Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 1

A lot has happened during this short break. I ended up rewriting another book of mine. You can read it also if you fancy an OP LitRPG type book. It is time to continue the story!


The current year is 1517!

  • The previous year brought with it a violent war on Kuraigana Island, coating the island in blood and dead bodies. This was what was reported, the only thing that was noted was that it was a war between the world government and another group who called themselves the revolutionary army. All the marine gathered intelligence on the revolutionary army has been placed under the highest level of clearance.
  • The next news was that the so-called revolutionary army was spotted somewhere near Foolshout Island.
  • It was also in this year that 10 elite marines were promoted in rank to Rear Admiral. Leaving Ezra still in his rank as a Commodore.

Commodore Rose D. Ezra

Assignment: Foolshout Island marine base.

Duration: 1 year!



‘If their battle is against the World Government, why would they go all the way to Foolshout Island, which is very close to Marineford’ Ezra thought as he reviewed the documents in front of him. He and his bunch of roughnecks have been on standby for almost two years. Although the time was used to improve their strength, the silent treatment from HQ started to make some weary.

“Captain, I believe we have been left out of the promotions this time on purpose.” Brains mentioned. Even though no Atlantean made a fuss, they were very upset at this type of treatment.

“Don’t mind it, being promoted to a rear admiral at this time will only limit our freedom” Ezra replied bluntly, he didn't care about the promotions. He was not planning to go rogue and he wasn't going to change his justice. “Back to training, it's time to shake things up once again!” 

“Yes Sir!”


On a Zeppelin, Somewhere in the New World,

“Jimmy, my boy, what's the hurry?” This was said by a very tall human hybrid - albatross known to the world as Morgans. He had small bird-like eyes and a large beak. His body was covered in white feathers and was his large tail and wings. He wore a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it. The rest of his body was hidden under a large dark cape.

“Boss, highly classified information, just came in....” Jimmy, a young reporter quickly spoke in a hushed voice.

“Hahaha, so that's what happened. We are reporters! We don't care who we offend. Make it a headline” Morgan announced.

Jimmy left the office, leaving a recording den den mushi on the table.



Sea Hero faces Injustice! The WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW

Two years ago, Commodore Ezra and his soldiers stopped and rescued civilians from a human trafficking operation. It has just been confirmed that this is a case the higher-ups are trying to cover up.

The Nature of the news is highly confidential, even we independent news reporters cannot share it without reason.

The attack was not carried out by pirates, it was carried out by Marines under the orders of a representative of the world government.

This came as a shock to us, but a video recording of the incident reinforces why Commodore Ezra is known as the sea hero. 

From our on-ground correspondent, we have been told, not only Commodore Ezra was punished for the arrest, he was refused promotion to Rear Admiral.


Vice-Admiral Garp: "WabaWaba!, Sengoku, you and the elders underestimated this young lad. WabaWaba!"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku was very angry with what he read in the papers. The united front of the marines he had always tried to portray was slowly shattering. Of course, he was upset at the way things turned out for Ezra but that was just one marine amongst the millions he had to command.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku: "Summon Commodore Rose D. Ezra to HQ, his assignment will be changed for the next year. He can take up a role as an instructor here in HQ. Prepare a little ceremony for his efforts, and a medal, we need to put an end to this news."

The Fleet Admiral instructed his receptionist.

Ring ring 

Ring ring

Ring ring 

Ring ring

“Sorry, Sir! We have tried every den den mushi we have on Commodore Ezra but there is no response.  He was meant to be reporting to Foolshout Island, they also confirmed that they could not get hold of Commodore Ezra.” the receptionist replied.

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