God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 96: The Situation in Vestir and A Skilless Activity

Narrator POV 







Kazue, together with Calm, Aaron, Nikko, Yuma, Coco, Daisetsu, Naonobu, Yoshiaga, her three wolf familiars, and 2 servants of the Azurearozi entered the secret underground passageway hidden under the Azurearozi mansion. 



Meanwhile, Argent stayed behind with Condrad inside the mansion. 

The hidden entrance of the hidden passageway closed separating the two groups. 

The wall returned to normal leaving no trace that a secret passageway was hidden there. 

The painting covered the passageway perfectly like it had never been there before. 

Argent and Condrad silently waited till the path was completely hidden once again. 

They both stayed here to help defend the mansion as they escaped. 



Seeing the group disappear, Argent shook his head as he turned around. 

"Seriously... that girl is a handful as always." <Argent> 

He silently muttered to himself thinking about Kazue. 

"Shall we go now?" <Argent> 

"I am grateful for your help sir Argent." <Condrad> 

"Don't mention it. As I said before, I still owe the lady of the house a lot, helping her with disposing of trespassers is the very least I could do. Consider this as a little thanks for her help." <Argent> 

"I am pleased to hear that." <Condrad> 

The two headed out to deal with the intruders. 





Things were happening so fast that Kazue almost forgot her worries about her missing friend as things became like this in such a short time. 

There was almost no time to think. 

The underground was like a labyrinth. 

If one did not know the way, they could easily lose their way. 

The pathways of the secret escape route were quite tricky. 

It was obvious that this escape route was made to prevent pursuers from catching up with them even if they found the secret passage. 

As they were walking with the servants, they explained the details of the plan that the people of the mansion prepared. 



The plan was... 

While Kazue and their group escape using this hidden passage, the people of the mansion will create a diversion by having one of the servants disguise herself as the saint. 

That diversion group will then lure as many pursuers with them. 

Then the diversion group will launch a counter ambush on the Assassins pursuing them. 

It is to be said that, the disguised servant herself is a capable fighter. 

Condrad will be coming with the diversion group to make it more believable for the assassins that the saint is actually with the diversion group. 

After all, Condrad is a significant figure amongst the people of the mansion. 

Condrad being there will attract more assassins to believe that the saint is with the diversion group. 

As things are how it was right now, things are going well. 






Capital city of Riles, Vestir. 



Just as planned, in the middle of the night, the nobles who were supporting Ecclesia released monsters in the middle of the city. 



In the city, many nobles have been running illegal businesses. 

Black markets are not that uncommon, especially in this world. 

It is where shady influential people with money and power would love to go to visit and spend their wealth. 

This kind of black market is present in almost all of the major cities in this world. 

It is because Most of the time these black markets are being run by nobles themselves. 



The black market in Riles auctions many things. 

One of those things auctioned in the black market are monsters captured by adventurers and mercenaries. 

The smuggling of rare and powerful monsters is popular with the nobles who love to buy these monsters as part of their collection. 

People of power buy these monsters for collection and bragging rights. 

It was like purchasing an illegal exotic rare pet to brag to their peers. 

Thus as a result those nobles have monsters hidden within their homes. 

Most of the nobles who were conspiring with Ecclesia were involved in this business. 

Those shady nobles who were secretly supporting Ecclesia used these monsters to help them create chaos in the city. 

They all released them all at once to cause this mess. 

Thus, the Assassins who knew that the saint was hiding in the Azurearozi mansion used this disorder to eradicate the saint. 



In the middle of this chaos, no soldiers will be able to assist the Azurearozi mansion in this situation. 

The soldiers will be busy protecting the citizens while dealing with the rampaging monsters in the city. 

The nobles made sure to release them simultaneously and in different places so that the mess that these monsters would cause would be harder to deal with. 

As a result, flames engulfed the city from all over. 

Some are released in residential areas. 

Some were released into the heart of the city. 

Some are released in the high-class areas where many nobles live. 

There were even monsters released in the slums. 

They were all around the city and were causing a lot of havoc. 



"Call the guards!" 

"Contact the city guards!" 

"Call for backup!" 


Cries echoed within the city. 

Flames were raised everywhere. 





Vestir Royal Palace. 



The king of Riles is having a serious discussion with his most trusted people. 

They are talking while sitting in a room. 

They were discussing top-secret information with the leaders of this Kingdom. 

As they were about to wrap up the meeting, a sudden bang on the door was heard. 

-bang- -bang- -bang-  



To the king and the people inside the room, this sound has a secret meaning. 

Having heard a loud knock 3 times means that the person behind the door is going to report something very important. 

Normally, these doors should not be opened unless something big happened outside. 

These loud knocks are like a secret passcode that would allow them to open the heavily guarded door. 

The Royal guards who are guarding the door exchanged looks with the king and the other high-ranking people within the room as if asking if they could open the door. 

Vine Magistus, the king of Riles nodded at the royal guards as confirmation that they could open the doors. 



"Emergency!" <Messanger> 

A guard wearing full-plated armor suddenly entered the room. 

It was one of the messenger guards working in the castle. 

He is another one of the most trusted people of the king. 

He was in a rush and needed to deliver a piece of urgent news. 

"You may speak." <Vine/ King of Riles> 

Vine commands the messenger to speak. 



"There is a big chaos happening within the city. Monsters are rampaging everywhere and the people of the city are being attacked! There are also reports that there are groups of people helping those monsters to wreak havoc within the city!" <Messanger> 

The king calmly listened to the report. 

Indeed, if this news were true it was worthy to hear this news. 

They could not leave such a big matter unchecked. 



The king went silent for a moment. 

He quickly thought of what to do, many things ran in his mind while thinking of a way to deal with the problem. 

"..." <Vine> 

"Our king... what should we do." <General> 

Asked one of the half-devil kin sitting alongside the king within the room. 

He seemed to be a General working for the king and the other big shots of the kingdom. 

"Deploy all the guards within the castle! Ask the royal guards to guard the castle and deploy soldiers to the city and help our people." <Vine> 



Deploying the Royal guards within the castle means that the defenses of the castle will be reduced significantly. 

The Royal guards are the elite guards of the kingdom who directly work under the king's orders. 

They are all elite fighters who can go toe to toe against a B-rank adventurer or even stronger. 



Still, the monsters in Vestir are not the biggest problem the king is dealing with at the moment. 

There is a bigger problem than the monsters in the city. 

The King's castle was already on full alert after the monsters had started appearing in the city. 

As the messenger had reported, the king of Riles has more problems to deal with than those monsters. 

Outside the city, a large army of Ecclesia Inquisitors is rallying to invade Vestir. 

Their goal is to raise the city to the ground and kill everyone within it. 



Earlier today. 

There is a report about a large group of people marching towards the city. 

This is why, the king and his trusted people are all gathered in this room. 

They are planning how to deal with the army of Ecclesia's forces marching to Vestir. 

"My king,  At the moment General Koccur is currently intercepting those people, but... there is a high chance that the encounter will end up in a battle." <Messanger> 

"I see... what about the adventurer's guild." <Vine> 

"Some of them went with General Koccur and some are helping with the monsters rampaging within the city." <Messanger> 

Vine nods at the messenger. 

"I understand..." <Vine> 



"Why now of all times, did they know that sir Svencity is currently unavailable that they decided to take advantage of the situation?" <Vine> 

He whispered to himself. 

A man went next to the king and whispered something to the ear of Vine, this person was the king's most trusted advisor. 

"My King, I don't think that is the case, The information about Sir Svencity leaving the city is a piece of top-secret information. Only the top leaders knew about his situation." <King's Adviser> 

"Still, the timing is too perfect. If it's not because of that then what could be the reason why this happened all of a sudden?" <Vine> 

"My king, I also received a report that our spies within the Assassin's Order did not come back. I think something happened within their side."  

"Assassin's order... if it's the Assassin's order then..." <Vine> 

"Yes, my king... It's about the Saint..." <King's Adviser> 

The king nods to his adviser. 



"Investigate the matters quickly, we need information. The meeting will be postponed until we solve this problem, Everyone back to your stations!" <Vine> 

The King ordered the people within the room. 

Right away they left the room and went to their respective stations. 

Many of the high-ranking officials who are still busy with all kind of work from all of the things discussed in the Noble Summit that happened a few days back was informed of the situation. 

Before the messenger entered to tell the bad news, the people inside the room were busy talking about the things discussed during the Noble Summit and the marching army. 



Another messenger entered the throne room to report more news. 

"Sir, we have confirmation, The army marching toward the city are all members of the Ecclesia Inquisitors." <Messanger> 

"As expected... those rascals... they did it. The monsters in the city must be their doing." <Vine> 



Amid this chaos created by the rampaging monsters in the city. 

The masterminds behind the attacks have decided to reveal their real intention. 

The nobles who aim to destroy the country of Riles are the ones who released the monsters who had started their revolution. 

Ecclesia also decided to reveal themselves and moved forward. 

They gathered all of their people and formed an army to attack Vestir. 

After all, it was the perfect time for them to attack. 

Their task was not to win, there are all there to die with their belief. 



The Country of Riles, the capital city Vestir. 

A city that is popular for creating bonds. 

It was normal to create all kinds of bonds between Humans and demi-humans. 

To their eyes, this city was so disgusting that it needed to be wiped off the map. 

Killing the saint was just another purpose of this attack. 

They planned this attack long before the attempted assassination of the saint. 

The assassination of the saint was just a part of this plan. 

The grand plan to destroy the city of Vestir. 

They were supposed to attack later but, this opportunity created by the nobles who were conspiring with them created this window for them to act. 



The members of Ecclesia who already infiltrated the city beforehand started their assault. 

They targeted people, the "demi-humans" and started killing them as they spotted them. 

Some of these Ecclesia members even disguised themselves as tourist, adventurers, or merchants. 

Their goal was to kill as many as they could and destroy the city as much as they could. 

It was not a sugarcoat to call their actions acts of terrorism. 



Their original plan was to attack the city after the saint was dead. 

But since the assassination of the saint failed, they needed to tweak their plans. 

Once all discussion was done within their ranks they decided to further cause chaos while monsters, the members of the assassin order, and members of Ecclesia who already infiltrated the city attacked all at once. 


Within the city, there were not just monsters who were causing trouble, there were also assassins, and the members of Ecclesia causing all of the destruction within the city. 





In the city. 



Two-thirds of the Assassin Order was signed to either attack the Mansion with the Ecclesia members or help cause chaos in the city. 

One-third of the Assassin Order was on standby ready to do as things went by. 

"As expected the saint is moving away from the mansion." <Inquisitor> 

A member of the group who was wearing the Inquisitor uniform said. 

"I see." <Razor> 

The cold voice of Razor seemed to have expected that the saint would be able to escape the mansion. 

He was aware that the people of the mansion were well-prepared for the attack. 

He was using his advantage of having a person who could track the saint using his unique skill (Bloodseeker) to locate the saint. 

The escaping saint as well as the people guarding her does not know that escaping using the secret passage means nothing to him. 

Wherever they go, he could track them using his skill. 

Now, all they need to do is to ambush these people after they reach the exit of the hidden passageway. 



Rio was aware of the fact that there was a member within the Order who could track them using the just blood. 

Rio is also aware that the blood they are tracking is from Kazue. 

She was able to know this as Kazue herself told the story of how she created a diversion when she trimmed Calm's hair. 

Kazue smeared her blood on the torn clothes and patches of hair she left in the fake scene she created in the forest. 

Rio concluded that no matter what, the assassin would be able to track the saint as long as Kazue was beside the saint. 

Rio needed to tell this to Kazue. 

Unfortunately, Rio was stationed to ambush the escaping saint from the escape route predicted by the order. 

She was unable to escape as she could not find any opportunity to do so. 

If she tries to escape the members of the order will chase after her and kill her for doing so. 

So, all she could do was wait for the right opportunity to escape. 

That opportunity she thought was when they finally ambush the escaping saint. 

She plans to double-cross the members of the assassin's order once they encounter the people protecting the saint. 

Once the two groups clash, she will betray the assassins and help her friends to protect the saint. 

She could only hope that the people protecting the saint would recognize her and choose to trust her when she betrays the Assassin's order. 

That was her plan. 



An explosion was heard from afar. 

It was a signal that the raid started. 

Now, Rio and the people waiting to ambush the saint were prepared to do their job. 



Not long after, a group of people appeared on the predicted escape route. 

She immediately recognized that this was a trap. 

The saint was not there. 

Rio knew this as none of her former classmates was within the group. 

"Let's go!" <Assassin> 

The leader of the group ordered and they were all forced to attack the diversion group. 



As she had planned she double-crossed the Order and helped the Azurearozi people. 

Thankfully the people of the Azurearozi recognized Rio as an ally and worked with her. 

Finally, they managed to defeat the Assassins. 



After the guards were able to defeat the assassins. 

"Where are Kazue and the others." <Rio> 

Rio asked. 

The servants were still skeptical of Rio's true purpose. 

After all, she was with the Assassin Order just a while ago. 

Thankfully, Condrad was within the group. 

He successfully chased after this group after leaving Argent to defend the mansion. 

"Oh, Rio-sama. So you were safe after all, Kazue-sama is worried about you." <Condrad> 

"Oh..." <Rio> 

Rio felt guilty. 



Rio listened to Condrad. 

She learned that Kazue was very worried about her. 

No one in the mansion knew where she went, it was no surprise that everyone was worried after she failed to return in the promised time. 

Still, Rio was too occupied with the idea that she needed to return and tell Kazue about the assassin's plan. 



"There is no time for this! I have to tell Kazue about the Assassin Order. They are in danger!" <Rio> 

"It's okay, they are safe. They will escape with no problem." <Condrad> 

"No! They will be found. We need to go to them right now!" <Rio> 

"..." <Condrad> 

Condrad was confident that no one would be able to follow the saint by using the secret passage. 

He did not know that there was someone in the assassin's order who could track Kazue no matter where she went. 

But Condrad was bothered by how sure Rio was that Kazue and the others were going to be found. 

Thus, he asked Rio. 



"Why do you think so Rio-sama." <Condrad> 

He said with a threatening voice. 

At first, he thought that Rio was really a member of the assassin's order and she was trying to get the real location of the saint and lead the assassins there. 

Rio knew that they were still doubting her identity. 

It will be hard for her to gain the total trust of the people here. 

She will not be able to persuade them by just telling them by saying, "They are in danger.". 

She needed to explain everything to be able to persuade them. 



Rio explained the situation to Condrad. 








Somewhere within the city. 

Noble's residential Area.



Uesaka Shino, who was staying inside the mansion of Viscount Kaleen  

Viscount Kaleen's mansion is located in a prime location near the business area of the city. 

Compared to the Azurearozi mansion, Viscount Kaleen's mansion is quite small. 

It does not have a vast lawn outside, it is only a single building walled within with a small garden of simple plants and flowers for aesthetics. 

Around the mansion are similar buildings owned by nobles and rich merchants who live within that prime location. 

There are 8 servants and 2 guards maintaining the place. 

It was a 2-story building with 4 rooms on each floor. 

The viscount is staying in the fanciest room of the building located on the second floor. 

The servants are sharing rooms occupying 2 rooms in total. 



After escorting the viscount to travel to Riles, Shino was able to gain the trust of the viscount of Kaleen. 

After 5 months of traveling with the viscount, she was able to gain his favor. 

Thanks to the efforts of the caravan guards and escorting adventurers who came with the viscount they were able to arrive at Vestir. 



It had been 7 days since the caravan arrived in the city. 

After arriving in Vestir, Viscount Kaleen offered Shino and two other adventurers to become his guests and receive additional tasks from the viscount. 

In the past 7 days after arriving here in Vestir, Shino had been running errands for the Viscount. 

She was busy as the viscount attended the "Noble Summit" not long after they arrived in the city. 

Shino worked as a courier handing over letters to other nobles within the city. 

The Letters were sealed in fancy envelopes with the crest of the Viscount. 

It seemed to be important letters as they were secretly distributed according to the viscount's order. 

Shino accepted this job to deliver the letters from the Viscount to other nobles in the city. 

He offered Shino and the other two adventurers a handsome amount of money to do this. 



During her free time, Shino would accept quests in the adventurer's guild after delivering the letters that way, Shino was able to earn more money. 

She even met a familiar face as she visited the equipment shop in Scale Atelier. 

Days after that she met her again, this time asking her to join her to protect the saint. 

Shino refused as she still had work to do with the viscount. 

Still, she was happy to reunite with a former Classmate in this unknown world. 



That night, as Shino was resting in the room provided by the viscount. 

A loud noise exploded from the outside. 




"What's happening outside." <Shino> 

Shino went out to ask the guard standing outside the place. 

She asked the two guards who were standing watch by the gate. 

"What's happening..." <Shino> 

"We're not sure either, It seems like explosions are occurring all around the city." <Guard 1> 






More explosions can be heard from everywhere. 

Each explosion came from different directions and distances. 




This time it came from not so far away from Viscount Kaleen's house. 

"Whoa! That explosion was close by!" <Shino> 

Screamed one of the guards. 

The sound that the explosion made sounded near and by turning to the direction of the sound, they could see the crimson lights that seemed to be caused by a large fire. 



"I will go and check it out." <Shino> 

"Are you sure, I think it's better to stay here, it might be dangerous out there." <Guard 1> 

"Nah, I'm going to be fine." <Shino> 

It was quite obvious that the guards also wanted to see what caused the explosions but they could not leave the mansion as it might endanger the Viscount who was still inside. 

"I will come back once I grasp the situation." <Shino> 

"Okay, be careful Shino-san." <Guard 2> 

The guards said to Shino who started running towards the origin of the fire. 



[I wonder what's causing this.] 

Shino thought as moved. 

As she was running she noticed a fellow adventurer who had been working with the Viscount for errands just like her running from behind. 

It was Marlo, the same adventurer who originally invited Shino to join the escort mission back in Kaleen. 

"I'll come with you Shino." <Marlo> 

Shino nodded at Marlo as she moved to the explosion site. 

Shino and Marlo ran toward one of the origins of a loud explosion from earlier. 

It did not take long for them to reach their destination. 



A blazing fire is engulfing one of the buildings. 

It seems that the explosion from earlier came from there and now the building was on fire. 

"What is happening?" <Marlo> 

Shino and Marlo stood there observing the situation. 

Just like Shino and Marlo other men from nearby also came to see the situation. 



"Do you know what happened here?" <Marlo> 

Marlo asked one of the people who arrived before Shino and himself. 

He seemed to be a guard serving another noble staying nearby. 

"I have no idea... but I thought it was weird." <Guard> 

"Why is that?" <Marlo> 

"You see, earlier today I saw the noble who should be staying here left in a hurry with all the servants of the mansion. I have been thinking about why they suddenly left, maybe they had an idea that this would happen beforehand." <Guard> 

"That is very suspicious indeed." <Marlo> 



The action of the people who were living here was indeed suspicious. 

Despite that, the question remains, why did they leave and why did they have to cause an explosion that would destroy their property in such a way? 

The answer was simple. 

The nobles who lived there were a part of the Noble faction who wanted to destroy Vestir. 

They escaped the city as they planned to cause chaos in the city tonight. 



Not giving time for the people in the vicinity to think about why and how the place ended up this way. 

Another roar emerged from the rubble of the explosion. 

Something jumped up from underground. 

"What?!" <Shino> 

"Stand back!" <Guard A> 



Something emerged from the rubble of the burning building. 

The lights of the burning building illuminated the shape of the thing that came from the ground. 

In no time, after roaring, the thing started thrashing and destroying the place. 

"A monster!" <Guard B> 

"Why is a monster suddenly appearing here?!" <Shino> 

"Everyone stand back!" <Guard C> 



Marlo walked beside Shino, he seemed to be in a panic. 

"Shino-san we need to get away from here." <Marlo> 

"Why? Do you know what that monster is?" <Shino> 

He answered with a nod. 

"That monster is called Flame Salamander, that monster is considered one of the strongest B-rank monsters that can be found in Riles." <Marlo> 

"Huh?! A B-rank monster?!" <Shino> 

The guards who heard Shino reacted hearing this information. 



The monster who started wrecking the place was a monster called, Flame Salamander. 

It is a B-rank monster that can often be found near active volcanoes. 

It was a giant lizard-like monster walking with 4 legs. 

It was somewhat reminiscent of the Komodo dragon but covered in red armor-like scales. 

The monster breathes flames out of its mouth, its body seems to emit constant heat and glows like a live charcoal. 



When Shino and Marlo were preparing to get away from there, a scream of pain can be heard from nearby. 

"What the?" <Shino> 

What they saw were people dressed in black robes who started attacking the people around them. 

"Why are those people attacking others all of a sudden?!" <Shino> 

"Shino watch out!" <Marlo> 



Marlo blocked an attack aiming for Shino. 

This gave Shino time to stand back and draw her weapon. 

"Why are these people attacking us all of a sudden?!" <Shino> 

"I don't know but something bad is happening." <Marlo> 

"Well...you don't say..." <Shino>  

"Shino-san this is not the time to be sarcastic." <Marlo> 

"I know..." <Shino> 

Shino prepared herself for battle. 



It was not the first time Rio had to fight another human. 

During their travels with the caravan with the viscount of Kaleen in the past 5 months, Shino experienced fighting real humans in action. 

These humans became thugs and attacked traveling people to steal and kill them for the loot. 

These humans are then called, "Bandits" 

They are humans who turned rogue and started attacking other people when traveling. 

Adventurer's Guild classifies them as monsters and subjugating them is a part of the Adventurer's Guild's job. 

During their travels, Shino experienced fighting other humans, and bandits during that time. 



Shino knew that, unlike fighting monsters, fighting humans is much more dangerous as they fight smart. 

When fighting a human, you should be aware that they might be hiding a trick or two to win a fight that no monster would do. 

Thanks to those experiences, Shino is used to fighting other humans. 



Shino and Marlo prepared themself for battle. 

This is while the monster still rampaging and destroying everything it can see. 

When the people nearby became aware of what was happening chaos was all around the place. 

Other guards started coming from nearby mansions. 

The people in black robes are doing their best to attack the people who are trying to stop the monster from rampaging. 

This only made it hard as the monsters was not the only one bringing trouble in the chaos but also the people wearing the black robes. 



Shino knew that she would not get out of this place without a fight. 

Shino gripped her dagger firmly and heightened her awareness. 

She prepared herself for any situation as this battle is a matter of life and death. 



Meanwhile, civilians are trying to escape the place while heading to the city plaza. 

It was common knowledge that when such large-scale situations occur, civilians are expected to evacuate toward the city plaza where the adventurers guild is located. 

At times like this, adventurers and guards will also gather in the plaza and protect the civilians. 



[I'm ready, come at me.] <Shino> 









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