God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 95: A Worried Friend and Beginning of a Warfare

Narrator POV 






With a still-redden face, Aaron patted Calm on the back to call for her attention. 

Seeing that the people gathered here had been watching them hugging passionately made him unable to look at the faces of the people watching them. 

"Calm-sama" <Aaron> 

He called for Calm's name once again. 

This time Calm finally lifted her head away from Aaron's chest and looked at him. 

Calm saw the reddened face of her guard knight and realized her action. 

She blushed. 

"I-i-i-i... I'M SORRY!!!" <Calm> 



"Gosh~ what was I doing just now." <Calm> 

She held her face between her two hands. 

She tried to cover her hot red face out of embarrassment. 

But, there was a satisfied smile behind it. 

"Hmmnn..." <Kazue> 



Calm shook her head and finally, she came to her senses. 

She turned her face away from Aaron and released the tight grip of her hands around Aaron's body. 

Upon turning her head, her face turned in the direction of Mizusawa Kazue. 

Kazue, who saw Calm turn her gaze to her showed her a large smile. 

No one could misinterpret what that smile means, it was a teasing smile directed at Calm... 

Calm's eyes opened wide and in the next moment, her face  

"Calm... I am happy for you..." <Kazue> 



"This is!... It's not what you think!" <Calm> 

She pushed Aaron away and acted as if no one saw what just happened. 

"Hmnn??" <Kazue> 

Kazue feinted ignorance of what Calm wanted to say. 

She continued to smile at her. 

"I..." <Calm> 

"Hmnn?" <Kazue> 

"Mou~ Stop teasing me." <Calm> 

"I still have not said anything tho..." <Kazue> 

"You know what I mean." <Calm> 

"fufufu" <Kazue> 

[So cute...] <Kazue> 



Kazue shrugged at Calm. 

She decided to not tease Calm for the moment as the situation did not allow them to waste a lot of time on such antics. 

"Anyway... I assume that this gentleman over is Sir Aaron?"  <Kazue> 

"Y-yes..." <Aaron> 




Kazue let out a sigh of relief. 

She knew that Aaron was a reliable ally. 

With Aaron being here, the odds of them protecting the saint had just risen significantly. 

At the same time, Argent was also present there with them. 

Despite the absence of Miss Alicia and the refusal of Shino, Kazue thought that with the people gathered here right now, they would be able to protect the saint without much problem. 

Her stress level significantly lowered after recognizing that fact. 

Thus she sighed. 



*note: "Ei" is pronounced like the letter "A". Calm is calling Aaron by his nickname "Ei".* 



"Ei, listen, that person over there is the person who saved my life. Her name is Mizusawa Kazue." <Calm> 

"Oh, is that true...?!" <Aaron> 

Aaron stood up right away and walked toward Kazue. 

He bowed his body forming a 45-degree angle. 

"I am deeply thankful to you for your help, for saving Calm-sama. I owe you a lot, if there is something I could do for you please... tell me! I will try my best to repay your kindness." <Aaron> 



Kazue has rarely received such thanks from others before. 

She was taken aback seeing Aaron's thanks. 

"It's Okay... I..." <Kazue> 

"No, please ask me for anything! If it's not for you, the saint might have died. So please..." <Aaron> 

Aaron insisted. 

"Even if you tell me that..." <Kazue> 

"..." <Aaron> 

Aaron remained unmoving. 

He was bowing toward Kazue. 

From how it looks it seems that Aaron would not allow Kazue to refuse his offer to repay her. 

"Uhgg... Well, I will think about it, for now, let's work together to protect Calm." <Kazue> 

"Thank you very much, I will never forget about this." <Aaron> 

"Aha...ha..." <Kazue> 

Kazue could not help but look at Aaron with a troubled face. 



The safety of the saint is almost assured. 

Kazue told about the situation to the new members of the group. 

She also used this opportunity to ask Argent who just returned from his private talk with the lady of the mansion, Miss Alicia. 

With not much talk, Argent agreed to protect the saint. 

Argent simply listened without saying any words. 

He just accepted everything as is and promised to help Kazue to the best he could. 



Meanwhile, Aaron listened seriously and asked several questions about many things. 

He was trying his best to help think of a way to protect the saint. 

Everyone could see that he was eager to protect Calm at all costs. 

He was carefully thinking about the situation and was trying his best to think of a plan. 



They deliberated on the plan once again. 

Before anyone could have noticed it, the sun was about to set. 

If not for magical lanterns turning on all around them, no one would have noticed that the sun was about to fall. 

Since they already discussed the plan it seems that all things were clear to all the members present there. 

At last, they could relax for a bit and went to talk more about more casual topics. 



Aaron said toward Calm who was cheerfully telling Aaron about how the past days had been for her. 

She talked about what happened after she got teleported by the "Angel Wing" Aaron gave her that day. 

She also talked about how she met Kazue and how she protected her. 

She talked about the memorable things she experienced while being protected by Kazue for this past week. 

Aaron listened to all of this with a gentle smile on his face. 

His eyes were oozing with happiness seeing the saint being alive and well. 



All of a sudden, Aaron's warm gaze stopped and he looked the other way. 

He tried his best to not look at Calm as she talked. 

Calm noticed this and asked Aaron. 

For some reason, Aaron could not look Calm in the eye. 

No, he could not look at Calm at all. 

Calm noticed this sudden change in attitude from Aaron and asked him for the reason. 

"Hmnn? What's wrong Ei?" <Calm> 

"Oh, no... Uhmm... Calm-sama... I've been wanting to ask you about something." <Aaron> 

His face was beet red and could not look at Calm at all. 

"What is it Ei?" <Calm> 

"It's just that... err..." <Aaron> 

"???, what's wrong?" <Calm> 

Calm leaned closer to Aaron asking what was wrong. 

Aaron refused to look at Calm. 

His face became redder than before. 



"It's..." <Aaron> 

"Hmnn?" <Calm> 

"Your clothes..." <Aaron> 

"Huh? Clothes?" <Calm> 

Aaron looked at the ceiling to avoid looking at Calm, still his face was red. 

Calm looked down at her body. 

Her eyes widen realizing what Aaron meant. 

This time Calm was the one whose face turned red. 



Calm in thief clothes



Kazue on the other hand was watching the two. 

She had been wondering when they noticed this but having to see how they react almost made her laugh hard. 

Yes, the reason why Aaron could not look at Calm was because of her clothes. 

Normally, Calm should be wearing a pure white robe that emphasizes Calm's "holy" vibe. 

This time around, Calm was wearing clothes that a female adventurer would often wear. 

It was not just any adventurer kind of clothing, she was wearing clothes that most female adventurers with the "Thief" job would wear. 

These kinds of clothes were very revealing and were exposing a lot of Calm's bare skin. 

She was wearing a tank top-like shirt and shorts that barely covered her smooth flawless legs. 

It was nothing like the usual clothes she wore in the temple. 

Her hair was also cut short, although it was still considered long as her fluffy blonde hair tied in a ponytail still reached down to her waist. 

To those who see the saint who wears conservative clothes all the time, the clothes she was wearing now would come as shocking, as it was revealing and too inappropriate for a saint to wear. 

Which is why Kazue was satisfied. 

This was one of the reasons why she wanted Calm to wear such clothes. 

Seeing the reaction on Aaron and Calm's faces, she could not help but smile. 



As Kazue sees Aaron's reaction to this, she is very satisfied with her work. 

She mentally pats her shoulder and compliments herself for creating such a masterpiece. 

Wanting to share this accomplishment with someone, she turned around and looked for a person. 

Someone who could understand why she felt so proud of herself. 

She looked around... 

"Huh?" <Kazue> 

Kazue then realized something. 

[Where is Rio?] 



A cold realization struck Kazue. 

[This is weird, we promised to come back before it gets dark. It's already dark outside but she's still not here...] 

Kazue became very worried about her friend. 

In the hope that she might have missed Rio for some reason, she voiced her thoughts to the group. 

"Hey, has anyone of you know where Rio went." <Kazue> 

After asking this question. 

Everyone looked at the surroundings and could not find Rio in sight. 

Everyone realized that Rio was missing. 

The other members of the group began to get worried as well. 

Unfortunately, no one knows where Rio is at the moment. 



After confirming that no one in the group had seen Rio since they parted ways in the morning, Kazue remembers how weird she acted since yesterday. 

She became even more worried. 

"Rio..." <Kazue> 

Many possibilities were formulated within Kazue's head. 

[Did she get lost?] 

[Did she get into trouble with our enemies?] 

[Am I overreacting and she's simply late to return here?] 



Thinking that things were Okay, Kazue and the group waited for Rio. 

They waited for a while. 

The Sun had completely faded and darkness filled the city. 

As time passed the more worried Kazue became for her friend. 

She waited patiently but Rio was nowhere to be found. 

They soon realized that something was wrong. 



Another hour had passed. 

It was already late in the evening and Kazue's worries just kept on increasing as the time passed. 

While Calm Eastertale is being kept safe in the mansion. 

The otaku boys, her wolf familiars, Yuma and Coco, Nikko and his sword,  and the people of the Azurearozi are all present to protect the saint. 

Two people were present who are far more powerful than Kazue herself, Aaron Van Zelle and Argent. 

With them being there in the mansion to protect Calm there is nothing to worry about. 

Yes, there was nothing to worry about since Calm is safer than she has ever been for the past week. 

Kazue had done well to gather people to protect Calm. 



But then... 

The reason why Kazue was worried is not because of Calm. 

It was because of another person. 

It was because of her close friend. 

Ota Rio, one of the people who should be protecting Calm at the moment has yet to return to the mansion. 

Earlier this morning, Rio together with Kazue, Yuma, Coco, and Nikko went out to gather information in the city. 

They have decided that all of them must return to the mansion before dusk and yet, Rio has yet to return to the mansion. 



It's been a long time since the sun had gone down. 

Rio should have returned to the mansion hours earlier. 

This only caused Kazue and the others to be worried for her safety. 

At this point, Kazue wanted to search for Rio and move out to find her. 

She had insisted on going out and looking for Rio but Calm and the others stopped her from doing so. 

If not for the people who stopped her by literally grabbing her and forcing her to sit down, she would have left and looked for Rio herself. 

It was too dangerous for Kazue to look for Rio. 



They understood that Kazue was worried for her friend who still had not shown herself. 

After all, compared to the others in this room, Rio was arguably the closest person to Kazue. 

Kazue's classmates knew that she and Rio were close friends. 

Even back in their world, they would often see the two hang out from time to time. 

Aside from Chiho, Rio must be the person Kazue was closest to within the class back in their world. 

Thus, it was no surprise that Kazue was especially worried about Rio. 



The others saw how Kazue reacted as she had yet to return. 

It was the first time they had ever seen Kazue be this emotional. 

To her former classmates, this side of Kazue was something they had never seen before. 

They see Kazue as the "calm, cool, and collected" type of person. 

They did not expect her to be the type who would act like this. 

Despite not showing emotion in her facial expression, her actions say as much. 

She was distraught. 

She had been pacing around the room where they were and would even attempt to leave. 

Of course, the group would stop her from leaving. 



If it was true that Rio had been captured or was discovered by their enemies, then the more dangerous it would be for any of them to look for Rio. 

If Rio has been compromised by the enemies, then there is a big possibility that they would come after Calm next. 

If they try to leave and search for Rio, the enemies might use this opportunity to assassinate the saint. 

If that were the case, it would be a bad idea to leave Calm. 

The more people protecting her, the safer she would be. 

It was best for them to stay inside the mansion. 



Aaron had already contacted Lark who was in the out looking for Calm. 

Using a spherical magic crystal, he was able to contact Lark and his men who were still searching for Calm in the forest outside the city. 

Like this, he was able to inform the good news to his men. 

With that, Aaron was able to inform his men and asked them to join him in the Azurearozi Mansion. 

At the moment, Lark and Aaron's most trusted people are on their way to the mansion. 

Thanks to this more people will come to protect Calm. 



After some time, Kazue stood up again and walked toward the door in a hurry. 

"I should go out and look for her after all..." <Kazue> 

Kazue reached out for the door's handle and attempted to head out. 

At that moment, Argent grabbed Kazue's free arm to stop her. 

"Argent-sempai... please let me go." <Kazue> 

"No. It's too dangerous." <Argent> 

"But... Rio may be in danger, I need to find her." <Kazue> 

"I understand but, No. You are not in the state of mind to leave and look for your friend. At this rate, you might get yourself in trouble." <Argent> 



"Kazue-chan..." <Calm>  

Calm Eastertale looked at Kazue with a pained face. 

It was as if she was begging Kazue not to go. 

Calm is not saying a word to stop Kazue but it was clear just looking at her facial expression that she did not want Kazue to go. 

At the same time, she never said a word to stop her either. 

Instead, Aaron, Yuma, Argent, and Condrad all stopped her. 



Argent continued to convince Kazue to stay. 

"Even if you go out now, you don't have an Idea where to look for her." <Argent> 

"I know that but it is better than just waiting here doing nothing." <Kazue> 

"No, it's too dangerous. At least wait for Aaron's men to arrive." <Argent> 

"Even so! I am the one who involved her in this mess, I need to do something..." <Kazue>  

Kazue words her honest thoughts. 

Kazue was determined to look for her friend. 

The others also begged Kazue to keep her calm and stay put. 

Even after hearing all the reasons and please why she should not go, she still wanted to go. 

Her mind was fixated on finding her friend thus all her reasoning was clouded. 

All of them could see that she was not in the right state of mind to go. 

Thus, they understood that it would be dangerous for her to leave. 

"Even so! I don't want to just sit here and wait. I need to look for her at the very least." <Kazue> 

Kazue was uncharacteristically emotional. 



This time, the butler voices out his words. 

"Kazue-sama, please calm down. We have sent people looking for Rio-sama at the moment, please be more patient." <Condrad> 

"No, I need to look for her, please let me do it!" <Kazue> 

Kazue begged. 



Calm walked next to Kazue. 

She grabbed Kazue's hands with her soft hands. 

It was shaking. 

"Kazue... please..." <Calm> 

Kazue turned toward the girl who took her hands. 

The two linked gazes... 

Calm looked at Kazue with begging eyes. 

"Kazue-chan..." <Calm> 

Kazue's eyes shook seeing Calm's worried face toward her. 

Kazue bit on her lips so hard that they started to bleed. 

She realized how worried Calm was. 



The reason why Kazue was acting like this was because she was feeling guilty. 

Kazue understood that Calm was feeling the same guilt she was feeling at the moment. 

[Calm must be blaming herself.] 

Kazue felt guilty for getting Rio involved with her problem. 

Calm was feeling the same. 

She was the one who originally involved Kazue with her problem. 

Like Kazue, Calm felt guilty for getting others involved in her problems. 

She understood what Kazue was feeling as she also felt the same. 

Seeing Kazue acting like this only made her feel more guilty. 



Kazue understood this. 

That is why she was able to appease Kazue who was feeling guilty for getting Rio involved. 

Soon Kazue gave up and released her grip on the door, at the same time Argent released her arm as well. 

She then kicked the door lightly and walked away from the door to sit on the floor at the corner of the room. 



Calm walked toward Kazue and sat beside her. 

"Heal..." <Calm> 

She used her skill (Heal) to heal Kazue's bleeding lips. 

"Kazue... I am sorry..." <Calm> 

Kazue shook her head while looking down without looking at Calm. 

Kazue collects her thoughts. 




Kazue understood what they were trying to say to her. 

She also knew that even if she went out now, there was not much she could do to find Rio. 

She understood why they were trying to stop her. 

She knew that there were already people looking for Rio as well. 

It was just she was feeling guilty since she was the one who dragged Rio into this. 

She felt responsible for Rio's safety and she wanted to do something about it herself. 

"If something happens to Rio... I..." <Kazue> 



Out of nowhere... 




A loud explosion reverberated from outside. 

It was a loud that coming from quite far away but it was clear that something happened. 

"What was that?" <Nikko> 

They peered out of the window of the mansion to look at what was happening outside. 

They saw smoke and crimson-colored lights from afar. 

Several pillars of flames coming from small explosions glowed from a distance. 



"What is happening outside?" <Nikko> 

"This doesn't look good..." <Daisetsu> 

At the next moment, a panicking knock sounded at the door. 

"Sir Condrad! It's bad!" <Servant> 

A servant opened the door and was in a panic. 

Condrad went forward and asked his servant to explain what was happening. 

"Tell me what happened." <Condrad> 

Condrad asked the servant who knocked at the door with such urgency. 

"Sir, there are people who are trying to get in, the place is under attack!" <Servant> 

"I see..." <Condrad> 

He paused for a while to think before saying his reply. 

"Just as we planned, tell all the non-combatants to Evacuate all at once. Gather all the mansion guards at once!" <Condrad> 

"Y-yes sir!" <Sevant> 

The servant stood tall and ran back to the mansion to do as Condrad ordered. 



Condrad turned around and faced the group. 

He did not need to say a word, All of them knew that they were being attacked. 

Condrad walked toward the window and threw a crystal-like object into the sky. 

A strong flash of light burst from the crystal as it remained in the air for several seconds. 

It seemed to be some kind of tool to alert all of the people of the mansion under such a situation. 



The next moment, the place became busy. 

The people of the mansion moved in a systematic order. 

It seems that there was a premeditated plan to be taken when such a problem arose. 

The servants knew what to do, no one needed to tell them how to act. The non-fighting workers all escaped as they were being escorted by several guards. 

Meanwhile, most guards gathered toward the entrance of the mansion. 

The people of this mansion were well prepared and none of them panicked. 

There was tension in their faces but they acted calmly and coordinately. 

They were able to assess the situation and acted accordingly. 

All of the non-combatant workers such as the gardeners, maids, and other man servants moved to a safe place where the guards could protect them. 

They headed toward the exits while being escorted by talented guards. 



The sound of swords clashing can be heard from afar. 

The guards protecting the mansion are trying to hold off the attackers and are fighting them outside the mansion. 

It looked like the guards of the mansion could somehow hold themselves on their own. 

At the moment there are no enemies who managed to get inside the mansion. 



Not long after the commotion happens outside. 

Two servants entered the room. 

"Ah.. they're here." <Condrad> 

Condrad said seeing the two servants enter the room. 

He introduced the two servants to the group. 

He introduced them as "guides" to help them escape. 

"Guides?" <Yuma> 

Yuma asked. 

Instead of answering Yuma, Condrad walked toward the bookshelf in the room and pushed a book. 

Right after that, a hidden door appeared from one of the large paintings in the room. 

Behind that painting was a staircase heading underground. 



The group was amazed at the hidden passage to appear. 

The other worlders in the room such as Kazue, Nikko, Yuma, and the otaku boys were all amazed by the sight. 

They thought that hidden passageways within a mansion only existed in fictional stories. 

To see such a mechanism existed there, they were amazed. 

They were not expecting such a mechanism hiding within the mansion's walls. 



Meanwhile, Coco, Calm, and the others looked more surprised than the other worlders. 

It seems that to them this idea of a hidden passageway is ingenious. 

It never crossed their minds that such a thing even existed, to begin with. 

They thought that having a such hidden mechanism in a mansion was something only geniuses would think of. 

Thus they were in awe. 



The butler presented them with the entrance of the passage with a proud smile. 

"Everyone please, get inside. That is an escape route that leads underground. It is a secret escape passage that will lead you outside of the city. We will try to slow them down here as long as we can." <Condrad> 

Condrad stepped aside and pointed them to use the hidden passages. 

He made some gestures to the other servants and they headed down to seemingly lead the way for them. 



"Wait! We can't just leave you all behind like this!" <Calm> 

Calm said this as she felt sorry for making the guards of the mansion deal with the dangerous assassins who were after her. 

"Hahaha, don't worry we are more than capable of dealing with the assassins, Do not underestimate the power of the Azurearozi. I'm not one to brag but I was once a B-rank adventurer myself when I was younger. Plus, the guards working for the mansions are well trained as well." <Condrad> 

Condrad pulled a dagger out of nowhere. 

He was ready for battle and the aura of confidence could be felt behind his words. 

"As a faithful servant of this mansion, I could not let my coworkers work while I hid. Plus, as the manager of this place, I am responsible for keeping them safe." <Condrad> 

Condrad said with a smile. 

Kazue and the girls thought that this dandy old man looked cool and handsome at that moment. 

It seems that Condrad himself will be heading out to fight the intruders. 

Everyone understood at once that Condrad never intended to follow them. 

It was within their plan for Condrad to lead the guards into battle. 



"If that is the case... I will also stay here for a while." <Argent> 

Argent walked toward Condrad. 

"Argent-sempai?" <Kazue> 

"Don't worry I will follow you all once I finish helping these guys. I owe the young lady of this house, I can't have her hate me later knowing that I left her people here." <Argent> 

Argent walked beside Condrad. 

At the same time, Argent and Aaron looked at each other for a moment and seemed to have a common understanding. 

It was as if Argent was telling Aaron, "Keep them safe while I am gone, I will follow soon.". 

Aaron just nods at Argent and leads everyone to the hidden passageway. 

Kazue looked at Argent for the last time. 

"Everyone! We should go!" <Aaron> 



"What...  Don't worry, I will make sure to wipe all of the enemies here with the guards. I will follow you guys after we deal with the enemies here. Go now, I'll make sure that I follow you all later." <Argent> 

Kazue knew how strong Argent was. 

After all, she watched him defeat hordes of undead in one swoop a long time ago. 

With Argent assuring her of their victory, she became confident that they would be fine. 

"Okay..." <Kazue> 

[With Argent sempai being here, the casualties within the guards will be lessened.] 

All she could do was bow at Argent to show her sincere thanks to him. 

"Go now~" <Argent> 

He said as he signaled them with a shooing gesture. 



They entered and descended into the hidden passage. 





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