Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 1 Chapter 6

After sleeping for 2 days, Ezra was now sitting at his desk reviewing the information delivered about devil fruits.


Introduction to Devil Fruits

Devil Fruits are mystical fruits found throughout the world. When consumed, the fruit grants the user a special superhuman power which can be from mundane utilities to powerful attacks. The power obtained is at the cost of the eater’s ability to swim.

Types of Devil Fruit

All Devil Fruits are categorized into three types.

Paramecia: This is the most common of the devil fruit types. Fruits of this category grant their users superhuman powers other than transformation into animals or elements. Paramecia fruit can alter the features of the user’s body and some allow the user to affect other people and the environment.

Logia: This is the rarest and most powerful of the three devil fruit types. Logia fruit allows the user to create, control and transform their body into a natural element such as ice, mud, smoke, or fire … the elemental transformation makes the user intangible, as well as allowing the user to remain in control of their body. The fruit allows the user to display characteristics similar to the elements e.g., sand being able to absorb moisture.

Zoan: There are different types of Zoan fruit. This fruit type grants the user the ability to transform into an animal in various stages e.g., a hybrid man-animal stage and a complete transformation stage. Users of this type of fruit are highly suited for combat because of their robust physique and immense physical strength.


Umi Umi no Mi (Sea Sea Fruit): A logia type devil fruit, granting control over the seas. This includes shaping and manipulating the oceans and seas. Legends say that the Sea Sea Fruit grants the power to command sea kings and creatures in the depth of the ocean. This myth has not been confirmed.

It is predicted that a basic application of this devil fruit power will be to shape objects out of seawater and manipulate the ocean flow and current. A more advanced application will be in form of tidal waves, floods, tsunamis, and storms. Being a logia power there is a high chance the power grants a seawater boy transformation.

It is speculated that this power will be heavily restricted on land. This is because there is no seawater present, and the earth absorbs water.

Further research on this power is required.

The information provided was exactly what Ezra wanted to know. He found himself a parchment and ink inside the drawer of the desk, he sat down to write out his thoughts.

  1. The last information recorded on Umi Umi no Mi (Sea Sea Fruit) was 100 years ago, I must rely on myself in developing this power.
  2. If seawater is a weakness of devil fruit users, how come Poseidon was sculpted riding the waves. Does this restriction not apply to this power? This is something to investigate.
  3. Need to develop a counter for the land restriction of the power.
  4. Body transformation - what are the requirements?
  5. Seawater control
  6. Pole training

After writing all his goals, he knew there was no time to waste here at the academy. Getting to captain rank might be easy for the yellow scarf elites but this means he had enough time to invest in himself.

A knock on the door pulled Ezra out of his thoughts.

“Buddy, the rest of us are having a little get together next door, just us yellow scarfs. If you are interested, you are more than welcomed to join”.

“Hello guys” Ezra announced as he entered the room.

“Hello Poseidon” they all replied.

Warhead looked older than the others in this room, from the way he carried himself it could be seen that he was very disciplined. His uniforms were neat and creaseless, he looked like someone that would love to read a lot of books. But as you would have it looks can be deceiving, warhead is a human bomb after eating the Bomu Bomu no Mi (Bomb Bomb Fruit). Ezra learnt that he and a few other recruits were sent from HQ to the four seas to join the academy. This was the first time Ezra heard of the grand line and drum kingdom. But since Warhead did not elaborate on the grand line, no one asked for more information.

Smokes was someone who preferred to stay silent, so his introduction was quick. Ezra understood that smokes won his fruit gambling at Ohara.

Hothead was a 15-year-old boy rescued from a hostage situation during a pirate raid of a cruise ship 3 years ago. As he spoke, his wounded heart was visible as people could only imagine the horrors he must have faced before being rescued. Like Ezra, He became a chore boy on Captain Bloodshot’s ship. He had a very funny story of how he came to get the Mera Mera no Mi (Flame Flame Fruit). Apparently, the crew found the fruit after raiding a pirate ship, but no one knew what it was, hence, they forced the fruit on a weak chore boy. As luck will have it, it was a Devil Fruit.

Ezra could see everyone turning their heads to hear his story.

“My name is Rose D. Ezra. Up until 2 years ago, pirates were the main figure in horror stories the villagers in Amagus used to scare kids. There is nothing major to say about where I am from or my past. I am the only survivor of Amagus village after a pirate raid two years ago. About my fruit, I got it after worshipping a statue in a temple ruin.

Ezra did not care much if they believed him or not after indicating he was done, Dalmatian started talking.

Dalmatian did not mention much about his past. He only stated that he was from a corrupt family and did not want to be a part of the evil they brought to the people around them. He took a stand against them and joined the marines to gain the power to stop the destruction while atoning by serving people. He mentioned he will never switch out of his Zoan hybrid form because he does not want to remember the old him.


While this was happening in the academy, somewhere in the capital of the world government, Mary Geoise, a bald old man wearing circular frame glasses and white Gi sat on a tatami mat performing a ritualist cleaning of his katana. The sacredness of this could be seen in his focus, as he wiped the edges of the blade.

“Sir there is something urgent to report” a guard reported loudly, interrupting the old man.

A paper was placed in front of the old man.

“Hmmm, The Umi Umi no Mi (Sea Sea Fruit) has reappeared! And the name Poseidon! It looks like history might be repeating itself. Keep an eye on him” The old man placed the paper down revealing it to be a copy of Ezra’s marine registration form.

A voice in the shadows replied, Yes Sir!

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