Hannah’s Revenge

Hannah’s Revenge Ch. 5

Note: Old fans who recognise me from my Literotica page will know that this is my first new post in several years. After a long hiatus I’m finally back in the erotica game. I’ve had many ideas over the past few years, and even started some chapters but for whatever reason nothing came of it. Until today. I’ve always loved posting erotica, with Hannah’s Revenge as my flagship, and I’ve got plans to start consistent posting of it again.
And if you can’t wait for the public release of the next chapter, Chapter 6 of Hannah’s Revenge is already posted on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=34967467
Which, along with access to new chapters of Hannah‘s Revenge before they’re posted anywhere else, gives you access to Patreon exclusive stories and commissioned artworks which I have big plans to release in the near future.
But in any case, without further ado, I’m happy to announce my triumphant return to erotica, with Chapter 5 of Hannah’s Revenge.
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The morning light trickled over my face, gently rousing me awake. With a stretch and a yawn, I returned slowly to consciousness. But dear god how I wish I hadn’t. It felt like years ago, yet also only seconds, the memories so fresh in my mind. Hannah’s pussy on my face, arse beneath my tongue, piss down my throat. My entire body convulsed in a disgusted cringe as I went to sweep my hair back and felt it hardened and matted with Hannah’s shit where she’d wiped herself. I wanted to go back to sleep, to run away forever, to just lay down and die and let the ground swallow me up in my shame. Instead, all I could do was slowly rise and tentatively totter in the direction of the bathroom, working on unconscious autopilot, legs wobbling like a baby deer.
Opening the door to the shower enclosure, I spun the brass handle and the sudden powerful roar of the water shocked me back to reality a little bit. I went to take my clothes off to step in, and only then realised I was totally naked. The memories of the reasons why flashed through my head like a horror show. Trying however vainly to shake them from my head, I stepped in to the embracing warmth of the shower.
The water slowly warmed me back into true existence, running down my body in a marbled swirl of pure fresh water, and murky brown streaks from where Hannah’s shit in my hair came away. Reaching for the bottle of shampoo, I lathered deep into my raven locks, pushing and pulling and scrubbing desperately to get some sense of the lustrous and sweet coconut smelling tumbles I was so proud of before. I pulled my hands away and saw the muddy colours streaked across them and all of a sudden completely broke down. I dropped to the floor of the shower and bawled, hugging my knees to my chest. Hot stinging tears ran down my face, disappearing into the wash of the shower but their cause staying string behind them. Unimaginable, complete and total shame. The things that had happened to me, the things I had done. Disgusting, repulsive things. Things that nobody should do to anyone. And the worst was the permanency. The realisation that no matter where I go or what I do, nothing could ever wipe the slate clean. This was part of my history, my life, irreversible and forever.
Slowly the sobs turned to sniffles, and then turned to nothing. Just me sitting on the floor of the shower, with only the patter of water on porcelain to break the silence. Slowly I rose to my feet and continued with my shower. What else could I do?
The bright orange flash of a handful of tropical body wash disappeared into a sweet burst of bubbles, lathered against my smooth skin. Inhaling the sweet familiar scent I began to feel almost human again. Soapy, sudsy hands ran across my body, washing away the stench of shame, if only the stench.
Travelling to my breasts, I cupped and lathered them, feeling their soft weight beneath my hands. Passing over my nipples I felt them slowly harden and tingle beneath my fingers. Slowly I let my hands travel down my flat, smooth stomach on its way to my little throbbing pussy. The shower was always my special time. The warmth and sweet smells mixed with my caresses of my own body were almost Pavlovian in my arousal. I gasped as I slipped my first finger in and lent prone against the wall. Feeling my finger inside, I began slowly rubbing my clit, the quivers travelling through every part of my body. Naughty, sexy thoughts travelled through my mind. Deep, tender love. A cock sliding in and out of me as I’m held safe and protected in his arms.
Suddenly another thought flashed through my head and Hannah’s hairy cunt was in front of me. I shook it away and it was back to the strong arms of my imaginary male lover. Until Hannah’s arse was there, the taste returning my mouth, the smell of her warm farts choking me. Gasping in disgust I flung my hand away from me, all sense of arousal gone with nothing left but intense frustration and a deep ache. Even when I was alone, Hannah was inescapable.
I rinsed off the last of the soap away and stepped out of the shower, pulling on my thick towelling robe. I was soft, and warm, and sweet smelling. Feeling like myself again. Feeling like a person again. But the memory of my interrupted masturbation was kept alight by the anger, shame, and deep ache within me...
Leaving the bathroom, I stepped into the bedroom to see Hannah’s bed was empty. Glancing at the clock it was only then I realised how I’d slept in and understood her absence. Knowing what a fat bitch Hannah was, there was no way she’d have ever thought to miss breakfast. I allowed myself the smallest smirk in thinking that her gluttonous desire for food outweighed even her perverted desire to torture me. The smirk quickly faded as I realised that my absence would also be noted, although by my friends at breakfast surely wondering where I would be. With no time to blow dry my hair, I quickly ran a brush through it then dove to the ground in the pile of my clothes that Hannah had torn through last evening, trying to piece together my uniform from the scattered articles. Here was a blouse, there a skirt, a bra over here, my blazer still where I’d dropped it last night after Hannah’s command to strip; hurrying away to find something to wear to cross campus as quickly as possible to the dining hall, and yet try as I might I couldn’t find any of the last piece, conspicuous in their absence.
I had no panties.
Swearing to myself, I remembered one of Hannah’s rules: I was never allowed to wear any panties, not even outside the dorm. It didn’t matter, I was already too late. Tearing off the robe I hurriedly clipped on the first bra I could find, buttoned down my white blouse, yanked up my purple tartan skirt, slipped on some knee-highs, and quickly stuck my feet into the sensible yet stylish black flats that were uniform at Greenbrier. Grabbing my blazer off the floor I swung one arm through it as I tore open the dorm door with the other, slammed it behind me, and rushed down the stairs of Morrison House and out to the green lawns beyond.
The vast dining hall was abustle with swarms of girls in Greenbrier uniform, with the general chatter of a busy hall filling the air. The classic familiar scent of the rich mahogany walls and tables mingled with the flavours of a working kitchen filled the air. Normally I would be proudly strutting through the hall, confident in my position at the top of the social hierarchy, but today all I wanted was to melt away unseen and ashamed. But i couldn’t I had to swallow my shame and hide it, or else what would be the point of all my suffering?
Bypassing the line for food, I couldn’t even dream of eating that morning, I hurried past the rows of tables, filled with cheerful groups of my fellow schoolgirls, laughing and chatting amongst their friends. Where was the justice? Why was it that they could be happy and free when my whole existence was now nothing but shame, loathing, and sexual slavery?
At the far end of the hall was the teachers’ tables, and somewhere near the end was Ms McLaughlin. Rather than engaging in conversation with her fellow educators, she seemed to have opted to stare lazily out at the sea of schoolgirls in front of her. As memories of her abuse and the disgusting acts she forced me to perform on her aged cunt and arse filled my head, I had no doubt in my mind that her eyes cast out upon the girls in the hall were undressing them with every stare. Nausea filled my stomach at the thought, but I shook it away thankful in my own surety that my lone self could disappear amongst the shelves of her proverbial candy store.
At long last, I finally reached the table that my friends and I normally sat at. Given my late rising, I was the last to arrive and their hubbub of conversation stopped as they smiled to greet me. If I was the queen of Greenbrier Academy, then the girls here were my royal court.
Katie Moncrieff was my closest friend and second in command. One couldn’t dream of attending Greenbrier without significant financial standing, but none of the girls at the academy came even close to Katie when it came to family wealth. Our group has always had many fond memories of holidays with Katie and her family, cruising the Med on their yacht; country breaks to their ancestral estate; or winter holidays skiing at their chalet in Switzerland. This lifestyle had suited Katie well, blessing the girl’s figure as slim and toned as any professional skier, whilst countless hours soaking up exotic sun had left her skin radiantly tanned, with natural sun blonde highlights piercing her thick auburn hair which framed her pretty face in between its tumbles. It seems political power ran in her blood as, much like her father’s high position in the Government, Katie had been bestowed the rank of Head Girl in her final year. Though Katie’s ditzy nature had many suspect that such a position was reached purely on the coattails of her father, few would be likely to raise these concerns since such coattails were likely to pull her as high as she’d like in real world politics, when the time came. And besides, her doggedly loyal admiration of me ensured I was never worried about her rather air-headed short-fallings as a bit of a bimbo.
Sat either side of her in identical symmetry, like proud lion statues, were the Presutti twins, Clara and Alexandria. Rich Mediterranean blood filled the olive skinned beauties, with their thick black hair and deep dark eyes marking them as clearly proud Italians to all who saw them. Almost indistinguishable from each other physically, the real difference was in their personalities. Alexandria was confident and bold, whilst her sister seemed content to a quieter lifestyle. Nonetheless, both were close friends to me and solid members of the group, whilst their beauty made it such that one would expect radiating extroversion from both. The only visible difference that would betray otherwise was one or two buttons more left undone on the part of Alexandria, exposing the slightest hint more of her full set of heavy breasts, which her twin sister’s matching pair were strained tighter against the white fabric of her slightly more conservatively buttoned blouse.
Finally, Joanna Nelson was sat next to the open chair left for me. Unlike the rest of our group, Joanna was not full-bodied and curvaceous, but rather svelte and slight in her appearance, almost elvish in her figure. This elvish stature was heightened by her incredibly bright blonde hair and porcelain skin. Despite her clear gorgeousness to us and all that saw her, Joanna always admitted a self-consciousness about her body to us. Understandably, since we were all so full-figured and tanned, be it by sun or by blood, and her paler and slighter frame was particularly heightened when placed next to us, particularly when we were bikinied on beach holidays. Nonetheless, Joanna was, like all of us in the group, as gorgeous and stunning as anyone could hope to be. And indeed her slight stature served her well, given her skills as an accomplished horsewoman, and her future ambitions. Ever to be found at the stables on campus, Joanna’s dorm room throughout her career had been plastered with winning rosettes, and even at the tender age of 18, expectations of representing the British dressage team at the Olympics was both a heartfelt dream of her’s, and a likely result, with many considering her to be a young Charlotte Dujardin.
This five person group was the crème de la crème of Greenbrier Academy. We were the prettiest, the richest, most accomplished, and most popular of all who attended those hallowed halls. And yet, through the machinations of one ugly, fat, sadistic bitch; our position, happiness, and very lives would be permanently and irrevocably shattered forever...
Their cheerful conversation stopped when they noticed I’d arrived, and Joanna smiled up at me, tapping the seat next to her to invite me to sit. Sitting down, I crossed my legs as tightly as I could, terrified of the risk of flashing anyone, who could notice my absent knickers.
“Good Morning, Victoria!” Katie smiled at me. “I tried knocking on your door when I left for breakfast, but you must have still been asleep because you didn’t answer, so I just headed down anyway. Hope you didn’t mind?”
Well of course I wouldn’t have answered, I thought to myself. I didn’t live in my room anymore. It was stolen away from me and I was forced to live with the fat, stinking, sexual deviant who now controls every aspect of my life. But dear god I couldn’t tell them that. Their friendship was the last light in the darkness of my life.
Of course logically some part of me knew they would find out eventually. I couldn’t keep this a secret for a whole year, especially not from Katie whose room was only a few doors down from my old one anyway. Yet still I couldn’t bare the thought of what they would say if they knew I’d moved in with Hannah. And so, however vainly it may be, I tried to keep things a secret slightly longer.
Trying my best to swallow my feelings, I smiled back at her the best I could and gave my best attempt at a natural chuckle. “I’m sorry Katie, you’re right, I slept in. Sorry about that!”
“Are you okay, Victoria?” Joanna leaned in, genuine concern playing across her big blue eyes. “You don’t look well…”
Of course I wasn’t well you stupid bitch, I snapped inwardly at her. Who the hell could be well after what had happened to me? The things I’d done, the things that had been done to me. But I knew it wasn’t her fault, and she wasn’t to know. I’m just on edge. Calming myself down I smiled back at her.
“No, you’re right, Joanna.” As naturally as I could muster. “I’m not feeling 100% myself today.”
“I know what will cheer you up!” Alexandria chimed in from across the table. “It’s supposed to be a fantastically gorgeous warm day today. Far too hot and stuffy to be inside. I say we all bunk off our double-History this afternoon and go sunbathing on the roof instead!”
Honestly the prospect tempted me, though I could sense Clara and Joanna’s unease, the former through her natural demureness and the latter through her self-consciousness of bearing her small breast next to our own buxom figures. Nonetheless, anything that could bring me a reprieve of relaxation from the constant memories and fears of Hannah and her actions that had been playing on my mind all morning.
As if on cue, summoned from my own fears, I felt a presence appear behind me, coughing as if to get my attention. Turning round I saw her, squeezed into her uniform, bulging in every unflattering angle. Her pudgy face twisted into a menacing grin, with a tray piled high with cooked breakfast foods, of which I doubt was the first of her servings that morning.
“Well, well, well”, Hannah smirked down at us. “If it isn’t the Slut Patrol.”
“And what do you want, lard-arse?” Katie clipped back up at her. “Sorry, we don’t have any scraps to feed you, but maybe you can dig something out of the bin, you fat bitch.”
This normally would have sent Hannah running away, almost on the verge of tears. But this morning she seemed above it all, with her smile even widening.
“Eat shit, Moncrieff.” Hannah sneered at her. “Although I suppose you will be soon enough”, she giggled out.
“What the fuck are you talking about you absolute psycho bitch?” Katie shouted back in confusion.
“Ah patience, patience” Hannah smiled. “Don’t want to spoil the surprise.”
She grimaced and shifted uncomfortably.
“I tell you, this thong sure is silky and sexy, but god does it ride right up my arse crack. I mean it’s completely pressed tight right up against my arsehole.”
It was then she smiled down at me.
“Though I suppose that’s not a problem for you, Victoria, in any sense at all.”
My eyes were drawn inescapably to her skirt, knowing that my precious Victoria’s Secret panties were there, pushed against her hairy cunt, and sucked deep into her arse crack, absorbing every bit of sweat and cunt juice that leaked from her throughout the day, just waiting until tonight when she’d force herself down on my face, everything her body had to offer invading my nose, my mouth, my mind.
It also reminded me of the absence of my own knickers. I tightened my legs even further, and tried to smooth my skirt lower as surreptitiously as possible.
“Listen you stinking cow,” Alexandria was getting annoyed now. “We’re trying to eat and your disgusting body is putting us all off. I can’t believe they even let you in the dining hall, surely there’s some sty and a trough they can feed you in? Fuck off to that and leave us alone.”
This pissed Hannah off. Turning to face me directly, she balanced her tray full of food in one hand, and stuck the other right up her skirt, itching and pushing my knickers as close to her arsehole as she could reach, before releasing a long, loud, stinking fart which everyone at the table heard.
“See you tonight, whore.” She leant right into my face, whispering in my ear. “I can’t wait to fuck you up tonight, because I am your Goddess and you are nothing but a fuck toy and a toilet to me.”
And like that she was gone, drifting off to some lonely corner to gorge on her pile of food. The only reminder that she was there was the thick invisible stink, that the girls were desperately trying to waft away, coughing and covering their mouths.
I, however, was completely frozen to my chair, feeling myself shaking in fear. What can I do? How do I escape this? I know she has videos of me doing the most disgusting things. My entire life and future would be ruined if any of them were to be released. But how can I go on like this? I’m trapped in this humiliating disgusting hell with no escape…
“Argh that girl is disgusting!” Katie coughed, the last remnants of Hannah’s heavy fart catching in her throat.
Even Clara, normally so quiet and reserved, joined in on our Hannah bashing, such was her horror at this most disgusting of humans, crying out “Ugh she really is absolutely fucking repulsive. How the hell could someone like her go to Greenbrier?” Turning to her sister, she smirked. “Maybe we could get Daddy to sort her out? You know. Take care of her?”
Alexandria laughed back. “Oh you’re so wicked, Clara! I would have said he’d turn her into salsiccia, but I don’t think anyone could eat them, they’d just be too fatty!”
It is important to note here that the Presutti twins were of Sicilian origin. Rumours surrounded their father and where the great wealth he luxuriated in had come from, with whispers of ‘mafioso’ abounding. As far as Greenbrier Academy was concerned, the only people who knew the truth surrounded that table. And we all knew for a fact, that if Lorenzo Presutti wanted to turn Hannah Fulton into salsiccia, then she’d be lining a Palermo butcher shop within the week. That could have been quite a helpful opportunity for me. Maybe I should have taken it, when I had the chance…
“Are you sure you’re alright, Victoria?” Joanna asked again, her face even more worried than before. “You’re shaking!”
Concentrating on regaining my composure I turned and forced a smile at her.
“Probably just seismic shock from that fat bitch walking within a mile of me!”
My joke elicited smirks and a few chuckles from most of the group, though Joanna still seemed slightly worried for my wellbeing. Though she couldn’t know the half of it, I didn’t blame her for being worried. The sort of joke which so easily had rolled off my tongue and been forgotten today sent shivers down my spine. I was all too aware of Hannah’s weight, the full force of it being on my face as the stench of her naked sweating arse filled my lungs. My joking tongue had shed its usual barbs, instead softening to caress Hannah’s hairy cunt to shaking orgasm beneath me. Her seismic shock indeed...
The tinny ring of the bell signalling the start of the school day shook me from my disturbing memories, covered quickly by the scraping of chairs and benches against the wooden floor of our dining hall. Noisy chatter and a purple flood of schoolgirls in their Greenbrier uniform roared then dulled as they rose from their breakfast tables, heading off to their respective classes.
My friends and I had never been ones to rush anywhere, let alone to class, but I wanted to distract myself with something, anything. Pushing back my chair I was unbearably reminded again of my uncovered state beneath my skirt and clenched my legs tighter. Giving my best attempt at a convincing smile to Katie, I tried to hide my urgency to get out of there and to our morning English, one of many classes we shared.
With my rising as a cue, the now quietening dining hall was again greeted with the scrape of my friends’ chairs, with the other girls heading off to their respective classes.
“Don’t forget girls, sunbathing this afternoon. Meet you on top of the Arts Building, kiss kiss.” Alexandria called over her shoulder at us. But already her words were fading as I sped away to join the anonymity of the last remnants of that throng leaving the dining room, the dark mahogany disappearing in a flash to the green lawns and bright sun beyond.

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