God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 71: Conflict in Riles and Arrival

Narrator POV  






-clang- -clang- -clang- 

The sound of metals clashing with each other echoed in the room they are in. 

The room was not particularly pretty-looking 

Rather than a room, the place looks like a workshop. 

Various pieces of metal are scattered all around the room in all kinds of shapes and sizes. 

There was a furnace, hammer, large tongs, anvils, Different kinds of Metal ores, Crystals, and many smithing-related tools all around the room. 



Reno, Emika, and Akemi are standing next to each other and for some reason, they look tense. 

Opposite to them was the figure of the girl working. 

The black-haired girl repeatedly pounds a piece of metal with a hammer to shape it into her desired shape. 

The girl was Shaina Stirling, the owner of Shaina's Weapon and Armor Workshop. 

She continued to hammer a piece of metal while casually listening to the three girls standing opposite her. 

She places the metal she's been hammering in a shape of a sword she placed inside the blazing furnace before dampening it into the water beside her. 

She wipes the sweat leaking on her forehead with her arm. 




She exhales a sigh of relief then removed the goggles in her eyes and placed them over her head like a headband.  

"Hmnnn, I see…" <Shaina> 

Shaina said toward the girls, she placed her tools at the nearest table and removed her work gloves. 

She walked and left her work for the meanwhile to have a proper talk with the girls. 

"So... Is it possible?" <Reno> 

Reno asked. 

"Well, I think I can at least ask them to let you use the "Warp Gate", but for what reason?" <Shaina> 

Shaina asked as she was curious as to why her 3 employees wanted to use the teleport gate all of a sudden. 

The three nod in response. 

"Uh, we want to meet with Kazue-chan in Riles." <Reno> 

"Meet, Kazue? why?" <Shaina> 

The three looked quite reluctant to answer but they have to say the reason or else their boss, Shaina may deny their request. 

"We're going to warn her about the current situation there." <Reno> 

"Ah… yeah… come to think of it the nobles in Riles are having quite some trouble there…" <Shaina> 



Shaina pondered for a while, then she stated what was on her mind. 

"Hmnn… to be honest, I don't want you three to go to Riles. I guess you three want to warn Kazue-chan about the impending war, right?" <Shaina> 

As Shaina has said, the reason Reno, Akemi, and Emika wanted to meet with Kazue was to warn her about the brewing war in the south. 

Shaina correctly guessed the reason why the three wanted to go to Riles. 

Lately, the three had been hearing about the situation of what was happening in Riles. 

They investigated and concluded that the situation there was starting to get nasty. 

The three had gathered enough information to conclude that the rumors about the brewing conflict in the south are getting bad. 

It was just a matter of time before the war broke out in Riles. 



Although their boss, Shaina Stirling has quite a nasty personality. 

It is also true that Miss Shaina is not the type of person who would leave a friend in the face of danger. 

Especially, Miss Shaina and their classmate Mizusawa Kazue is quite a close friend. 

Although she's quite manipulative when it comes to money matters, she still cared for people's well-being, or at the very least it is true for those people close to her. 

The three were quite confident that if it was her she will help them to warn Kazue about the current situation. 



Shaina was conflicted. 

She also wants to warn Kazue about the current situation. 

Shaina knew that in the current times, Riles is one of the most dangerous places you could be, especially for those individuals who can't protect themselves. 

Unfortunately, Reno, Akemi, and Emika are those people who cannot protect themselves. 

This put Shaina in a loop as she did not want them to get into danger. 

After all, one clause in their contract was her being responsible for the three girl's safety. 

Because of those dangers, she could not allow the three to go there. 



She looked back at the three girls. 

They looked desperate and it was clear that they wanted to warn Kazue of the dangers she could encounter in Riles. 

In Shaina's eyes, the three looked like cute puppies who needed care and protection. 

Although it can be dangerous, she could not say no to those cute puppies. 


"Alright, I guess we can stay in Riles for a while until we're able to contact Kazue. After we meet her we must return to the capital at once, is that clear?" <Shaina> 

Hearing a positive reply from Shaina, the three grasped each other's hands and jumped for joy. 

It seems that after hearing all of those rumors, they must have been worried about their former Classmate. 



After they became friends with Kazue during the time spent in Altus some time ago. 

They discovered what kind of person she was. 

Although she was not expressive of her emotions, Mizusawa Kazue is a good friend to have. 

The type of friend who you can count on in times of need. 

Also, after being with her, they discovered that there was something about Kazue that makes her friends want to "baby" her. 

For some reason, it awakens their maternal instinct to care for her. 

After spending time with her in Altus some time ago, they finally understood why Sakata Chiho was so concerned about her. 

She seems to be a kind person who keeps getting herself into trouble in one way or another. 

It makes them want to protect and guide her so that she would not end up in those kinds of trouble. 




Shaina was looking at how relieved and happy her employees were, she could not help but feel conflicted. 

She understood why these girls would care about one individual and care to do this much for her. 

In truth, Shaina also had these thoughts on her mind. 

She was one of those girls who ended up getting charmed by Kazue. 

She did not want to admit it but she is worried about that weird girl. 

Understanding this, Shaina sighed once again. 

She feels as if she was defeated and could only accept that she was too naïve. 

Ultimately, a smile appeared on her face. 



"Can't be helped… I guess I have to deduct this service on your payday…" <Shaina> 

She said as she wants to have some kind of revenge for the feeling of “loss” she felt moments ago. 

She wanted to at least have that “winning” feeling by teasing her employees. 

"Ehh?!" <Reno> 

"Eh?! Shaina-san?! Why?!" <Akemi> 

"That's cheap Shaina-san!" <Emika> 

Shaina giggled as she left the workshop. 






Kazue POV 





4 months have passed since I left the Imperial Capital and traveled south, to the country of Riles. 

During those times I experience a lot during my travels as an adventurer. 

I have encountered all kinds of monsters on the way and dealing with them became second nature to me. 

I became accustomed to living as a traveling adventurer and I can say that I am no longer a newbie adventurer. 

Now accustomed to life on the road that sleeping outdoors no longer discomfort me. 

I learned how to manage myself in terms of survival, money, and missions. 

Throughout my travel, I can say that I have grown a lot as an adventurer. 



During those times I've been through many adversities and I have seen and experienced all kinds of things related to being an adventurer. 

I completed many requests such as extermination, gathering, investigation, escort, hunting, and more variety of quests along the way. 

I experience entering a dungeon near the city of Luron. 

I've seen a boss fight up close and learned a lot of things. 

I encountered monsters that I could never dream of defeating as I am right now. 

I gained many new skills from the tortu… -ahem- tutelage of a talented female adventurer. 




I saw many interesting things on the way. 

I saw all kinds of scenery such as magical caves, floating islands, abandoned cities, ruins, and more. 

I've always wanted to see all these kinds of scenery in this world. 

Now, I was able to somehow do that with my trusted familiars. 

Well… to be honest, all this time I considered this whole adventuring thing as my solo "Field Trip". 

I enjoyed every moment of my travel 

Although I've been in so many situations that it would not be surprising if I died. 



Although I always make sure that I only travel by following the road. 

There are times when something on the road would pique my interest or time when I would encounter unexpected situations. 

I managed to survive all these unexpected encounters because I know my capabilities. 

Like they say in a popular saying... "When the going gets tough, LET'S GET GOING AND RUN AWAY!": by Kazue. 

I would not think twice to escape when I think I can't deal with a certain situation. 



For example, I once saw a carriage being attacked by bandits. 

I did not dare to help the carriage being attacked but rather I used them to make sure that I escape safely. 

Do I feel bad for leaving them you ask? 

Of course, I did feel bad, but I am not the kind of person who would risk my life to save people whom I don't even know. 

Well… I do know someone who would not think twice to save them despite all the danger. 

Who is that person you ask? 

Who else would it be?  

It's no other than the "Oh~ so honorable Hero, Hano Ryuusei". 



Speaking of the Hero and his party... 

I heard that they have been making their names by helping all kinds of people on their way toward the forest of life to get the holy sword. 

It seems that their party is constantly being faced with all kinds of dangers but as expected of the Hero and his party, they somehow manage to push through all these troubles. 

As a result, their achievement is being talked about by people all around the world. 




Some time ago, I managed to meet up with some of my classmates whom I have not met since the day I left the castles 3 days after being summoned. 

I met the group of Otaku boys who left the castle the same day I left. 

For some reason 1 of them is missing and it seems that something had happened between them. 

I guess that's none of my business. 

They don't like talking about it anyway so I did not push myself to ask about it. 

In the end, I end up partying with them since they have the same destination, like me, they are heading to Riles, in the capital city of Vestir. 

The reason they are going there is because of a female adventurer traveling with them. 



That person is a lady named Alicia Cliffe Azurearosi, I call her Miss Alicia. 

Miss Alicia is a beautiful lady. 

She is around the same age as us, but she has this mysterious "Mature" aura around her. 

She has a pleasing face that looked lively and had a docile feel to it. 

Despite that, her personality doesn't resemble her looks at all. 

She was feisty and a very prideful person. 

If I am to describe her personality by comparing her with some anime character troupes that I knew. 

She reminds me of the "Ojou-sama" character troupe. 

This also makes perfect sense as miss Alicia is a real-life Ojou-sama. 

Miss Alicia is a daughter of a high-ranking aristocrat of the Artesia Empire. 

According to the Otaku boys, miss Alicia is the daughter of a duke. 



To be honest I am not that informed about how they rank aristocrats but I do know that a Ducal house is up there in higher echelons. 

Well, it's not as if I am interested in such a matter so I just shrugged it off. 

What's important is that I am aware that miss Alicia is a very powerful individual. 

Not just politically but as a fighting force. 

I learned this after she asked me to spar with her shortly after we met. 

It reminded me of the time when I fought against Lavi Onee-chan in Luron's adventurer training grounds. 

I could not do a thing against her, she toyed with me as if I was a child. 

Seriously, I was no match against her. 

Thanks to her our journey was easy as no monster posed a threat to us in with miss Alicia around. 



we reached the top of the mountain. 

Normally standing here would be dangerous as we could be attacked by a monster called Wyverns. 

Wyverns are B-ranked monsters, a weaker subspecies of the A-rank monster "Dragons". 

If I were to describe wyverns, I would say that they are incomplete knock-offs of dragons. 

I may describe them as such but if I was to encounter one right now I would have a hard time dealing with it. 

Even with my familiars' help, I would have a hard time defeating a single one. 

Thankfully with miss Alicia here, wyverns would not be a problem. 

She is strong enough to deal with several Wyverns at once by herself. 

Thanks to her we managed to take a shorter route and passed over the mountain instead of going around it. 

It saved us 2 weeks of travel time. 

Soon we reached the mountain top. 



"Uwah…" <Kazue> 

I gasp as we reach the mountain top. 

We are welcomed by the scenery of the vast lands. 

"Oh, there it is the city of Vestir." <Daisetsu> 

Said one of the otaku boys Tsuchiya Daisetsu. 

We all looked in the direction where Daisetsu points his fat fingers. 

From where we're standing right now, we could see the entirety of the city. 

It looked very reminiscent of the cities found in Artesia. 



"So that's Riles' capital… whew… after all this time I finally reach my stop." <Kazue> 

At last... 

After over 4 months of travel, I finally reach my destination 

I could feel my body heat up from excitement and I could not wait to set foot inside the city. 

"Finally, a city… I can finally sleep in a proper bed…" <Alicia> 

Miss Alicia said in a tone that sounded like she was complaining. 

I nodded to her remark as I too wanted to sleep in a comfortable bed myself. 

"I would love to have a hot bath when we reach the city." <Yoshiaga> 

The boys are discussing things with each other. 

They also looked excited to reach the city. 



We all traveled toward the city of Riles. 

After 3 weeks of traveling with miss Alicia and the Otaku boys to reach our destination. 

Riles was within sight. 

As we were walking toward the city. 

"Come to think of it, I never asked for the reason why you guys are going to the city." <Kazue> 

I asked Yoshiaga. 

"Us? Our reason for going to Vestir… To be honest we don't have a reason. We are only following miss Alicia." <Yoshiaga> 

"Oh, is that so? I wonder what's miss Alicia's reason for going to Vestir?" <Kazue> 

"I wonder too." <Yoshiaga> 

We both looked at miss Alicia in wonder. 

But neither of us dared to ask her. 

Despite how docile miss Alicia may look, I know for a fact that she's a grumpy fellow. 

Once you annoyed her she would give you a verbal beating with her vile mouth. 



"If I remember right, you said that the reason why you are going to Riles is just to sightsee? am I right?" <Yoshiaga> 

"Well… you can say that, yeah..." <Kazue> 

I looked away to avoid making eye contact with Yoshiaga. 

[Well, I am here to see the saint and know more about "Oracles", but there's no way I'll tell you that.] 



Yes, the reason why I am going to Vestir was to somehow meet up with the saint of Riles. 

It is widely known that the Saint of Riles, Calm Estertale is the oracle of the goddess named Gaiah. 

I have been wanting to ask her about what being an "oracle" is all about. 

After all, I too have the title "Apprentice Oracle of the God of Judgement" 

The God of Judgement, Themis also gave me an odd quest called "Rites of Equinox". 

And it seems that after I manage to finish this odd test, I would eventually gain the title "Oracle of the God of Judgement" as stated in the test as a reward. 



[Does miss Calm also have this test before she became an oracle?] 

[Does becoming an oracle give you something of benefit other than becoming the focal point of a certain religion?] 

[What kind of life would a person have after becoming an Oracle?] 

[Can she communicate with her goddess the way I communicate with mine?] 

So many questions popped into my mind. 

As I was deep in thought thinking about what would possibly happen. 

What this title would do for me in the future. 

We finally reached the gates of the city. 

I could see the guard checking the baggage and the people getting in and out of the city. 

Although there are only a few people in the line it took some time for the guards to check each individual going in and out of the city. 

At first, I thought that this city has a very strict gate pass protocol. 

After getting inside the city, I notice that the atmosphere of the city was heavy. 

It was abnormal. 

The people seem tense and the road seems unlivable. 

I did not think about it too much for the time being. 



"Miss Alicia, Yoshiaga, Daisetsu and Naonobu. Thank you for all this time, but I will have to excuse myself and go separately from now on. Thank you for taking care of me." <Kazue> 

I bowed toward miss Alicia who is acting as the leader of our temporary party. 

The three weeks I've been with them have been nice. 

After traveling with only my familiars for over 3 months I was thankful that I became a part of their group for the past 3 weeks. 

It has been refreshing to have someone to talk to other than my familiars on the road. 



"Oh, so Kazue-san would be parting… that's sad." <Daisetsu> 

"I am sure we would see each other again somehow." <Naonobu> 

"It's been nice traveling with you Kazue-san. Thank you too for taking care of us" <Yoshiaga> 

The three boys gave a disappointed look but they also understood that it was time for us to go in separate ways. 

They cheerfully gave their bits of farewell. 



I looked at miss Alicia and she was looking at me with a sad smile. 

It was an affectionate smile and the gorgeous face she possesses only made me look at her in awe. 

[Wow, leaving her personality aside, miss Alicia is a beauty... Even I as a girl think that she's pretty.] 

She blinked once and the smile disappeared from her face. 

Her usual smug look appeared and started to say her last words before we depart. 

"Hmff, so Kazue-chan would part ways… well, just look for me if you have troubles, Just say my name if you encounter some problems." <Alicia> 

Once again miss Alicia said with a smug look on her face. 

As prideful and indirect as always. 

She was simply telling me to use her name if I encounter a problem. 

I am thankful for that but I would love it if there will not come a time when I would need to use her name for such a purpose. 



"Hahaha… that's a bit." <Kazue> 

"Oho-ho-ho-ho-ho. Don't mind it. I consider you as my little sister so there's no need for you to hold back." <Alicia> 

[Uwah… first it's Lavi one-chan now Miss Alicia. I wonder why those strong ladies want to be my older sister. Do I have that little sister's aura or something? Well… I do have an older sibling; I wonder if that is one of the reasons…] 



We said goodbyes and went in separate ways... 

Miss Alicia and the boys went to miss Alicia's family mansion in the city. 

I went toward the adventurer's guild and saw that there was a familiar-looking building right next to it. 

"Oh… isn't that building…" <Kazue> 

It reminded me of one particular building in the Imperial Capital. 

The building was built right next to the adventurer guild. 



There was an emblem hanging by the entrance of the building that only made her think that it was the same building. 

An emblem of a Sword, potion, and shield overlayed over each other. 

It was a symbol she became accustomed to seeing back in the imperial capital. 

The emblem hung at the building next to the adventurer's guild. 

The emblem of the most influential Merchant store, the Scale Atelier. 



As much as I was intrigued and wanted to visit the building of the Scale Atelier next to the adventurer's guild I decided to enter the adventurer's guild first. 

After all, if I wanted to buy something there, I will need money. 

I only have about 100,000 DAL with me and I doubt I could buy much with this amount of money. 

So, I wanted to submit all of the quests I manage to complete on my way here. 

Even when I was with Miss Alicia and the others during the three weeks we've been traveling together. 

I did not forget to take up some quests in the small villages we passed by on our way. 

After all, I still have a large debt to pay. 

Taking up the quest in the village became second nature to me. 

I even made sure to take up those request that pays handsomely. 

[I wonder how much did I earn this time.] 



When I entered the guild I immediately noticed something. 

I frowned. 

I found myself in a depressing atmosphere. 

The atmosphere was similar to that of the outside. 

In all the cities I've visited, there was something in common, all of the adventurer's guilds were lively and had an aura of liveliness in them. 

The free-spirited adventurers would create a lively atmosphere in the guild where ever I go. 

No noisy adventurer and no citizen were coming in and out of the guild. 

So, it was weird to see that the adventurer's guild was this gloomy. 

As a result, I became uncomfortable. 

I decided to ask why it was the case with the guild receptionist. 

As there was no line from the guild receptionist, I walked toward the guild receptionist and hand over the completed quest from my bag. 



Despite the gloomy atmosphere the guild receptionist still gave me a bright smile. 

It somehow lightens my mood. 

After all, the mood here was gloomy because there was no laughing adventurer around. 

Most of the people here had their heads down and were wary of their surroundings. 

It was as if they are on the edge and could not relax for one reason or another. 

"Good evening adventurer, how can I help you?" <Receptionist> 

Said the female cat-eared receptionist. 

"I would like to receive my reward from this quest please." <Kazue> 

[Hmnn, I haven't seen a catgirl since I passed by Triana... So there are catgirls in Riles too. As expected of the country of half-bloods. I wonder if this girl is also a half-blood?] 

I gave the receptionist while having these thoughts. 

I passed the finished request forms with my guild card and she took them from me with a smile. 



As the receptionist is evaluating the request I finished and was calculating my rewards. 

I took the initiative to ask about the atmosphere of the city. 

"Uhmm… miss receptionist…" <Kazue> 

I said in a probing tone toward the receptionist of the guild. 

"hmnn? Is there a matter miss adventurer?" <Receptionist> 

[Oh, she does not end her sentence with a "Nyaa"??? What's new... also it's disappointing...] 

I shook my head lightly and continued my query. 

I leaned toward the receptionist's table and spoke in a soft voice to not bother others. 

"Uh… I was wondering… why is this guild, no.. city… seemed to be … uh… gloomy?" <Kazue> 

I reluctantly ask the receptionist. 

The receptionist gave me a painful look and she showed the same gloomy look as the other people around. 

"Oh… that's… actually…" <Receptionist> 

"Actually???" <Kazue> 



"Misha…" <Guild Staff> 

Unfortunately, one of the staff of the guild called out to the receptionist to stop her from answering. 

"Ah… Ahaha... Sorry, but I can't answer that question… but you can easily find the answer if you ask around…" <Receptionist> 

The guild receptionist did not answer my question but from what she said to me, it seems that if I ask around, I would eventually know the reason for the gloomy atmosphere of the city. 

[I guess... they don't want to talk about this matter? Now I'm intrigued.] 

"… is that so… I Understand... " <Kazue> 

"Sorry…" <Receptionist> 

"No, it's fine." <Kazue> 

[I'll just ask others...] 



I stood there in silence as I wait for the receptionist to finish calculating my rewards. 

"You completed 5 D- Rank Quest, 21 E-rank Quest, and 18 F-rank Quest. Here is your reward miss adventurer. A total of 5,232,500 DAL." 

After hearing the amount I earned with all the requests I finished, a smile perked up my face. 

[Oh, that's quite an amount...] 

"Thank you, please leave 3,000,000 in my Guild account and the rest as coins please." <Kazue> 

"Okay, please wait a moment." <Receptionist> 

"…" <Kazue> 

"Here's 2,232,500 DAL thank you for your patience." <Receptionist> 

I received the reward and then bowed my head to the receptionist. 

I then left the adventurer's guild. 



Once I exit the adventurer's guild, I looked around once again. 

Now that I am properly observing the surrounding. 

I notice that compared to other cities I visit before, the people around the city were significantly fewer. 

Few stalls and few people are walking around the square. 

Despite being a City larger than Luron and Altus the population walking in the streets was much lesser. 

[Now that I think about it, this country was also called the "Country of Boundless Love". Just how could the capital of a country with such a title as "Country of Boundless Love" have such a gloomy atmosphere? If this is how this city normally looks like there's no way people would give it such a title. Yep, as I thought something weird is happening in the city...] 



There's something weird happening. 

I called for my familiar who was waiting for me outside of the guild building. 

As I was feeling uneasy with the city's atmosphere, I tried to calm myself by touching the fur of my cute familiars. 

My familiars who seems to have noticed this heavy tone of the city also did the same and snuggled up to me. 

"I wonder what's up…" <Kazue> 



As I was trying to ease myself, my eyes once again gravitated toward the building next door. 

I noticed the building next to the guild looked strikingly familiar. 

It was not the building in the Capital since there are some differences, but the building still felt like that of the Scale Atelier found in the Imperial capital. 

[Now that I think about it, I did hear from Shai that there is a Scale Atelier in every country's capital. Now that I think about it, Vestir is the capital of Riles so there is no surprise that there is one here. That building must be the Scale Atelier in this city] 

I walked toward the building. 



I walked around the building having in mind to buy some potions, food, and some useful tools I could use in my travels. 

As I was walking around, I saw the armor and weapon shop and it reminded me of some girl in the empire without much thought, I ended up entering the shop. 

I entered the weapon shop not expecting anything to happen but then... 

"Good afternoon, welcome." <Girl's Voice> 

What welcomed me was a familiar voice that I haven't heard for a while. 

"Eh…" <Kazue> 

"Oh…" <Girl's Voice> 



I looked left and right. 

I realized the interior of this shop did resemble the one I know in the imperial capital. 

"Eh?" <Kazue> 

"What's the problem? Did you forget who I am after traveling for 4 months?" <Girl's Voice> 

I was confused. 

I was seeing a figure of a person that I did not expect to meet in this place. 

It was so sudden and so out of the blue. 

The person standing in front of me was Shaina. 

The owner of the Shaina's Weapon and Armor Workshop in the Imperial Capital. 



"I am in Riles… right?" <Kazue> 

"Well, technically… yeah…" <Girl's Voice/Shaina> 

"I am in Riles… so… huh?" <Kazue> 

I rubbed my eyes and still the same figure was in front of me. 

It only made me more confused. 



"Eh???" <Kazue> 

"Fufufu, you seemed confused…" <Shaina> 

Shaina showed me a teasing grin. 

"But… You should be in the imperial capital right now…" <Kazue> 

My voice was a bit shaky as I was so confused about what was in front of my eyes. 

"Technically I am, but I am not also in Riles…" <Shaina> 

"Huh? I don't get it…" <Kazue> 

I became more confused as she said something that did not make sense. 

[Technically she is, but she is not? What does that mean?] 



"Fufufu, Did you forget? The scale atelier has this special magic that allows their stores to connect from other places and spaces far away. Technically I am in the imperial capital but I made it so that this shop is connected to the Scale Atelier in Riles." <Shaina> 

"Eh? You can do that?" <Kazue> 

"Oh, you didn't know…? Ah, come to think of it I never connected my shop to the other branches of the scale atelier for quite some time. No wonder you did not know." <Shaina> 

"Eh…" <Kazue> 

[Now that I think about it, yeah... I do remember that such a thing does exist. It did happen to me some time ago in the potion shop in Luron. Also, I am aware that some of the shops in the atelier were connected via space magic.] 

Finally, I can somehow get what was happening. 

"fufufu, I was expecting you to be surprised you met me here but your reaction is much better than I anticipated it to be. it was worth the wait... fufufu." <Shaina> 

"Waiting for me?" <Kazue> 

"Yep, these girls have something to tell you… RENO! AKEMI! EMIKA! She's here!" 



All of a sudden the door located behind Shaina's counter opened and three girls appeared from there. 

It was Reno, Akemi, and Emika. 

"Kazue-chan!" <Emika> 

As soon as the door opened, a petite-looking girl jumped at me. 

"Eh??? Emika?" <Kazue> 

My mind can't keep up with what I was seeing, the people whom I did not expect to meet here are now in front of me. 

All this time I was expecting not to see their faces for a longer time. 

But now that I can see them, it felt like I was dreaming. 



[Wait? Does this mean that I did not need to travel for four months if I only asked Shaina to let me use this feature of her shop and just transport me to Riles directly?] 

[Then, It would have been faster If I just used her shop to somehow teleport from the Imperial capital to Riles right?] 

 "Eh Kazue? why are you glaring at me all of a sudden?" <Shaina> 







Author Note: 

hi, ya there! 

I'm back, I continued writing again last Monday but it seems that my pace had slowed down. 

Anyway, I spend those 2 days writing and editing this chapter! 

I will try my best to update every 2-3 days since at the moment I have finished all my work for the near future. 

Well, I will be slowing the update speed whenever I get busy with my work. 



And as promised I will be changing the cover page starting the next chapter. 

I hope you won't get confused after I change our Cover pic starting next chapter Kay. 

Here's the new Cover 


Conflict in Riles Arc

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