Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 18

Whale Island, a den for outlaws, pirates and criminals in the West Blue.

“Boss, Boss there is something to report,” a young man in a suit ran into the restaurant, out of breath.

“Give the man a drink, will you,” Don Vic said as he ate his meal. Was a fairly obese man, he had long curly red- hair draped down his back as he sat with his fork and knife eating.

“Carlos, how many times do I have to warn you not to disturb my meal?” Don Vic replied

“I'm sorry Boss, the report is urgent, otherwise I won't dare disturb your meal. We just got a report, the marines have been hot on our tails lately, several of our pirates have been captured. It looks like someone talked Boss.” Carlos replied

“SOMEONE TALKED! who dared betray the family.” the enraged Don Vic, did not notice that he had crushed the chair he sat on and the table in front of him with just his weight as he spoke.

“Summon the family members to Whale Island! We cannot be pushed around in West Blue! The Rossi Family is one of the Five Families of the West. If we cannot beat them we will buy them.” Don Vic replied his anger was still at boiling point.

“Get me another TWO servings” 

“Yes Boss” a shout came from the kitchen.

A marine ship was anchored in the sea not far from Whale Island. The crew have been stationed here for over a year with very little to do. Their captain was in an agreement with the Rossi family, Pirate ships declared what was in their haul, and were granted access to Whale Island. 

Today something was different, the number of ships returning to the island had already exceeded the normal amount. The crew were panicking, but they could only look towards their captain for direction.

Ring Ring

“Carlos nya, what is this about? We had an agreement to limit your business in this part of the sea nya. That way no attention is drawn to the operations here. Can you explain why your family has ordered 20 ships to Whale Island nya?” a captain who had the appearance of a cat spoke into the microphone, he had cat ears attached to his marine cap. He had short black hair which was barely visible under his hat. Like most marine captains he had his white commissioned coat on his shoulder like a cape.

“Captain Neko, Sorry for the trouble. You should have heard about the vigilante marine unit that has been making waves in this part of the seas?” Carlos asked

“No, if something like that really happened nya, it would have been common news amongst the marines nya” Captain Neko replied

“Strangely, you are not aware, I think someone is going through great lengths to keep this matter hidden. They call themselves Atlanteans, they have already captured almost 15 ships of ours. This time we want to draw them into Whale island, for this we need your help.” Carlos replied “The pay will be 30 million berri, you just have to be detained on whale island, radio for help and then leave the rest to us. We will make sure that you and your men are reported as heroes for surviving Whale island and also we will chuck in a few low bounty pirates for you to arrest. This should make your story believable. Unfortunately, the other troop died for not being as skilled as yours, what do you think of that story Captain Neko.”

While this conversation was going on both Carlos Rossi and Captain Neko were unaware of the black den den mushi which was listening and repeating their conversation in a submarine deep in the sea.

“Captain, they are setting up a trap” No. 1 replied.

“No. 5, Good work on suggesting we watch Captain Neko. That guy even though we haven't met. He has been based here for over a year and has not brought in one pirate crew. From this information we just heard it looks like a deal has been made between Captain Neko and the Rossi Family.” Ezra thought out loud, “No.1 make a recording of that conversation and forward it to the Rear Admiral Straight, we will be bringing in some of our own on this mission also”

“Yes Sir!”

“There will be no change to our plans and let them continue with their plan. When everything has been arranged on their side we will start our mission. I want a clean swoop.” Ezra announced. “Go into code black until the mission starts”

Code Black: This code meant each officer was to get ready for a night raid.

Two nights later.

Ring Ring

“80th Marine Base, West Blue. How can I help you?” the receptionist answered the call

“Tell whoever is in charge, that we have a Captain and his troop detained on Whale Island. If you want him released, you have to do as we say; all the pirates under the Rossi family that have been recently captured have to be released because of good behaviour. That way no one gets to lose face.” Carlos said jokingly. His carefully thought plan was bound to work.

“This is Rear Admiral Straight, One thing everyone in this marine knows about me is that no matter the situation I remain an honest man. Now I will honestly tell you that none of the Rossi Family members is being held at the 80th Marine Base. So you better release the captain or you will have to face the full force of the marines.” Honest Straight replied. 

Carlos was shocked, he remembered that Captain Neko also did not know anything about this. ‘Was it really the work of a ghost ship?’ he thought.

Either way, news of a captured Captain will spread amongst the marines. “Get Captain Neko to broadcast a rescue message on the marine's hidden frequency. I will go inform the Don”

“Yes sir!”

“Boss, the traps have been set, we just need to wait for them to take the bait. They look like a merit-hungry bunch, they will definitely not pass this opportunity up” Carlos reported from outside the door.

The sounds of ladies giggling could be heard outside. ‘It seems the boss is having a good time’ Carlos thought

“Prepare for a night raid,” Don Vic said as his voice slowly got drowned out by the giggles of women.

Inside the Atlantis, all 210 frogmen participating in this operation were fully dressed waiting for the signal to start the mission.

“Listen up, this is going to be the most difficult battle we have ever faced. We will be fighting our enemies on their home ground. About 20 lieutenant-level pirates are waiting for our arrival not to mention their crew and other criminals who have taken hiding under their umbrella all these years. Our job is to neutralise the threat, by all means. There are no civilians on Whale Island so we are free to use as much force without worry. The decision to kill will be left to each of you, but remember if you don't kill your enemy, you might be the ones returning in a body bag.

Vic ‘The Mammoth’ Rossi is mine

No. 20 you will go for Carlos, be careful of his hidden weapons.

Are there any questions about the plan?” Ezra asked

"No sir!"

“Start the mission” Ezra ordered. "By morning Whale Island should be a thing of the past."


Thanks for reading to this point. Whale Island battle is up next, This mission IS on hardcore mode difficult. I hope they come out in one piece

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