it was no surprise that they would be at a disadvantage. 

They fought to their last breath but in the end, they could not win. 

The last of the combatant villager was killed by a soldier. 

4 soldiers all pierced the body of the last fighting villager with their swords at the same time. 

He was trying to protect the non-combatant villagers. 

But just like the others who defended those villagers, they all fell into the hands of the soldiers. 



Lehala could only watch this scene from afar. 

She wanted to help them but she was gravely injured and it was just a matter of time till she dies. 

She then returned her gaze to the child lying on a rock with a pained look. 

“Calm... forgive your mama... she was not able to avenge you...” <Lehala> 

Lehala tried to reach her hand toward the child as she wanted to embrace her in her last moments. 

She tried to crawl back to her child but she was too far away. 

“Calm...” <Lehala> 

Tears started to flow from her eyes. 

She was losing her sight. 

As she was to loosen her grip on her life, she saw the body of the little girl twitch. 

“C-ca…lm?” <Lehala> 

She thought she was seeing things as she was about to die. 

But then, the child moved again this time she was certain, it was not her imagination. 

The little girl stood up like she was just getting up from a night of sleep. 



Calm's small body was enveloped by a mysterious golden light. 

Lehala was shocked looking at her child who was supposed to be dead to stand up. 

She was both confused but she was happy at the same time. 

Lehala noticed something from the child after she managed to lock eyes with her. 

A look of sorrow was painted on the child's face. 



Calm was Lehala's child. 

She knew the child by birth and knew every little thing about her. 

But then, why is it, while looking at this child covered in a mysterious golden glow, it was as if she did not know this child at all? 

When Lehala saw this, she immediately realized that the one standing there was not her child but something else. 

“C…a…lm?” <Lehala> 

She called for the child with her weak and fading voice. 

The child shook her head as if to say “no”. 



“Eh?” <Lehala> 

At the same time, the child was looking at her with a passionate look. 

It was not the kind of look of a child toward her parent but rather a parent looking at a child. 

Yes, the child was looking at her mother with that kind of expression. 

Normally it should have been the other way around. 

At this moment the child was looking at Lehala with a look of a loving mother. 

This only made Lehala certain that this child she was looking at was not her daughter but something else. 



“What the hell is that kid?! I am sure we already pierced through her heart; she should be dead by now. So HOW!?” <Soldier X> 

The soldiers of Ecclesia became agitated. 

They were sure that with the injury the child received, the child should have lost her life by now. 

So why? 

Why was she able to stand as if nothing happened? 

How was she able to stand with a sword still pierced in her heart? 



And just like that, the child pulled the sword out of her body. 

There was no look of pain on her face. 

The wound that should have left a hole in her chest healed in an instant. 

The child raised her right hand in the air. 

The blood on her clothes dissipated into white dust of light. 

Golden light enveloped the entirety of the village. 

The child, Calm Estertale is the center of it. 

The grass, the trees, and the air seem to gain vigor with this light. 

The villagers suddenly felt energy surge within their bodies. 

Their injuries vanished and those who were on the verge of death miraculously gained their full health. 



On the contrary, all of the soldiers of the empire felt as if they suddenly became sick. 

They started feeling dizzy and the strength in their body seemed to fade. 

Their bodies gradually started to get skinnier, they felt intense hunger and thirst. 

“What the hell is happening?” <Soldier> 

One of the soldiers said while on his knees. 



The soldier finally deduced that the reason why they felt weak all of a sudden was because of the child who was glowing in golden light. 

He concluded that if he stops this child from doing whatever she was doing everything will return to normal. 

So, despite the intense feeling of being sick, hungry, thirsty, and weak he tried to march forward and force his way to stab the child with his sword. 

Even though just a while ago, a sword pierced this child's heart. 

He knew that even if he managed to stab her once again with his sword it would be useless. 


The soldier screamed the name of the god he believed in. 

It gave the morale to muster his last ounce of strength within his body. 

One step. 

Two steps. 

He walked forward. 

Soon he managed to reach the child. 



The child looked at the pitiful state of the soldier. 

When he reached the child, it was as if he had aged 50 years. 

His hair was white, his skin was saggy and dry, all of his muscles became a part of his skin, and his eyes were sunken within his bagged eye sockets. 

The child was looking at him with pity. 

“FOR LUMINOS!” <Soldier> 

The soldier scream and swung his sword. 

Or so he should have… 

The soldier dropped his sword onto the ground. 



The little girl let out an exasperated breath. 

The name of the god that the man just now yelled was a familiar name to her. 

She knew Luminos. 

That is why she only felt more pitiful while looking at the man. 

It was because… 

Luminos was not a god. 

Rather, Luminos is just another human. 

To be exact a reincarnated human from another world. 



Luminos is a human who was once gifted by gods with extraordinary ability. 

He was tasked to become the guardian of the world, to become a hero. 

Unfortunately, he grew twisted as he was drunk by his power. 

At some point in time, he developed some kind of a "god" complex. 

The reason he hated demi-humans was quite stupid as well. 

It was because his unique ability does not work on them. 

That is why he wanted them to be eradicated from the face of the Earth. 



The question now is, how did this little girl who only lived for several years know about this? 

Luminos’ true identity should have been a secret. 

Not even the highest-ranking individual in Ecclesia knew about this fact. 



So how… 

The reason was simple. 

It was because the identity of the individual who is controlling the little girl's body is someone who knew about this fact. 

She was the same being who gave Luminos such power after all. 

She is the goddess who governs this world and has full authority over life and death. 

The persona within the girl named Calm Estertale at this moment is not “Her” but the persona of the goddess of life, Gaiah, the Goddess of Life and Death. 



Gaiah decided to manifest into this world using the body of a young female Half-elf. 

She pitied the demi-humans who were constantly being harassed by the twisted belief of the Ecclesia Empire, thanks to the hero whom she blessed hundreds of years ago. 

After seeing all the death and pain that this “Hero” caused toward the demi-human, Gaiah finally had enough. 

She decided to descend into the mortal world using this body as her vessel. 

She wanted to save the innocent child as well. 

But this world had a rule that as the world’s overseer, she is not allowed to interfere with the people of this world. 

Unfortunately, the kind-hearted goddess could not take it anymore and decided to help just this once. 



She asked for the child, Calm Estertale to become her Oracle. 

She asked the child if she could use her body to be able to help just this once. 

By doing this, she must possess the girl’s body to be able to stop the soldiers with her ability. 

As the goddess of Life and death, she had the authority over all living things. 

She used this ability against the soldiers who attacked the village. 

She sucked the “life” out of the soldiers. 



Gaiah can give life and she could take it away just as easily. 

All of the living things on this planet can "live" thanks to the goddess' power and without her, all of them would simply perish. 

As the goddess of life, she treasures all lives as equal and she despises the unjustified taking of lives. 

The act of the Empire of Ecclesia is an example of such “Unjustified Killing”. 

She had to stop this, by all means. 

Thus she decided to make this child her oracle as well as a vessel for her to descend. 

 From that moment on, she shared this body with a girl named Calm Estertale. 

While in this world the goddess of life is now a mortal. 



Gaiah is now stuck in the body of this girl as a result of descending into this world. 

From that moment on, Gaiah is unable to do her job as a goddess to bless the body of the Reincarnators who are born into this world. 

Her abilities are now limited and she can no longer watch the world omnipotently like before. 

Her job, the task of reincarnation fell into the hands solely of the Goddess of SoulCycle. 

Originally, the Goddess of SoulCycle’s job was only to transfer the souls into a new body. 

Originally, reincarnators would meet with Gaiah, receive a blessing and obtain a body blessed with talent worthy of a “Hero”. 

And because Gaiah decided to descend, she is now unable to do just that. 

Regrettably, from that moment on the goddess of SoulCycle could only reincarnate individuals by randomly placing the souls of the reincarnators. 

Although… the goddess of SoulCycle had full control over where the soul would be placed, she could not be bothered to find a suitable body for the reincarnators. 

Ledia had been placing those souls into the body of monsters as those souls piss her off. 



This all happened 11 years ago. 

Now, Gaiah is watching over the world through her Oracle, Calm Estertale. 

She remains dormant most of the time and just watches her Oracle pray to her. 

As long as Gaiah is within Calm's body, she could only do so much for the people of this world. 



Gaiah would manifest using Calm Estertale's body to preach to the people how to respect life. 

Gaiah wanted to emphasize these teaching to avoid "unjustified killings" which she hates the most. 

And the last time she took over the body of this girl was over 5 months ago. 

It was around the time when the Artesia Empire summoned 28 individuals into this world. 

It was to create bodies for both the Goddess of Spacetime and the Goddess of SoulCycle who decided to take a break from all of the reincarnation shenanigans. 

She now wonders… 



“What are Ledia and Eudom up to these days… Oh… right I should be calling them Stella and Luna now…” <Gaiah> 

Gaiah had no idea that she and her oracle would be caught up in the plans of these two mischievous goddesses. 












Author Note: 

Hi there, this is quite a long chapter 

Well, it's quite late but it can't be helped. 

I am quite busy this week too so I almost had no time to write. 




Also, it may take quite some time to update the next chapter. 

The reason for this ---> I need to organize my thoughts and plan out the event that will happen in Riles. 

I realized that in this event I need to plan how I would write the event in Riles. 

There's a lot of character involved in this one and this event would be very complicated since it also involves some politics. 

Well, I just hope a week would be enough to plan this out. 

Anyway, I will try my best to write the next chapter as fast as possible. 

I might make a new cover art together with the start of the Riles Arc.  


Yep, I'm asking for a break for at least a week. 

after that, I will be back updating 2-3 chapters per week. 

Well then, see you next chapter! 

inanashi: out! 


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