Hannah’s Revenge

Hannah’s Revenge Ch. 06

Despite the horrors of the night before, and the constant stress I felt about the night to come, that day seemed to pass as normal as any other. The structured routine of a school day served to calm my shattered nerves. Sitting, working, rising, and repeating in 40-minute intervals, with constant focus on the work of each class formed a welcome distraction. It helped too that no PE with Ms. McLaughlin or shared classes with Hannah that day provided a welcome respite from having to face either of my tormentors. Were it not from a few awkward moments of waiting at the foot of each stairwell for everyone else to pass before me, lest my bare pussy catch their eye as I walked above, that day could have been indiscernible from any other. I knew it was not to last, and danger could have been around every corner, but even then, if only for a brief moment, I started to feel human again.

As the bell rang once again and I strolled out into the hall on autopilot to head to my history class, I felt a tug at my blazer and turned to see Katie’s face smiling at me.

“Where are you going?” She asked. “Don’t forget we’re bunking off with the girls for a sunbathe on the Arts roof. Wouldn’t want to waste this sunny day in some stuffy history classroom anyway. C’mon lets go!”

The shaking of my welcome routine shocked me for a moment, but after a few seconds consideration I thought the idea could do me some good. It was unseasonably warm for September and it did sound like fun. I’d kept myself distracted all day with work, but maybe some relaxation could do the job just as well.

A few minutes later we were ascending the top set of stairs of the Arts building, pushing the old oak door which lead up to the open area above. It spanned the length and breadth of the wide Arts building, interrupted only by a square tower in the middle which stretched up to the sky, the hands of the large clock at the top an inescapable reminder of where we should be at this moment. Playing hooky and being in areas forbidden to students had been regular facets of our time at Greenbrier, but the little tingle of doing something naughty was something which never left me.

The flat expanse of the rooftop was peppered by the reclined bodies of my friends, stripped to their bras and knickers. They were sprawled out on soft, white towels, bearing the Greenbrier crest, which protected their bodies from the coarseness and sun-warmed heat of the flagstones beneath them.

This had long been our sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of school life. Nobody had ever come up here in the any years which we’d hidden ourselves away; and whilst the building was rather central on the campus, the shouts of an ongoing hockey game from the playing fields at its base ringing up to us, the high turrets which ran the sides of the building meant that nobody would be likely to see you. So far as you stayed away from the edge at least.

Glancing down, I saw what was clearly Joanna’s slighter form a few feet away. Every part of her radiated light, from her flawless pale skin reflecting bright against the sun; to her shining blonde hair, itself turned almost white by the light. Even her underwear set, the bra carefully for its padding and uplift to make the most of her limited assets, was bright and white. The entire effect was ethereal, creating a shining elf of light before us.

Further along, the Presutti twins too were stretched out beneath the beating sun, their olive skin drinking the UV rays. Looking at them now, it would have been impossible to tell which was which from look alone, the subtle differences in their faces hidden by twin pairs of large tortoiseshell Ray-Bans. Knowing them as well as I did though, I could hazard a guess that the plainer black underwear set adorned Clara’s curvaceous body, whilst it was Alexandria’s full breasts which strained against the more ostentatiously sexy red silk bra and thong set. My suspicions were confirmed as the latter rose onto her elbows before calling out in Alexandria’s voice towards us.

“Hello girlies!” She chirped happily, before lobbing over a towel each to Katie and me.
We bought caught our respective towels, with Katie gliding past to lay her’s on the ground next to Alexandria before beginning to undress herself, ready to further tan her already sun-kissed skin.

Caught up in the excitement of a chance to sunbathe I’d hurriedly torn off my blazer, and was in the process of undoing my blouse before my eye was caught by Katie pulling her tartan skirt down and out to reveal a flash of bright blue knickers with a delicate floral pattern across them. Thats when it hit me. I had no blue floral knickers like Katie. Nor did I have Joanna’s bright white, or Clara’s sensible black, or even Alexandria’s sexy red thong. If I was to pull my skirt down right now then my bare pussy would be on show to all of them, how could I explain that?

“Are you alright Victoria?” Katie called over, noticing my hesitation. “What’s going on?”
What do I do? I’d already started to strip. Thinking fast I reached up away from my skirt and unclipped my bra, allowing the white fabric to fall away from my chest with a bounce, my nipples hardening with the sudden rush.

“I feel like going au naturel today.” I lied, trying my best to sound light and fun. “Best way to avoid tan lines as well. And its just us girls up here anyway, not like anyone’s ever caught us.”

With my bare breasts proudly standing free, I whisked down my skirt quickly, as if pulling it down with some imaginary pair of knickers in one fluid movement, before quickly collapsing onto my towel, trying to lie out as relaxed as possible, feeling the rapid drumbeat of my heart in my chest

“Woo! Alright, party time! Let’s get crazy!” Alexandria shouted as she reached behind her back to unclip the lacy bra and allow her full breasts to swing free. Wriggling her red silk thong down her curvy arse she playfully pinged it away behind her.
This inspired a laugh from Katie, herself seemingly happy to join our nudist colony as with a ping and a snap her underwear dropped to the floor too, every inch of her bronzed and toned skier’s body stretched out beneath the beat of the sun, her perfectly formed breasts rising and falling with excited glee.

Already I was feeling myself calming as my cover-up seemed to be working. Of course I shouldn’t be surprised, Alexandria was always a party girl, always up for anything, so it would have taken a whole lot more than some nude sunbathing to shock her. Katie too would have followed me whatever I did, and much like a Labrador, just seemed happy to be outside in the sun, tits out or otherwise. Glancing over at Joanna and Clara, on the other hand, I felt a pang of guilt, knowing that this sort of thing wouldn’t sit well with either of them because of Joanna’s self-consciousness over her small breasts, particularly compared to the rest of us; and Clara’s general shyness and demureness.

Nonetheless, Joanna had slipped her underwear off too, albeit after a visible flash of embarrassment striking her, as her long established membership to the itty-bitty titty committee was shoved into our faces with the removal of her push-up bra revealing her tiny, but still beautifully perky and tear-dropped, breasts. Ashamed from her own inexplicable insecurities, she casually shifted onto her stomach instead, as if trying to even her tan onto her back.

Clara, on the other hand, seemed incredibly anxious. “I don’t really feel comfortable taking my panties off guys.” She shyly muttered.

“Oh come on sis, live a little!” Alexandria called out before rising to her knees and shaking her tits in a mock sultry dance. “It’s not like they’ve not seen your great rack on me anyway, come on join in!”

Unwillingly, Clara slowly pulled off her plain black bra, allowing her full bodied olive tits to spring forth with a bounce, identical to those bared by her sister, but she stopped short at pulling down her simple black panties.

“I’m serious guys, I’m just going to keep them on, I’m still fun!” Clara pleaded, the anxiety in her voice only compounding the guilt in my gut for forcing her into this situation because of my own.

“Alex, if she doesn’t want to take her panties off then just let her, we’re still having fun.” I tried to reason with her to alleviate my guilt.

“I know my sister, Victoria, she’ll love it when they’re off, she just always needs that extra little push.” Alexandria dismissed my comment and then rose to her feet, now fully nude, and swayed her perfect arse side to side as she sauntered over to her topless twin. Giving a spin, showing off her full assets, she smiled across at Clara.
“Now don’t you want to look and feel as good as me?”

Alexandria smirked at her. “No wonder everyone always says I’m the fun one.”
Feeling horrible with myself for putting a friend through this, I was albeit selfishly relieved when this seemed to strike a chord with Clara and she slowly grabbed the waistband of her knickers making a move to pull them down. My relief quickly turned to shock when she stepped out of them, trying vainly to hide her pussy with a casual cover from her arm, which did nothing to disguise the thick black bush of dark Italian hair, completely at odds with the four other completely clean shaven teenage pussies on display on that rooftop.

“Oh my god!” Alexandria started a cacophony of laughter at her sister’s expense. “Well that’s one way to tell us apart. ‘Which one’s Alexandria and which one’s Clara?’ they’ll ask. Easy-peasy, we’ll just flash our fannies and they’ll know its Clara from her 70s puss-fro.”

It was obvious now why Clara had been so reluctant to fully bare all with the rest of us. Alexandria’s laughter was ringing out across the roof, quickly replaced by Joanna’s voice telling her off for taking things too far, as Clara nervously chuckled before also laying on her stomach, likewise trying to hide the shame of her front. But I never heard of any it. I might as well have been miles away.

Like a horrible PTSD trigger, that flash of Clara’s pussy hair, though remarkably cleaner and better kept, brought back sickening memories of my torture the day before. Hannah’s course and sticky bush tickling my throat as I choked on it eating her cunt. The thick droplets of her piss and cum clinging to it as she rubbed her stinking pussy on my face. The disgust of the memories rose in my throat, and forgetting all of the current situation, I rushed to the turreted side of the roof, feeling myself about to be sick. A move I know fully regret as a terrible mistake.

Instinctively rushing away from the hidden safety away from the edge, I leant right over the side, every smell and taste of Hannah’s disgusting sweaty holes filling my mouth and nostrils again, completely unaware of the total nude show I was putting on to anyone beneath us. Nothing came up, which was lucky because I was suddenly wrenched back to the middle by Alexandria, pulling me away fro the exposed sides. But not before I caught a few seconds flash of a tall figure at the other end of the playing fields, her reflective silver Aviators seemingly turned away from the bustle of the hockey game, if only for a moment, to seemingly look straight up at me and my flashing tits at the top of the tower.

“What the fuck Victoria?” Alexandria shouted, her shock rendered almost comical by the gentle shake of her naked tits with each stressed word. “What the hell’s wrong with you? I mean I’m a party girl, you know me, but even I wouldn’t put on a strip show for the whole fucking school, when I’m bunking off, at the top of the fucking bell tower! What if someone had seen you? Then we’d all be in the shit!”

I was completely stunned, the horror of the memories that had run through my mind only beginning to fade, barely registering the words she was shouting, or the concerned and shocked faces of my naked friends who surrounded me.

“Are you okay, Victoria?” Joanna asked again today, a real suspicion of something wrong creeping into her mind. “You’ve been acting funny all day, what’s up?”

That should have been my moment. To break down in tears, amongst the naked vulnerability of my closest friends, and admit that I was being raped and blackmailed by Hannah and Ms McLaughlin. But for whatever reason, the words couldn’t seem to form. Was it a fear that mentioning it to anyone would make it all public? Or did it stem from seeing Alexandria humiliate her sister for something so much less embarrassing? Or even just some tiny shred of the pride I used to hold in myself stopping me from admitting it was happening? In any case, all I managed to do was hold back my tears, coolly compose myself, and try and shrug it off.

“I’m so sorry girls, honestly I don’t know what came over me.” I tried to sound as casual, yet apologetic, as I could. “It must be then heat, maybe I’ve got sunstroke or something.”

It was true that the heat was still beating down on us, seemingly reaching the hottest point of the day in the middle of the afternoon. I could already feel the pinpricks of sweat running down my own back, and dainty droplets here and there on Alexandria’s naked flesh.

The explanation seemed to convinced nobody, but they all seemed content enough to drop the matter for now. And then despite all the dramatics that had led up to that moment, at last I could lie back on the soft cotton, stretch my naked body out to the sun, close my eyes, and feel alive again. But despite the relaxing atmosphere, there was still a thought playing on my mind. That figure in the sunglasses that I caught a flash of when I exposed myself over the edge. It was only a fraction of a moment, surely they couldn’t have seen me? But what if they did? Bunking off, in a restricted area, and oh god flashing the school? I’d have been in a lot of trouble...
But as the distant sound of a bell rang some minutes later, signalling the end of our first stolen period, I allowed those thoughts of worry to cease. Nobody would have seen anything, I allowed myself to believe now, the heat of the sun, gentle chatter of the girls over something banal, and of course the exhaustion over the last day allowed me to slip gently into a warm summer doze.

I’d no idea how long I’d been asleep, seconds or minutes, before it was suddenly interrupted by the slam of wood on stone as the door to the roof was flung open, accompanied by the cocky sneer of a familiar voice.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

Shaken out of my sleep with shock I turned suddenly to face the source of the voice, seeing Ms. McLaughlin standing in a few feet away, arms folded, a big smile on her face, stuck beneath a pair of shining, silver, Aviator sunglasses.

All around me I could hear the shrieks or shock from my friends, being caught completely exposed and naked like this, as they all scrambled to try and pull some clothing back on to cover themselves. I, however, was frozen completely to the spot in horror.

“It’s too late, ladies.” Ms. McLaughlin laughed. “I’ve seen everything. Bunch of little young sluts prancing about naked up here. Are you some sort of lesbian group? I won’t judge, trust me.” Though I couldn’t tell, I’m sure she was winking beneath those lenses.

All around I felt the shame and embarrassment of everyone, even Alexandria, at being caught in such a compromising position.

“Well the way I see it, you’re all skipping class just now. And I’ve just caught you hanging out on the roof, where I’m sure you all know students aren’t allowed to be.” Ms McLaughlin continued, the air of fear from being caught out palpable amongst the whole group. “But because I’m so nice, I think we can overlook this little indiscretion. I think it would probably be best if you all ran off to lunch now, though it might be an idea to put on some clothes first. Not everyone would be quite as open minded as me, girls.”

This was obviously some sick and twisted fantasy of her’s coming true, I could feel her relishing every second of staring at our young naked bodies as she twisted her control over it. But at least she was letting us go.

“Although, Victoria?” She smiled at me, and despite the heat I felt a shiver of horror run down my spine as my name exited her mouth. “I’m afraid that you and I will have to have a little chat in my office. Enjoying an au naturale tan in private is one thing, but flashing your boobies to the school? Well that’s a whole different matter. Doesn’t reflect well on Greenbrier if one of their students is a little stripper slut.”

Of course, I knew it was too good to be true. I felt my whole stomach collapse with fear of what would happen. But I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

“As far the rest of you, maybe you’d all better come up and give me a curtsy to say thank you for letting you all off so easy.” Her already grinning smile extended impossibly wide ear to ear, as they all looked at each other in frightened confusion.
“Come on, chop chop!” Ms. McLaughlin playfully snipped. “You can put your uniforms back on in a minute. Or would you rather I took this straight to the Head Mistress?”

The fear of even greater trouble, or the publication of this being made public was the push they needed to play along with her sick games. Katie was the first to rise to her feet and shuffle nervously over to Ms. McLaughlin, desperately trying to cover her tits and pussy as she went.

“T-Thank you, Ms. McLaughlin.” She shyly muttered, before lightly dipping a few inches in a very half hearted courtesy, no doubt trying to maintain even a hint of modesty.

“Now now, Moncrieff.” Ms. McLaughlin smirked down at her. “That’s not a proper curtesy at all. Wide arms, big dip. Knowing your daddy I’m sure you’ve had to curtsy for royalty before. Curtsy for me like I was your queen.”

Her normally constant expression of contented happiness was twisted into a beet red grimace of shame, as Katie fully exposed her naked body to Ms. McLaughlin, allowing her full chest to fall freely as she swept her arms back, and dipped deep into a perfectly formed, graceful curtsy.

“Beautifully done, Moncrieff.” Ms McLaughlin sighed, Katie’s forced exposure of her perfect tits and pussy no doubt burned into her mental wank-bank. “Right, get your clothes back on and hurry off.” And like that Ms. McLaughlin dismissed her with a humiliating wave, allowing Katie to scramble back, desperately yanking up her panties, and swivelling on her bra, before pulling on the rest of her uniform, rushing past Ms. McLaughlin and disappearing down the stairs, still pushing one arm through her purple blazer as she went.

“Clara, Alexandria, front and centre ladies.” Ms McLaughlin snapped across at them, clearly not satisfied just with humiliating Katie, ready to have some more naked schoolgirls expose themselves to her.

Clara meekly tiptoed over to her, eyes permanently fixed to the ground in shame. I felt absolutely horrible for her. But Alexandria, always a wildcard, seemed to have recovered from the shock and was, amazingly, strutting over to her, proud as punch, like she was walking down a catwalk. With a dramatic and sarcastic curtsy from Alexandria, turning into a flamboyant spin showing off every inch of her sexy curves, she stuck the landing with a “Thank you Ms. McLaughlin”, just dripping in sarcasm.

It may have been dramatic and sarcastic, but Ms. McLaughlin seemed to love Alexandria’s little display, and it helped to distract her from Clara’s half-hearted dip and muttered thanks. But as she waved them off to get dressed, Ms. McLaughlin seemed to get caught up in the excitement and took it too far by swinging out to deliver a hard spank on a cheek of each of the twins’ perfectly formed arses, two loud smacks echoing in unison.

They were turned towards me and so I could see their faces as they froze in horror at such a brazen attack. Even Alexandria, normally so confident and brash, seemed shocked and embarrassed at being spanked by a lesbian perv. But it was Clara who really broke my heart. So quiet and shy and being humiliated by this disgusting old woman.

The spanks sent them flurrying away in a rush to gather their clothes and leave that rooftop as fast as they could. Alexandria gave a hurried but half-hearted look around for her discarded thong, but must have decided that escaping Ms McLaughlin and comforting Clara who seemed on the verge of tears was more important.

All I could feel was a gnawing guilt in my stomach, knowing that all the suffering and humiliation of my friends was because of me. But the worst was yet to come.
Still grinning lasciviously at the half dressed Presutti twins scurrying down the stairs in fear, ogling their young bodies right up to the last second, their naked tits and arses burned into her mind’s eye forever,

Ms. McLaughlin turned her attention at last to Joanna. The poor girl had remained completely frozen to the ground, like a deer caught in headlights, shaking in fear throughout the whole ordeal.

“Your turn, Nelson.” Ms. McLaughlin grinned hungrily down at the pretty young girl. “Show me how thankful you are for my mercy.” Clearly Ms. McLaughlin’s lust for power, and schoolgirls, was getting the better of her.

“Please don’t make me do this.” Joanna pleaded, her voice breaking, visible tears welling up in her eyes.

Unperturbed by this first show of resistance, Ms. McLaughlin simply laughed heartily up to the sky, as Joanna cowered beneath, her naked body pushed as flat into the roof as she could in a desperate attempt to hide.

“Well if my generous offer isn’t to your liking, we could always go see the Head Mistress and you could explain why you were skipping class and hanging about naked with a bunch of other naked girls in a restricted area?” Ms. McLaughlin grinned down at her, her leering face half hidden behind those reflective glasses. “But if I was you I’d probably want to avoid being marched naked all the way across campus, especially with everyone heading to lunch just now. So probably best to man up, give me a curtesy, and thank me for not treating this more officially.”

Joanna has buried her face entirely into the towel, almost childishly hoping in vain that she could disappear from the situation by not looking at her abuser.
“I can’t do it!” Joanna cried out, now audibly sobbing into the towel. “Please please please just let me get dressed and go, I won’t ever do anything like this again, just please don’t make me do this!”

My heart was absolutely breaking at seeing my friend so distressed. I could feel the hot sting of my own tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. But all I could do was watch on helplessly at her humiliation, almost forgetting my own naked exposition to the world.

Joanna’s protestations seemed to finally be annoying Ms. McLaughlin and with a lunch forward she grabbed the small naked girl and dragged her to her feet, causing her to release a shriek of terror, punctuating her sobs, as her gorgeous naked body was manhandled off the ground. Desperately she covered her bare tits with her hands and crossed her legs, doing everything she can to maintain the slightest hint of modesty in this depraved situation.

“Right you’ve pissed me off now, Nelson.” Ms. McLaughlin growled at her, the smile vanishing from her face. “Maybe you’ve lost your chance now. Maybe it’s best if I do take you to the Head Mistress office, and you can explain why you’re standing naked in her office. Tell you what, that would be a long long walk from here to there naked.”

As if on cue, the bell rang at just that moment, signalling the mass exodus of teachers and pupils filing out from their classrooms and spreading across campus towards the dining hall.

The timing and irony of the situation seemed to return the smile back to Ms. McLaughlin’s face.

“Sounds like perfect timing to me!” Ms. McLaughlin laughed. Grabbing Joanna’s arm, exposing her small perky breasts, she moved as if to drag her towards to the door and outside.

“No, please, don’t, no, I’m sorry!” Joanna babbled through her sobs, terrified of being exposed like that to the whole school. “I’ll curtsy, I’m sorry, thank you, I’ll curtsy.”

Ms. McLaughlin stopped in her tracks and turned with a smile. Of course she was never going to march Joanna naked across campus, she’d have gotten in way more trouble for that than Joanna would. But Joanna wasn’t thinking straight. Her fear had clouded her judgment and all she wanted was to escape this horrible situation she found herself in.

“Oh I’m sorry, that offer had expired. I gave you the chance and you refused. You’ve left me no option, I just hope you’re happy with a whole lot of people seeing you naked.” She grinned down at her. “Although, pretty little girl like you, I know they’d be happy at least.”

All this resulted in was even more screaming from Joanna who was now completely breaking down in tears.

Ms. McLaughlin on the other hand had become seemingly mad with the power she held over this gorgeous terrified schoolgirl.

”Well, maybe if you really show me how sorry and thankful you are, I might let you go.” Ms. McLaughlin playfully mulled to herself.

“Oh thank you, thank you Ms. McLaughlin!” Joanna sobbed out, overjoyed at the opportunity to avoid the threatened naked march.

“Well you’re very welcome, dear.” Ms. McLaughlin smirked. “But if you’re really sorry and really thankful...” She paused, dramatically, a shocked Joanna standing there with bated breath, waiting to see what she’d have to do. “...then you’d kneel down in front of my and kiss my shoe.”

Joanna was speechless at such an affront, and even I was shocked at how far Ms. McLaughlin was taking this. Still slightly blubbering to herself, she couldn’t give any response.

“Joanna, this is another time sensitive offer and you’re really trying my patience now.” Ms McLaughlin said as the seconds of thought ticked on. “If you don’t get down on your knees and kiss my shoe right now-“

But before she could finish her threat, a terrified and broken Joanna had whimpered out a simple “Yes...”

Slowly sinking to her knees, no longer even trying to hide her naked body, one of my closest friends, completely shattered and broken from fear, looked up at the woman who had assaulted me and humiliated all of my friends, took her muddy and grassy trainer up to her lips and delivered a loud sloppy kiss.

I don’t think I’d ever felt hate for anyone more than I did for Ms. McLaughlin at that moment. Except maybe myself, for causing it all.

“Well done dear, I can see you’re sorry.” Ms. McLaughlin smiled, barely containing her laughter at this humiliating experience for Joanna. “Say thank you.”

Joanna muttered something barely audible.

“What was that, dear? I didn’t quite hear it.”

“Thank you.” Joanna whispered, unable to look her tormentor in her eyes.

“You’re very welcome sweetie.” Grabbing Joanna again, Ms McLaughlin dragged her to her feet and held her tightly, staring deeply into those blue tear stained eyes. The seconds passed by as McLaughlin kept staring at her. I almost thought she was really going to let her self control go and kiss her right there, but somehow she restrained herself and let her arms slip away.

“Okay Miss Nelson, you can get dressed and go.” She finally said. “But if I was you, I’d be more careful about not running around like a little naked slut.” Ms McLaughlin flashed her a cheeky smile. “Even if you do have such lovely pretty titties.”

Still completely shaken Joanna stumbled over to her pile of clothes, her legs barely able to support her teetering frame. Slowly she pulled on her knickers, clipped her bra on, slipped on her white blouse and pulled up her tartan skirt.

The whole time she was slowly dressed, Ms McLaughlin and I stood silent on the rooftop, only the gentle buzz of conversation from the people below piercing the silence.

At last, Joanna picked up her blazer and slowly, still dazed, tip toed passed us and towards the door. Just before she vanished down the stairs she turned back at me, and all I could see was the red of her tear stained, burning with humiliation, face. But there was something else. A hatred for me that I had never ever seen in anyone I’d cared about before. But it was a hatred I fully felt I deserved.

As she disappeared, Ms McLaughlin finally turned he attention towards me.

“Hey, baby.” She sighed at me in a sultry tone. “Mummy missed you after our fun last night. Your friends are definitely all sexy little girlies, but there’s only one girl for me, and thats you Baby.”

Frozen where I stood after witnessing the horrors of everything she had done to my friends I could barely respond. But remembering what she was like, and what she liked me to call her, I knew I had to respond.

“Th-thank you... Mummy.” I heard myself stutter back at her.

“Aw, you’re welcome Baby.” She smiled back at me. “Let Mummy give you a kiss.”

And before I knew what was happening she had pulled me into a tight embrace, her hands running across my naked back, hungrily squeezing my arse, as her lips locked tight against mine, her tongue probing and swirling in my mouth, locked in a sloppy wet kiss.

“I know I sent your friends away for lunch, but seeing all their sexy young bodies has really gotten me all worked up. You know how wet your Mummy gets, and I promise you they were the perfect appetiser to my Baby main course.”

She gave my bum cheeks another hard squeeze, digging in her nails.

“And I hope you’re hungry too, Baby. Because Mummy has made something very tasty for you to... eat.”

I swallowed from fearful anticipation. I had an idea about what Mummy would want me to eat, and I know from experience that it’s definitely not my idea of tasty...

Shocking myself, I suddenly realised that I’d thought of her as ‘Mummy’ in my head. The sick, twisted pet name forced on me by her. She’s Ms. McLaughlin. Old, ugly, spinster Ms. McLaughlin. Not Mummy.

I was shaken back to reality by Ms. McLaughlin’s hands moving away from squeezing my arse.

“Now as much as Mummy would love to show off her sexy Baby to the whole world, it would probably be a good idea to put your clothes back on, if we’re crossing the playing fields to my office for a bit more... privacy.” She grinned down at me. I could feel the lust pouring out of her. “Don’t worry though, you can take it off again soon. I know how much you love getting these gorgeous tits out to show off.”

I yelped with sudden shock as she grabbed my nipples and pulled them up hard.

“Don’t bother putting your bra on, Baby.” She sighed lustfully. “It‘ll only get in Mummy’s way later.”

With that, she let my nipples go, eliciting another yelp as my full tits bounced free.
Knowing from my experiences that there was no point in fighting the inevitable, and so, with a sigh, I stepped away from her to start pulling on my clothes. Knowing full well that another horrifying experience was coming up where they’d get pulled off for an old lesbian perv soon enough...

“Make it fast, Baby.” Ms. McLaughlin called over. “Mummy’s pussy is begging for your sexy little tongue.”

Shuddering with horror, I could do nothing except keep pulling on my uniform, discarding my bra into my blazer pocket with disappointment. Somehow feeling even more naked semi-clothed without underwear, than I did before I pulled any clothes on.

Unable to delay the inevitable any longer, all I could do was walk towards Ms. McLaughlin, now moaning with anticipation. As I went to pass her to open the door off the roof, she grabbed my waist and pulled me close, whispering in my ear.

“I’m going to fuck you so good baby, my cunt is dripping for you.”

With a playful spank on my arse and a girlish giggle, she closed the door behind us.
As the light of the roof disappeared to the darkness of the staircase, I caught a glimpse of Alexandria’s thong, abandoned by her after she pinged it away earlier. A bright shining red symbol of how much I’d fucked up my life, and the lives of my friends, before the wooden door shut completely and I was gently pushed towards another horrible life experience...

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