Green Life

Wolves vs Hatsuko – chapter 25

I had about 30 minutes of sleep before I was woken up again by my new skill "Presence Detection".

It was like an alarm clock.

Some kind of monster must be around.

I don't know how much time had passed since I had lost my way here but my body knows that more than 2 days have passed without proper sleep.

Since I had gotten here I have had at least 2 hours of sleep. Or that's what my body was telling me. There was no way for me to tell, what time it was. Even the bracelet on my hand was broken from the fights. Sometimes my eyes would get really heavy from staying up too much.

I was about to collapse any time now.

But I won't give up here!

I'll survive at all costs!

My skill "Presence Detection" works automatically.

I could feel anytime and anywhere when a monster was near me.

That really was convenient.

The presence of the monster was getting even closer.

I should prepare myself!

But the closer the monster got, the bigger the sense of the "Presence Detection" got.

It must be a gigantic monster.

From the sense I'm getting, I was surprised that it could fit this place.

Just how big is the monster?

The presence got even closer until the noise of a lot of footsteps were heard.

It wasn't a big target, there are a lot of monsters!

That's why the sense was that big!

I couldn't see that well, far in the darkness so used "The eyes of see-through" skill to prepare for what kind of monsters were coming.



Species: Inferior Wolf

Gender: Male

Health: 199/200

STR: 98

MC (mental capacity): 40

AGI: 300

VIT: 200

DEF: 150

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( night vision ) ( blood boost )




Species: Inferior Wolf

Gender: Female

Health: 200/200

STR: 100

MC (mental capacity): 76

AGI: 200

VIT: 300

DEF: 129

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( Smell detection ) ( Night vision )



My skill caught about 109 different "Status" monsters.

It must be a pack of wolves.

Their average status was like that.

The female's status was rare. Maybe they only keep a few females around their pack.


So they found me.

I created 2 Katanas on my hands.

They weren't as heavy as they were when I first tested my skills.

This must be because my status improved.

Since my MC (mental capacity) wasn't high enough I couldn't keep them longer than 15 minutes.

I need more kills to raise that.

But now I have some tricks as well.

As I finally finished creating my weapons I rushed towards the hungry packs of monsters.

Firstly I need to break their formation.

I created several spikes from under their paws at the front lines of their pack.

More than 10 of them were struggling and died.

Some of them were stupid enough to rush straight ahead onto the created spikes which their own kind were killed by me.

As the monsters were getting closer I started using double air slash with both of my Katanas.

But all of my attacks were dodged.

[ Tsk ] ( Hatsuko )

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

The fastest Wolf managed to reach me but I used my sword to slash it.

But the same monster got up again and started attacking me again.

[ Just get killed by me already! ] ( Hatsuko )

I stabbed its head with my right sword. Its skull was really hard but my katana managed to slide through.

More wolves came to me.

Some of them started jumping to attack my head and some just went for my legs. They didn't want to leave me any openings.

There are too many of them.

I used the monster as a shield which its head was stuck on my right Katana to protect any attacks from above.

And used smaller versions of spikes to instantly kill those who were aiming for my legs.

Those who managed to escape my traps were slashed with " Air Slash" or my sword for a second time.

More than 20 wolves were down.

I also could feel their power getting absorbed by me.

I kept using the same tactics until I reached my 56th kill.

{ Skill acquired: "Night vision" }

The view in my eyes became more clear than before.

I can see way better than before!

I didn't pay any attention to my status or the new skill since more monsters were coming to attack me. I didn't have time for that.

There were about 59 wolves left.

Since my tactics consumed a lot of my energy I decided on a new plan.

I added small blades around the one edged swords and made them vibrate and move like a chainsaw at a high speed.

My stamina had also increased a bit from killing 50 wolves.

Now with this new kind of weapons, I could slice through the wolves in one swing, easily.

The way my sword was slicing through their body was really satisfying.

One wolf after another was being slashed mercilessly by me.

I also could see them better in the dark.

After reaching my 100th kill the attacks suddenly stopped.

So they finally gave up on me huh?

But I won't let you go off, without being killed by me!

But suddenly at a calm speed, a bigger wolf surrounded by 8 other wolves were approaching me.

That must be the leader of the group.



Species: Superior Wolf

Gender: Female

Health: 600/600

STR: 700

MC (mental capacity): 760

AGI: 400

VIT: 690

DEF: 129

Condition: Hungry, Angry

Skills: ( Smell detection ) ( Night vision ) ( Marionette ) ( Air Slash ) ( Paralyses Roar ) ( Poison bite ) ( Fireball )



The bigger wolf growled to the smaller wolves and started approaching me.

The other wolves stayed behind her.

So it wants to 1v1 me huh?

This monster is one of the strongest I have ever fought until now.

Different from the other monster, it has a lot of skills and has a higher status than mine.

But I'm not scared at all.

Moments ago I was sleepy and about to collapse any time, but now in front of this monster, I could feel all of my senses becoming stronger, ignoring my conditions. I had goosebumps on my skin as I was in front of that monster.

I created transparent green armor around my body using the "Materialization" skill.

From killing 100 wolves, now I could use my "Materialization" skill at a longer period and bigger scales.

From its skill, one of those monsters bites it could kill me.

That's why I prepared some armor in advance.

At high speed that wolf started heading towards me.

I immediately used my trap spikes under that monster but it was easily dodged.

So that won't work on her.

That monster increased its speed and started aiming for my arm to bite.

I barely dodged that but at that moment, a fireball hit me from behind.

[ Aghh ] ( Hatsuko )

So that was its plan...

But I'm not out of tricks yet.

I removed one of my chainsawed Katanas on my left hand.

The monster noticed that and at a high-speed bit my left arm.

A crack noise was heard from the armor of my left hand.

[ You fool! Now I got you! ] ( Hatsuko )

As I said that I slashed through its neck with everything I had.

By removing one of my weapons I had tripled the strength of the armor of my left arm and the sharpness of my right weapon.

The monster started using the "Paralyses Roar"

But that skill was useless on me as well, since I already saw its skill and prepared earplugs beforehand. That was a bit dangerous but I had blocked all the sounds on my ears using earplugs with my skill "Materialisation".

The monster died before it could escape.

The other 8 wolves fell down the moment I killed their leader.

{ Skill acquired: "Fireball" }

{ Skill acquired: "Marionette" }

Oh, so I got 2 new skills from this monster.

I'm quite tired myself.

I approached those 8 wolves which fell down earlier and used "The eyes of see-through" skill.

Those wolves were not dead but they were in the effect of some kind of skill, which made them faint after their leader died.

I approached the remaining wolves and started stabbing their hearts.


After about 30 minutes of break, I approached the Superior dead wolf and started cutting him up into smaller pieces.

The moment I was about to start eating one of the skills came into my mind.


I could use fire skills to warm up the meat a bit.

I was also excited since it was the first time in a while to eat warm food.

I made a fireball at the ground and some transparent green slim pipes with meat around the fireball.

After some time I started eating the meat one by one.

It was delicious as usual but the smell was still the same.


But now I was kind of used to it.

{ Skill acquired: "Poison Resistance"


The meat was poisonous?


After I had my fill I decided to check my status.




Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 643/643

STR: 302 -> 702

MC (mental capacity): 42 -> 89

AGI: 180 -> 990

VIT: 299 -> 899

DEF: 400 -> 920

Soul collected: 114/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Poison Resistance )



My status increased a lot from this fight.

Also, I got 3 new skills.

{ Answer: "Night Vision" You now will be able to see in dark places. This skill depends on the MC for a better sight during the night.

"Fireball" You can create up to 50 cm sized ball of fire for a long or short-ranged attack. The size of this skill depends on the MC.

"Marionette" You can control the enemies which are inferior to you. }

So that's how it is.

The first one "Night vision" explains why now I can see better.

The second one is the fireball which I used earlier.

And the last one is "Marionette" it can control the body of those weaker than you.

So that explains why the wolves kept attacking me without a care about their lives.


What would happen if I used this skill on myself?

{ Skill unlocked: "Auto fight" }

Wait huh?

"Auto fight"

{ Answer: The skill will fight for you using your body with the experience and skills you have. Your mind will have a rest while your skill will do your fight for you. (You can regain consciousness at a critical point) }

So that means that I will sleep while my body fights.

For the moment I shouldn't use this kind of skill since my body has limits like eating and resting.

It will be suicide for me.

That's what I thought.

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