God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 97: Situation in the City and A Silver’s Activity

Narrator POV 






Vestir, Plaza. 

-ding- -ding- -ding- 

The loud sounds of Bells rang to alert the city of the dangerous situation. 



The bell on top of the adventurers guild sounded. 

That bell that only sounds during emergencies. 

It keeps ringing at the top of the adventurer's guild. 

In this world, it was common sense that whenever an emergency happens in a city, people must gather in the plaza. 

Civilians knew that the safest place to be was near the adventurer's guild. 



Adventurers often stay near the adventurers guild. 

Adventurers guilds are all built right into the center of all cities without exemption. 

Thus, all adventurers guild is located near the center of all cities where the plaza is located. 

Thus, in times of emergency people in the city can just evacuate to the center of the city. 

There, adventurers are gathered. 

In times like that, Adventurers will protect the citizens as their top priority. 

Thus, Civilians are gathering there to be protected by the adventurers. 



A female wearing a neat-looking uniform while yelling at the top of her voice. 

She was a beast kin with cat ears. 

Her name is Misha, one of the guild adventurers guild receptionists in Vestir. 

She was speaking through a "Voice Amplifying Crystal". 

Voice Amplifying Crystal made her voice audible throughout the crowd of people gathering in the wide plaza. 

She needed this to inform the people gathered there to calm down and clear their confusion. 

"Everyone please stay calm, we are gathering adventurers to protect everyone. Please stay calm!" <Misha> 



The noise coming from the crowd almost overpowered Misha's voice. 

"Please help! I got separated from my child, please find him." 

"My husband, hik... hik... -sob-" 


Cries enveloped the city plaza as people gathered. 

As more time passed, more people gathered there. 

Misha could only bite her lips seeing the situation. 



Misha looked at the situation in the plaza once more. 

She can tell that the people were very disturbed. 

"Seriously... this is bad, the people becoming more and more disturbed." <Misha> 

She cursed at the situation. 

Monsters and intruders are still causing disorder in the city. 

The city was under attack. 

Adventurers are tasked to save as many citizens as they can. 

But oddly enough, what the citizen mentioned was right.

Almost no soldier can be seen helping them in the plaza. 



"Damn it, the soldiers of this city are so incompetent, only the adventurers are helping us in times like this." <Man> 

One of the evacuees muttered. 

But there were oddly almost no soldiers of the city there. 

Originally, soldiers should be the ones who should act first at times like this. 

But, only a few can be seen helping with the situation. 

Many citizens noticed this and started complaining about their incompetence. 

But... the guild was informed of an even dire situation. 



Without the knowledge of the masses, there was a more serious threat that loomed in Vestir. 

Some time ago the guild master left the guild building together with the missing soldiers of the city. 

They were originally going to evacuate calmly. 

The truth is, that Ecclesia's army was marching toward Vestir. 

The reason why the soldiers could not be seen there was because they gathered somewhere else. 

They are going to confront the Army of Inquisitors from the Ecclesia empire that was trying to invade Vestir. 

It just so happened that another problem arose, monsters started appearing in the city. 



Misha knew that she had to announce to all the people gathered here that the city was in a very dangerous situation. 

She needed to inform them that an army of Ecclesia Inquisitors was marching toward the city. 


It was what the people in this country feared. 

Everyone heard about this possibility of happening long before today. 

Everyone was talking about this for a very long time. 

Everyone has heard that Ecclesia was about to attack Riles again. 

If Misha announces that the army of Inquisitors is marching toward the city. 

It will confirm that the war has started between Ecclesia and Riles. 

This time, it was serious. 

This time, it was real not just a rumor. 



Moments later. 

Almost all of the citizens screamed in fear at the same time. 






A large monster came out from somewhere in the city and flew into the sky. 

As the crowd screamed in fear, the monster roared as it decided to attack the crowd of people. 

"It's an Armored Wyvern!" <Adventurer> 

Screamed one of the adventurers who recognized the monster. 



Armored Wyvern. 

This monster is one of the strongest B-rank monsters found in the mountainous areas in Riles. 

But, these monsters should not be flying around this area. 

It was another monster smuggled by the twisted nobles who supported Ecclesia from behind. 

It dived down toward the plaza to attack the citizens. 

The screams from the crowd rang louder than it did before. 

As the monster flew closer, the monster crashed into an invisible wall. 



The people watching the monster banged into an invisible wall looked confused.

It seemed that out of nowhere, the people plaza was protected by some kind of barrier.  


Watching the monster crash into that invisible wall made Misha let out a sigh of nervousness. 

"Hmnn~... looks like my barrier is working." <Lady's Voice> 

An adventurer standing right next to Misha quietly spoke with her sweet voice. 

It was an adventurer who was wearing a black one-piece gown often seen worn by witches in classic media. 

The lady was even carrying a wooden straw broom as if it were a wand. 

To top that, she was also wearing a witch hat. 

She had long pointy ears, blonde hair, and the adorable face of a sweet mature lady. 

A feature common to most individuals within the Elf race. 



Misha bowed down toward the adventurer wearing a witch-like outfit. 

"It seems so, Thank you very much Leira-sama." <Misha> 

"Well... defensive spells are not my specialty but if it's this level of opponent, I can manage to keep the barrier up for a while." <Lady/ Leira> 

"No, this is sufficient enough to protect the people. I could only thank you Leira-sama." <Misha> 

The witch only smiled at her and waved her hand as if this was not something she needed to thank. 



Leira is an S-rank adventurer. 

She is known as one of the strongest adventurers in the world. 

As she was one of the few S-rank adventurers in the world, her name is known widely spread in the lands. 

As such she is known by her other name, "The Witch of the World Tree". 

As her other name suggests, she lives literally inside the world tree. 


The world tree... 

The place where all kinds of treasures are gathered and protected by the entire elf race living near the world tree is located within the Great Forest of Giah. 

The forest of Giah. 

The forest divides the world between the demon lord's domain and the mortal's domain. 

The final stop before one explores into the lands governed by the demon lord. 

The final frontier before entering into the land of the demon lord. 




Unfortunately, ever since the fight with the demon lord army 6 years ago, she had barely left the Giah Forest. 

No, to be more precise, she barely leaves the world tree. 

She's been locking herself inside the world tree as she is focused on selling some potions she makes. 



6 years ago, the demon lord was awakened. 

He marched the land and tried to invade the entire continent. 

Thanks to the effort of the combined army of all countries in the continent they were able to stop the demon lord. 

The invasion of the demon lord failed. 

It was then that Leira started to lock herself inside the world tree and became a shut-in for some unknown reason. 

She became an S-rank adventurer who refused to work as an adventurer. 

Instead, she focused on creating potions and sold them with the help of the Scale Atelier. 

She was reduced to being a potion merchant. 

Some would say it was a waste of talent. 

Still... no one can force her to do otherwise. 



It was fortunate that she was in Vestir at this time. 

A few days ago, Leira attended the Noble's summit that was held in Vestir. 

She attended the Noble's summit to meet some of her old acquaintances who also planned to attend the summit. 

She was not expecting to be a part of something big in the city. 

Leira pouted as she found the situation displeasing.   

Still, Leira is an adventurer. 

Although it has been a while since she involved herself in any kind of action as an adventurer. 

She was still an adventurer, an S-ranked adventurer to top that. 

She has the responsibility to protect the defenseless citizens of Vestir. 

As an S-ranked adventurer, she was expected to protect the innocent people in the city. 

Leira could not leave innocent people behind just because she was unwilling to work. 

In the end, she used her ability to create a barrier to protect the people gathered in the plaza.

Leira was at least willing to do this as she still did not forget her duty as an Adventurer.



She looked at the sky. 

Smokes are rising to the sky coming from all directions around the Vestir. 

"I did not sign for this..." <Leira> 

She whispered in the air to complain. 





Azurearozi Mansion. 

Just after Kazue and her friends entered the hidden passage under the Azurearozi Mansion. 



As Argent left the mansion with Condrad by his side he saw that the city was suddenly engulfed with explosions and flames coming from all directions. 

"I see... just as the lady had said... this was not as simple as the assassins trying to kill the saint..." <Argent> 

Argent scratched his white hair. 

He was finding all of the things happening comical as things were progressing as "that" lady predicted. 

He could not help but think about the odd lady of the mansion. 



Argent looked ahead and looked at the enemies fighting the mansion guards. 

Amongst all battles happening his sight was glued towards a specific enemy. 

It was a man wearing white clothes literally "tear down" the guards who were trying to stop him in his tracks. 



"HAHAHA, is this all you can do?!" <Wild Assassin> 

He screamed in joy as he clawed his way through the guards trying to stop him. 

They fell after receiving one hit from that enemy. 

No one stood a chance before that enemy. 

Condrad was also looking at the man with a serious face. 

"This is bad... that man is a problematic foe. I don't think I could defeat him all by myself. Argent-sama, could I ask you to assist me in defeating that enemy." <Condrad> 

"No... I will deal with him myself." <Argent> 



Hearing that reply, Condrad looked at Argent with wide eyes. 

"... I understand... I will leave him to you Argent-sama." <Condrad> 

"Go." <Argent> 

Condrad moved to support the guards. 

He went to chase after the guards who were creating a diversion for escorting the fake saint. 

He will quickly reach them in no time as he glides onto the floor with his fast-moving feet. 

Argent stays to fight with the guards who are still fighting with the Assassins and Inquisitors attack the mansion.



One by one some of the guards fell from the abnormally powerful member of the Ecclesia Inquisitor. 

A guard attacked the man wearing the white robe who was killing his fellow guards in just one attack. 

He knew that he would not survive if he tried to oppose this man. 

But, this was his job. 

He was a loyal servant of the Azurearozi Nobilty. 

He owed his life to the Azurearozi who hired him as a guard. 

This provided him and his family with a good life not thinking about money. 

This was the same with the other guards serving the mansion. 

As people serving the name of the Azurearozi, dying while protecting that prestigious name was an honor to people such as themselves. 

Awaiting his death, he gritted his lips and tried to yell his final cries. 

"You will not go further, Inquisitor!!!" <Guard> 

He charged forward carrying his honor. 

He attacked knowing that he would die. 








A silver-colored Liquid appeared from Argent's arm and formed a thin sword in his right hand. 

The same silver-colored liquid formed in his open left palm and formed into a solid metal dagger. 

He then threw it toward the man rampaging as he was about to kill another guard. 

The man wearing the white robe was forced to dodge and failed to kill the guard. 

At that moment, Argent forced the Ecclesia Inquisitor to be aware of his existence. 

"Go, leave that man to me." <Argent> 

He said as the man's attention was directed at him. 

The man had completely ignored the Azurearozi guard. 

Thanks to this, the guard was saved and managed to live another day. 



[White robe...] 

Argent thought as he saw the man. 

Argent knew what that robe was. 

It was a variant of the uniform of the Ecclesia Inquisitor. 

[That means that this man is an Ecclesia Inquisitor. I thought the people attacking us were assassins from the Assassin Order... No... maybe those assassins are working with Ecclesia?] 



"Go! Leave that one to me." <Argent> 

"Oh... oh... Thank you." <Guard> 

The guard ran away from the man. 

It was not because he was afraid to fight the man wearing the white robe. 

Rather, he knew that he would only become a dead weight to the person who was about to face the abnormally powerful Ecclesia Inquisitor. 



"Hooo~ Not bad..." <Wild Assassin> 

The enemy seemed impressed looking at Argent. 

Argent looked around, Most of the people fighting the guards were seemingly assassins from the Assassin order. 

Mixed with those Assassins are people wearing white robes, the uniform of the members of the Ecclesia Inquisitor that plagued this land for centuries. 

Out of all the people who attacked the place, it seemed that this man was the acting leader. 



"I see..." <Argent> 

Argent said to himself as he concluded that the assassin was somehow involved with Ecclesia. 

Argent snorted finding this funny. 

These are things that the lady Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi had told him in advance when they discussed things privately. 

"I guess as expected... seriously... Just who is that woman? How did she predict all of these happening." <Argent> 

He whispered to himself remembering the words of the Lady of the house who had already expected this situation. 

Argent prepared himself in a fighting stance and engaged in battle with the leader of the enemy group. 



A fierce battle started between two overpowering individuals. 

One used his powerful fist and leg to destroy his opponent. 

The other used a thin piece of metal to pierce and slash through his foe. 

The air shook with each of the exchanges from the clash of their blows. 



The warriors nearby who were witnessing the fight between these two individuals are in awe at seeing their raw destructive power. 

Some were so distracted watching the fight that they ended up getting hurt. 

Some felt that they were watching an illusion as none of their movement made sense to them. 

Several of them realize how weak they are upon seeing the two fight at a level that they could only dream of. 

No one dared to come close to the two powerful monsters fighting in the middle of the battlefield. 



The man Argent was fighting was one of the higher-ranking Ecclesia Inquisitors attacking Vestir, his name was Tassilo 

Tassilo is tasked to lead the ecclesia members who are now in the city and are causing trouble with the assassin's order. 

He came to lead the Assassins and the Inquisitors to attack the place where the saint is currently hiding while causing a lot of commotion. 

As such he barged into the Azurearozi residence to fulfill his mission. 

His objective is not to kill the saint, rather he was there to simply cause destruction, which was the original objective of the Eccelsia Inquisitors in the city. 

As planned his appearance initiated the saint's escape. 

Now, the assassin will just have to follow the escaping saint using the Ecclesia member who can detect her location. 

The saint is not of his business anymore. 

He just has to focus on the person standing against him now. 




Argent and the man engaged in a fierce melee. 

Argent's blade versus Tassilo's destructive Fist. 

"Hahahaha! Yes! Yes! This should be the case, this mission would not be worth it if I would not have an opponent such as you." <Tassilo> 

Tassilo happily exchanged blows with Argent. 

He matched each slash and strike from Argent with his fist and feet.

"Hah? What are you? some kind of a war freak, give me a break." <Argent> 

"Hahaha! Come on, I know you have more to show me, don't hold back, or else you will die on my hand, Adventurer!" <Tassilo> 

"-sigh- Crazy bastard." <Argent> 



Argent trusts his blade directly at Tassilo's laughing face. 

Tassilo redirected the piercing attack by punching the blade with a quick upper resulting in the blade missing its mark. 

Tassilo's entire body is enhanced with the skill (Iron Skin) which makes him unimaginably sturdy. 

With this, he would not be easily affected by an attack. 

Despite that, he was careful to not directly get hit by any clean hit from Argent attacks. 



Argent and Tassilo were gauging each other strength and were thinking of ways to break each other's guards. 

So far, the two barely used any skills to disrupt the momentum of the other. 

The two simply used the skill that most of the warriors at their level are expected to wield, (Iron Skin) is an example of such a skill. 

(Iron Skin) is a skill that skilled fighters with the job class Monk often use. 

At the same time, Argent is engulfing his blade with (Aura Blade) a skill that all high-level blade users can use. 



Finally, the two felt that they had a vague idea of how strong their opponent was. 

Having this thought in mind, the two decided to show more of the cards on their sleeves, they are now ready to unleash skills that may decide the outcome of this fight. 

Argent and Tassilo knew that both of them were done observing. 

With a good grasp of the ability of their foe, they are now ready to start their fight for real. 

A clash between Argent's blade and Tassilo's fist caused the two to knock each other back. 

It was deliberate from both parties to create space between them. 

A space they wanted to have so they could unleash attacks that would eventually lead them to defeat their foe. 



The first one to make his move was Tassilo. 

(Jet Fist) 

Tassilo performed a punching motion from far away. 

His action was so swift that an ordinary fighter would have missed it if their eyes were untrained. 

A jet of compressed air flew from his fist toward Argent. 

And just as fast Argent was able to dodge it with no wasted movement by stepping aside just enough to evade the attack by a hairs width. 

The compressed air jet created an explosion at the wall behind Argent and created a huge hole. 

But, Argent is unfazed. 



Tassilo prepared for the next strike with the same skill by using his other fist. 

A smirk appeared on his mouth, he used the skill (Jet Fist) in quick succession bombarding Argent from afar. 

Multiple explosions and destruction rained toward Argent. 

When Argent was about to get trapped by the raining Air jets caused by the skill, Argent countered with a skill himself. 

(Sword wave) a common and yet powerful range attack of a fighter who uses a blade. 



A crescent mass of energy shot out of the blade as Argent swung his blade aiming at Tassilo. 

At the same time, Argent used (Burst) to shorten the distance between him and Tassilo. 

Argent wanted to fight this battle in a melee. 



Tassilo, who saw Argent burst toward him knew that the swordsman wanted to fight him in close quarters. 

Of course, Tassilo would not shy away from this as he prefers close-range combat himself. 

Tassilo faced the flying mass of energy from Argent's (Swordwave) head-on and punched it with some skill. 

The crescent wave of energy exploded into a pretty light show that showered Tassilo after meeting the attack with his fist. 



Tassilo planted his feet on the ground. 

The action itself caused the ground to shake around him. 

He was about to unleash another skill, Argent knew this and attacked without delay. 

The blade in his hands shined bright, a sign that he too was about to unleash a skill himself. 

The two closed in on each other. 



Tassilo closed his fist and punched it down to the ground. 

A blast was created by the attack and blew away everything around Tassilo. 

Despite the blast, Argent still swung his glowing sword toward Tassilo and was met by the blast. 

A clash of power occurred that created another boom. 



The clash of attack created a blast wave that traveled on the wide lawn of the Azurearozi Mansion. 

The people fighting not so far from the blast were blown away and lost their ground. 



The smoke of dust covered the two. 

Out of nowhere a push kick followed hidden behind the dust aiming at Argent. 


Argent quickly used his weapon to block the kick. 

Argent was pushed back creating a trail from his feet being planted on the ground as he was pushed back. 

He was blown out of the smoke, but then Tassilo rushed toward Argent and continued to attack. 

This time it was an axe kick coming from above. 



A concentrated amount of mana was gathered in his feet, it was another skill going to be unleashed. 

Argent raised his weapon to block the attack. 

As Tassilo's downward strike met Argent's raised sword, a flash of light appeared. 

All of a sudden the ground sank and a crater formed in the ground where Argent was standing. 

The shock from the attack bothered Argent. 

"Tsk..." <Argent> 

"Ahahaha!" <Tassilo> 



Tassilo seemed to be enjoying every moment of the battle. 

While Argent was still bothered by the past attack, Tassilo continued his onslaught. 

Argent used his weapon skillfully blocking each and every attack Tassilo unleashed using every part of his body. 

Punches, Kicks, Elbows, Headbutts, Bumping, and clawing. 

Argent countered by slashing and piercing his blade. 

Each attack is stronger than the one before. 

Each other pushed Argent, forcing him to block all the attacks. 

Each attack is stronger than the last. 



As the battle continued, the two began using stronger skills to pierce through each other's guards. 

Shockwaves from blocking and clashing of attack are felt on the battlefield. 

No one dared to approach these two as their strength was beyond them. 

To be exact, the guards of the mansion, as well as the assassins and Ecclesia Inquisitors, are distancing themselves from the two. 

The aftermath of the attacks of the two was transforming the battlefield as each attack left a visible amount of destruction. 

No one wanted to accidentally get caught by a stray attack unleashed by either one of these two warriors. 



The battle continued for a while. 





The sword Argent wielded broke like glass as he blocked a kick coming from the side. 

Seeing this, Tassilo showed a grizzly grin. 

Finally, a clean kick landed on Argent's side as the sword he was holding broke from all the attacks it received. 

Of course, Argent stumbled rolling on the ground before regaining balance. 

Tassilo used that moment to bring in one of his ace moves. 



Tassilo planted his feet once again into a stance. 

He was to punch from far away the same way he did when he used the skill (Jet fist). 

But... this time his stance was more pronounced there was a clear difference in the amount of mana he used to activate the skill. 

Electric streams emerged from Tassilo's glowing fist that seemed to be ready to be unleashed. 



"DIE!" <Tassilo> 

Tassilo intended to finish off Argent with this attack. 

Tassilo used the skill, (Dragon Fist). 

He punched the air and a beam of light aimed at Argent approached in great speed. 

The power behind this attack could not be compared to the previous one he unleashed. 

The beam of light coming out from Tassilo's fist released streaks of lightning together with a powerful shock wave that came roaring toward Argent. 




Argent stretched his arm toward Tassilo with an open palm as if trying to catch the attack with his bare hands. 

Just like that, the powerful attack fizzled into thin air. 


Tassilo was shocked to see that one of his powerful moves did nothing to Argent. 

Only a "Monk" has the skill to fortify their bodies with a skill. 

This way, they can manage to block attacks with their bare hands. 

Argent was not a Monk, there was no way for him to block the attack with just his bare hands. 

But, it was certain that the skill (Dragon Fist) was unable to pierce Argent's guard. 

He remained standing from where he blocked the skill. 



Tassilo was quite shocked. 

He was certain that his attack would at least deal some kind of damage to his enemy. 

He was not expecting Argent to remain fine after receiving one of his most powerful skills. 

Thus, he remained calm and observed his opponent. 

He thought watching his opponent closely. 

[How was he able to block my attack? What kind of skill did he use to deflect my attack?] 

He hesitated since he did not know how Argent managed to eat his attack as if it were nothing. 

He noticed something swirling in front of Argent. 

It was a silver-colored liquid.  



Right before the attack reached his open palm, that Silver liquid formed a shield and blocked the attack. 

The attack that looked so ominous and destructive did nothing after it touched the silver liquid that blocked the attack. 



"What the hell is that thing..." <Tassilo> 

The next moment, the same liquid formed into a metallic weapon from thin air. 

The once-broken sword Argent held came back in an instant. 

"What is that ability... that silver liquid." <Tassilo> 

"..." <Argent> 

Argent remained silent, he did not want to reply. 

He did not want to reveal information about the skill he used to his opponent. 

"That seemed to be your secret technique... I see... a Unique Skill..." <Tassilo> 

"..." <Argent> 

"Hmpf... you're not willing to talk huh... whatever, you caught me off guard back there but I will not make the same mistake again. Now that I know about that skill of yours I will---!!!" <Tassilo> 



Without letting Tassilo finish his monologue, he was stopped by several flying blades. 

He originally wanted to block those blades with his fist but decided not to do so. 

Tassilo felt something ominous from those blades and decided to dodge them. 

One of the blades managed to fly by and grazed his cheeks. 

It was able to wound Tassilo's face. 

"!!!" <Tassilo>

Tassilo made a serious face. 

He knew that those blades were not normal. 

Even if it managed to graze his face, it should not be able to give him a wound. 

After all his body is under the influence of the skill (Iron skin) and several other defensive skill that makes his body almost like a block of hard metal. 

There is no way a simple piece of the blade could make him bleed. 



He backed off for a moment and reinstalled himself. 

At once, Tassilo activated several skills to increase his focus, destructive power, and protection. 

He was completely serious. 

He realized that his opponent was no joke. 



Argent who has revealed his ability did not hold back. 

He used the silver liquid as he battled Tassilo. 

It was as if his mentality changed after he revealed this ability. 

[Since you already saw this ability, I will use it as much as I want.] 

That was how he approached the battle from there on. 



More silver liquid appeared not just on Argent's palm. 

He was done playing around. 

After all, all he wanted was to waste some time. 

He wanted to waste time so that Kazue and the party who used the underground secret passageway get far. 

He wanted them to give them all of the time they needed to escape. 

Now that he managed to attain his goal and has bought them a lot of time to escape. 

He thought that playing around would be too dangerous. 

His opponent was not someone he could just take lightly. 

The opponent was capable of harming him if he was not careful. 

Thus he decided to get a bit more serious. 



Argent pulled out something in his pocket. 

"Hmnn?" <Tassilo> 

It was a red-colored crystal. 

Argent dropped the crystal. 

A large magical circle formed from where the crystal landed and broke. 

All of a sudden the entirety of the Azurearozi residence was inside a mysterious dome. 




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