Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 1 Chapter 7

It had been 3 months after enrolling at the academy, Ezra who didn’t know that his file was now a hot topic at Mary Geoise, continued to train like every other cadet. He was now used to the pain, aches and fatigue caused by the daily training. First-year cadets regardless of their assigned courses had to focus solely on physical training, weapon arts and combat.

Ezra was originally from a remote part of west blue, plus he had spent two years on a deserted island. He had missed out on any information from the four seas during this period since his master was not interested in the outside world. Among the cadets, a popular topic for discussion was Marine's justice on Ohara.

According to information, Ezra had gathered from listening in on various discussions. Ohara was initially known to the world as Scholar Heaven, they were researchers, scholars, and archaeologists focused on studying the past. But no one knew that the main reason for all this was to recover long lost ancient weapons from the past to conquer the world and overthrow the government. Their evil plan was discovered by the world government and buster call was activated, putting an end to the conniving scholars.

Three main phrases stood out to Ezra from this information, ancient weapons, buster call and world government. This type of information could only be accessed at the academy library.

The library was a tall white building located opposite the residential area. Everyone walked past this one building silently as if afraid of the monster residing inside.

Ezra as well as other first-year students had never been to this building in their 3 months of enrolment. There was much to look at as he made his way into the building. The inside of the library looked old and rusty compared to the elegant exterior, an uncountable number of bookshelves housing an enormous number of books were placed in an orderly fashion across the room.

The librarian was a short, elderly lady, she looked like any old lady from his village, but Ezra knew she was not to be underestimated based on the reaction of people coming in and out of the library. The fear in their eyes could not be hidden.

“It is very strange seeing a first-year cadet at the library; it looks like the physical training is not up to scratch. You should be in bed or in the infirmary not at the library”.

It was at this point she noticed the yellow scarf around Ezra’s neck, hence withholding the rest of her comments.

“How can I help you, young man?” she asked.

"I am looking for where I can find out what ancient weapons are, also if there is any information on buster call, I would be interested in those too," Ezra said politely

The librarian stared at Ezra for a minute before saying.

"Introduction to ancient weapons, bookshelf 50, row 3, book 5 and information on buster call is on bookshelf 2, row 7, Marine Life book one. Remember young man, history is written by the victor! Let it be your guide, but your own story is written by only you.” After saying this she sat down behind the reception desk.

Ezra found a seat in a corner of the library. He tried so hard to not draw any attention to himself. Remembering the comment from the librarian, Ezra did not know what to think about or understand what she had meant.


Ancient Weapons

There were 3 weapons capable of mass destruction, each taking a different form. They are known as Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus, each named after a deity for their godly powers. The weapons are not limited only to inanimate objects but consist of living beings. Pluton is recorded as a ship, Poseidon is a mermaid who can communicate with sea kings, and there is no recorded information on Uranus. Further can only be found in the lost history of the void century which is highly classified.

‘Merfolk who can communicate with sea kings. Sounds very similar to my power if the legends are true’ Ezra thought as he moved to the next book titled Marine Life book one, Author Monkey D. Garp.


Buster call

This is the strongest military action possible, performed only under special circumstances. The target of a buster call is usually to destroy anything and everything, from a group of criminals to an entire island that has proven extremely dangerous to the world government. Any further information regarding buster call will require relevant rank and clearance.

To further understand the powers who could activate something like Buster Call, Ezra decided to look up some information on the World government. Luckily the Marine Life book one had a section written on this topic.


World Government

The world government is a global regime that was established over 800 years ago. It was founded by an alliance of 20 different kingdoms, it has since vastly grown in influence spanning more than 170 of the world's civilized countries. The world government strongly believes in Absolute Justice The Marines serve as the government’s official military branch, headed by the Fleet Admiral.

Absolute Justice

Absolute justice is a philosophy that many marines follow when it comes to prosecuting those who violate the world government’s laws. Supporters of absolute justice believe that the eradication of all evil and illegal activities must be the priority of marines even if this requires sacrificing innocent lives or engaging in immoral acts Since the end justifies the means.


Ezra shut the book; his blood ran cold. Horrified by what he had read, he somberly made his way back to his room.

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