Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 17

Set Sail!

The submarine slowly sailed out into the open sea before submerging under the water. “No. 1 connect us with the 80th Marine Base, I need to speak with the Rear Admiral,” Ezra said while standing in the bridge watching the members of the navigation and planning unit work.

“Sir, I have the Admiral on the line” No. 1 reported

“Sir, I am ready to begin my post as a captain in the West Blue. My men have been trained and are hungry for some of the action.” Ezra said.

“Roger that, We are to go to the seas near Las Camp” Ezra repeated the order.

“I will send regular reports in, Rear Admiral Straight, be sure of that” Ezra ended the call.

Rear Admiral Straight otherwise known as Honest Straight was the highest-ranked officer in West Blue. Every Captain had to report to him regularly, he also had direct communication with the higher-ups at HQ.

“You heard the mission, we are off to Las Camp” Ezra yelled on the bridge. “If you need me I will be in my cabin at the lower level.”

On the sea not far away from Las Camp, a 2-mast galleon pirate ship with the wind behind its sails moved quickly towards land. The jolly roger was that off of a skull resting on two double-barrel shotguns.

“Men, Las Camp has not paid their protection fees for this month.” Captain Double-Barrel Mary yelled, she was a tall and very obese woman with long wavy black hair and freckles on her cheeks. She wore a black cowgirl hat and a black formal suit, she had a black captain's coat over it with her arms in the sleeves.

“Captain, rumours say that Las Camp is now under the protection of the Whitebeard pirates.” a pirate also dressed in a black suit and sunglasses replied

“Avol, who is the most beautiful woman in the oceans?” Captain Double-Barrel Mary asked her crewmate.

“Of cause it is you, Captain Mary” Avol replied very quickly

‘I wonder how my twin sister Alvida is doing in the East Blue’ she thought. “I don't care even if Gol D. Roger himself was their protector, they have to pay up the protection fees to the Mammoth Mafia. If we don't bring this pay it is us that will be punished.”

“Full speed ahead”

“Captain a ship is approaching Las Camp” No. 5 radioed to Ezra from the bridge

“Pirate or Civilian?” Ezra asked

“Pirate” No. 5 replied

“Prepare to test the weapon system, Fire a lock-on torpedo” Ezra ordered

“Torpedo primed and ready” was reported from the artillery unit.


"Everyone, we need to make a clean sweep of this city. Everything of value should be taken. We need to be out of here before the marines are alerted. I don't know what is going on but lately, the marines are getting restless, let's not be the scapegoats now."


The 2 mast galleon slowly tilted to port as it capsized.

“Captain something hit us below deck, the ship is filling with water fast. We need to abandon ship. If we start swimming now we should be getting to Las Camp before nighttime.” Avol reported

“Abandon ship, We swim to Las Camp” the captain yelled to her scattered crew

“Don't Move, Double Barrel Mary, Bounty of 25 million berri, wanted dead or alive. You are under arrest,” a frogman with a waterproof rifle and his scuba deep-sea gear said. As soon as he finished his announcement 50 other frogmen surfaced from the water, the sinking boat was already surrounded.

“Captain, the test was successful. We now have in custody Double-Barrel Mary and her crew of 30 in the cells. What is our next plan of action?” No. 20 asked. He knew that this mission to guard Las Camp was not what their captain wanted. The crew wanted a bigger fish.

“Tell communications to report this to the marine base. That should be enough for us to roam the oceans around this area freely” Ezra replied. “We should talk with Captain Mary, she must have some useful information”

A few weeks later on some part of the West Blue.

“Captain, why are we heading back to Whale Island, we only just finished our vacation last week,” a crewmate asked curiously. 

“You probably are not aware, there is a marine ghost squad they call themselves Atlanteans. Wood Leg Pete, Mad Max, Pro Hunter, Dead fox, and many Pirate crews have all been captured. The scariest part of it is the Atlanteans appear out of the blue.” While the captain spoke the entire crew paused to listen attentively. 

“We can only be safe behind Whale Island, all hands on deck”

“I beg to differ, One-eye Freddie, 15 million berri, wanted dead or alive.” Maybe it was because they all focused on the speech of their captain or they were scared of this unknown enemy. No one noticed a troop of frogmen sneak onto the vessel. 

Some unruly pirates reached for their weapons

Bang, A gun was fired from 20m away from the sniper hatch of the submarine.

“As you can see, your every move is being monitored, so don't try anything funny.” No. 20 said as he revealed his face underneath the scuba mask.


Hello Reader,

Hopefully one more chapter tonight, counting on you for error correction if any.

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