Green Life

Dark wolf vs Hatsuko – chapter 24

Eating this orc is sure gonna leave a bad taste on my mouth.

I don't have any cooking skills or anything to lit up with fire so my only option left is eating it raw.


I used "Materialization" to create a sharp knife to cut the orc's flesh.

The knife was green and transparent, similar to my previous dagger. But this time was a bit smaller and sharper.

I started cutting up one of its arms.

It took me quite a while to do so since the orc's skin was really tough.

The smell was horrible! The moment I started cutting it up, the whole place around me started smelling really bad.

It could make me puke any moment now!

But I have to eat something or I will die from starvation. My stomach was growling in pain. I didn't care anymore about what I was about to eat as long as it filled my stomach.

I checked my status one last time and it showed that I had 2/260 of my health.

My stomach started hurting even more than before. I wish I still had my bag of snacks...

I can't bear it any longer.

I started cutting some flesh from its arm and took it on my hand.

It smells even worse now!

My nose was telling me to not put that thing on my mouth but my stomach was saying otherwise.

And without thinking about it, I shoved that piece of flesh into my mouth.

I slowly started chewing on it.

Ugh, this tastes, tastes...



I couldn't believe this! The taste was really sweet, just like cakes or desserts.

My mouth couldn't stop chewing this!

I need more!

*Chew* *Chew*

I started biting the arm of the orc directly without cutting it with my knife.

Bitting the flesh off was really hard and it was hard to swallow.

But I didn't let that bother me.

I had lost my sense of smell from the delicious taste of the orc.

I kept biting and chewing it without a rest.

I didn't care about manners and etiquette stuff since I was alone.

I couldn't stop!

{ Skill unlocked: "Glutton" }

I kept bitting it, swallowing it.

Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow, Bite, Swallow

[ Haaaaaa... ] ( Hatsuko )

I stopped eating it.

{ Skill "Glutton" evolved into "Berserk of Gluttony" )

[ I have turned like every other monster here now! ] ( Hatsuko )

That's right...

No monster here cares if you're strong or weak as long as they can eat you.

A place where there are no rules.

It's just me and my skills.

Hahahahahahahahahaa.... ] ( Hatsuko )

This place is truly amazing!

Why did I want to get out of such an amazing place like this before?

I don't remember...

It must have been something stupid... like I don't want to be alone.

But why did I say that I was alone?

I've made a lot of friends here!

Friends that I could eat anytime!

Even if I'm hungry they would just offer their own flesh to feed me!

Truly great friends.

If it was the old me, I would have been touched by this kind of friendship!





Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 260/260

STR: 250

MC (mental capacity): 30

AGI: 39

VIT: 230

DEF: 310

Soul collected: 4/10.000

Condition: Healthy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony )



It seems like my health points have restored.

Even my condition is back to healthy.

And it seems like I got another weird skill.

"Berserk of Gluttony"

{ Answer: Eating as much as a normal human won't satisfy you anymore! Once you taste it you can't go back anymore. All the consumed will turn into health points and stamina. }

I see, this explains why the orc tasted so great.

I had eaten almost all of the arm of that orc.

For now, I should get some rest.








Grrrrrrrr ]


I was woken up by some kind of weird noises.

Is it a monster?

I got up and noticed something from the darkness approaching.

"The eyes of see-through"



Species: Black wolf

Gender: Male

Health: 500/500

STR: 300

MC (mental capacity): 80

AGI: 600

VIT: 400

DEF: 650

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( Air slash ) ( presence detection ) ( Bites of Death )



The health of this monster is lower than that orc but it's much stronger!

I couldn't put my agility to advantage.

But this doesn't scare me anymore!

In front of me is nothing more than points and food to make me stronger!

I made 2 daggers with the skill "Materialization".

But at that moment...


[ Agh! ] ( Hatsuko )

The Dark Wolf appeared right in front of me and started biting my left arm.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Health: 200/260



The monster was so fast that I couldn't catch its movements with my eyes.

And one of its bites took away 60 of my health.

If I had my previous health status, I would have died. It would have been a dead-end for me.

[ Quiet the hungry one, arent you? ] ( Hatsuko )

With my right arm, I stabbed its eye and popped it out.

At that moment the Dark wolf let go of my arm and took some distance.


So it has a bit of intelligence, differently from the other monsters.

My left arm was in bad condition, my skin was torn and my bones were probably broken.

I started eating the Dark Wolf's eye which I took out with my dagger.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Health: 200/260 -> 208/260



As I thought...

It tastes really good!

I need more from that.

[ So how did you like bitting my arm? Tasty right?

Well, I took some damage from it so I need to heal it!

You don't mind if I try and eat you do you? ] ( Hatsuko )




Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 260/260 (+30)

STR: 250 (+30)

MC (mental capacity): 30 (+30)

AGI: 39 (+30)

VIT: 230 (+30)

DEF: 310 (+30)

Soul collected: 4/10.000

Condition: Healthy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony )




So this skill boosts up my status by 30.

I took some distance from the Dark wolf and used.

"Air Slash"

Blades made out of air flew towards the wolf.

The Dark Wolf dodged it.


I need to get more close to kill that thing.

I kept using "Air slash" from my right dagger repeatedly while running towards it.

Some of the attacks were dodged and some were able to injure that monster.

I didn't leave the monster to take a break.

I kept using "Air Slash," until I ran out of stamina.

[ Haaa Haa Haaa... ] ( Hatsuko )

How much health left does that thing have?



Species: Black wolf

Gender: Male

Health: 103/500

STR: 300

MC (mental capacity): 80

AGI: 600

VIT: 400

DEF: 650

Condition: Hungry, injured, tired

Skills: ( Air slash ) ( presence detection ) ( Bites of Death )



It still has 1/5 of health.

I need to change my tactics since I don't think I can hold much longer.

Right the "Materialization" skill!

What kind of weapon should I use to kill that thing fast,?

After I thought of a way an idea came up to my mind.


Oh, why didn't I think of this first?

If I have enough MC this might work!

I throw my dagger down as a sign of giving up. The moment, the dagger touched the ground, it disappeared.

The Dark Wolf which saw this as a chance to attack me started running towards me.

We had quite some distance from each other.

That was to my advantage.

The moment the Dark Wolf got close to me.


Transparent green spikes started coming out under the monster's feet.

The spikes tore through all over the monster's body.



Species: Black wolf

Gender: Male

Health: 0/500

STR: 300

MC (mental capacity): 80

AGI: 600

VIT: 400

DEF: 650

Condition: Dead

Skills: ( Air slash ) ( presence detection ) ( Bites of Death )



It's finally dead!

{ Skill acquired: "Presence detection" }

I sat down.

I had lost all of my energy.

"Berserk of Gluttony"

I created a knife and started cutting up the monster.

And without hesitation, I started eating it.

The taste was sweet and I could feel all of my energy coming back to me.




Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 240/260 -> 260/312

STR: 250 -> 302

MC (mental capacity): 30 -> 42

AGI: 39 -> 180

VIT: 230 -> 299

DEF: 310 -> 400

Soul collected: 5/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection)



I got a lot of points on my status and got a new skill as well.

"Presence Detection"

{ Answer: You now can detect the presence of other living things }

It seems like I got a useful skill.

For now, I should sleep.

I closed my eyes as I thought that.




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