Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 2

“Saint Rosward, do you want me to send a counter publication to confirm that the news scandal was fabricated news? Rear Admiral Sicily mentioned. He had a scar below his left eye. His moustache was thin and black. His hair and beard were brown in colour.

“No, there is no need. My son, Carlos, needs to learn how we Celestial Dragons rule over the commoners. He cannot be caught up in schemes of these sorts, and if he is, he needs to learn how to use his birthright power.” This was said by an older man with a hairstyle that curled upwards. He also had a curly black moustache and a fluffy grey beard. He was wearing black sunglasses inside the distinctive glass bubble helmet which prevented him from breathing the same air as commoners. Like other Celestial Dragons, he wore a thick white suit with medal-like buttons.

“Understood, Saint Rosward. I heard that the marine who was responsible for the arrest has been punished. He has been sent to no man's land where he could not gain any achievements to be considered for a promotion.” Rear Admiral Sicily reported. 

“Don't worry about that. Even if he manages to gain any achievements nothing will change. The order to revoke his promotion came as a unanimous vote by us Celestial Dragons. It cannot be changed! 

He will need to wait for another few years before he is considered for another promotion and there we will be again to revoke it.” Saint Rosward said with a smile. “Hahaha, this is a message to all the other marines who think they can change the setup of this world. We are the chosen ones and everyone has to obey us”

“Yes, Saint Rosward” Rear Admiral Sicily agreed.


“Captain are we not reporting to Foolshout Island?” Shields asked curiously

“No, there is a loophole with the current assignment. There was no start date. It only said that my next assignment is Foolshout and the Duration of the assignment. Let's enjoy a short vacation on Fish-man Island” Ezra replied, he was untroubled by the whole situation. “Take us under” 

“Yes, Captain” Shields replied.

After reaching a certain depth, a panicking Shields was calling over the communication channel.

“Captain, the pressure at this depth is too much for Atlantis. I think we should abort this mission.” Shields reported as quickly as possible. The pressure on the submarine could be heard as the metals were taking a beating.

“Relax, I will take control of the ship,” Ezra said as he hit the water valve button connected to his captain's seat. The valves opened as water flowed into the base of the submarine, all under Ezra's control.

“Sea Bubble”

A bubble slowly formed around the submarine, resolving the pressure situation. Controlling the water flowing into the ship, Ezra took control of the ship itself as it dove into the depths of the sea. All the soldiers were glued to the hatches, the bridge was also full of Lieutenants who were in awe at the wonders lurking in the deep.

At this depth, sea creatures lived their lives without much worry. Octopus searching the ocean floor for food, Jellyfish wobbled and glowed, eels slipped in and out of holes and rays gliding through the water. Sharks, Whales and some silhouettes of gigantic size sea creatures could also be seen.

Ezra had never been to Fish-man island; he just followed the sea current moving the submarine deeper and deeper. As the journey progressed Ezra had a strange feeling of something familiar being close by. He had never felt this way before, something was calling to him from the depths, a type of voice, only he could hear. It was as if something was rejoicing at his arrival.

As he was trying to figure out what was going on he soon heard a voice in his head. “Follow the current, it will lead you to the place your heart desires.”

‘Who are you?’ Ezra thought 

“Captain, someone just sent a telepathic message to you” Brains called in over the communication channel.

“Can you trace it?” Ezra asked

“Captain, You would not believe it! I traced it to the source. The message was sent from a sea king.” Brains was utterly dumbfounded.

“Looks like this trip is going to be interesting,” Ezra said with a laugh. He was in great expectation for what secrets were awaiting him on Fish-man Island.


In the grand palace of King Neptune

“Your Majesty!” a fish-man covered in armour.

“What is it this time Commander! Every time I see you it means something is happening” King Neptune joked as he spoke to his old friend.

“A very unique human vessel is approaching Fish-man Island. How do you want us to handle this.” the Commander of the Neptune army reported


“You are right, this is serious! Summon Fisher. He should be able to handle this using his status as a Warlord.” King Neptune replied unworriedly. Fish-man Island was not the same as before. Over the period of isolation, a lot of changes took place but it was not yet time to unveil them to the world.

“Yes Your Majesty”

“Halt your advance and Identify yourself! This area is under the protection of King Neptune and Warlord Fisher.” This was broadcasted over the speaker.

“Adventurer Fisher Tiger is this how you greet an old friend” 

Fisher heard a familiar voice. ‘He is finally here! This is either a good sign or an omen that something is about to happen,’ Fisher thought as he made a path for the submarine to enter into Ryugu Kingdom.

“Everyone stand down! “ Fisher said. “ Make way for the vessel.”

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