Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 19

A few weeks back.

“Captain, do you want me to eat that Fruit?” No. 20 asked. He was not one to disobey orders but the value of this fruit was frightening. “Captain shouldn't we keep it as part of the evidence. It will add to our merit.”

“Eat it or I will ask another lieutenant,” Ezra replied bluntly.

“I'm eating it, I'm eating it” No. 20 responded quickly, taking a bite of the dynamite looking fruit

“This is all the information on this fruit, its name is Basu Basu no Mi (Explosive Explosive Fruit). The fruit is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to turn anything they touch into a bomb. Unlike the former yellow scarf Warhead who was a human bomb, you will only be able to affect things you touch, I'm sure the type of explosion, area of the explosion and timing of explosion are all explorable areas.“ Ezra stated as he read off the paper in his hand.

Thinking about activating the power, No. 20 noticed some visible changes, his palms were heating up and a sort of timer appeared at the back of his palm.

“Don't damage the ship,” Ezra said.

Thinking of deactivating it turned it off.

“You need to practice visualisation” Ezra mentioned.

“From now on you are codenamed Bomber. I'm promoting you to Commander, the paperwork can be completed after we finish our campaign.”

“Yes Sir!” No. 20 replied, the best decision he had made was speaking up when the Blue team was being formed securing his position in the troop. His loyalty was not to be questioned as well as he had obeyed every order to the letter and always sought to deliver as expected.

‘To think, The Five Families of the West are gathering and trading Devil fruits. It is time to put an end to that operation,’ Ezra thought.

The sea in front of whale island at the moment was obstructed by a maze of junk, this was a defence mechanism put in place to restrict access to the island. There was only one route to the harbour and that through the maze.

Before the operation began, On the deck of the Atlantis Ezra, Bomber and Law were scouting whale island. 

“Captain your plan is great but can the kid pull it off? Moreover, we have only 15 minutes after the explosives are primed” Bomber, the former No. 20 stated

“That's why I am here to test it,” Ezra replied looking at Law. Law had now been on the ship for over 6 months. He had further developed his Devil Fruit powers and had started operating on himself to remove and repair his organs affected by the Amber Lead Syndrome.

A barrel with some apples was placed in front of Bomber and Ezra by Law.

“The way the test will work is like this,

Prime an apple, toss it into the sea. We need to know if it would explode"

“Timed and Primed” This was Bomber's basic skill when using the Basu Basu no Mi (Explosive Explosive Fruit) he could prime non-organic objects with a timed delay to the explosion, “Detonate” His second skill was the ability to detonate a primed object before the countdown is completed.


Ezra picked up another apple tossing it into the ocean. "Bomber prime an apple, give it to Law. Use your new skill to swap this apple with the one floating in the sea."

“Timed and Primed” 

“Room”, “Scan”,  “Shambles”



Ezra smiled, “Let's give them hell”

"Law, when the mission starts, you will be in charge of crippling all 20 pirate ships, as we just practised we will be blowing them up from inside out."


“Don't fall asleep now, the Don has asked us to be ready for a night raid. Honestly, I still can't think any marines are stupid enough to break into Whale Island.” a gangster in a black suit and hat said as he puffed his cigarette. He was a small-time boss amongst the gangsters, his rank was a Capo.

Mafia Hierarchy: The Boss (DON) sat at the top, his number 2 known as the Underboss. Next were the Capo’s who controlled the regular gangsters.

“Capo the wave is picking up, a storm might coming,” a gangster commented on the change in weather

“Turn on the spotlight” the Capo instructed

“Capo, it looks like a cargo ship must have been caught in the storm, what a waste of so many apples.” a gangster mentioned as he illuminated the seas in front of them.

“Be serious, we could be under attack any time now.” the Capo cautioned his unruly men.


“Captain, the torpedoes are primed and ready” No. 12 announced over the speaker.

Ezra has just finished giving the speech and announcing the start of the mission


“Torpedo 1, Released!, Torpedo 2, Released!” No. 12 announced.

“Tsunami: HIGH TIDE”


“Capo there is a problem, the waves are getting stronger. I fear that we will be experiencing a high tide” a gangster commented 

“Should we not be taking cover?” another asked.

“No we remain on watch, what can a little bit of water do to you other than wet your suits.” the Capo replied.


Half of the left wall including the Junk piled up to surround the island was blown up in the explosion caused by the torpedos.



The siren rang in every direction of Whale Island as gangsters poured out of their houses with all types of weapons ready for a fight.

“OMG what is that” someone screamed in fright

A huge wave was speeding in the direction of the opened walls, it was twice the size of the huge walls and was carrying all sorts of junk with it.


“Children, why are you afraid, when I am here,” Don Vic said as he walked out of the restaurant. “This wave must be man-made, I suspect a Devil Fruit power”

“DON!” everyone saluted

Boom, Boom

As Don Vic walked forward step by step, his weight increased. The sound of his steps echoed through the quiet streets

“Ushi Ushi no Mi (Cow Cow Fruit) Model: Mammoth: Hybrid Transformation” 

The already obese Don Vic, gradually grew bigger in size ripping his suit, shredding his trousers, transforming it into shorts. His red hair now covered most of his body and a trunk grew on his face, making him look like a mammoth standing on two legs.


A shockwave was created from the bottom of his foot which was strong enough to part the tide. Those watching the attack could only think of it as some sort of miracle. But not all were lucky, the path created by the shockwave was not large enough for everyone on the island to be protected by it.

“Crash” “Splash”

The waves crashed into Whale Island as the water raged on flushing, destroying, everything in its parts. The unlucky few who could not make it in time to the area protected by the DON could only be swept away by the flood. Some tried to hide in houses, others strapped themselves to structures to reduce the chances of being swept away.


Captain, 10 seconds left.

9, 8, 7, … 3, 2, 1


A Series of explosions covered the entire island as people screamed in pain and panic.

Ezra looked on, giving the command. “Move out”

I finished it earlier than I expected, I think I am having too much fun writing this. If you have any comments let me know.

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